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In addition, many IODE centres now struggle for their continued existence which makes it difficult to contribute time and other resources to an organisation that relies on volunteers and voluntary contributions. The IODE committee should therefore consider its future role and how IODE should interact with other networks. To this end a survey was conducted to obtain the opinion of IODE stakeholders to determine possible directions for the IODE of the future. This paper addresses choices for the future of the IODE programme in a rapidly changing world and highlights some of the challenges that IODE faces as a network of experts with many responsibilities and reduced time to volunteer for IODE activities. Background IODE was created in 1961 at a time when ocean researchers worked by themselves or with a few colleagues, went to sea to collect data using water bottles, and logged results on deck sheets. Data were analyzed by hand. Researchers closely guarded the data they collected and only sent them to a national repository some years after collection, if at all. Contrast this to conditions today, some 50 years later. International ocean research projects collect, process and share data with the general public, often within 24 hours of collection. Data are logged from a multitude of instruments, measuring many variables. Data exchange is through satellite and telecommunications systems and the Internet. Computing power allows rapid data analyses, and can produce myriad products generated from data and models of the environment. National oceanographic data centres, some created 50 years ago, operate with objectives that were formulated at the beginning of IODE. Unlike 50 years ago, now the entire holdings of a data centre can be placed on a single computer, and served to anyone in the world through a connection to the Internet. Given the fundamentally different environment of today, the IODE Officers decided to review the operations of IODE. Operations and composition of IODE The IODE web site states: IODE is a programme of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO. Its purpose is to enhance marine research, exploitation and development, by facilitating the exchange of oceanographic data and information between participating Member States, and by meeting the needs of users for data and information products. The main objectives of the IODE Programme are (revised by IODE-XXII, March 2013): To facilitate and promote the discovery, exchange of, and access to, marine data and information including metadata, products and information in real-time, near real time and delayed mode, through the use of international standards, and in compliance with the IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy for the ocean research and observation community and other stakeholders; To encourage the long term archival, preservation, documentation, management and services of all marine data, data products, and information; To develop or use existing best practices for the discovery, management, exchange of, and access to marine data and information, including international standards, quality control and appropriate information technology; To assist Member States to acquire the necessary capacity to manage marine research and observation data and information and become partners in the IODE network; To support international scientific and operational marine programmes, including the Framework for Ocean Observing for the benefit of a wide range of users. The IODE Committee meets biennially and is composed of: IODE national coordinators for oceanographic data management; IODE national coordinators for marine information management; Chairs of the 4 IODE Groups of Experts; Chairs of the 9 IODE Steering Groups; Chairs of the ODIN steering groups or coordinators ; The IODE Officers (2 co-chairs, chairs of Groups of Experts, 2 past co-chairs) are responsible for monitoring the follow-up of the work plan adopted by the IODE Committee. Recommendation IODE-XXII.17 revised the structural elements of IODE to include: National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC) IODE Associate Data Unit (ADU) IODE Global Data Assembly Centre (IODE GDAC) The IODE Associate Data Unit promotes the wider ocean research and observation communities as key stakeholders in the IODE network and to encourage these communities to preserve and provide access to ocean research data. The IODE Global Data Assembly Centre contribute to the Marine Climate Data System (MCDS) established by JCOMM-4 to address the WMO and IOC application requirements for appropriate marine-meteorological and oceanographic climatological data. IODE within IOC The IODE Committee is a primary subsidiary body of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and contributes to the IOC high level objectives which guide the IOC Medium Term Strategy 2014-2021. The IOC has a recognized and unique role in the UN system in relation to ocean science and the science base for ocean management. Its status as a body with functional autonomy within UNESCO has been carefully designed to provide an efficient platform for coordination, information and sharing of knowledge to contribute to sustainable and peaceful development. IOC aspires to help its Member States to collectively achieve the following high-level objectives (HLOs), with particular attention to ensuring that all Member States have the capacity to meet them: Healthy ocean ecosystems and sustained ecosystem services Effective early warning systems and preparedness for tsunamis and other ocean-related hazards Increased resiliency to climate change and variability and enhanced safety, efficiency and effectiveness of all ocean-based activities through scientifically-founded services, adaptation and mitigation strategies Enhanced knowledge of emerging ocean science issues The IOC Medium-Term Strategy (20142021) is organized in a conceptual framework of functions required to advance towards the IOC Vision: Foster research to strengthen knowledge of ocean and coastal processes and human impacts upon them [Ocean research] Maintain, strengthen and integrate global ocean observing, data and information systems [Observing system / data management] Develop early warning systems, services, and preparedness to mitigate the risks of tsunamis and ocean-related hazards [Early warning and services] Support assessment and information to improve the science-policy interface [Assessment and Information for policy] Enhance ocean governance through a shared knowledge base and improved regional cooperation [Sustainable management and governance] Develop the institutional capacity in all of the functions above, as a cross-cutting function [Capacity Development] These functions correspond broadly to existing and on-going IOC programmes, components of programmes and mechanisms of cooperation IODE concentrates its work in two of the IOC's six functions (Fig. 1): Maintain, strengthen and integrate global ocean observing, data and information systems [Observing system / data management] Develop the institutional capacity in all of the functions above, as a cross-cutting function [Capacity Development]  Fig. 1. IODE contribution to IOC High Level Objectives IODE activities In addition to its network of National Oceanographic Data Centres, ADUs and Marine Libraries, the IODE programme has created a number of structural elements to manage its activities. These include the Groups of Experts and steering groups that manage global and regional activities. IODE Groups of Experts The IODE Committee has established Groups of Experts (GE) to provide expert advice to the IODE Committee. Membership of the Groups of Experts is nominated by IOC Member States based on the Terms of Reference of the Group. Groups of Experts have a membership of up to 8 members (4 long-term and 4 short-term). The work of the GEs must align with IODE objectives and broad IODE member needs. The objectives of GEs are: a. to undertake detailed scientific and technical studies and/or co-ordination tasks, by subject or region, as identified by the IODE Committee; b. to monitor scientific and technical developments, and identify needs to be addressed by IODE, as pertaining to their IODE subject area and propose a work programme with clear priorities, for consideration by the IODE Committee; to seek cooperation from IODE national coordinators, to develop and implement projects with clear objectives and deliverables, and to take responsibility for the coordination and management of such projects. The following Groups of Experts are currently active: IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BICH) (established 2000) IODE Group of Experts on the Biogeographic Information System (GE-OBIS) (established 2011 but has not met) Joint IAMSLIC/IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (IAMSLIC/IODE GE-MIM) (established 2013 but has not met) (succeeded the IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GE-MIM), established 1984) Joint JCOMM/IODE Expert Team on Data Management Practices (JCOMM/IODE ETDMP) (established 2000) Resources required to support GEs are high. Face-to-face meetings are expensive for IODE (approx.. $20,000-30,000 per session) to financially support and IODE members provide resources on a voluntary basis to implement the activities of the Groups of Experts and this must be supported by their home institutions. These home institutions may have other priorities that do not align with those of the GE, resulting in a lack of resources (human, financial, or otherwise) needed to execute the work plan. While GEs have come up with interesting and often ambitious work plans, these were often not fully realized due to the lack of human and/or financial resources (as the implementation of activities often required substantial resources that could not be provided by the group members institutions). Each of the GEs is different but in many cases we believe the activities could be better undertaken in as IODE projects. If well documented and justified the project proposals can be funded or co-funded by IODE and Member States, provided that they are of relevance to institutions collaborating in the project (and part of IODE). The project should then also fund the meetings of the project steering group. One option for the IODE Committee is to review the work plans of all GEs and determine how the work of these groups can be converted to projects, then formally abolish the GEs. Current GE chairs have an important role in reshaping how the work formally carried out will continue under a new structure. The Groups of Experts that function jointly with other organizations (ETDMP and GE-MIM) will require further discussion with the co-sponsors. Global activities Global activities are implemented as projects or activities by IODE experts through their national oceanographic data centres or marine library, or through the IOC Project Office for IODE, or both. The following are current global activities: GODAR/WOD. Global Oceanographic Data Archaeology and Rescue. The goal of GODAR is to increase the volume of historical oceanographic data available to climate change and other researchers by locating ocean profile and plankton data sets not yet in digital form, digitizing these data, and ensuring their submission to national data centres and the World Data Centre System. In addition, data on electronic media that are at risk of loss due to media degradation are also candidates for rescue. GOSUD (has steering group), The Global Ocean Surface Underway Data Pilot Project (GOSUD is a project to collect, process, archive and disseminate in real time and delayed mode, sea surface salinity and other variables collected underway, by research and opportunity ships. GTSPP (has steering group). The Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Program (GTSPP) is a cooperative international project. It seeks to develop and maintain a global ocean Temperature-Salinity resource with data that are both up-to-date and of the highest quality possible. Making global measurements of ocean temperature and salinity (T-S) quickly and easily accessible to users is the primary goal of the GTSPP. ICAN (has steering group). The International Coastal Atlas Network Project (IODE/CAN) is a project to encourage and help facilitate the development of digital atlases of the global coast, based on the principle of distributed, high-quality data and information. These atlases can be local, regional, national or international in scale. This can be achieved by sharing knowledge and experience among atlas developers in order to find common solutions for coastal web atlas development whilst ensuring maximum relevance and added value for the users. OBIS (has steering group). Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) is a web-based provider of global georeferenced information on marine species. It provides a single entry point to query expert databases on species and habitats and provides a variety of spatial query tools for visualising relationships among marine species and their environment. OceanDocs (has steering group). OceanDocs is an e-repository (electronic repository) of scientific publications related to marine science and oceanography. The project aims to make publications of marine science and oceanography more easily and freely accessible to the ocean (and coastal area) research and management community, to enhance scientific cooperation communication at the regional level. OceanExpert (managed by GE-MIM). The OceanExpert system is a database containing information on individuals active on issues related to the marine (and freshwater environment). OceanDataPortal (has steering group, partnership centre in Obninsk. Russia, as well as project manager and technical manager). The IODE Ocean Data Portal aims to facilitate and promote the exchange and dissemination marine data and services by providing seamless access to collections and inventories of marine data from the NODCs in the IODE network and will allow for the discovery, evaluation (through visualisation and metadata review) and access to data via web services. OceanDataPractices (ClearingHouse). The OceanDataPractices Project will enable research groups that wish to embark on a new project and need to prepare a data management plan, to look for methodology already used by other projects or data/information centres (best practices). The service will be an e-repository of documents and links to related web sites to promote the use of common methodologies in ocean data and information management and improved interoperability between these systems. OceanDataStandards and Best Practices (has steering group). This project aims to get broad agreement and commitment to adopt a few standards related to ocean data management and exchange, thereby assembling not only the agreed conditions by which we operate, but in fact enact these agreements in our respective organizations. OceanTeacher Global Academy (has steering group). The OceanTeacher Global Academy (OTGA) Project aims to develop a global training centre network and utilize this network to increase national capacity in coastal and marine knowledge and management. OTGA will (i) promoting the establishment of Regional Training Centres as well as their close collaboration through advanced information technology; and (ii) further developing the OceanTeacher Learning System. OceanKnowledge. The OceanKnowledge Platform will offer the user a single access point to various linked IODE information and data products such as researcher profiles, publications, data, learning objects, etc. and will furthermore facilitate social networking between specialized research communities. IODE-QMF (has steering group). The IODE Quality Management Framework (IODE-QMF) provides the overall strategy, advice and guidance for NODCs to design and implement quality management systems (QMS) for the successful delivery of oceanographic and related data, products and services. It provides a formal process for accreditation of NODCs. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA). An international co-operative information system for the collection and dissemination of information covering the science, technology and management of marine, brackish water, and freshwater environments. Data publication/citation. A joint project established between SCOR, MBLWHOI and IODE to study the potential of data publication/ data citation and to implement a number of use cases. Regional activities Regional activities focus on capacity building related to oceanographic data and information management and has resulted in the development of the IODE ODIN capacity building model. All ODIN projects use the OceanTeacher training system for capacity development. The following regional capacity building projects have been established: ODINAFRICA. This network brings together marine related institutions from twenty five IOC Member States to establish and operate National Oceanographic Data and Information centres. Project Funded to 2014. ODINBlackSea. This Pilot Project was established in 2007 to provide assistance in the development, operation and strengthening of National Oceanographic Data and Information Centres to advance the level of less experienced data centres and to establish their networking for the six Member States in the region. ODINCARSA. This network integrates 19 IOC Member States to develop national data centres, to create the means for mutual capacity-building and to develop a regional network for managing and exchanging oceanographic data and information. CMA2 project. This project promotes the best available and authoritative data sources, tools and services through a regional data, information and services platform that will contribute to the development of national and regional atlases and related products and services to support Decision Making and Monitoring & Evaluation processes for improved marine and coastal resources management in the region composed by the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems. ODINCINDIO. This network provides assistance in the development, operation and strengthening of NODCs in the region to enhance national and regional awareness for Marine Data and Information Management. This network has not been active since 2006. ODIN-PIMRIS. This is a pilot project that will focus on establishing a regional information portal, creating capacity at national and institutional level to use & contribute to the portal, and promoting of the portal as a valuable information source for managers and decision makers. ODINWESTPAC. Provides a framework to promote regional collaboration in marine data and information and products sharing, to develop cooperation with other ODINs and international and regional projects/programs, and to provide data and information services for the twenty WESTPAC member states. ODINECET. Aims at assisting marine libraries in European Countries in Economic Transition. Focuses only on marine information management and not on ocean data management. IODE activities are supported by a combination of UNESCO Regular Programme funds and extra-budgetary contributions provided to UNESCO (Funds-In-Trust) or directly to the IOC (IOC Special Account). The major recipients of extra-budgetary funds are the OceanTeacher Global Academy and Caribbean Marine Atlas Phase 2 (CMA2) projects. Survey of IODE stakeholders A survey was conducted on the future of IODE to assess the importance of IODE to its stakeholders. The survey was sent to IODE stakeholders and completed by 167 respondents between 9 October and 10 November 2014. Responses were received from 46 IODE national coordinators for data management, 20 IODE national coordinators for marine information management, 9 OBIS nodes and 5 ADUs. The other responders included researchers, librarians and students. Some of the highlights of the survey responses are: 97% of responses stated that there is still a need for an IODE network of data centres and marine libraries. 50% of responses stated IODE was essential to their work while only 2.5% stated IODE had no importance to their work. The most important benefits of the IODE programme were being part of a community of practice (17.5%) and obtaining training (16.2%). 49% of responses indicated that IODE is more important to them than two years ago while 48.5% stated it is the same importance as two years ago. The IODE activities/projects rated as the most important to be continued are regional networks (18.56%), OceanTeacher (14.97%) and OBIS (8.38%). The respondents rated the strengths of the IODE programme as: Being part of a community of practice (rated most important by 17.47% of respondents). Obtaining training (rated most important by 16.17% of respondents). Easy access to standards and best practices (rated most important by 14.46% of respondents). Easy access to documents/publications (rated most important by 14.46% of respondents). Easy access to historical data (rated most important by 9.58% of respondents). Easy access to metadata and data (rated most important by 13.86% of respondents). Easy access to information on colleagues (rated most important by 8.38% of respondents). The weaknesses of the IODE programme can be summarized as: Inadequate funding. Dependence on UNESCO funding has resulted in a decrease in funds for the programme over recent years and difficulty in access continuous funds. This results in a lack of sustainability of projects. Lack of focus. IODE has too many projects and activities with insufficient oversight on deliverables. Insufficient staff, lack of resources and reliance on small volunteer participation to oversee projects. Poor integration between the expert groups and limited collaboration with external groups involved in similar domains. Communication. Need to improve communication between National Coordinators. Direct communication with NODC should be more frequent and increase informal communication. Need to promote IODE inside country institutions and universities. Lack of visibility/coordination. Little visibility of IODE services and products outside the IODE community and lack of knowledge by the researcher community about benefits of IODE. IODE not fully integrated with the observation-programmes of IOC (e.g., GOOS, GRAs). IODE seen as a closed community. Full details of the survey results are listed in Annex I. Strategic analysis It is clear from the survey responses that the respondents see a need for the continuation of the IODE programme. Being part of a community of practice, the capacity building opportunities and access to standards, best practices and publications are seen as important benefits of belonging to IODE. The IODE programme enjoys full support from IOC Member States at the IOC governing bodies (Assembly and Executive Council) and is recognized as a key partner by other IOC programmes (e.g. GOOS, HAB and ICAM). The operations of IODE and its membership are unique. There is no other international organization in oceanography that encompasses the end-to-end process of data assembly, processing, archival, dissemination and library activities. One of the shortcomings of the IODE programme is lack of visibility at the national and regional levels and inadequate integration with other international programmes which are important data providers for IODE. IODE members are not always well connected to their national or regional research community or to global projects. There is a need to increase the awareness of IODE and its expertise to the ocean observation and research community. IODE can provide input to research programmes on data management planning and can offer a long term repository to safeguard unique and expensively acquired ocean data. IODE is currently extended beyond its capabilities, with inadequate funding and highly dependent on a small number of sources of extra budgetary funds to carry out its work plan. Funding from IOC/UNESCO is low and is unlikely to see major increases in the future. The vast majority of extra-budgetary funding comes from a single donor. It also makes IODE vulnerable to significant fluctuations and uncertainty in funding. While IODE centres represent a large pool of data and information management expertise, the resources directed towards IODE objectives are small and voluntary. Unless national or regional goals have a strong overlap with the international goals of IODE, the IODE activities take a low priority. IODE has always tried to maintain links to external activities that influence or impinge on its goals and objectives. It is important to provide this liaison activity but, due to the small number of volunteers and resources required, it is not always possible to have an IODE presence. Conclusion and Recommendations IODE has developed a successful global mechanism to ensure open access to ocean data and information through its network of NODCs and marine libraries. As a global programme, IODE is attempting to reach all regions of the world, however, the lack of financial resources has forced IODE to seek extra-budgetary funding which, in some cases, is linked to specific regions or projects. There is little visibility of IODE products and services outside the IODE community and a lack of knowledge by the research community about the benefits of IODE. IODE must increase its effort to improve linkages with the scientific oceanographic research community to enhance its activities. The establishment of the IODE Associate Data Unit as a new structural element should promote IODE to the wider ocean research and observation communities and encourage these communities to preserve and provide access to ocean research data. But at the same time IODE should also have something to offer to its widening community of practice. IODE needs to identify and develop or strengthen these products and services. The large number of regional and global activities is difficult to sustain with uncertain funding and reliance on small volunteer participation to administer projects. IODE should focus on core activities not addressed by other organisations, such as capacity development, standards setting and best practices. This would require a reduction in the number of current projects and the abolition of Groups of Experts. It should not compete with organizations and projects that are better resourced but should promote closer collaboration. As an intergovernmental programme, IODE can also take a lead role in ocean data and information management practices and policies in ocean sciences. ANNEX I. Survey results Q1 In what capacity/role are you providing a reply to this survey? Answered: 167 Skipped: 0 Answer ChoicesResponsesIODE national coordinator for data management27.54%46IODE national coordinator for marine information management11.98%20Associate Data Unit Contact Point2.99%5OBIS node5.39%9Researcher19.76%33Librarian11.98%20Student1.80%3Other (please specify)18.56%31Total167 #Other (please specify)1ASFA consultant2Chair of Canadian Nat'l Comm for CODATA3ODINAFRICA - Data manager, atlas team leader4Co-Chair of the ICAN project5LME practitioner6data publisher7National Marine Information Coordinator8IODE MIM and Librarian9data manager and OBIS data provider10IODE NATIONAL COORDINATOR11Italian SDN NODC12IODE national delegation, Researcher, advisor for PMBC's Marine Library and data of my Center (PMBC) and Department.13Meteorologist14head of Partnership Centre15Semi-retired librraian and GEMIM member16Data manager for Center17JCOMM Co-president for Oceanography18NODC website manager, ODP contact point, national coordinator for data management assistant, member of African marine and coastal atlas team19member GE-BICH20cooperation partner21WMO (running IODE ETDMP jointly with IODE)22IODE Invited Expert23delegate for an IODE Project24Hydrographer25volunteer with ICAN Technical Committee26Member of the ICAN SG27Project manager for IODE ODP, member of ETDMP, and regional data management contact in my sector28Sister Organization29retired data manager30Officer at the Flemish Hydrography31Journalist Q2 Your name (optional) Answered: 138 Skipped: 29 Q3 Your job title Answered: 167 Skipped: 0 Answer ChoicesResponsesHead of Institution (Director)5.39%9Head of Unit (including data centre or library)40.12%67Other (please specify)54.49%91Total167 #Other (please specify)1researcher2Expert3Oceanography Researcher4Responsible for the MedOBIS Regional OBIS Node and Fish Thematic OBIS Node5Senir Lecturer6Assistant engineer7Consultant -former Ed- in-Chief ASFA8Senior Researcher9Coastal Information Systems Manager10Chair of Canadian Nat'l Comm for CODATA11Section Head & Senior Technical and Policy Advisor12chemical engineer13researcher14Knowledge/Information Management Officer15Deputy-Director of Coastal and Marine Research Centre, UCC, Ireland and Co-Chair ICAN16N/A17Information manager18Librarian (Reference and Repository coordinator)19Teacher researcher at IH.SM (Marine Science Institute of Toliara University Madagascar)20Emeritus researcher of fisheries21Teaching22Reference Librarian23Head of Marine Biology Dept. IMR / RSU / Sudan24datacentre employee25senior research26Student at Istanbul University27Database Specialist28Database Specialist29Program Officer30Marine Data Manager31Research development associate32Node Manager33senior scientist34Deputy Director and Head of oceanography and Data Center35specialist36FISHERIES ENGINEERING37Information Systems Specialist; Data Manager38Prof., Head of Unit39Deputy Director40Sclentist41Senior Scientist42CIIFEN, Scientific Coordinator43OBIS-USA Node Manager44computer science technician45Director of communiction & documentation / webmaster for NODC website46Ocean Research Unit47Marine Forecaster48Lecturer49Semi-retired. Indexing, editing, library & imformation management50Head Department Science of the Sea51simple Librarian52Teacher researcher of Institution (IH.SM)53senior scientist54Researcher55NODC Data Manager, Ocean Management Expert56Associate Research Scientist57Senior Library Technician58Fisheries Officer/Data manager59Professor at University of Bologna and Director of Operational Oceanography Group at INGV60Head of Institution assistant61data manager62Manager63HEAD OF RESEARCH GROUP64Deputy Director65Scientific Office66Librarian67IOD Invited Epert68Technician69PhD student70Chief Scientist71Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, CDIAC72Assistant Director at IHO73Specialist on Oceanography74HEAD OF GIS AND RS LAB AND CO-ASESOR OF DATA CENTRE AT CENDO IIO-UABC75Project Scientist76Consultant in geomatics77Researcher. Project leader on I+D (Plankton)78Head of a Regional Coastal Atlas79Senior Data Analyst80Associate researcher81Director NGO82Researcher83Regional extension/program liaison84Programme Manager85retired86Head of department87Application Manager88Freelance journalist89Emeritus Director & Professor90Research in Ecological Modelling91Senior Librarian Q4 Your email address Answered: 153 Skipped: 14 Q5 Your country [if international organization then enter name of organization] Answered: 165 Skipped: 2 Q6 Your IODE region Answered: 167 Skipped: 0 Answer ChoicesResponsesAfrica (ODINAFRICA)25.75%43Caribbean and Latin America (ODINCARSA)16.77%28Western Pacific (WESTPAC)5.39%9Small island states in the Pacific (ODINPIMRIS)0.60%1Eastern Europe (ODINECET)2.99%5Black Sea region (ODINBlackSea)7.78%13Northern Indian Ocean (ODINCINDIO)1.80%3European Union (if not included in ODINECET)16.77%28North America (incl Canada)11.98%20Other (please specify)10.18%17Total167 #Other (please specify)1Baltic Sea2UN agency3Australia4Red Sea5SEAOBIS6SEAOBIS7Antarctica8North Atlantic?9IODE Regions combination10WESTPAC11Mediterranean Sea12n/a13South America - SouthEast Brazil14international15Central Asia16Belgian Continental Self17Germany Q7 Since when have you been involved in IODE? Answered: 162 Skipped: 5 Answer ChoicesResponsessince 1960-19701.85%3since 1970-19803.09%5since 1980-19904.94%8since 1990-200017.90%29since 2000-201041.36%67since 201030.86%50Total162 Q8 How important is IODE for your work? Answered: 163 Skipped: 4 Answer ChoicesResponsesnot at all2.45%4a little6.75%11somewhat41.10%67very much (essential)49.69%81Total163 Q9 What benefits do you get from the IODE programme? (sort the below by importance with 1 as the most important) Answered: 167 Skipped: 0 123456789N/ATotalAverage RankingEasy access to standards and best practices (from OceanDataStandards)14.46% 2416.87% 287.83%13.86%14.46%8.43%9.04%1.81%1.20%12.05%1666.1513232414153220Easy access to documents/publications (OceanDocs)14.46%9.64%18.67%13.86%16.87%7.83%7.23%1.81%1.20%8.43%1666.15241631232813123214Easy access to metadata and data (OceanDataPortal and OBIS)13.86%14.46%13.86%10.84%10.24%11.45%6.02%4.82%0.60%13.86%1666.13232423181719108123Being part of a community of practise17.47%15.66%9.04%7.23%14.46%12.05%10.84%5.42%3.01%4.82%1665.8429261512242018958Obtaining training16.17%14.37%7.78%9.58%4.19%10.78%17.96%5.99%1.20%11.98%1675.72272413167183010220Easy access to information on colleagues (OceanExpert)8.38%9.58%10.18%19.16%14.37%14.97%7.78%4.19%4.79%6.59%1675.42141617322425137811Easy access to historical data (World Ocean Database)9.58%8.98%15.57%13.17%7.78%14.97%10.78%5.99%4.79%8.38%1675.391615262213251810814Obtaining funding to participate in workshops and conferences1.81%6.63%11.45%6.63%7.23%5.42%9.64%28.92%2.41%19.88%1664.2031119111291648433Obtaining funding for my data centre or library2.99%2.40%2.99%1.20%2.99%4.19%2.99%10.78%37.72%31.74%1672.555452575186353 Q10 What needs (from your point of view) are not being addressed by IODE today? Answered: 87 Skipped: 80 #Responses1IODE is addressing most everything to varying extent. IODE should promote the implementation of data discovery and access Web Services such as CSW, OpenSearch, OAI-PMH, and OPeNDAP.2founding data centre, access to historical data for caribean region3Obtaining funding for my data centre or library4Be able to support in a more efficient way global initiatives quickly and on a long-term basis. IODE should develop a label like "UNESCO world heritage sites" for oceanographic and in a wider way for UNESCO environmental and biodiversity information system. This would help institutions who have developed global information systems to ensure their survival, not only in the institution where the information system was designed and/or implemented, but through a network of institutions that can take over in case of difficulties in the original institution. But IODE could initiate this for marine environment.5* follow up of the objectives of annual plan activities, and MIM/DM coordinators * regional trainships in local languages, with local trainers/teachers support that started to be adressed and should be reinforced6Consulting services to improve the NODC7Mandat to acquire data and information8Having a stronger and direct links with other councils, societies, etc (e.g. ICES) in order to have more profound influence.9Training in data security best practice Data collection training for nearshore marine science fields10Enlarging the european catalogue of projects (EDMERP) to the large IODE community could be interesting11N/A12IODE is doing what it can do, within the scope of the tasks it is supposed to do according to its mandate.13Bi-directional communication with end users, in particular decision makers and policy makers14Connection people from ower the world education people devloping counties, coordination in developing of standards15Better coordination of NODCs16I see IODE as strongly reaching out to serve and help.17IODE provides a very wide range of services. I am sufficiently familiar with all of these to identify where the gaps are.18data sharing is still not common across all data centres19SHOLARSHIP FOR STUDENTS IN OCEANOGRAPHY20insist more participation in investigator community the ocean at institute or university21*to follow up of the objectives of plan activities, and MIM/DM coordinators *reinforce regional trainships in local languages, and support of local trainers22University Curriculum for Marine-Aquatic Information Management/library23I'm not sure. I get invited to training and there is probably no chance of me ever getting there due to funding constraints and no in-house professional backup. I sometimes feel that I don't get much of a response from colleagues in my country - I don't know if it's just me or if they are all as busy as me (for example I am part- time and I am replacing 2 full-time - one Librarian and one Library Manager).24need more training,25Dissemination of training opportunities to developing countries within the countries network. I think emails are not made to locals by the IODE NC DATA and MIM Coordinators261. Capacity building of young research & tech staff in management of data systems. 2. Supply of related instruments and logistics.27None28Caribbean and Latin America in a short time will large research centers, so I propose to establish an office in a Spanish speaking country, similar to that of Belgium. In this office to develop training courses for more researchs from Caribbean and L.A29-30No further comment31No further comment32Globally, taxonomic expertise are dwindling and hence, in my point of view, IODE may need to invest more on taxonomic training and human resource development33NONE34- being involve in the research itself - postgraduate study support35Modelling and Hazard mapping for coastal inundation and flash flood36degree training for 3 months, 6 months, 8 months, 10 months and 12 months37the consultancies to inquiries or concerns .3850, Ir.abashidze Str.39The more important topics have been considered in full.40The connection between data and ocean services well connected with coastal management, risk management and adaptation41Much stronger advocacy for the proper management of data and information to address pressing societal issues around the globe.42Providing information on standards and best practices and providing reference material/ data43applied issues44Building of distributed marine data system basing on responsible data and metadata impacts from NODC and other IODE participants45Lack of continuity of help desk for library management software's46- Long term training in the marines sciences - organisation of scientific meetings (conferences, symposia, etc ) for IODE community and partners - organisation of online discussions for IODE community and partners47I think it is well address in IODE responsibility of ocean graphic data and information management and service.48None49Need of stronger contributions from Memberstates50formal & informal mentoring needs51Visiting and assessing the job done by the Centers to identify weaknesses and improve training52YES53-54information5501 Cau Da56Develpment of effective promotional materials as away of leveraging national support57Training on sismogrphy58Not sure59Number 9.60The global information system of the future is not addressed properly as well as other user-oriented requirements. In particular it is not clear how the flow of data is going to happen from real time transmission to historical data bases, and the insertion of regional alliances infrastructure into the global system.61Training do not cover all fields in oceanography (eg; marine meteorology)62xxx63None64My current knowledge of IODE does not allow me have an opinion on what is not being addressed65Better coordination with the WMO on data rescue66- Publishing (journal, periodical, guide book) - Organizing of intensive training courses - Creating trong linkages between the IODE and IODE Region in the development of training objectives and training programs designed to enhance capacity building67A strong sense of community & support68None so far69Providing small scientific equipement for data collect in situ in NODC (e.g. Physico-chemical parameters)70Nothing71globan assessment on iode network as a whole72Probably it is making its existence and services widely known73Web conferences on current issues and on issues of global importance74The importance of ocean and oceanographic data to every aspects of the social wellbeing75Too little experience with IODE to comment but suggest that strengthening capacity in the developing world should be a priority.76To be more active in the field of marine data standardization needs (acquisition, storage, processing ..)77Limited guidance on standards, especially at the data QC level78none79I do not know, probable media?80the insufficient attention is paid to closed seas81being recognized by other international programs as the source for oceanographic data managemnet82Funding of scientific research in coastal areas83Type of data (eg no molecular data). Molecular biodiversity studies offer a lot for the field. Workshops or trainings on molecular techniques should be supported.84I could use more press-appropriate communication rather than the current announcements.85More visibility mainly in Africa region86Publishing data under Geographical standard descriptions (OGC)87Lobbying with authorities (not enough) Q11 What are the weak points of IODE? Answered: 90 Skipped: 77 #Responses1Poor Standard2The funding is by the different countries themselves, while participating in EU-Projects are partially funded by the Commission.31. Not fully integrated with the observation-side of IOC (e.g., GOOS); 2. Development of data standards and best practices is cumbersome; 3. Not fully leveraging global network of NODCs; 4. Unfocused mission (i.e., too many projects and activities?)4The decrease of funding in resent years. Need to improve communication between National Coordinators Absence of terms of Reference of the IODE National Coordinators of Data Managers Establish criteria to be applied by IOC Member States to identify IODE National Coordinators Data Managers Update the Guide for Establishing a National Oceanographic Data Centre Need to Audit the activities and National responsabilities of NODC5On the one hand, as part of a UN agency, there is sometimes too much delay between the design of a new idea and its effective implementation. On the other hand, one it is approved, the idea gets a very strong support.6* weakness to follow up objectives of planned activities- ability to plan and draw outlines but weakness to accomplish goals proposed * poor sustainability of the programmes/service-products * not enough visibility IODE service/products * choosing sometimes wrong persons as MIM/DM coordinators (bureaucratic persons), not really involved with the IODE programmes and the target users/local community.7Direct Communication with NODC should be done much more frequently8sporadic data assembly centers9Needs to push information, not wait until users pull it.10Weak activity of national coordinator for marine information management11Networking with lateral organizations12Difficulty accessing continuous funding13-training period is very short -financial problem14- IODE appears like a very formal community. it could be interesting to have more exchanges between us and between 2 general Assemblies. One possibility could be that IODE project office could relay informations from national coordinators to the whole community - In the continuity of what I wrote below: there is few space within IODE to advertise the IODE community with non IODE activities or project15N/A16The weak point perhaps is that there are hardly any obligations. Since there is no money involved, as in funded projects, the commitment of many is limited to attending the IODE meetings every two years. The real work is done by a small group of IODE Officers and Project office co-workers.17Seen as a closed group, bureaucratic. Under-staffed and under-resourced/funded18Funding19Perhaps mechanisms which bring IODE supported projects together (e.g ICAN, OBIS, Habs, etc). The projects exist somewhat in isolation, with little formal contact between them. If this could be improved or better facilitated there may be better synergies.20lack of community involvement21useless22DURATION OF THE TRAINING - 1 WEEK IS TOO SHORT AND MOST INTENSIVE23Country assign a person who coordinates the work that sends each institute and that a plan with real goals to achieve without being ambitious24*Lack of sustainability of the programmes/service-products *Little visibility IODE service/products *Not enough commitment of several MIM/DM coordinators to promote IODE programmes into their countries (- choosing the wrong coordinators/representatives, many times is selected an official bureaucratic one, not one really involved with the IODE programmes and the target users/local community. - Not a good follow up when the persons changes positions (coor./rep.) ,what happens with the activities in the local network and the knowledge transfer)25Visibilty -promotion outside IODE community Languages issues for Products and services developped Sustainibility of products and services developped- Most Experts Work on volontar and/or personal based;26Its web page.27Financial support to buy books and journals28Lack of knowledge of researchers community about benefits of IODE29That we are getting spread thinner.30Volunteer participation Time encountered to establish standards Funding Lack of ability to participate in European and other large group projects officially-I believe.311. Poor interactions with other network, at regional / international levels. 2. Inadequate funds.32The head of some member institutions are not enough involved in the IODE activities, to ensure the commitment of the NODC managers to perform as desired.33Lack of visibility at national level few training topics34-35No further comment36No further comment37IODE is a strong organization because of the networking it established. I dont really see anything as a weak point at this point in time.38CANNOT SAY39At least once a while, IODE can organize a research survey as part of training and capacity ehancement40scarcity of funding opportunities and lack of staff. with extra funds and increase of staff the IODE may be better organized.41sustainability of tarining courses visibility of IODE in developing country isolated program not well open for developing country few staff for IODE coordination42Work at regional level.43The interaction with other global initiatives. It is too much closed to the IODE community, with few strong linkages with other initiatives. From my point of view that has weakened the possibilities of funding. IODE should be part of integrated approaches44Failure to build consensus and cooperation among members and partners. IODE can become demanding of members and acting more unilaterally than may be useful.45Many and large tasks, limited funds, and non-flexible structure do not fit each other46Access to open data.47Lack of commitment and purposeful activity of NODCs for the exchange and integration of oceanographic data.48Inability to visit each participating countries to assess their job performance49- Inadequate and vulnerable funding - Embracing so many issues but lack the specialized and committed man power50It is not much well known to the scientist who are using data. As most of ocean and climate still get longterm data from NOAA and other sources for example from the web service of satellite data.51IODE relies on the volunteer work of a small part of the oceanographic community.52Lack of funding from UNESCO and external sources; Reducing amount of experts53distance!54A career with academic degrees for ocean data management.55NOT for me56Financial support57information58Follow up of the activities in the intersessional period is often not visible59Follow up & help regional supporting projects to still alive at the End of Projects60Not sure61I think IODE could save money if instructors go to the place (city, region) instead of invite trainees to IODE offices.62The weak points are the networking betwen IODE and GRA and the non-existence of protocols to transfer real time data to archived data sets63Following the training64Relationship between IODE and government of member states.65Lack on promoting IODE inside country institutions mainly Universities66None67My current knowledge of IODE does not allow me have an opinion on the IODE weak points68The division of IOC Data Management activities between JCOMM DMPA and the IODE is creating confusion69No idea70Lack of informal communication channels71Lack of active participation of LDCs especially from Africa72- Help for in situ data collect. - Purchase of a license of cartography software (ArcView, ArcGis etc.) - For the traning course, IODE should support 2 participants for each country. Give the same chance for all countires.73Financial74Perhaps duplicative of bigger, better funded efforts already existing in certain countries. Not quite as fast on provisioning the latest technologies (e.g., cloud computing).75no76global (international meeteings) are ok but must be strength a local or regional meetings at least in mexico77I think that in my country is not really well known about the researchers and public institutions, and I really think that your information and the databases are really good for interconnection and sustainable development of the region. I don't know what are the reasons for this situation.78Lack of involvement of community participants around a subject to overcome challenges together and create networks of expertise79Lack of necessary funding80I have no competence to judge this811. Too many activities with insufficient oversight on delivery. 2. Poor integration between a number of the expert groups (ODSBP, ETDMP, GE-BICH as examples). 3) Somewhat limited collaboration with external groups involved in similar domains as IODE.82none so far as I can determine83one office only84I find it difficult to answer85ability to serve as recognized international leader for oceanographic data management86Not yet noticed87not supporting really working young researchers, instead supporting or consulting professors looking for touristic travel. I do not want to generalize all but what I see from most of the meetings that lots of people with "big titles" but nothing to offer. Instead lots of young and ready to give scientist could be involved and supported88Need more link with researchers community89The data platforms are too close. Data access and distribution should be encouraged. Furthermore, applications (internal or external) using OBIS should be sponsored.90Dependence of funding from the UN system (the biggest funder virtually redrawing cripples the whole organisation immediately) Q12 What training courses would you consider important for yourself in the next 2 years: (please sort by importance with 1 as the most important - if the course is not relevant to you then tick the n/a box) Answered: 167 Skipped: 0 12345678910111213141516171819N/ADM: Fundamentals of Ocean Data Management13.25%11.45%12.65%12.65%5.42%6.02%5.42%5.42%1.81%1.20%3.01%3.01%0.00%0.60%0.60%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%2219212191099325501100DM: Introduction to Ocean Data Management for Students of the Environment1.81%3.01%6.63%9.64%6.02%4.22%6.02%6.02%7.23%4.22%2.41%2.41%1.81%1.20%1.81%0.60%0.00%35111610710101274432310DM: University Curriculum in Marine Data Management3.59%4.19%2.99%5.99%5.39%8.38%4.79%7.78%2.99%6.59%2.99%0.60%4.79%2.99%0.60%1.20%1.80%675109148135115185123DM: Ocean Data Portal training course4.82%5.42%7.23%6.63%11.45%6.63%5.42%7.23%7.23%3.01%6.02%1.81%1.81%1.81%0.60%0.60%1.81%891211191191212510333113DM: Marine and Coastal Atlas Development7.78%7.78%10.18%4.79%7.19%7.78%7.78%4.79%5.99%5.39%3.59%4.19%0.00%2.40%0.00%0.60%0.00%131317812131381096704010DM: Marine GIS Applications (ArcGIS)9.04%9.04%7.83%7.23%5.42%6.63%7.23%3.01%4.22%4.82%4.22%5.42%3.01%0.00%1.20%0.00%0.00%15151312911125787950200DM: Quality Management System Essential for National Oceanographic Data Centres15.57%5.39%4.79%7.19%3.59%2.40%5.99%8.98%5.39%3.59%5.99%0.60%2.40%2.40%2.40%1.20%0.00%2698126410159610144420DM: Global Temperature- Salinity Profile Programme (GTSPP) training course0.60%1.81%3.01%1.20%2.41%6.02%6.63%10.24%6.02%9.64%4.22%4.82%3.01%3.01%1.81%1.20%1.81%1352410111710167855323DM: Discovery and Use of Operational Ocean Data Products and Services8.38%6.59%7.19%7.78%4.79%2.99%5.99%4.19%8.98%5.99%5.39%4.79%1.80%2.99%1.80%2.40%0.60%141112138510715109835341DM: Regional and Operational Oceanography for Coastal Resources Management3.61%7.23%6.02%5.42%8.43%8.43%3.61%1.20%4.22%8.43%6.02%5.42%2.41%1.20%1.81%1.81%3.01%61210914146271410942335DM: Marine Biodiversity Data Management3.59%8.98%2.40%4.79%8.98%1.80%5.39%3.59%2.99%7.19%10.78%5.39%2.40%1.20%2.40%1.20%1.80%615481539651218942423DM: OBIS Nodes Technical Training Course3.01%3.61%1.81%2.41%0.60%1.81%3.01%4.82%3.61%0.60%4.82%15.06%7.23%3.61%0.00%3.61%2.41%5634135861825126064MIM: Development and Management of e-Repositories9.58%4.19%0.60%1.20%3.59%7.19%2.40%4.19%3.59%1.20%1.20%2.40%14.97%4.79%3.59%3.59%1.80%16712612476224258663MIM: Preservation of Books and other Media1.20%4.22%1.20%3.01%1.81%3.61%3.01%0.60%1.20%3.01%0.00%1.81%5.42%18.67%7.83%3.61%3.61%2725365125039311366MIM: Preservation and Archiving of Digital Media2.99%2.40%5.39%2.99%5.39%2.40%3.59%1.80%2.99%2.40%3.59%0.00%4.19%4.79%16.17%7.78%3.59%5495946354607827136MIM: Data curation for information managers4.22%3.01%3.61%4.82%4.22%2.41%1.81%4.82%2.41%1.20%1.20%2.41%0.60%3.61%4.22%18.07%6.02%7568743842241673010MIM: Disaster Planning and Recovery for Marine Librarians0.00%0.60%2.99%2.40%2.99%4.79%3.59%1.80%1.80%2.40%1.80%0.60%1.80%1.80%4.19%2.99%17.96%015458633431337530MIM: Outreach and Communication Tools3.01%5.42%3.61%3.01%3.61%3.61%4.82%1.81%1.81%2.41%3.01%1.20%1.20%1.81%3.01%3.01%4.22%259656683345223557MIM: Grant writing for Digital Projects0.60%2.40%5.39%2.40%1.80%4.79%2.40%0.60%5.39%1.80%1.80%3.59%1.20%0.60%1.80%1.20%1.80%14943841933621323 Q13 Any other course topics that should be considered (taking into account the IODE mandate)? Answered: 59 Skipped: 108 #topic 11Geospatial Metadata (content and structure of the IS0 191** series metadata and methods for writing quality metadata)2Data quality control procedures3Using existing e-infrastructures external to IODE but collaborating with IODE4Role of a DM/MIM Coordinator- what skills they should have?5Course: Quality Control of Data6How to promote IODE and demonstrate value of IODE within your institute/country7Data security best practice8Data Citation DOI9Data processing with Matlab and Python10Given the very limited resources, and the need to give all these topics an in-depth treatment, these topics seem to be more than enough11Data quality control12Role DM/MIM Coordinators (responsabilities, writting reports, knowledges on marine and data information systems, resources, programmes, etc)13Geo- referenced bibliographies development14no15Management of fisheries data16access to documents/ publications- OCEANDOCS17organizing information/creating metadata18Geospatial Information Resources19Satelliteimages for marine key habitats (i.e. coral rees, mangrove, seagrass) for Sudan - Red Sea20-21Conservation Management of Marine Protected Areas in the ASEAN Region22Conservation Management of Marine Protected Areas in the ASEAN Region23Taxonomy and barcoding of marine organisms24NONE THAT I KNOW25On - hand survey training in research studies and sampling routines26modelling of sea level rise scenarios2719 DM Marine GIS Applications (ArcGIS)28marine spatial planning (related to marine and coastal atls development29Best practices: Management of Marine Field Data (although this is probably the same as the University Curriculum listed previously)30Application of Ocean Color remote sensing31Design of marine indices32Marine Spatial Planning33ICZM and marine planning34Using Social Networks in Information Sharing35Web 2.0 and social media learning opportunities36Data handing and management37back to basics MIM training (many libraries need basic networking & ILL skills38NO39Ocean remote sensing40Simography41MIM: Creating value through the organization and management of information42How to write Standard scientific reports43Real time data mangement protocols and quality control44Marine meteorlogy45Knowledge and Information management46Management of ocean climate data47Trainning on aquatic sciences and fisheries thesarus (It's important to choose the keywords for the article or enter information into database)48Value of Data and Information Services49Remote sensing50Human ressources management for Head of NODC51REMOTE SENSING ALGORITHMS FOR WATER QUALITY52Training Course and Certification on Identification of Harmful Marine Algae53Ocean Thematic in WebGIS54Open Data55none that concvern IALA56operational systems57Modern models of storm surges and currents58Techniques of harnessing the energies of the sea and coast59Molecular Techniques in Marine Biodiversity Management#topic 21Overview of Information and Data Resources for Librarians and Students2Data publication/citation3no4Multivariate statistics in fishery science5acquiring informaiton6Performance Metrics as Applied to Projects7Regional network for MPA'S in the Red Sea.8-9Project proposal and Management10hydrographic training1118 DM Marine and Coastal Atlas development12marine law13Coastal Zone Management14Ocean acidification15Library Community Outreach16Techniques in data analysis and interpretation for marine scientists17Data analysis including statistical analysis18MIM: How to 'demonstrate value' (valuation/evaluating libraries and library services).19Marine forecast using ocean models20Information Audit21Publishing trainning on editorial courses designed to help build skills in publication22Statistics and vizualization23PORTAL AND ACCESS TO HIGH RESOLUTION DATA FOR COASTAL APPLICATIONS24Interoperability25automatic systems like AUV, UAVs, etc26modern methods of research and forecasting of excitement27Analyzing Molecular Datasets in Marine Biodiversity Management#topic 31MIM in the development of ATLAS2no3Oceanogrophic modelling in costal / marine areas.4-5Scenario, Forecasting and Prediction6Development and maintainance of Hazard and its damage data base717 DM Ocean Data Portal training course8Satisfying Users Need9Survey design, data collection and analysis using online /or standard tools (survey monkey, google forms, SPSS) for information managers10Information management and application of the tool11Trainning in digital publishhing12OPERATIONAL DATA ACCESS FOR COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPING13inovation techniques14Marine ice Q14 Is IODE more or less important to you than 2 years ago? Answered: 167 Skipped: 0 Answer ChoicesResponsesMore49.10%82Less2.40%4The same48.50%81Total167 Q15 If you have entered "more important" or "less important" then why has the importance changed in the past 2 years? Answered: 77 Skipped: 90 #Responses1Reflective of a reorganization in my Department and an increase focus in operational oceanography2N/A3Now, I am the National Coordinator for Colombia and I have new responsabilities with IODE4More recognition of global oceanologic e-infrastuctures as important tools and repositories of human knowledge eventually5Because IODE has become more involved with IAMSLIC and we have a Joint GEMIM Group; it is hosting Aquatic Commons; supports IAMSLIC members; developed and supports an important Marine Repository for many developing countries; it started training at regional levels with teachers teaching in the participant's language6Ther program offers more opportunities especially in training7Establish relevant criteria to provide quality data to the user community.8Marin environmental data atre now covered by another centre, therefore physical data rank higher9because contributing to improvement of data availability and quality10Training courses available are directly related to new responsibilities at office and have not done them before.11implementation of the ODINAFRICA Project, Training Course provided.12Accreditation process13Have provide training/workshop in Marine Information Management (NODC Information Center)14ITCOocean, INCOIS has signed an MOA with IOC to organise joint training courses of mutual interest. Further, ITCOocean, INCOIS is planning to organise joint courses with OTGA, IODE15IODE's support for the ICAN project is fundamental. It gives the project a sound governance structure, provides the stamp of international recognition and links us with interested partners and users on a global basis.16The adoption of the International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN) as an IODE Project17DURING TRAINING COURSE, WE SHARE EXPERIENCES AND GET MORE KNOWLEDGE BUT IT SEEMS THERE IS NO TRAINING18because I received training that helps me to improve the work I do and it is good because the users that are informing people happy19The trainings have greatly improved my work20Because I`m part of GEMIM IAMSLIC/IODE Joint group, and L. Lizondo was trainer at a regional training course (Ecuador 2014), and we started at local level to work on interoperability between e-repository and data curation21Because IODE provided me more opportunity to reinforce the position of my information center at the institional level with the provision of better quality of services as well as my expertise. In addition, our participation of IODE programs and with successfull results in terms capacity and facilities contributed to bring my country to be more active to IOC activities such as being in the IOC Executice Council22The fluidity of marine information exchange became more and more visible in the past 2 years23I am unable to participate in the wider regional and global community (that's how it feels) and I feel isolated in my own country.24e repositories becoming more important as and information resource25More environmental challenges i.e. climate change, increising pollution hazards & unsustainable use of marine resources.26I changed jobs and I'm more involved in SeaDataNet and regional datasets now27attempting to create an alliance of biodiversity data holders in the country and this extedns beyond the traditional government data holders. need NODC involvement in all data from a country and IODE/OBIS facilitates this type of network building.28IODE have established a strong networking between nations and research centres particularly by mainstreaming OBIS activities under its core program29more links to other organisations30More active participation in IODE programs eg OBIS and ODINWESTPAC31IODE IS DYNAMIC AND ENTICING WITH DIFFERENT PROGRAMS IT HAS TO OFFER32OBIS now part of IODE33My centre was accepted as Associate Data Unit during 201434There is more challenges with the integrated data management and IODE is called upon to adjust to these needs.35Focus on new Information Technology issues and access to historical and real time data36THESE ARE The National situations Who ARE the basis for37I have become more active in the community. Also, there is an increasing emphasis on data exchange given the advances in technology and the Open World movement, and growing interest in global marine research challenges.38The continuing national trend of maintain a interoperable databases, has forced us to work towards into a international standard, wich is led by IODE System.39Technology has changed rapidly and the importance of IT in data management has increased40Because IODE could be the only mechanism to ensure sustained data and marine information management capacities in some developed countries41ive got more traing to make my output better42OBIS43IODE has understood changing environment and accepted the challenge to transform into more effective programme44Because of national implementation based on international and national rules45because the workshop is to help for my job46The fluidity or marine information became more and more visible un the past 2 years47Via IODE training workshop, our staffs could learn and exchange their experience to ocean expert communities48Introduction of new products as atlases and QMF49It give the expertise in GIS Mapping, IODE Ocen Teacher Instructor and ODP Management50Proper channel to obtain information in the field of Oceanography51Have provide training in marine information management (NODC information center)52The information I get keep increasing53QMF54Because we learnt the importance of the data sets, and now we know how to obtain products from them.55Due to my attendance to IODE training and workshop. I learned much and I need more.56Marine resource mangaement is becoming more crucial to most of the coastal countries in the context of global and climate change.57The start of IOC office in Nairobi58My institution is willing to host a RTC59Widening remit60The last IODE meeting established quality framework for NODCs which is aimed at ensuring reliable and quality data and services.61Because, when i took the training course i learn more things about modelling, GIS, and other stuff that i have to used from my work.62We still need more data to conduct our research activities.63I use IODE mainly as a resource that I refer needy colleagues to and the evolution of IODE becomes more & more valuable in this regard.64awareness raised in the period65IN MEXICO AFTER THE INTERNATIONAL MEETING OF IODE, MANY INSTITUTIONS PAY ETTENTIONS AT IODE FOR OCEANIGRAPHICAL DATA MANAGEMENT66Adopted ICAN as a project67It's more important for me, because I use the resources more frequently than 2 years ago68I started to Know IODE recently69I have become active in the ICAN network70Change in my job responsibilities71The IODE has allowed me to gain exposure to the global marine community (both science and information management technology domains) allowing me to evolve both the vision for the IODE ODP but also how we participate at the operational level72more73Questions, aktaulny for us, are brought up74other programs like SeaDataNet becoming more important to Member States75I had the opportunity to participate in a modeling course this year and Participated in a symposium in 2013 ODINAFRICA76No support for post doc researchers like me and topics are not related with my study field (Molecular Ecology, DNA Barcoding)77Data mining applications to Big Data is a growing-up field and OBIS is suited to such applications Q16 Is there still a need for an IODE network of data centres and marine libraries? Answered: 158 Skipped: 9 Answer ChoicesResponsesYes96.84%153No3.16%5Total158 #Please explain:1In combination with SDN/EMODnet etc it ensures QA/QC routines at NODCs.2IODE is unique. There is a need for such an international umbrella organization to foster global collaboration on ocean data management and the open sharing of ocean data.3Because in this network is the data avalible and the documentation for the participants to apply international standars, best practices and protocols4We need a common world focal point to propose standards for storing and exchanging oceanologic data, information and knowledge. For me Oceanology = Oceanography (physical environment) + Marine biology + human uses of oceans. IODE could be subsumed by other type of consortium, but their life-span will always be shorter than UNESCO/IODE set up. All conventions and international regulations are enforced on the ground at country level and by national governments, at least until possibly international for-profit companies take over ... :-( ). There is a need of a structure that allows people to express their needs through their governments against those overwhelming companies.5Sorry, I do not understand clearly the question... regarding Marine libraries, IAMSLIC is the formal network, and IODE supports OceanDocs by regions and capacity building in several topics of interest for marine and aquatic librarians6researchers, among other stakeholders, will always benefit from a reliable "one stop shop' for data7The IODE network has been able to collect, quality control, and archive millions of ocean observations, and make them available. Additionally, through the IODE network, scientists can more actively participate in data management chain and can also access data and information more easily.8It always important to have a reference of group work, make progress on both issues and pick up your experiences to improve our work9As storage and distributrion of data is nowadays much easier, the archiving with documentation for the longer run is seen less important by scientists, with higher risk of loss than before10The UN logo insures equity and quality11because data availability and quality is crucially important for marine sciences12To support the sharing of best practice information and provide potential training expertise13Provides for long term sustainability of data derived from short term grant funded research14rehabilitation of NODC office and libraries15It is the only place where all Ocean Data Mangers can meet and share experiences. It is important to keep this link16Equip the NODC with measuring devices and rehabilitate the offices of NODC17For the study of modern technologies of oceanographic data.18Projects end when the funding stops, while the IODE network offers a much more stable and sustainable model, thus keeping expertise of the community up to date.19Networking is needed both to promote and ensure sustainability of DM & MIM activities, as well as providing open access to data and information. IODE is ideally located.20In variouse political relation among World IODE/IOC presents the best and simplest way for collaboration among people.21A set of best practices were developed by NODCs (with EU funding contribution from SeaDataNet) that still needs coordination22Remote sites always need support of librarians and local data managers. Librarians really know the literature and and guide people to resources they never would have found on their own or through general searching23Capacity building Easy access to information Networking24To build regional data bases25With so much information and data, information on the members of the data centres is vital. It can also help develop links between different countries and regions. I am not familiar with the marine libraries aspects.26an intergovernmental overarching organisation provides the international framework to deliver common goals and objectives27Without IODE technical and financial support, many of the centres would not be sustainable - and they do provide an essential resource to scientists in the region.28people who are known network and exchange knowledge about their work and this work is better in its institutions29For the developing countries like Senegal, the training provided by IODE allow to be aware of the latest software and technologies. IODE facilitates the access to some paying sites30We do not understand clear the question... regarding Marine libraries, IAMSLIC is the formal network, but be part of OceanDocs and capacity building is supporting by IODE31Because it enable resources and expertise sharing.32It improves the ability of institutions hosting the libraries to cooperate with each other.33There is a need for an IODE network of data centre and marine libraries because both are complementary34Tne old generation of researchers is retiring without being replaced at the same speed. The new generation of ocean scientists need to have th information available in data bases and these have to be constructed and managed.35How else can we know of things? How else can we share information? Machines can do so much, but people are still needed. I actually feel IAMSLIC is more useful than IODE.36I believe in IAMSLIC but I know that IODE has assisted a number of IAMSLIC members over the years to receive relevant training and to travel to IAMSLIC conferences to meet peers and make connections with colleagues worldwide.37Coordinating efforts from around the globe38IODE Provides an enduring network of subject specialists beyond other projects that begin and end. It is also unique in its capacity building network.39Important for now and the future40Provision and access to reliable data / information are crucial to integrated coastal / marine resources management to attain sustainable development41IODE network of data centres and marine libraries is a very successful community, so there is no need to stop its activities, on the contrary, we all still need its benefits and we can only try to improve this network starting from ourselves...42There should remain a world-wide network of marine organisations so data and knowledge (even unpublished) is accesible throug the whole world. IODE should make more regional datasets en libaries known and accessable.43In the case of MIM, the network has enabled libraries, specially those with limited collections to extend the range of offer to their users, using the aggregated collection such as AfriLib and OceanDocs. By the other side has promoted interaction between librarians to exchange experiences, and knowledge sharing/transfer among them - THIS SHOULD BE MAINTAINED.44It is necessary because the oceanographic information is disseminated more and better.45the network does promote standardization and common quality control procedures whihc facilitate data sharing and data integration. It should also provide recommended data flow patters which should reduce the amount of duplication.46Our centres & libraies are being strong via IODE network. the need to the net is still important for maintaining & enhancing the level of our libraries.47I need more information and knowledge48It is highly important for an organization to have a network specially OBIS because this is the portal for regional contact points or focal person to obtain Biodiversity data.49It is highly important for an organization to have a network specially OBIS because this is the portal for regional contact points or focal person to obtain Biodiversity data.50Networking of IODE have started just giving results and there is a lot to benefit from the network for mankind51IODE NETWORK IS A CEMENTING FACTOR TO AFRICAN ACTIVITIES IN SCIENCE. ONE STOP NETWORK FOR NETWORKING52If european data infrastructure projects are not financed from a sistematic source, new knowledge and information can be provided by IODE. Getting up to date information is essential.53IODE network has the global vision.54The global context helps nationally to stress the importance of coherent marine data management.55The networking is still important for reaching out to information and data56Marine libraries in many places experiencing reduced finances and one way in withstanding that or to provide continous service is networking57this is the primary source of quality controlled marine data and information58Please explain: It is more important to have more iodine networks for full coverage of the entire ocean and allows continuous monitoring of the environment in the process of discovery59IODE must develop its program into countries (developing and SIDS) doing lobbying by creation of permanent centers by government, stability of staff. currently it is not the case. IODE has to get a policy of visibility and of adequation between ocean and applications through data and observation managed by qualified staff recruted by institutions60Ideally, each nation or region has its own Data Center, but the individual centers have more value when they are part of a network, each node contributing content to the federation of the whole.61For our country (away from the more important WDC) it is of great interest to maintain this type of networks.62Thesaurus should be ever connected63Yes and no: the question is who are the competitors for the IODE program.64Latin America requires ODINCARSA continues, probabbly woith a new strategy65The vast and complex global marine challenges require a global coordination effort - data sharing and integration are critical if we even hope to respond to the tremendous needs of our society and conservation of critical marine resources and ecosystem services.66It provides resource material for researchers doing assessments.67IODE is the only existing organisation for a permanent network of data centers and marine libraries. All other networks are project based and they disolve after project expiration.68To keep abreast with new development in IODE participating countries and the marine environment generally.69To enable coordinated action for better access and sharing of information and knowledge products generated70But it still need sometime for developing country and some region due to national policy which relate to security.71Maintenance of the links with other data centres72we need IODE regional center and local libraries in Africa.73It enables better coordination of the activities of the centres and resource sharing74What would replace it if it was removed? I have observed how the network has made a huge improvement in IM lives75It is crucial for the less developed countries.76because the data center and the marine libraries has not different ( he is one office)77There is need for an IODE network of data centres and marine librairies because both are complementary.78IODE should act as a main node to connect all data centres and marine libraries. Building frame work for share and exchange information....79Promotes leveraging of resources which is not possible without the network80Access to elibrary81Contributes to the international collaboration, exchange of expertise, data and information. Coordinates the efforts of marine communities for better management and use of the acquired knowledge.82Networking is of utmost importance for me. Sometimes, large ocean datasets are needed where IODE is providing with free scientific publications also.83Easy access to information Capacity building Networking84It helps in sharing information and also getting information85It is has been of benefit for Mexico,86It is necessary in order to preserve access to standardized, quality controlled data and metadata from the global ocean for scientific and user communities87IODE has enough now networks of data centre and marine libraries88global coordination of best practices89Data management needs information management as data itself contains informations which are linked to data (metadata). And Libraries will play an important role on that.90In most of underdevelopment countries IODE is the only reliable data repository and marine library91For networking purposes and interaction of countries in information exchange92Resources can be spread even wider when a network is considered. But it is also necessary to strengthen the capacities of individual data centers and marine libraries93Essential in JCOMM framework to have a sound mechanism on the IOC side.94Focus on marine science data and information important to highlight95Provides reliable access to marine data and information and services in a timely manner.96Because all marine methodologies are incomplete, and i think its necesary doing a huge database from marine data.97All NODC library didn't have the same opportunity during the trainng course.98Better to work through a network99Networks are NEVER a bad thing, especially to ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.100The object of study on the marine science is global in essence.101I THINK IS NECESSARY TO OBTAIN A LIST OF MEMBERS FOR DATA CENTRES AND MARINE LIBRARIES USES102I think that is very important to put the information in databases and libraries, because it gives us (researchers and governmental institutions) an easy access to "safe" information. We know it because it's collaboratively produced103The ocean is still little known in many regions and exchange of experiences and information is important for global policy decisions.104to facilitate the management of oceanographic data and informationa at national level, and to promote the regional and international cooperation105interoperability and global access to oceanographic access to data and information is critical in a changing climate. Jurisdictional boundaries in the ocean are artificial constructs.106Without IODE I do not see how the international data exchange can develop and adapt to the present and future challanges107These are critical for information sharing and networking108Ideally, IODE would be a one stop shop to direct stakeholders in the marine domain to the relevant resources that are available. It has gotten so eay to publish data online that curation, development/adoption of international standards, and other best practices are not always shared between ad-hoc data producers.109For a comprehensive understanding of the international maritime envionment110connectivity111It is important to have information on achievements of scientists112IODE has demonstrated over the last 50 years its importance. Other programs has come and gone113Because data centers that we do not cover all areas that make up an Organization114Many nations are just beginning to explore seas and to invest in national efforts. IODE efforts are crucial to support and accompany these efforts.115Acting as a group makes the entities stronger. Q17 What activities/projects of IODE would you consider as the MOST IMPORTANT to be continued as priority actions? (sort by importance with 1 as the most important and n/a if you have no opinion on an activity) Answered: 167 Skipped: 0 12345678910111213141516N/ATotalASFA8.38%5.99%7.19%4.19%5.99%2.40%3.59%4.19%5.39%4.19%4.79%0.60%2.99%2.40%1.80%5.99%29.94%14101271046797815431050Data publication / citation5.39%5.39%8.98%10.78%9.58%8.98%12.57%4.79%4.79%5.99%0.60%2.99%1.80%1.20%1.20%1.80%13.17%991518161521881015322322GTSPP1.20%1.80%4.19%5.39%2.40%7.19%7.19%5.39%5.39%7.19%7.19%4.79%5.39%1.80%2.40%0.00%31.14%2379412129912128934052GOSUD0.00%0.00%1.80%2.99%1.80%1.80%5.99%7.19%4.19%6.59%10.78%4.79%5.99%5.39%3.59%1.80%35.33%00353310127111881096359GODAR/ WOD2.99%2.40%2.99%4.19%5.99%5.39%4.19%6.59%5.39%6.59%5.39%7.19%4.79%4.19%1.80%1.20%28.74%5457109711911912873248Cooperation with JCOMM4.19%2.99%4.19%6.59%5.99%4.79%4.19%7.78%2.99%5.99%7.78%5.99%4.19%3.59%1.80%1.80%25.15%757111087135101310763342OBIS8.38%4.19%3.59%3.59%2.99%9.58%7.19%5.99%7.78%4.19%7.78%5.99%2.99%3.59%3.59%0.60%17.96%1476651612101371310566130OceanDocs and Aquatic Commons4.19%11.98%4.79%6.59%2.99%2.40%3.59%12.57%4.79%5.39%4.79%7.19%5.99%3.59%2.40%0.60%16.17%72081154621898121064127OceanExpert4.19%2.40%6.59%5.99%12.57%5.99%7.19%5.39%10.18%6.59%4.19%7.78%4.79%3.59%4.19%1.20%7.19%74111021101291711713867212Ocean Data Portal6.59%13.77%8.98%9.58%5.99%8.98%6.59%2.40%4.19%8.38%3.59%2.40%1.80%2.99%0.00%1.80%11.98%11231516101511471464350320Ocean Data Practices1.80%3.59%7.78%6.59%11.38%7.19%6.59%7.78%6.59%3.59%7.19%4.79%7.78%2.99%2.40%0.60%11.38%361311191211131161281354119Ocean Data Standards and Best Practices7.78%13.17%7.78%10.78%4.79%11.98%5.99%4.79%4.19%2.40%1.20%4.79%3.59%4.79%3.59%0.00%8.38%132213188201087428686014OceanTeacher (and Global Academy)14.97%16.17%11.38%8.98%3.59%7.78%4.79%4.79%2.40%1.80%1.20%1.20%5.39%5.39%4.19%0.60%5.39%2527191561388432299719ICAN4.19%0.60%1.20%3.59%1.20%1.80%1.80%1.20%2.40%0.00%3.59%3.59%2.40%10.78%14.97%12.57%34.13%712623324066418252157IODE Quality Management Framework5.39%5.99%7.19%1.80%10.18%4.19%4.79%2.99%7.78%4.79%1.20%2.99%1.20%2.99%7.78%11.38%17.37%910123177851382525131929Regional networks (ODINs)18.56%7.78%9.58%5.39%7.78%4.19%6.59%2.99%4.79%5.39%1.20%1.20%1.80%1.20%1.80%10.18%9.58%311316913711589223231716 Q18 What activities/projects of IODE would you consider as the LEAST IMPORTANT which means they could be terminated if insufficient resources are available sort by importance with 1 as the least important to you and n/a if you have no opinion on an activity) Answered: 167 Skipped: 0 12345678910111213141516N/ATotalASFA14.97%8.38%2.99%5.99%0.00%3.59%1.20%2.40%1.20%2.40%1.20%1.20%0.60%1.80%0.60%1.20%50.30% 167251451006242422131284Data publication /citation10.24%11.45%9.04%5.42%4.22%3.61%4.22%3.61%1.81%2.41%0.60%1.20%0.60%1.20%0.00%0.60%39.76% 166171915976763412120166GTSPP2.99%5.39%10.18%10.78%2.99%1.20%1.80%1.20%1.20%1.80%0.60%0.00%2.40%0.00%1.20%0.00%56.29% 16759171852322310402094GOSUD2.41%5.42%6.63%9.04%7.83%4.82%0.60%2.41%0.60%1.20%0.00%0.00%0.60%1.20%0.00%0.00%57.23% 166491115138141200120095GODAR/ WOD1.20%1.80%5.39%2.99%8.98%5.99%2.99%0.60%4.19%1.80%1.80%2.40%0.60%0.60%0.60%1.20%56.89% 16723951510517334111295Cooperation with JCOMM2.41%1.81%4.22%4.22%3.01%9.04%6.02%3.61%0.60%2.41%3.61%3.01%1.20%1.20%0.00%1.20%52.41% 16643775151061465220287OBIS2.99%5.39%1.80%3.59%4.79%4.19%10.18%7.78%3.59%1.80%1.20%1.20%1.20%1.20%2.40%1.80%44.91% 16759368717136322224375OceanDocs1.81%6.02%4.82%3.01%4.22%3.61%5.42%12.05%6.63%5.42%2.41%1.20%0.60%0.60%1.20%1.81%39.16% 166310857692011942112365OceanExpert7.19%5.99%5.99%4.79%5.39%3.59%5.39%4.19%8.98%4.79%2.40%1.20%2.40%0.00%0.00%0.00%37.72% 1671210108969715842400063Ocean Data Portal3.01%1.20%4.82%5.42%1.81%3.61%1.81%2.41%7.83%7.83%7.23%4.22%3.01%2.41%2.41%1.81%39.16% 166528936341313127544365Ocean Data Practices2.40%2.40%2.40%1.80%6.59%4.19%3.59%4.79%4.79%5.39%9.58%5.99%4.79%1.80%0.60%0.00%38.92% 167444311768891610831065Ocean Data Standards and Best Practices1.20%1.20%0.60%2.41%3.61%4.82%3.61%2.41%4.22%4.82%7.83%9.64%5.42%3.61%3.01%0.00%41.57% 16622146864781316965069OceanTeacher (and Global Academy)0.60%2.40%1.80%1.80%1.80%4.19%4.79%3.59%4.19%2.99%2.40%6.59%10.78%4.79%5.39%4.79%37.13% 16714333786754111889862ICAN7.83%6.02%4.22%0.60%2.41%1.81%1.81%3.01%3.01%1.81%0.60%3.01%1.81%7.23%1.20%0.60%53.01% 166131071433553153122188IODE Quality Management Framework2.99%1.80%0.60%1.80%2.99%1.80%4.19%2.99%2.99%4.79%4.19%1.80%3.59%4.79%10.78%4.19%43.71% 1675313537558736818773Regional networks6.63%1.20%0.60%0.00%3.01%2.41%4.22%3.61%3.01%4.82%3.61%3.61%1.81%5.42%6.02%12.05%37.95% 166(ODINs)112105476586639102063 Q19 Where does IODE make the most difference? (what is the competitive advantage of IODE in the current ecosystem of ocean data networks?): Answered: 101 Skipped: 66 #Responses1World vide. Unesco. Long history.2First of all, IODE network covers all over the world. Second, as of long history of IODE, it is famous for data management society.31) Data and information management capacity building; 2) Providing a global forum for data and information management.4Ocean Data Standards and Best Practices Group of Experts (GE)5International standards.6standards- capacity building-7I think its most important advantage is its reach. its data banks are easily accessible8The biggest differences is that the NODC are institutions of governments and that the data are of known origin, but have some difficulty exchange.9global, stable, expertise10Coverage (Synopitic view), Comprehensiveness, Quality, Accuracy, Cost, Equity11Direct access ability to the governmental bodies12Provision of training and facilitation of exchange of best practice information13global data integration14Encompassing all IOC member states as members; Focusing on oceanographic data management allows members to get to a working level within IODE sub-committees15IODE have to support the all ODINs countries almost developing countries in the process of libraries development (documents and computerization materials16Role of IODE as the clearing house for reference documents & best practises documents (included Ocean Expert) Role of IODE making links between NODCs (ODIN) Role of IODE as "teacher" : ocean teacher as no equivalent elsevwhere17Effectiveness of network data18- IODE provides continuation. - IODE is global - IODE spans disciplines and measuring techniques (even though historically there is an emphasis on data from physical and chemical oceanography.19In Ocean data and Information20Capacity building and development21World focal pint for the existing systems - standardization and unification22In promoting consolidated standards23Encouraging and training for sharing data and grey literature.24Ocean and Information Data25Quality Management Frame Work, Ocean Standards and Best Practices, Regional ODINs, Ocean Teacher, OTGA, Ocean Data Portal,26the global remit of IODE is unique. ALso as a UN body it can be more objective about initiatives it gets involved with and does not show favouritism to particular regions or other organisations. This independence is important. It can act as a focal point for regional and national initiatives and bring them together27provides a common forum across 80 members states to promote marine data and information management28In my opinion, the IODE performs a critical role in providing long term support and ongoing training to national institutions and regional projects that could not otherwise attract such funding. Even if other organisations/agencies may be better funded, no other body performs - or can perform - a similar role.29ayuda a localizar la informacin que se encontraba dispersa en nuestras regiones y permite tener una idea por donde localizar lo que se busca30*standards *capacity building31Capacity building and facilities provided Large community with hight expertise on DM and MIM Unique framework with combination of Data and information Management systems in ocean related matters Distributed systems for products and services32To provide timely, free and unrestructed access to all data, associated metadata and product associated with these are the best way.33The fact of being a global network and the oppootunities it provides to contact other researchers in ocean sciences34In the current ecosystem of ocean data networks35It's global and has "UNESCO" associated with it.36Capacity building37Information training and exchange38There will be no linkages or integration between the various regional networks and hence disruption in the ecosystem of ocean information data - needed for resources sustainability.39IODE Promote Training Open access to data and information IODE links with world data centres40being under the umbrella of UNESCO/IOC provides a stamp of recognition. OBIS is now being recognized as the place to go for species distribution information.41Training (i.e. SeaDataNet II )42IODE has the most comprehensive marine biodiversity data occurrence repository.43IODE has the most comprehensive marine biodiversity data occurrence repository.44Networking of countries and its Data centres is the most remarkable aspect of IODE45OFFER A COMPETITIVE PLATFORM FOR AFRICAN INSTITUTIONS46promotion of marine sciences47Global context and contents.48Easy accessibility to ocean data and information, training and networking49In ACLME, it is the commanding agency as far as marine data management is concerned and has a very good visibility among the marine institutions.50- Develop link btween Data Centers - Holding Training Courses _ Access to Marin Data Wxperts Develop Differentiations in products and services51it not clear52IODE represents the global community of marine and informaiton managers. It is the glue that enables all the local, national and regional organizations to coordinate with each other.53Continuity through the years from its origin.54Provides a standard in data management55Centralizing information and spreading it56The history on standards, capacity building and a strong community world wide.57As a forra for international cooperation58Providing data, methodologies and reference material.59It's permanent official status.60ODINS. Bringing together experts in the various field of ocean related research and subjects through training and retraining and also harnessing, making ocean information available to users.61- it's network of ODINs and NODCs - It's oceanteacher academy activities62strong on data and information management.63Its international identity64Training65IODE has a long history and great achievements in making people work together on different problems. IODE is brilliant in capacity building and developing technologies/tools for developing regions. IODE is endorsed by international activities and therefore can bring up more people under its umbrella.66at an individual personal level of career development, self confidence & status within an agency67Global organization part of the IOC.68the IODE is importante project69I think to provide timely, free and unrestructed access to all data, associated metadata and product generated with these are th n'est way.70Training for data center staff, structuring data centers, implementing of atlases etc71ICAN & regional networks72Not sure73Providing long term ocean datasets74It is a global network trying to include as much countries as possible.75Best practices on data management and training on the same topic76The global aspect77Capacity building: training78Worldwide spread with some penetration inside countries ocean Institutions79Networking of information80NODC networks and Capacity Development81No idea82local level representation831) Experience and a collection of a lot of ocean data and information. 2) Well established standards and formats. 3) Good products and of best quality84The advantage of IODE is to point training course toward National Oceanographic Data Centre. IODE system encourage regional network building85Close to the ODINAFRICA data centerd86Data publication/citation as IODE is tackling this to a level unprecedented by other networks, in my humble opinion.87On the fact that the ocean is an fundamental ecosystem for the human life.88GLOBAL ACCESS TO MARINE DATA AND APPLICATIONS FOR DEVELOP NATIONAL SUSTAINABLE PROJECTS. IN MEXICO IT EXIST A LACK OF MARINE INFORMATION89Teaching90The reliability, data safety, free access91Not fully aware of the ecosystem of ocean data networks - effective data / information management practice is the IODE strength, unfortunately not sexy92It is a high level internationally recognized institution93Uncertain. I would say be main advantage is that IODE wants to support organizations in the management of marine data to published standards and provides a wealth of supporting resources to enable them. Although there are data repositories/systems within the IODE, this is not the IODE's core focus (e.g. not pushing stakeholders to a single solution). This is a critical point at a time where everyone wants to be THE system and data originators are constantly under pressure. The IODE approach is to identify the core standards needed to get the job done. The organization either implements on their own or they can leverage some IODE support IT (Ocean Teacher, OBIS, ODP, OceanDocs, etc).94no relevant comment95it is EU network, not drive by private firms96coordination of actions of holders of data97past history and central contact place for international data management98no comment99International networking100IODE is simply the only setup that caters to the specific needs especially of developing nations aspiring to contribute to global efforts in the sustainable use of oceans.101Larga amount of data with high quality taxonomic information Q20 What new topics/issues should IODE deal with which it is not doing now (be as specific as possible)? Answered: 67 Skipped: 100 #Responses1Policy making support and communication with research sector in aspect of planning a project.2IODE should examine its core functions and focus on those. To quote a previous US official, focus on "being excellent on the basics".3Training on ocean numeric modeling Course on Ocean Colour Remote Sensing aplications and access to information4Solid waste management: oceans became a global garbage collector and sinker (plastic more voluminous than biomass below 1,000 m deep, e.g., in the Philippines, in the Mediterranean; the Pacific plastic continent and maybe already in other oceans; gannets building their nest with plastic garbage in Clipperton Island, etc. IT MUST BE STOPPED!!!5A harvester for marine and aquatic scientific publications6Quality Control Data7- be engaged in big programmes running - world wide digital maps "use of the Sea" or physical properties8Direct and strong link networking with other marine science bodies9Data security in terms of the management of sensitive socio-economic information and statistics, etc. How to secure data to only allow access by approved persons and the processes that need to be in place to manage this type of data correctly10See my comment paragraph 1011I don't know12Expand the emphasis and include new data types from biological and geological oceanography13Marine Spatial Planning tools, products and services14All items in Question 18 are important, but education about new methods and technology in marine data collecting, validation, processing, archiving, spatial presentaton and dissemination through web invironment (the best ratio effective/cost)15No new topics but keep the core, consolidating its role16A key goal of IODE should be to ensure its databases are as up to date and complete as possible.17A harvester for marine and aquatic science publications18Languages issues in products and services as well as in training course -Collaboration between different IODE Regional networks19no20Regional training courses, taught in local languages21Climate change implications i.e. sea level rise, increase in tempt., Red tides, exotic species & coral bleaching22Increase visibility in Caribbean and LA Training in CZIM Links with Universities Provide training in Spanish Assistance in developing NODCs Strengthen links with national governments23-24Marine Biodiversity observation and networking of taxonomy expertise.25CANNOT SAY26Gather information on European project calls that relate marine science and marine infrastructure and make it available to scientific public. Search for possible partners.27On -hand survey training and sampling routines aboard research vessels28satellite data acquisition training, marine instruments such as tidegauge, wave rider buoys training.29strengthening the IODE by visiting motivation administrative officers and their actual integration into the budgets of national well supported by IODE30-teletransmission of data from global or regional nodes to national centers -regional centres capacities31Promote regional activities.32Data and information management as critical part of integrated global or regional projects closeli linked with coastal management, risk management and adaptation. Effective interaction with JCOMM, WCRP, GFCS, Future Earth.33Aid in integrating independent regional and local activities - cooperation/collaboration are critical.34Ocean acidification, ocean governance outside of EEZ35applied dimension of ocean data utilization36- promoting data publication in the ocean research community. - Effectively get the IODE OceanKnowledge Platform Pilot Project in place or working - Monitoring and evaluation of activities - Set up a platform for free online training courses to reduce short term training costs e;g like that of FutureLearn (www.futurelearn.com)37support other acivities (other than IOC/IODE projects) where possible (training, networking, etc) and disseminate their results and achievements to the rest of world.38I suppose existing issues are enough already39mentoring?40Visiting and assessing the centers to help with their weaknesses.41NO,42Reinfircement of existant topic/issues43Developing capacity for implemeting and maintaining information portals44sismogrphy, data collect & analysis. regional network45Not sure46Best practises to build services based upon the historical data bases at national level47Training: marine meteorology, marine forecasting48Xxx49No idea50Discussion of data and information issues (on website): data deluge quality open data data review information centre closure funding51Entice LDCs to understand and appreciate IODE services and products and participate actively in the network.52Donation of small equipement for data collect in situ and their management.53More in operational Oceanography54Not ready to answer this yet.55Acidification of the ocean.56DEVELOPING OF LOCAL MARINE DATA CENTRE (FOR SMALL INSTITUTIONS) ANS INTERNATIONAL STANDARS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR INSTRUMENTS OR DATA EQUIPMENT AND TO LINK TO REGIONAL DATA CENTRES57best formats for web dissemination of oceanographic data spatially making comparisons between existing experiences58Open Data59Due to the limited resources I think IODE deals already with a lot of things60no relevant comment61?62I find it difficult to answer63teaming up with local programs like SeaDataNet to better manage similar topics64The use of renewable energy from the sea; Allied slaughter of climate change mangrove.65Molecular data on marine biodiversity66I am not sure whether the suggestion I have here is appropriate. Nevertheless, it might be a good idea to find out whether IODE may have role in accessing and managing relevant additional data relevant in the context of "blue economy". Could be one of the areas as you think about the next decades of IODE67Data processing using standards (e.g. WPS) Easy data access through the portal Maps publication via stanrdard OGC formats Q21 Do you regularly consult the IODE web site? Answered: 161 Skipped: 6 Answer ChoicesResponsesNever4.97%8Less than once a month40.99%66Between once a month and once a week47.83%77Almost daily6.2110Total161 Q22 The IODE Project office sends out emails informing you of specific news related to IODE. Are these messages sufficiently frequent? Answered: 160 Skipped: 7 Answer ChoicesResponsesNot enough11.25%18Sufficiently frequent84.38%135Too many4.38%7Total160 Q23 If you answered "not enough" then what kind if information would you like to received more of? Answered: 18 Skipped: 149 #Responses1Alerts programming conferences, courses, etc.2start of big expeditions, experiments, new ships, big meetings3Reports or messages on IODE (or related to IODE but non IODE) activities progress in addition to messages on events4*reports of meetings of steering group *other training course, not heald by IODE but that are published and IODE calendar, *trends and news of data curation and marine informations5Training courses6publications, oceandata.7I have never received anything from IODE8more information about how to publicize to my scientists, more training9--------10Marine Data Standards, New Products,Training Courses11perhaps I don't receive all but I suggest to simplify the way and facilitate the access to messages12Updates on new activities13all IODE activities14No idea15opportunities for discussion on new topics via informal communication channels16Coastal Web Atlas17They are frequent enough, but not press-appropriate18Info on training activities, emerging practices and tools Q24 What other ways should IODE use to promote itself and to whom? Answered: 70 Skipped: 97 #Responses1Attendence at some Eu-Projects meeting and presenting themselves/some topic.2Develop a communication plan that describes the benefits of being associated with IODE. IODE brings international recognition to programs and activities; and define expectations of IODE from network participants. Survey of current and potential users of IODE: what to they need from the network.3Open forums and webinars of oceanographic data and marine information management to oceanographyc community4Through regular contacts with oceanologic institutions, especially those not particularly involved. Through presentation in oceanologic master and phd courses.5It should make itself more useful to its stakeholders i.e. data users6Should interact with social networks like Facebook, etc..7- show up in EU projects with data management items - by TV to the public - wave the flag on global cruises with IODE coordination81. Provide training to IODE centers on how to promote their services 2. Create specific information packages fro specific events (conferences meetings) and push the information products and services through active participation9Current levels of promotion seem sufficient10Need to emphasize how IODE relates to CODATA11IODE should promote itself by organising training courses or workshops in all ODINs participating coutries12Produce periodics for membernstates and institutions13Conferences, webinars, workshops aimed towards academia and industry14Through diffrerent meetings related marine topics (conferences, exibition, political meetings, throug universities, social networks) tele ..),Teleconferences,15Active partnership in research projects16--17IODE messages are usually a "clump" of text and not very inviting. It might be better to send an e-newsletter every 3 months, say, with relevant information. However, use of graphics, photos etc should be considered to make the information more accessible. The website is also very dense, quite hard to navigate, especially if you are not already familiar with IODE. A complete overhaul is probably required in order to make it easier to use and more informative. It contains a vast amount of information but can be hard to navigate through it.18More dissemination / lobbing at governmental level19regular newsletter to provide updates on IODE activities. OBIS is good at doing this but not the rest of IODE20follow up people who are already received training21IODE should not be a close users community restricted to Scientists, data and information managers, but might use others medias like facebook.. to reach targets such as students in ocean sciences.. or traditional communications tools for decisions makers.22Visite of site of IODE expert to provide the experience exchange and moral support of all NODC memberships23Organizing simposia to promote data sharing and IODE activities in universities and research centers24IODE should encourage NC's to reach our locally and regionally25Attract more funds & support from donors for global benefits.26Ensure its promotion at national decision makers , beyond the member institutions27IODE needs to participate in international ocean congress, IODE should publish a newsletter Regional workshops28encourage universities to include information on the IODE and its programs as part of their courses.29NATIONAL WORKSHOPS30To scientists. Show the value of standardized methods and vocabularies and the ways to find data globally.31More public awareness through flyers, feeds ect32Must have regional meetings to highlight the IODE achievement33In all cases we encourageaons IODE in supporting the CNDO and imposed the administrative services of the country and give more d'activits responsabilits in the management of funds that you sent CNDO Valid for numbers34policy for great visibility by open ocean to public; it is not the fundamental mandate but IODE can use secondary and grammar school, universities as ways to promote acean and data.....35More involved as partner in European projects36Social network37Quarterly newsletters To scientist and policy makers38European and world-wide programs in marine science and applications39- regular online discussions on key and emerging issues in marine or ocean research - organize twitter chats - promote the use dgroups - Teleconferencing - develop a communication strategy for IODE and recruit a communication officer and a knowledge manager to implement it on a permanent basis40come closer to the research community and especially to the Directors of our Institutes41blogging and online social networks42Wider presence at the related international conferences and workshops43All institutions that represent the countries that are part of IOC44to help the little country45IODE expert should visite all NODC to provide exchange of experience and moral support of memberships.46Use regional/national point persons to present some items during meetings47Not sure48Participate to GOOS data management activities and connect with operational oceanographic services49It's OK50Communication strategy. To the governement of the member states.51Newslette, tweeter52Alerts53No idea54Partnerships/MOU with all other data networks Unesco promotion55IODE can orginize some meetting in different members countries56More meetings57It should be more highly recognized by the emerging Research Data Alliance (RDA), again in my humble opinion, as well as in GEO/GEOSS.58social network59ONLINE CONFERENCES AND ALSO TO ADRESS INVITATIONS OF CHIEF (DIRECTOR) OF INSTITUTIONS (MY INSTITUTION FOS INSTANCE) TO PROMOTE AND UNDERSTAND WHAT IODE IS DOING60I really don't know...61Visiting major oceanographic institutions from regions still little involved and formalizing partnerships with international agncais for research funding such as FAPESP in So Paulo Brazil, with several successful experiences in international partnerships for research.62Organize specialized conferences63that is a matter for IODE64scientific movies/documentaties65o participate in actions for problems of the seas, for example in meetings of Coordinating committee on problems of the Caspian Sea more actively.66tagging onto other programs meetings either by web attendance or if possible actually attending67No comment68Women in science69In addition to what you do through your regional networks and global partners, there might be others with whom you could work, or whose efforts you could enhance with inputs and support. Would be happy to provide further information.70Being more involved in European projects, being more open to collaborations with external people Q25 How are you promoting IODE in your NODC, ADU, OBIS node or library web site? Answered: 167 Skipped: 0 Answer ChoicesResponseswith an IODE logo in the homepage31.74%53with text on the home page25.15%42with a link in the homepage to the IODE web site41.32%69with a link from the homepage to another page in our web site25.15%42not at all20.96%35Other (please specify)20.96%35Total Respondents: 167 #Other (please specify)1In CV:s for the Institute/personal.2In service section of CECOLDO page, we have IODE services with links to OceanDocs OceanExperts, OBIS, etc.3Good point !!!4with an OceanDocs logo and link in Homepage5Through Proyect SPINCAM6n/a7Link to the IOC Data Exchange Policy in our Scientific Data Management Policy, hosting OBIS information page on our website8with text in our web site9with a link in text to  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/" http://ioc-unesco.org/10logo in the smartatlas banner11Will add a link on our web page, just never thought about it before.12Planning to place IODE Logo in our web pages13promoting OceanDocs, capacity building, by mailinglists news14word of mouth15Through IOC activities16raising national awareness of IOC/IODE17By word, through discussion with collagues18IODE logos on all posters for presentations19link to iode20inform to the scientist and policy maker from time to time21national reports and summaries22Citing manuals, and material used to develop the national platform23Institute annual reports24Not yet unfortunately, but will try in a future25I am not part of any NODC26Through specific references on relevant JCOMM or WMO webpages27No idea28IODE logo on any ppt29N/A30Mentioning IODE in my talks and keynotes31CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS32We promote IODE and ICAN activities in our monthly e-newsletter where appropriate33During discussions with colleagues34Interpersonal exchanges35Verbally, e-mail, and text (in presentations) Q26 How are you promoting IODE in other ways besides your NODC web site? Answered: 85 Skipped: 82 #Responses1Link to the IOC Data Exchange Policy in our Scientific Data Management Policy, hosting OBIS information page on our website2Encourage other organizations to provide data to IODE via JODC3Representing and advancing IODE in government interagency discussions; providing expertise to IODE as experts or leading IODE activities.4Oral presentations with IODE logos and giving certificates with IODE logos to participants in internal training courses5Through recommendations to use IODE standards primarily when releb=vant.6Wearing "several hats", including IODE's when we do training to other librarians and end users7Almost zero8in current presentations in universities and institutes9have put people in contact from time to time with IODE staff10in the national assemblies or meetings on marine data management11Conversation at meetings. Circulation of training course announcements12Report on Data Management Activities in Canada -  HYPERLINK "http://www.codata.ca/eng/dac/index.html" \h http://www.codata.ca/eng/dac/index.html13Link to the IOC Data Exchange Policy in our Scientific Data Management Policy, hosting OBIS information page on our website14through MIM activities15Explain as often as possible that our NODC is part of a wide network16N/A17Trying to connect the various professional networks I am active in, such as ICES and IODE18In our Institution Annual Report and Institution website, In the two initiative Marine Atlas and AgriOcean DSpace we developing under the ODINAFRICA Project.19At conferences as well as witthin ICSU WDS20My answers to previous question go for IAMSLIC homepage21Meetings, lecturers to marine students, stakholders22Always when presenting the activities og the NODC we refer to IODE network23Institutional Repository (AgriOcean DSpace), Website (SFA), Annual Report24Brifing about IODE in different scientific forums25We use the IODE logo and acknowledge IODE on all materials publicing ICAN events, on relevant publications and through the ICAN website26Through promoting projects and data/information services of the IODE27conducted presentations to students and researchers in the library28in some publications funded by the IODE as flyers or posters29linking OceanDocs communities/collections30Posters, Flag displayed at the library and meeting rooms of the institution, with a link to the home page of institutional website, during meetings, training and talk to colleagues31To reserve an advertissing page showing the summary of IODE activities to the NODC web site32in instruction and at faculty meetings33Through Professional Associations34through MIM activities35using the website, informing my student and collegues36Through conferences, symposia, held at national / regional / international levels.37-38promoting IODE thru training sessions within the regional OBIS community39with logo & text in presentation I make for Open day-information & Open access conferences40By having a relevant background introduction about IODE/OBIS during the meeting presentation41By having a relevant background introduction about IODE/OBIS during the meeting presentation42THROUGH SEMINAR PRESENTATIONS43At ODINAFRICA national meetings and other meetings, during training of university students ect44in meetings and seminars, the nodc always refer to the standard set by the IODE45By presenting in sessions and meetings46public awarness, students at different level; users of the sea (port ....)47I mention IODE in nearly every presentation I have given since 2012.48e-mail49Through internal and interagency briefings50Not at present51official presentation of institute52Refference to IODE on national information system53Through seminars54Through circulating our NODC website address and that of IODE to communities in the country involved in marine activities and research55recommend to the user who work on the data management and other related to IODE activities56Reffering that my centre is part of the International network of NODCs57Forwarding emails from IODE office to my email contacts58verbally during the meetings59I dont have a website!60In every talk it is mentioned that international regulations have to be completed as we are part of IOC-IODE61to relied the li62To reserve an advertising page showing the summary of IODE activities in the NODC web site63Presentation in the national hydrographic and oceanographic committee, posters with IODE logo64During natioal trainig organized by the NODC65Publications in the National Oceanographic Commission Bulletin reflecting IODE activities.66Acknowledgement through report writing, etc.67Institution Annual Report, Institutional website, Institutional Agriocean Dspace68e-mail69Through national meetings I am invited.70through JCOMM Capacity Development actions71local awerness activies (eg. NODC open day)72n/a73IODE logo on any ppt74put website NODCs75On IRHOB website was described how it was created. We said more about IODE contribution which contribute to Our Promotion76My answer above refers to the ICAN web site, which is not an NODC but is an IODE project site77CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS WITH COLLABORATION OF CENDO MEXICO78I promote the documents and activities from IODE to my collegues as a high quality and safe information site79Seminars and Workshops80NA not a NODC web site81During discussions with colleagues82Mention in Level 1 AtoN manager training documentation83-84oral information85In lectures and presentations around the world, especially in developing countries Q27 How easy it it for you to obtain funding to participate in IODE meetings, workshops, Sessions and other events? Answered: 167 Skipped: 0 Answer ChoicesResponsesEasy9.58%16Possible but only after justification49.70%83Very difficult31.74%53Impossible8.98%15Total167 Q28 If you answered "very difficult" or "impossible" to the previous question then how could the IODE Secretariat assist you to participate? Answered: 64 Skipped: 103 #Responses1Thanks but nothing. The problem is caused by our limited budget in spite of having a lot of meetings which we want to attend.2The IODE Secretariat could provide invitations and statements of how critical NODCs participation to the outcome of a meeting. NODC would use the invitations and statements as corroborating justification to obtain travel authorization.3Due to internal administrative procedures, it would be recomended to send in advance invitations to participate (at list six monts) to coordinators of future workshops and/or courses4Maybe after justification it could be possible in Training courses, but now I prefer my staff to participate in all your workshops, events, meetings etc5More and upto date information about opportunities shold be made available6Funding participation in meeting, and helping exchange of experiences can be carried out with and expert IODE.7provide funding8by improving its own budget9Funding10Invite me to speak about CODATA and or otherwise participate in OBIS international11financially12I received fundings from idoe office in oostende for meetings after filling the application form13Directly send invitation, stating that the IODE will fund/support it. Provide Funds to the NODC for the activity....14My participation in IODE sessions and GEMIM meeting was only possible thanks to the IODE financial support15Own projects funded by diffrent resources16Participation is always charged to EU or national funding. Partial coverage from Flanders government17IODE provide fund through the NODC budget to participate and attend those activities18this needs to be addressed at the national level19supported at least in Travel20always I was funded by IODE21However, due to Budget restriction, It is difficult to get funding nowadays even Funding had been provided twice to attend IODE sessions 2009 and 2011. The secretariat can assist by providing funds if possible if not provided a letter to showing the hight importance of the participation to the events.22IODE Secretariat could assist us by mean of a training or proximity workshop so that the number of meeting participant will be very high23For the participation of Venezuelan scientists in IODE activities, all expenses had been covered by IODE24my institution doesn't fund,25financially26-------27Provided that the personal exchange with the IODE and not through institutions.28as a volunteer it is impossible to obtain funding from the NODC but will explore other funding opportunities. IODE secretariat could fund participation thru recognition of expertise.29by funding my participation.30We are few at the initstitute and most of the activty is considered to be at the perimeter of our main activity. I really do not see secretary changing that31a key issue for may experts from developing countries to attend workshop and others events; IODE has to sponsor (for example IODE in march 2015 I suggest developing countries experts to attend this great event.32Financially supporting.33Suggest funding sources or open funding sources34Formal requests and jsutifications35Send invitation and provide some funding36through providing full sponsorship37travel & lodge fees38I have had generous support form IODE for many years when I was part of GEMIM. That was enough39to help the member participate40IODE could make a training or proximity so that the number of meeting participant will be high.41By funding42IODE provide fund through the NODC budget to participate and attend those activities43grant44by paying funding for visa (when needed)45Sending forma inviting letters stating which kind of funding is avaiable or notddd46Co-financing the participation47By providing full funding48IODE always assist Benin NODC and deisgnate member to participate to meeting, workshop and others events. It's difficult for us to find external fund to participate to different events.49The question is not really relevant to me because my company already provides travel funding to me as needed.50Provide the travel funds51at least partially so we can look for complement fund52SENDING INVITATION LETTERS TO MY CHIEF AND REMARK THE IMPORTANCE OF THE PARTICIPATION53I have never tried for IODE funding54I think that it's possible, but I have some difficulties about economic requirements.55Directing me to information about existing opportunities, specific interests and means of assistance.56By giving schorlarship and necessary fund for active participation even at the home front.57I am a staff person for a local NGO with very limited budget. IODE participation requires relevance to my organization's mandate and resources especially travel $ to participate.58Provide funding application59The IODE has been funding my participation already. Our department has severely limited travel and it would not be possible to otherwise participate60By letter of request for funding made by members who wish to participate and have been accepted to participate who ran.61Financial support for travel expenses and official invitation will be enough62Actually, I haven't tried. But knowing IODE may have funding for me to attend conferences is great!63I usually spend my limited traveling budget from an European project. Using grants or funding given by IODE would be useful.64By also including the First World participants in funding grants. Q29 How active are you involved in IODE activities Answered: 167 Skipped: 0 Answer ChoicesResponsesI am a member of a an IODE group of experts43.11%72I am a member of an IODE project steering group17.37%29I would like to participate in groups work but have no time23.95%40I would like to participate in groups work but am not allowed9.58%16I would like to participate in groups work but have problems with English as working language12.57%21I have nothing to participate (insufficient expertise)7.78%13I am not interested2.99%5Total Respondents: 167 #for what reasons?1I expect to be nominated as IODE nat coord for data management in 2015.2I spend my business time into doing other tasks. Also our limited budget for business trip prevent me from joining meetings.Moreover, discussion in English is tough works for us.3I am the IODE national coordinator for data management in the United States and I oversee our involvement with IODE. (Note: I am interested in IODE activities, but there is no appropriate answer for me to choose.)4I do recommend the creation of groups of experts into regional level as ODIRCANSA level, due to current level is too high5Member of OBIS SG.6I always followed IODE activities and projects related to MIM's, Oceandocs, OceanTeacher, etc. and more now as IAMSLIC President.7I once served in this capacity8Funding9i am a member of Ocean expertsand Ocean portal group10i have been registered in ocean expert11It is difficult to be involved. Not clear the involvement mechanism.12I feel the groups and training offer a great deal to those able to participate.13National Marine Information Management for NODC14--15Not sure which category as I am involved with Projects of the IODE - but not sure what category I would fall into.16This allows get to know what happens in IODE and projects related17- Co-Chair of OCEANDOCS steering group from 2014 - IODE/ODINAFRICA IV project steering group member (Regional Coordinator for web-based informations services (MIM)) -Formal GEMIM member from 2004-201318as MIM coordinator19I share the information on IODE activities to other fishery scientists and oceanographers in my institution and countrywide20I feel like I have no time. When I am not at work (and I work part-time) I am committed to family and not work- related activities. I don't have clear directions on what's happening and who is out there and what, exactly, I am supposed to do. My morale is low here due to many special library closures and redundancies over the last year or so nationally, lack of clear leadership in the organisation etc. It is rather uncharacteristic for me to feel this way, particularly for this long! I have been unable to give myself a kick up the bum and get on with it.21I have not received any invitations to participate and it has not occurred to me to go looking at the IODE site.22I would like to participate but haven't given the chance23ACB as SEAOBIS24ACB as SEAOBIS25participate in IODE nominations for positions, questionnaires etc wish to join the GTSPP or OBIS but have no idea how26I come from a small institute and a have a lot of duties already, simply time does not allow participation in addition to what there is already. Most of our international effort goes toward the North Atlantic regional fisheries organizations and/or directly into North Atlantic or domestic research projects27to continue Learning English28as director of research center, as vice chair of IOC, as consultant but I can do my effort to be in group work29I have just joined the community so It would be hard to comment30Participation has to be approved by my Director and is not always forthcoming31I'm a new newbie in the datacentre management and in processing oceanographic data.32I am the delegation of country to IODE committee and try to involve and work with ODIN as much as I have a chance.33Currently I am IODE Co-Chair34I am in the early stages (only two years now) of my involvement with IODE activities (mostly basic training)35I'm actually NOT a member of GEMIM, but was! Am happy to help in non-committee role if I can be useful.36As national coordinator of MIM37Not been offered the opportunity38Although I would like to participate in groups of experts I have never gotten/(been given) the opportunity.39IODE did a lot for Benin NODC. We intend on IODE to reinforce NODC capacity building40I get the regular emails, and sometimes respond. I don't know if I am part of an "IODE group of experts".41I would like to participate in groups work but I don't know how. I have no restrictions from my organization42I gave a presentation at an iode workshop, would love to be more involved43Ocean expert44Not sure how I could contribute. But would be interested in attending.45I am associated with organizations and networks involved in promoting capacity building in ocean studies I do not know if I have answered correctly. Q30 What contributions do you and your organization make to IODE activities? Answered: 167 Skipped: 0 #Responses1OBIS2Global data assembly center under GTSPP and GOSUD, Responsible national oceanographic data centre for Data Buoys (transitioning to new group under JCOMM/IOC), contributing Canadian data to Ocean Data Portal, contributing Canadian data on the GTS (WMO/ GTSPP), contributing Canadian data to WOD3Participate in the IODE meetings every second year..4JODC has been playing the role of an overall marine data bank of Japan with an uniform collection and management of the marine data obtained by various marine research institutes and organizations concerned in Japan and of providing NOAA's World Ocean Database with these data. Also we manage board of oceanographic data and information exchange in Japan, which enable us collecting the data and information for marine research and survey activity. To cooperate with Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology(JAMSTEC), we promote the procedure to make JAMSTEC as an ADU.5US NODC leads or contributes to many IODE activities including GTSPP, OceanTeacher, GOSUD, etc. We are a champion of IODE within the United States.6- ICAN Members - obis dissemination - ADU - OceanExpert - OceanTeacher and Global Academy (node latinoamerica) - OceanDocs - National Coordinators for Marine Information Management7Replicating training courses given by IODE into Colombia Arranging the creation of the National Oceanographic Data and Information Coordination Committee with the competent authority inside Colombia (CCO)8MedOBIS and Fish occurrence data.9- As IAMSLIC president following up everything related to Joint GEMIM Group - One of my staff is member of Joint GEMIM Group and MIM Coordinator - Knowledge transference to staff - Capacity building at local and regional level to librarians and end-users - OceanDocs- INIDEP is national coordinator, promotion, capacity building to cooperating institutions etc etc - INIDEP has also several scientific activities related to IODE projects10My institution is the National Oceanographic Data Centre11Dissemination of data.12We are trying to get NODC into effect, in order to contribute to the knowledge of our sea.13- run the NODC - run the CSR database, pan-european wide - participate in IODE meetings14ASFA Secretariat provides coordination of ASFA activities for entire network. In the past: 1. I partcipated in a number of MIM meetings as an observer 2. I participated as a lecturer in one IODE training cousre15The library of RIHMI-WDC collects and preserve IODE documents and informs user about them by means of access to the catalog (http://nti.meteo.ru)16providing information on the progresses in my country17We actively participated and continue to participate in the Caribbean Marine Atlas project. We contribute to ICAN in terms of project steering.18CODATA ... strengthens international science for the benefit of society by promoting improved scientific and technical (S&T) data management and use. It works to improve the quality, reliability, management and accessibility of data of importance to all fields of science and technology. CODATA facilitates, mobilizes and engages the knowledge and resources of the international S&T Data community. HYPERLINK "http://www.codata.ca/eng/index.html" \h  http://www.codata.ca/eng/index.html Promotion of the conviction that the most significant research challenges and in particular the pressing issues relating to global sustainability cannot be properly addressed without due attention to various issues relating to data.  HYPERLINK "http://www.scidatacon2014.org/" \h http://www.scidatacon2014.org19Global data assembly center under GTSPP and GOSUD, Formerly responsible national oceanographic data centre for Data Buoys now GDAC (transitioning to new group under JCOMM/IOC), contributing Canadian data to Ocean Data Portal, contributing Canadian data on the GTS (WMO/ GTSPP), contributing Canadian data to WOD, focal point for Ship Observations Team (JCOMM/IOC)20i am at the head of MIM activities in my institution and i work with the other members of my team21Contribution to GOSUD Contribution to SeaDataNet No real contribution to the IODE group of experts, SG ...22support23Equip our NODC with oceanographic measurement equipments rehabilitate the officces of NODC24Collecting of oceanographic data in the Black Sea region.25Trying to connect the various professional networks I am active in, such as ICES and IODE in the Ocean Data Practices repository26Submit Ocean Doc, Ocean Expert, AfriLib. Maintain NODC Website.... Provide Access to data....27Sustain tne NODC and take part in the National Integrated Data System. Cooperate in the sustainability of the OBIS node. Promote ODP.28In 2011 I assisted with preparation of the IODE 50th anniversary bibliography. In my capacity as IAMSLIC President (2012-2913) I was involved in establishing Joint IODE-IAMSLIC GE-MIM.29Promotion of IODE activities on may ways as exchange of data, inormation about IODE portals, meeting organized by IODE, and generaly about IODE activities (i.e. IODE web services). Generally, all information obtained from IODE have been distributed to many Croatian marine institutes and Universities through e-mail services.30We promote IODE standards within SeaDataNet/EMODnet/Odip activities31I add items to the Aquatic commons32Irregular partcipations in IODE groups of experts33Submit to OceanDoc, Ocean Expert, Afrilib etc. Maintain/update NODC website Coordinating and managing the Institutional Repository (AgriOcean DSpace)34I am contributing to IODE activities in the capacity of Member of SG-OBIS, SG-QMF, WG-QMF, OBIS Technical Task Team and as the National Coordinator for Ocean Data Management from India. ITCOocean, INCOIS signed an MOA with IODE/IOC to jointly organize training courses of mutual interest as part of OTGA programme. Further, INCOIS hosts mirror site for OBIS.35ICAN is essentially a community of practise bringing together developers and users of coastal web atlases. A significant contribution of ICAN is around capacity building for the ACMA, CMA and SPINCAM communities, where technology, software and knowhow is shared. ICAN members have deliverd training and hold regular workshops to share knowledge and experience. ICAN has also published handbooks, technical manuals and promote interoperability activities. It has also linked with OBIS and GEOSS-CZCP.36- Contribution to data exchange - SeaDataNet - Member in the Open-ended Intersessional Working Group to further review and improve the Global Ocean Science Report > (GOSR)37significant personal resource contribution38We contribute data and information (to, for example, Oceanexpert, oceandocs, oceanteacher), and we use services provided by the IODE.39archiving and publishing data40BY OUR NATIONAL ACTIVITIES AT NATIONAL LEVEL -NODC41Documents OceanDocs42My organization can be used as intermediary between IODE and some government departments such as universities, research center etc. As for me, I can help on several points as I had to do in the ODINAFRICA project because I had to attend many countries like Benin, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) etc to their upgrades .43*At his momment I`m MIM Coordinator and GEMIM IAMSLIC/IODE Joint Group *Capacity building at local and regional level, to librarians and end users *OceanDocs: uploading and validating records in Argentine communities, capacity buildings to cooperating institutions, promoting use and access *sharing IODE news44-Acting as IODE focal point and promoting of IODE activities at the national level. -Coodinating of IODE regional project (ODINAFRICA III and IV):Marine information management (MIM) component. -Provision of training and internship in MIM at the institutional and regional level(IODE regional Network). -Assisting on the development of IODE MIM Products and services -Organization of symposuim (ODINAFRICA Symposuim , Dakar, Senegal 2010), regional meetings ( MIM workshop, Dakar Senegal, 2010) and training courses (Lome- Togo,2011, Nairobi- Kenya, 2012, 2013). -Provision of Funds for attendance to 2 IODE sessions ( 2009- Beijing China and 2011-Liege, Belguim) and provision report to IODE sessions. -Support IODE programs and resolutions during IOC Assembly when attended. -Active Participation to any IODE program or group of experts/ steering group related to marine information management -Candidate to be an IODE Regional training center (Ocean Teacher Academy Global Class Room program)45Ocean Expert Directory member.46Me an my organisation make a publication of marine information via OceanDocs and AgrioceanDspace, part of IODE activities47I have proposed to organize training courses from IODE in Latin America. Several countries could serve as venues for such events.48probably several contributions, which I have no knowledge49Very little directly. I have probably contributed towards PIMRIS more than IODE. I maintain our institutional repository which is harvested by trove and google (I organised for OAI-PMH2 harvesting to occur). I would really like it to be harvested by OceanDocs.50IAMSLIC allowed the Aquatic Commons to be listed with IODE51contrbute to ocean docs52N/A53I am a leader in Information Management and training for capacity building.54personally, i am responsible of MIM in my institution so i do all the activities about information management. the others of my team (Benjamin, Assemian and Madame Djaha) are responsible of website, data management and Afremas55No answer.56data provider57Our contributions made are mainly through ODINAFRICA-1V project, (2011 - 2013) manifested in (i) establishing SNODC with a website network at regional level.(ii) achieving a very good progress in development of national marine atlas as will as library cataloging & repositories system.58I would point that our organization is one of ASFA collaborating centres, so that in our library we contribute by making the records / preparing bibliographic references for inclusion in the ASFA database of the scientific publications issued by our Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries.59-60Part of the budget for the NODC activities are from the institution I work for.61The dissemination of information and training. The scientific articles, books, historical documents, and data are placed in the repository OceanDocs and world metadata.62assist with OBIS training, participate in OBIS SG and in mobilizing datasets for OBIS within Canada. Participated on GE-BICH and remain active in the promotion of standards and in the development of vocabularies related to biological datasets provide content and promote the use of digital reporitories on Ocean Teacher.63- Enrich the database of Afrilib catalog, OcenDocs, links in ASFA...64Provide data to Seadatanet II project65The ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity just joined IODE/OBIS recently as the new SEAOBIS node. This will be a big step for the ASEAN regions specially institutions that has marine data that are not yet standardized to meet the Darwin Core format. ACB has a mandate to the ASEAN Member States to provide technical support by training in managing biodiversity data and by introducing various global database providers such as OBIS. ACB provide technical training support in targeted areas by digitizing marine occurrence data.66The ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity just joined IODE/OBIS recently as the new SEAOBIS node. This will be a big step for the ASEAN regions specially institutions that has marine data that are not yet standardized to meet the Darwin Core format. ACB has a mandate to the ASEAN Member States to provide technical support by training in managing biodiversity data and by introducing various global database providers such as OBIS. ACB provide technical training support in targeted areas by digitizing marine occurrence data.67Contribution of biodiversity information to OBIS68/69Funding and support for: regional OBIS node; regional oceanographic activates including the collection, processing, QA/QC, and delivery of data; participation in the Australian Ocean Data Network through hosting a local node and delivery of data; delivery of data to the World Ocean Database; ARGO70KEEP THE FLAG OF IODE FLYING HIGH71- contributing the oceanographic data and metadata to SeaDataNet and EDMONET72regional OBIS node73We are promoting IODE in our regular communication with the national research agency and through national IOC activities.74CENPAT is an Associate Data Unit, active and serve data to the network.75Participating IODE general assemblys and trying to follow the best practices.76ODINBlackSea Training courses Ocean Data Portal77I and my organization contribute when the need arises. MFRD(FSSD) is the host institution for ODINAFRCA and so contributed to all the ODINAFRCA Products and Services i.e the African Marine Atlas, Repositories etc.78Very limited. We only briefly follow on home page what is going on at any given time and then as far as time allows try to respond to matters that are sent to us and we asked to comment on.79promote the activities of IODE in international forum such as JCOMM80- Receiving data from INIOAS projects, national and international programs - Using IODE standards and products -Data Dissemination to the Marine Standards, scientific and organizations - Develop Marine Atlases81We use the data and information from the ODE for enrichire the quality of our work and products and provide support to field82Open Access to scientific literature and data in the next future.83- more visibility - building degree training - one or two staff more at IODE headquaters in charge various topics - all topics are very important so I have not been able to designate the least important. On my side I find them interesting for IODE center to be developed by qualified staff - starting cooperation with governments by direct way84En la participacin constante de los proyectos organizados por la IODE y COI, proporcionando el compromiso y cumpliendo con las actividades planteadas.85I am a member of several IODE groups and projects, but due to lack of time and funds I am the only participant from my organization.86Create the first e-catalogue of Georgian marine metadata; prepared the manual for TSU students in data management; participated in several projects as IODE local unit; disseminate the IODE goals and principles through TSU - ADU webpage; participated in the establishment of ODIN Black Sea.87We inform and disseminate nationally different activities IODE (agreements, data requirements, surveys etc.)88Being a ADU and IODE Oceanteacher Global Acedemy. Participating in IODE activities89National reports, attending the meetings90I collect and archive the data of our extensive biological cruises.91Promotion of IODE activites, resources, publications.92Active OBIS node, SG Chair and data task team lead (including advancing standards being used by OBIS.93At present, we make little contribution. We collaborated on the Caribbean Marine Atlas and is the focal point for IOC in Trinidad and Tobago. However, the institution has been in transition and has not focus on its IOC responsibility94At this time I think that we do nothing (I talk about the local venue of my Institute)95My organization serves as the secretariat for the IODE96NODC network, OT lectures97plenty98Support of Partnership Center for IODE oceanographic data portal and providing data in a distributed system of ODP99Provision of centers for Data and Information exchange under ONINAFRICA Work as information manager (ODINAFRICA)100As an individual, I am a member of GE-MIM, an NODC webmaster and a trainer for AgriOcean Dspace. My institute for now is only on the facilitating end, serving as a focal institution in hosting ODINAFRICA activities.101We try to explore the possibility for us to contribute to IODE for example to OBIS.102- allowing our scientists to spend time for IOC-IODE - In kind contribution103participation in workshops, training, seminars.104It is a NODC and therefore it is highly involved with IODE activities within the framework of ODINAFRICA105IODE Ocean Data Portal - technology development and capacity building Expertise Data and metadata106I have provided input into various word/policy documents, base don my previous experience with GEMIM. I have provided MIM training for ODINPIMRIS workshops.107So far we have been participating in the activities organized by IODE, and currently we are working on a national platform to improve our task as national node data center.108the IODE is importante for my works I like to continued the oranization an activities to IODE109To make a publication of marine data using Oceandocs and AgrioceanDspace for local host and online later110none111We're willing to participate any IODE activities if we can112My organisation support the operation of the IODE affiliated data center - staff, offices and other running expenses113Data exchange &n Ocean product & services of End Users114Promotion of IODE activities.115Promote IODE by publicize its good deeds. Acknowledge IODE for providing open access to data116Submit to OceanDocs, Afrilib, Ocean Experts etc... Maintain /update of NODC website.117help in filling the repository118I participate in the biannual session119Providing data and participating in its program120Operational NODC. Coordinates national research infrastructure NMDC. Exchange research data with ICES/WOD/EMODNET/MYOCEAN, delayed mode and NRT data. Contributes to controlled vocabularies through ICES/SEADATANET.121I am involved into the ODINECET activity (coordinator) MIM for Ukraine GEMIM member122Mainly through attending the meetings I am invited.123We contribute to SeaDataNet for the Mediterranean Sea124participation in networks of IODE and its activities. We also make IODE promotion on our website and cited him for his contribution to our training.125Several of my colleagues and I are involved in different IODE committees, e.g., OBIS, GTSPP, GEBICH.126Data and information contributor127Data managing and library128As expert in IODE training activities.129none at the moment130Asfa in puts Aquatic commons Oceandocs131N/A132Joint secretariat for ETDMP and JCOMM DMCG133- Share publishing researches - Create strong links between marine libraries134Actively contribute on a weekly/daily basis as indicated in 291351) Providing services are an NODC to our clients. 2) Participating in IODE meetings 3) Publicizing IODE136NODC Mexico, i know that been working at the repository of oceanography databases, and doing some products for sharing with IODE137Working in working group. Make ourself and our staff available for IODE working group. It's very difficult for us to find external fund to contribute IODE activities. Human resource availibility.138N/A139Participating in most IODE activities140Co-founder of an IODE project that is helping IODE to foster the important role that coastal web atlases play within the overall universe of oceanographic data management, decision-support and associated capacity building.141Free access to CDIAC data archive.142nothing143Promote on the regional meeting the results of the IODE activities.144COLLABORATIVE PROJECTS WITH CENDO-IIO UABC AT ENSENADA, MEXICO. ALSO WE SHARE INFORMATION AND OCENAOGRAPHICAL DATA AND MEETINGS AND ALSO SOME IDEAS TO WORK TOGETHER.145I have presented at ICAN meetings and my lab develops SeaSketch which may be used to rapidly deploy atlases.146Through ICAN we are writing "how to set up a coastal atlas" set of recipes in a cookbook in markdown language, somewhat following ISO-9000 principles.147At this moment, we don't have contributed actively to IODE activities, but I think that we can contribute with a lot of data about plankton from Rio de la Plata basin and estuary information.148I don't Know149Coordinating the national IOC-AFRICA website.150My center is the NODC of China. My collegues and I actively participate in the IODE activities. This year we funded an ODINWESTPAC workshop.151I am a member of the ICAN Steering group and editor of its newsletter.152Participation in training courses153N/A154I work for sea grant at a noaa lab, I do not currently contribute but could provide information to iode, outreach etc155The main contribution is my time. I participate as the project manager for the IODE ODP. I participate in ETDMP as an expert of data management. I am engaged in discussions/sharing of perspectives/information/opinions with other IODE stakeholders. I participate in non-IODE initiatives and represent the IODE perspective. I also report back to the project office on opportunities for IODE in collaboration with non-IODE initiatives.156Annual capacity building meeting157some of it158we are still not really active159support IODE meetings when appropriate160Participation in Symposium with presentations161Currently nothing; as molecular data is not evaluated and I am not funded to participate or join the meetings/workshops.162N/A163N/A164see #26165Information for young researchers of the importance of IODE166We built a smart taxonomic search relying also on OBIS. We have also produced papers in which we applied data mining techniques to OBIS data.167My colleague is the National Coordinator for MIM Q31 Assuming that IODE should change, what changes should be made, in your opinion? Answered: 75 Skipped: 92 #Responses1I suggest that IODE members should be involved more in research projects from their planning stage.2Focus on the basics. Empower and engage the NODCs in representing IODE. With so many key meetings occurring globally, have the IODE National Coordinators be the ones representing IODE instead of sending the IODE officers all over the world.3Fortify ODIN groups4Decision making for implementation faster.5Great shared knowledge should.6- easy access to distributed data and information, as long as this not given now, strengthen WOD7It is administrative and budgetary capacity should be strengthened8More access to funding. More training focused.9N/A10Improve the coordination with JCOMM11N/A12Try to find ways to get more commitment, especially inter-sessionally13Establish: . clear priorities amongst its activities and responsibilities . formal ties with ISO14In huge information available on Internet, IODE must be more proactive specially in diffrent social networks to give information and aducate young population as marine poupils and students, and promote itself an importance of IODE roles to world politicisans and mecenas as potential founders.15IODE should consolidate the NODC network/standards/best practices witout focusing too much in possible changes16--17IODE should try and increase its visibility and identify clearly what niche it is filling. I don't feel familiar enough with all its activities to comment at the moment on necessary changes.18maybe if you put representatives by country19try to revise the language of work although the working language of the United Nations. Find a solution for visas that are very expensive and are not reimbursed20*For MIM the IODE should continue but working strongly side by side with ASFA & IAMSLIC, complementing each others goals and activities, not overlapping them. *Reinforce the Role DM/MIM Coordinators (responsabilities, writting reports, knowledges on marine and data information systems, resources, programmes, etc)21In my view there is NO need for BIG change but MORE IMPROVEMENTS and Developments of News projects as well as products and services are required to meet the evolving needs of Users which is the core goals of IODE program. But also to enable better funding of IODE Programs and activities for the future.22Im my opinion, the change should be the training or proximity workshop. why not financial support to buy books and journal for librairies of some centre.23Be more aggressive displaying the information on activties among university students and researchers. The contact with high school students through regional science promotion organzations, like ASOVAC in Venezuela is a good idea.24more communications25Can we have IAMSLIC for library/information and IODE for data - although the lines are blurred. There does appear to be a lot of organisations with overlap. It's daunting.26Perhaps expand the staff at IODE, and more focus on outreach of programs available. A dream, but it would be nice if IODE could fund member states to get projects accomplished27no28All new existing or developing regional networks in the field of ocean and information data should be linked and integrated at global network, under the umbrella of IODE center in virtue of its renowned long inherited experience in such held.29Subscriptions to international databases IODE should promote that knowledge is not monopolized by large library networks. The cost of publication in one of the most read magazines costs above $ 1000.00. IODE should promote open access. Financial support to NODCs To promote the learning of the oceanic model Locate an office in the center of the Caribbean: Cuba30I have no further comment about this.31I have no further comment about this.32In my opinion, No major change is needed at this point in time.33NO OPINION34No oppinion35IODE should be more proactive and holistic in her activities, Trainers could also be encouraged to form alumina to keep the fire burning36Due to limited participation I do have the knowledge on IODE to suggest in that way.37IODE should go more towards marine equipment capacity building38I prefer the change in the use of funds of the Directors of IODE members services to Change IODE. National Coordinators should be more responsible quew Adminitration that hosts the services IODE39change by increasing support to existing network; since 2001 NODCs in Africa got equipment for data and information managers, the change will be new technology for services40It would be useful to assess the currently funded activities and identify places where IODE might be redundant and areas where there are gaps that IODE could fill.41Not necessary to change42Enhance the interaction with other global programmes and possible focus on some few regions to cover data and information component but in close connection with more integral initiatives. This will increase funding possibilities and will reinforce the relevance and pertinence of all IODE43Reduce focus on information products and more emphasis on data and applications for data analysis and application - not just creating more maps - but actual data application to support effective coordination and decision-making at the global level. Be less proscriptive to participants.44More frequent communication with the focal institutions. There is a regular turnover of staff and very little succession planning so many times opportunity are loss if there is no constant communication/ networking45IODE should become increasingly data system than the club for discussions of issues of data exchange data integration. The most effective way to achieve this quality of work of NODCss46- Effectively get the IODE OceanKnowledge Platform Pilot Project in place or working - Monitoring and evaluation of activities - Set up a platform for free online training courses to reduce short term training costs e;g like that of FutureLearn (www.futurelearn.com) - develop an IODE communication strategy and recruit a communication officer and a knowledge manager to implement iton a permanent basis - organize regular scientific conferences or symposia for its community and partners - promote data publication in the ocean research community - regular and consistent funding for IODE activities - long term training for some of the ODIN member states that really lack specialized staff in the marine sciences - infrastructural development for some of the ODINS e.g establishment of laboratories and provision of engine boats for basic marine research47I think IODE work in the goof track on oceanographic data and management. Many developing country still need assistant on this field. IODE should keep it own identity to keep work with those developing country.48enhance its role as a networking/linkage mechanism outside its current membership49Should attract more data centres to join the network50Let us ask Memberstates, I am too much relative to IODE51It will be important more close interaction with regional networks, since data problems at least in Southamerica are common.52many changes , . my opinion the IODE is important for my works to give the importante idea to amelioration of the library to share the news an informations53In my opinion the change should be a training and proximity workshop. Why ont financial support go but vous and others mdia, weekly papier for the library.54Not sure55It is ok from my point of view.56IODE should have a stronger presence in GOOS Regional Alliances, collaborate in JCOMM toward the insertion of NODC in the global Information System57No comments.58No changes in structure but in promoting activities59Bring consistency and avoid overlap between IODE and JCOMM DMPA60No idea61If it ain't broke don't fix it. IODE is a successful programme -but regular open evaluation (as per strategy document) Outcomes from this survey should guide - provided survey response is significant62I would like to give time to the network to see how the new changes that were approved during the last meeting work before we introduce other changes.63In my opinion IODE can build relationship with Continental organisation (for example in Africa with UEMOA, etc.) Provide to NODC Small scientific equipement for data collect in situ; how it's possible to import theses data into ODV and others software)64none65Not ready to answer this question yet.66FOCUS ON MORE LOCAL GROUPS AND SUPPORT THEM TO DEVELOP IN A GLOBAL FRAMEWORK AND TO GIVE SUPPORT FOR EQUIPMENT AND TRAINING (FOS STANDARIZE CRITERIA, ETC)67Promote international exchange between researchers engaged in similar research.68not sufficiently experienced with IODE to make a comment69To become the most important actor in marine data standardization701. Improve oversight of groups, projects, activities. There should be more engagement with the project office in order to review the status of groups, projects, activities outside the regular meetings. This facilitates addressing more challenging delivery issues and allows more difficult decisions to be made. 2. Improve integration between groups, projects, activities. I was surprised by some of the gaps between groups/activities/projects on the IODE web side, so this shows there is not enough horizontal integration. 3. Focus on core capacity building, standards, best practices, and enablement. With limited resources, IODE should be more strategic in its commitments in order to deliver useful outcomes in a timely manner. This also re-enforces a need to collaborate with external organizations. 4. Improve collaboration with external organizations. We need to more deliberately leverage the work undertaken by better reosurced organizations. I provide reports after meetings where my presence was funded by IODE. It is not clear how valuable these reports or the suggested opportunities are since it is not clear that the information is used by anyone. IODE cannot chase every potential opportunity, but under a more focused mandate, I feel it would be more clear as to where IODE should participate as a 'doer' and where IODE should participate as a 'supporter'. 5. Improve the planning for participation in IODE and non-IODE meetings/conferences. Because of the increasing number of players and meetings, it is necessary for IODE to be strategic not only on when and where it sends people, but also perhaps in how it supports the travel. Perhaps some discussion with the stakeholder governments on assisting with travel is necessary. Also, the problem of travel re-enforces the need for useful reporting from participants and action by IODE (where appropriate) resulting from its participation in meetings71nothing specific to add72I do not know?73re-direct activities to programs that are not covered sufficiently in international community74No comment75Post doctoral researchers with high level of scientific expertise and interest on IODE should be found from each country/region, not the touristic "high" titled people. Q32 Any other comments related to IODE: Answered: 61 Skipped: 106 #Responses1As part of examining the future, IODE should survey partners and users of products and services to determine whether it is meeting their needs, and if not, how can it. Change, etc.)?2Continue good work!3Comments on the side of IODE I am related with or know better: Continuity of successful projects such as Global Academy (regional capacity building) and OceanDocs, and development and maintainance of a marine and aquatic harvester. Thank you!4I wish everything was better to sake of knowledge of the oceans5no other in this moment.6Little more professionalisim7I will invite Canadian NODC (i.e. DFO ISDM) to actively participate in CNC CODATA .8A very important positive point for IODE: the IODE project office offers very efficient facilities for meetings. It must be underlined9Focus on existing Activities Consider Sustainability and funds, support10IODE activities related to the information management as well as its close cooperation with IAMSLIC should continue. IODE's efforts aimed at providing specialized training for marine information professionals are much appreciated and should continue as well (it is a good practice of having IODE training sessions back-to-back with IAMSLIC). Continuation of the IODE technical support provided to Aquatic Commons is also very important. IODE-IAMSLIC Joint GE-MIM is a great achievement and the experience and expertise of its members should be applied for defining priorities and future developments for IODE in the area of marine information management.11We are willing to promote and sustain IODE, possibly through a better communication. Initiatives such as the QMF are very welcome because are useful to consolidate the NODCs role and as a consequence the IODE as well.12--13IODE should focus on activities not addressed by other organisations, such as capacity development. IODE should not compete with organizations in activities that are better performed and funded by others.14I am very grateful to IODE and its people because it helps me to provide better quality work at my institution. Thanks to all the people working in iode especially Peter15Thanks to the team IODE for their availability during training. Special Acknowledgements to Peter Pissierssens and Claudia Delgado for their humility and their levels of understanding.16Maintance the successful current projects as Global Academy (regional capacity building), OceanDocs, standars... It seems that IODE puts a lot of efforts in creating projects/programmes but is weak finding the following steps, as the sustainability, follow up, and so on...17IODE is a fundamental tool for Ocean research and sustainaible management of marine and coastal resources particularly for developping countries.Significant achievements have been made. We have to move it ahead.18no other coment19Keep up the good fight.20I have inherited this role in IODE from my colleague who retired. I'm very sorry my contribution to IODE have so far been very small. I'll try to be more active in the future.21I think it is high time for the regional / international funding Agencies to fully support & back stop IODE organization to resume its vital role as the leading ocean / information data, essential for management & sustainable development & marine resources22PLEASE NOTE, ON 18, I HAVE JUST PUT THE NUMBER AS ANSWER FOR IT IS MANDATORY - I HAVE NOT ENOUGH BACKGROUND TO ANSWER TO IT.23I appreciate the IODE contribution to trainings and networking because is another way of communication between countries and marine researches. With the IODE developing countries have an alternative of knowledge without cost.24continue to promote implementation of best practices related to data management and to provide tools and documentations related to data management. Promote training at all levels from students to researchers. Provide a stable platform where databases can be properly maintained and supported.25ACB is currently in a process of continuing technical support to ASEAN Member States. By joining IODE/OBIS, ACB has now access to various technical support that we can also share within the region.26ACB is currently in a process of continuing technical support to ASEAN Member States. By joining IODE/OBIS, ACB has now access to various technical support that we can also share within the region.27NONE28No29I think that the active marine research/data/operational community is needed that stands side by side with WMO. A global perspective is also needed. I support IODE, though I can not suggest how it should be developed.30I think IODE is doing well though, more need to be done to make scientists more efficient after training.31I do not see our participation to IODE changing in the future. Times at institute are harder than ever and we had not lay off people and are not replacing those that are retiring. Under that conditions we can only try to continue participation in the limited capacity that we have been doing. I am sorry have to say this.32IODE is fulfilling its duty with pride for the marine community and the IOC- sub commission of Africa is ever so grateful.33I encourrage you for maintaining IODE but its reinforcement in the member states with rigorous monitoring and inopiniees visit. very cordially34IODE can have in Africa Regional Coordination Bonne chance IODE35IODE should receive a constant funding36IODE is a programme with a long history and legacy, it only needs to adapt to the new challenges and trends without missing its essence, but being more flexible to foster strategic partnerships37A BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO IODE FOR THE GREAT CONTRIBUTION TO THE OCEAN WORLD.38RAS39IODE remains extremely relevant and one of a few viable networks for ocean data centres40Great survey, I would like to see the results if possible41no signal42No coment43Better coordination for interoperability of databases as OBIS & FishBase, etc;;44Wishing further success!45Keep up the good work!46I have not been involoved in IODE activities long enough to have strong opinions on many of these questions. I feel that a global coordination of standards is very important, and that was my main interest in getting involved in GEBICH. I am sorry that the group seems that it will be disbanded before I had a chance to learn more about it. I found my first implication--as an invited expert to a quality control workshop--very stimulating and exciting, and I had hoped to become more involved as a committee member.47No comments48None49No idea50N/A51Thank you for give me the opportunity that participate on gruop and training course.52IODE make a lot for most of african oceanographic data centre. Most of them was created because of IODE.53none54IODE HAS A VERY BRIGH FUTURE IF CONTINUES WORKING AS UNTIL TODAY, HOWEVER NEEDS TO GET MORE STRENGTH AT LOCAL LEVEL.55I believe you provide a great, needed service to many world wide based on comments I heard during my presentation. I also feel the preservation of resources is a critical need you help address.56&(*+5DX & ' X f g u  Q X }  ĸ~~s~s~s~s~s~s~s~gh,CJOJQJaJhc{h,nH tH h,nH tH h{vGh,nH tH h,hh,CJOJQJaJ'h,h,5CJOJQJaJnH tH h,h,5CJaJh,OJQJnH tH h3M hJ5aJh2h75aJ h2aJ h,aJ hP|WaJh2h7aJ'*EWX& ' X g u dgd,gdY$ & F) 7ddd[$\$gd,)gd,gd7 $a$gd7^`gd7$  ^`a$gdP|W $  a$gdP|W $  a$gd D LMrq 5YrstOP: κκκκκٱ|mhWIh,CJOJQJaJhf9h,OJQJ^JaJh,OJQJaJhf9h,OJQJaJhBh,OJQJ^JaJhBh,^Jhu?h,\nH tH h,nH tH hu?h,nH tH hxfIh,^Jhh,CJOJQJaJ h,^Jhh,^J&  rtPCk & F& *$1$gd, & F'dd[$\$gd, dd[$\$gd,^gd,$ & F) 7ddd[$\$gd,gd, : Q T !!H"" & F"7$8$H$^`gd, & F!gd,gd,$ & F) 7ddd[$\$gd, & F( X5d^5`gd,gd, & F& d*$1$\$^`gd,"Q!!!!!""""#:###$B$$$%%<%%%%%&&&`&&&&&&&'¸¸|||ljh,UmHnHtH uhAh,^JnH tH h,^JnH tH 'h;h,6B*]^JnH phtH !h;h,B*^JnH phtH h,^JnH tH h;h,^JnH tH !h h,B*^JnH phtH h h,^JnH tH h,nH tH ha+h,nH tH &";##C$$=%%&&&&5'6'F'a(zd7$8$H$gd,$ & F) 7ddd[$\$gd, $a$gd,$a$gd, & F#7$8$H$^`gd, & F$7$8$H$^`gd, 7$8$H$gd,gd, & F"7$8$H$^`gd,'' 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The IODE fills an important role in the marine community, so ensuring the IODE is relevant and participating in collaborations with better resourced stakeholders is key. The IODE provides the non-partisan view which is necessary to ensure an open marine community (as opposed the silos of days gone by).57none58thakns for asking59not appreciated for the long-term work over the years60The financing facility of micro projects in marine sciences61Thanks for the survey     IOC/IODE-XXIII/5a Page  PAGE 8 IOC/IODE-XXIII/5a Page  PAGE 7 ~Ε:PkdU $$If0q x t64ayt.!b_d@;$If]b^_gd,_;$If^_gd,Pkd $$If0q x t64ayt.!Εϕҕ(:Pkd $$If0q x t64ayt.!b_d@;$If]b^_gd,_;$If^_gd,Pkd $$If0q x t64ayt.!()*+-.013467IYZl|$a$gdUEWgdUEWgd,gd,Pkd) $$If0q x t64ayt.!7FNOUVWXZiqrxyz{|}~h,hwhYCJaJ hUEWhYhYjhY0J-U*hJ0J-mHnHu* hY0J-jhY0J-UhYCJaJh2hYCJaJ|}~gd,dgdUEW5 01h:pUEW. A!"#$% .:p3M|. 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/ 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ /  / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$Ifd!vh#v0#vn#v:V   t505n5/  / / / /  / 4 adpyt,$$Ifd!vh#v0#vn#v:V  t505n5/  / / / /  / 4 adyt,$$Ifd!vh#v0#vn#v:V  t505n5/  / / / /  / 4 adyt,$$Ifd!vh#v0#v3:V   t5053/  / / / 4 adpyt,$$If!vh#v#v:V  t655x/ / / / / 4 pyt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V & t־655 5 5 5 55/ / / / / / / 4 p־yt.!kd$$If֦8 X  z0`T v,l  & t־6LLLL4ap־yt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ /  / / / / / 4 yt.!&kd$$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l `` t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ / / / / / / 4 yt.!&kdV$$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l   t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ /  / / / / / 4 yt.!&kd$$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l `` t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ / / / / / / 4 yt.!&kdȦ$$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l   t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ /  / / / / / 4 yt.!&kd$$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l `` t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ / / / / / / 4 yt.!&kd:$$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l   t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ /  / / / / / 4 yt.!&kds$$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l `` t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ / / / / / / 4 yt.!&kd$$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l   t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ /  / / / / / 4 yt.!&kd$$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l `` t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ / / / / / / 4 yt.!&kd$$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l   t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ /  / / / / / 4 yt.!&kdW$$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l `` t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ / / / / / / 4 yt.!&kd$$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l   t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ /  / / / / / 4 yt.!&kd$$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l `` t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ / / / / / / 4 yt.!&kd$$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l   t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ /  / / / / / 4 yt.!&kd;$$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l `` t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ / / /  / / / 4 yt.!&kdt$$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l   t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ /  / / / / / 4 yt.!&kd$$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l `` t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ / / /  / / / 4 yt.!&kd$$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l   t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ /  / / / / / 4 yt.!&kd$$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l `` t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ / / / / / / 4 yt.!&kdX$$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l   t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ /  / / / / / 4 yt.!&kd$$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l `` t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ / / /  / / / 4 yt.!&kd$$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l   t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ /  / / / / / 4 yt.!&kd$$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l `` t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ / / / / / / 4 yt.!*kd<$$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l   t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ /  / / / / / 4 yt.!&kd}$$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l `` t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ / / / / / / 4 yt.!*kd$$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l   t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ /  / / / / / 4 yt.!&kd$$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l `` t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ / / / / / / 4 yt.!&kd0 $$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l   t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ /  / / / / / 4 yt.!&kdi$$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l `` t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#v #v z#v #v z#v#v@:V 4 t6++55 5 5 5 55/ / / / / / / 4 yt.!*kd$$If4֦8 X  z0`T v,l   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yt.!&kd>$$If4֦_ v -_Up'l @  t6LLLL4ayt.!+$$If!vh#v#v#vz#v{#v #v {#v #v{#v#vE:V 4 t6++5@555 5 5 555/ /  / / / / / 4 yt.!&kdB$$If4֦_ v -_Up'l `@` t6LLLL4ayt.!+$$If!vh#v#v#vz#v{#v #v {#v #v{#v#vE:V 4 t6++5@555 5 5 555/ / / / / / / 4 yt.!&kdCG$$If4֦_ v -_Up'l @  t6LLLL4ayt.!+$$If!vh#v#v#vz#v{#v #v {#v #v{#v#vE:V 4 t6++5@555 5 5 555/ /  / / / / / 4 yt.!&kdK$$If4֦_ v -_Up'l `@` t6LLLL4ayt.!+$$If!vh#v#v#vz#v{#v #v {#v #v{#v#vE:V 4 t6++5@555 5 5 555/ / / / / / / 4 yt.!&kdO$$If4֦_ v -_Up'l @  t6LLLL4ayt.!+$$If!vh#v#v#vz#v{#v #v {#v #v{#v#vE:V 4 t6++5@555 5 5 555/ /  / / / / / 4 yt.!&kdBT$$If4֦_ v -_Up'l `@` t6LLLL4ayt.!+$$If!vh#v#v#vz#v{#v #v {#v #v{#v#vE:V 4 t6++5@555 5 5 555/ / / / / / / 4 yt.!&kdX$$If4֦_ v -_Up'l @  t6LLLL4ayt.!+$$If!vh#v#v#vz#v{#v #v {#v #v{#v#vE:V 4 t6++5@555 5 5 555/ /  / / / / / 4 yt.!&kd\$$If4֦_ v -_Up'l `@` t6LLLL4ayt.!+$$If!vh#v#v#vz#v{#v #v {#v #v{#v#vE:V 4 t6++5@555 5 5 555/ / / / / / / 4 yt.!&kdAa$$If4֦_ v -_Up'l @  t6LLLL4ayt.!&$$If!vh#v#v#vz#v{#v #v {#v #v{#v#vE:V 4 t6+5@555 5 5 555/ /  / / / / / 4 yt.!&kde$$If4֦_ v -_Up'l @` t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#vz#v{#v #v {#v #v{#v#vE:V 4 t6+5@555 5 5 555/ / /  / / / 4 yt.!&kdi$$If4֦_ v -_Up'l @  t6LLLL4ayt.!&$$If!vh#v#v#vz#v{#v #v {#v #v{#v#vE:V 4 t6+5@555 5 5 555/ /  / / / / / 4 yt.!&kd(n$$If4֦_ v -_Up'l @` t6LLLL4ayt.!$$If!vh#v#v#vz#v{#v #v {#v #v{#v#vE:V 4 t6+5@555 5 5 555/ / /  / / / 4 yt.!&kdxr$$If4֦_ v -_Up'l @  t6LLLL4ayt.!+$$If!vh#v#v#vz#v{#v #v {#v #v{#v#vE:V 4 t6++5@555 5 5 555/ /  / / / / / 4 yt.!&kdv$$If4֦_ v -_Up'l `@` t6LLLL4ayt.!+$$If!vh#v#v#vz#v{#v #v {#v #v{#v#vE:V 4 t6++5@555 5 5 555/ / / / / / / 4 yt.!&kd{$$If4֦_ v -_Up'l @  t6LLLL4ayt.!+$$If!vh#v#v#vz#v{#v #v {#v #v{#v#vE:V 4 t6++5@555 5 5 555/ /  / / / / / 4 yt.!&kdd$$If4֦_ v -_Up'l `@` t6LLLL4ayt.!/$$If!vh#v#v#vz#v{#v #v {#v #v{#v#vE:V 4 t6++5@555 5 5 555/ / / /  / / /  4 yt.!*kd$$If4֦_ v -_Up'l @  t6LLLL4ayt.!+$$If!vh#v#v#vz#v{#v #v {#v #v{#v#vE:V 4 t6++5@555 5 5 555/ /  / / / / / 4 yt.!&kd$$If4֦_ v -_Up'l `@` 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yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$Ifd!vh#v0#vn#v7:V  t505n57/  / / / / / 4 adpyt,$$Ifd!vh#v0#vn#v7:V t505n57/  / / / /  / 4 adyt,$$Ifd!vh#v0#vn#v7:V t505n57/  / / / /  / 4 adyt,$$Ifd!vh#v0#vn#v7:V t505n57/  / / / /  / 4 adyt,$$Ifd!vh#v0#vn#v7:V t505n57/  / / / /  / 4 adyt,$$Ifd!vh#v0#v:V  t505/  / / / 4 adpyt,$$Ifd!vh#v0#vn#v7:V  t505n57/  / / / / / 4 adpyt,$$Ifd!vh#v0#vn#v7:V t505n57/  / / / /  / 4 adyt,$$Ifd!vh#v0#vn#v7:V t505n57/  / / / /  / 4 adyt,$$Ifd!vh#v0#vn#v7:V t505n57/  / / / /  / 4 adyt,$$Ifd!vh#v0#v:V  t505/  / / / 4 adpyt,$$If!vh#v#v:V  t655x/ / / / / 4 pyt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V  t655x/ / / / / 4 pyt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$Ifd!vh#v0#vn#v:V  t505n5/  / / / /  / 4 adpyt,$$Ifd!vh#v0#vn#v:V t505n5/  / / / /  / 4 adyt,$$Ifd!vh#v0#vn#v:V t505n5/  / / / /  / 4 adyt,$$Ifd!vh#v0#vn#v:V t505n5/  / / / /  / 4 adyt,$$Ifd!vh#v0#vn#v:V t505n5/  / / / /  / 4 adyt,$$Ifd!vh#v0#vn#v:V t505n5/  / / / /  / 4 adyt,$$Ifd!vh#v0#vn#v:V 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/ 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V  t655x/ / / / / 4 pyt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!DyK yK Phttp://www.codata.ca/eng/dac/index.html$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$Ifd!vh#v#v#v7:V   t5557/  / / / /  / 4 adpyt,$$Ifd!vh#v#v#v7:V  t5557/  / / / /  / 4 adyt,$$Ifd!vh#v#v#v7:V  t5557/  / / / /  / 4 adyt,$$Ifd!vh#v#v#v7:V  t5557/  / / / /  / 4 adyt,$$Ifd!vh#v#v#v7:V  t5557/  / / / /  / 4 adyt,$$Ifd!vh#v#v:V   t55/  / / / 4 adpyt,$$If!vh#v#v:V  t655x/ / / / / 4 pyt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$Ifd!vh#v0#vn#v:V  t505n5/  / / / /  / 4 adpyt,$$Ifd!vh#v0#vn#v:V t505n5/  / / / /  / 4 adyt,$$Ifd!vh#v0#vn#v:V t505n5/  / / / /  / 4 adyt,$$Ifd!vh#v0#vn#v:V t505n5/  / / / /  / 4 adyt,$$Ifd!vh#v0#vn#v:V t505n5/  / / / /  / 4 adyt,$$Ifd!vh#v0#vn#v:V t505n5/  / / / /  / 4 adyt,$$Ifd!vh#v0#vn#v:V t505n5/  / / / /  / 4 adyt,$$Ifd!vh#v0#vn#v:V t505n5/  / / / /  / 4 adyt,$$Ifd!vh#v0#v3:V $  t5053/  / / / 4 adpyt,$$If!vh#v#v:V  t655x/ / / / / 4 pyt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V  t655x/ / / / / 4 pyt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!DyK yK Hhttp://www.codata.ca/eng/index.htmlDyK yK >http://www.scidatacon2014.org/$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 yt.!$$If!vh#v#v:V t655x/ / / / / 4 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Survey resultsCQ1 In what capacity/role are you providing a reply to this survey?Q2 Your name (optional)Q3 Your job titleQ4 Your email addressPQ5 Your country [if international organization then enter name of organization]Q6 Your IODE region .Q7 Since when have you been involved in IODE?(Q8 How important is IODE for your work?QQ9 What benefits do you get from the IODE programme? (sort the below by importanPQ10 What needs (from your point of view) are not being addressed by IODE today?&Q11 What are the weak points of IODE?QQ12 What training courses would you consider important for yourself in the next QQ13 Any other course topics that should be considered (taking into account the I<Q14 Is IODE more or less important to you than 2 years ago?QQ15 If you have entered "more important" or "less important" then why has the imQQ16 Is there still a need for an IODE network of data centres and marine librariQQ17 What activities/projects of IODE would you consider as the MOST IMPORTANT toQQ18 What activities/projects of IODE would you consider as the LEAST IMPORTANT wQQ19 Where does IODE make the most difference? (what is the competitive advantage Title Headings!$ 8@ _PID_HLINKS'A". http://www.scidatacon2014.org/e$http://www.codata.ca/eng/index.htmlAb(http://www.codata.ca/eng/dac/index.html1!http://ioc-unesco.org/  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~                           ! 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