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Expected outcome of the Project: Free or low cost access to an expanding list of scientific literature resources Duration of the Project (2008 - ) Activities implemented between April 2013 and March 2015 (indicate URL if the project has a web site):  HYPERLINK "http://www.opensciencedirectory.org" www.opensciencedirectory.org The project moved forward in linking additional journal access through the OSD. What started as access to 13,000 scientific journals in February 2008 has now been increased to 77,450 resource links describing 37,818 unique resources from 89 content packages, including: AGORA AGRIS (FAO)(A&I) AgZines Archive of African Journals Bentham Open Bioline International BioMed Central (Open Access) CARIS (Current Agriculture Research Information System) (A&I) Central Online + Open Access Library (COOL) Digital Imaging Project of South Africa (DISA) DigiZeitschriften (Open Access) DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals EBSCO Open Access Collections eJDS eJDS - Document delivery service EMIS: Electronic Library of Mathematics Free Access Journals (HighWire) Free Medical Journals Geneva Foundation Free Medical Journals HINARI Hindawi Open Access Journals INASP-PERii (under construction) Internet Library of Early Journals Internet Scientific Publications Intute (Free Access e-journals) J-STAGE Journals (Open Access) Making of America (Cornell) Making of America (Michigan) OARE Oxford Open Persee PLoS - Public Library of Science Project Euclid (Open Access) PubMed Central (PMC) Open Access Revistas Cientificas del CSIC Revistas Mdicas Cubanas Revues.org Scholars Portal SciELO TUBITAK TUMS Journals Wiley Online Library Free Journal Backfiles (formerly Blackwell Synergy) Problems experienced and measures taken: It was recommended at IODE XXI, 2013 that communication of the availability of this resource be implemented to the IODE Community, possibly through ODINS. This was not accomplished. This will be remedied through emails directed at the ODIN community in 2015. Results achieved between April 2013 and March 2015: Between 2012 and 2014 179.245 searches have been launched on the platform, decreasing from 70.987 in 2012 to 50.181 in 2014. Possibly a result of lack of communication as to the availability of this resource. There is an opportunity to enhance the Open Science Directory AtoZ tool to the level of a link resolver that could be included in Google Scholar. But then relevant programs like Hinari, Agora and Oare are not keen to share their proxy information to make the link resolving effective for their links. A tool like the Open Science Directory is easy to set up and manage. Therefore it is not a critical problem to maintain. Better cooperation or even integration with the major UN programs would make it more effective. Work plan and Budget for the next period (April 2015 March 2017): (Budget expressed in US Dollars) Activity (as per work plan)Timing (month, year)Total required fundingFunds already identified (and source)Funds requested1To Communicate availability of this resource to ODINS April, 2015NoneNoneNone2To continue expansion of access to free scientific literatureOngoingNoneNoneNone3To investigate opportunities to integrate and cooperate with major UN programs November, 2015NoneNoneNone4 Actions requested from the Committee To communicate availability of the OpenScience Directory to appropriate IODE members and to encourage its use     IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-proj-opensciencedirectory Page  PAGE 2 IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-proj-opensciencedirectory Page  PAGE 3 9HJeghr< = c d r s ~   D M N  6 8 ɼ{hth?+hKh/hsh}#hB {h DCJ$aJ$hB {h}#CJ$aJ$hB {hB {CJ$aJ$hP|Wh Dh3Mh]95CJaJh2h75CJaJhjzCJaJh2CJaJhB {CJaJh2h7CJaJh]9CJaJ0gc d s    & Fgd}# & Fgd D$a$gd Dgd7 $a$gd7^`gd7$  ^`a$gdP|W $  a$gdP|W $  a$gd D8 < > ? @ A B C [ {  dwl贩h?+CJaJhhTihHcOCJaJhHcOhdCJaJh(CJaJhHcOhHcOCJaJhHcOh(CJaJh(h5h4bh/h?+h}^h}#0Jjh}#Uhphdhshth+th}#h/2 C !)ERh>f 3:Wxgd/gd/ & Fgd D49ELm cdgd?+^gd?+gd?+ & Fgd Dgd/;Pi $IfgdTi hh^h`hgdHcO & Fgd Dh^hgd?+^gd?+gd?+ kd$$Iflֈ7 b!on25 t044 lap<ytTi $IfgdTi45<=ABFGKLMOcdeghjkmnpƻhjzhtw0JmHnHu hjz0Jjhjz0JUhjzCJaJh2hjzCJaJh]jh]U h7h?+h?+h DhAhdhh?+CJaJhTihHcOCJaJ:kd$$Iflֈ7 b!on23 t044 lap<ytTi5=BGL $IfgdTiLMkd$$Iflֈ7 b!on23 t044 lap<ytTiMO $IfgdTikd$$Iflֈ7 b!on23 t044 lap<ytTi $IfgdTikd$$Iflֈ7 b!on23 t044 lap<ytTi $IfgdTigddkd$$Iflֈ7 b!on23 t044 lap<ytTibcdfgijlmop $a$gdjzgdjzgdjz^gd?+ & FgdA h7h?+h]hjzhtw0JmHnHu hjz0Jjhjz0JUhjzCJaJ 1 0:pjz|. 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