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Members of the project Steering Group (Copied from IOC Workshop Reports No. 260 and No.265): Membership (funded by the project): Representatives of the partner countries (1) (National coordinator) IOC/IODE Secretariat 6 Work package coordinators Representatives of other IOC programmes contributing to the project work (e.g. ICAM, ICAN) Project Coordinator Donor representative(s) Membership (not funded by the project) Representatives of participating regional and international organizations (2) CLME+/CMA Liaison person Objective of the Project: Development Objective (DO) 1: Reduction of the vulnerability of Caribbean Coastal Ecosystems and their associated goods and services to natural and anthropogenic hazards, through improved Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Development Objective (DO) 2: Sustainable Management of shared Living Marine Resources (sLMR) in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (jointly referred to as CLME+) The main objective of the CMA2 project itself is to sustainably operationalize an online digital Caribbean Marine Atlas technological data platform, or combination of platforms, to support the 2 previously mentioned over-arching development objectives or goals. It is expected that, in the context of these goals, the platforms will be able to support policy development, decision-making, and monitoring and evaluation processes. The three more specific objectives of the project have been defined under the original Project Document as: to operate a decision support and M&E mechanism for: (objective 1): ICMZ, in up to 10 pilot countries; (objective 2): improved shared living marine resources management, at the LME level; and (objective 3) to enhance awareness, capacity and participation of key regional and national-level stakeholders in the process. Special attention will need to be given in this context to the long-term sustainability of the systems that will be developed, and to the potential for the up-scaling of the results from the pilot and demonstration activities under CMA2. Important in the context of objective 3 is that due consideration is given to the identification of the different stakeholders with a role or mandate relating to each component of a typical policy cycle: (a) the provision of analysis and advice; (b) the decision-making; (c) the implementation of decisions; (d) the review and evaluation of policy impacts; (e) the collection, management and provision of data and information in support of this process. Expected outcome of the Project: Duration of the Project (if open-ended then indicate starting year only): 4 years Activities implemented between April 2013 and March 2015 (indicate URL if the project has a web site): Caribbean Marine Atlas Review and Planning Meeting , Courtyard Marriott Coconut Grove, Miami, USA 10-13 December 2013. Caribbean Marine Atlas Review and Planning, Kickoff meeting, Miami, USA, 25 29 August 2014 Problems experienced and measures taken: Compatibility with the regional interest and its necessary to join with other initiatives in the region. The solution is to adjust the proposal according with the kickoff meeting results. Languages, because not all dominate the English. Its necessary to recognize the particularities of different countries at least English and Spanish will be consider as official Languages of the project, in order, to involve and convince countries about the importance of the project. This will be considered in the workplan 2015-2017. Designation of national coordinators. Many countries has only one person in charge of the marine issues and it has difficulties to work for the project in absence of resources that co-financing the person or team that full dedicate to CMA2. This will be considered in the workplan 2015-2017. Partner countries financiered for the project, has a slow answer and not active participation. Solution may be is to prepare an agenda for visiting each country in order to work together and find the best strategy for involves them actively. Results achieved between April 2013 and March 2015: Arrangements for the project governance and identified the need for a Project Steering Group and Project Executive Team. Workshops reports No. 260 and 265. Adaptation of the initial project proposal considered the priorities of the region. Priority set of indicators. overview of other regional and global initiatives, relevant to the objectives of CMA2 Identification/Updating of priority management and monitoring & evaluation issues at resp. the national and regional levels. Work plan and Budget for the next period (April 2015 March 2017): (Budget expressed in US Dollars) Activity (as per work plan)Timing (month, year)Total required fundingFunds already identified (and source)Funds requested1Adjust the project proposalFeb, 20152WorkplanFeb, 20153Coordination of the ProjectFeb to Dec 201530000300004Promotion of the project in regional and international events (for example ICAN, LME, etc.)Feb to Dec 2015Its is no possible to complete the table at this moment, because we need to construct the workplan and it will be involving the new proposal Actions requested from the Committee: None required     IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-CMA2 Page  PAGE 2 IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-CMA2 Page  PAGE 3 Xgtvwq r     ( ) 1 < = ^ _ Žɱɣ|x|qmimW"hKhK6CJ]aJmH sH hKhs hX]hKhX] hX]h%5hX]hUCJaJ hX]h D hX]hX] hX]hU hX]hs hKh4?h4?hKh D5hKh4?5hP|Wh Dh3Mh2h75CJaJhB CJaJh2CJaJh2h7CJaJhMCJaJ!vq r   ) _ gdX] & FgdX]$a$gd Dgd7 $a$gd7^`gd7$  ^`a$gdP|W $  a$gdP|W $  a$gd D_ % ; X  U n o p /0 $ & Fa$gd7 $^a$gd7^gd7 $^a$gd4? & F!gdK & F gdK^gdK & FgdX]   N T U m o o p +,/C}\@hd-h7B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJhmH nH phsH tH !hd-h4?6CJH*^JaJhhd-h4?6CJ^JaJhhd-h4?CJ^JaJhhd-h4?5CJ^JaJhh4?hs"hKhK6CJ]aJmH sH hKCJaJmH sH hKhKCJaJmH sH hK6CJ]aJmH sH }~DEf!+PBCw $8^8a$gd=`{ $ & Fa$gd=`{ & FgdX]^gdO  & FgdX]gdX] $^a$gd7 $`a$gd7 $ & Fa$gd7CDE} !F+QOPQüӸӢӆӂ~~z~vrnvnvnvjh=`{hUhO hKhHh}hGqlh4bhX]h:CJaJhhX]h/CJaJh#hX]hO CJOJQJ^JaJhhphd hX]hX]hX]h:htht6hthsh7@hd-h4?B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJhmH nH phsH tH &Qa&BCUuwefgTUVWal>?A\]fjkmuvyyhTihUCJaJh}CJaJhUCJaJhhTihHcOCJaJhHcOhdCJaJh(CJaJhHcOhHcOCJaJhHcOh(CJaJh( hUh=`{h} hUh}hU hUhKhdh4bh=`{ h=`{h=`{/gVW.> $IfgdTi hh^h`hgdHcO & FgdX] $8^8a$gd=`{ $ & Fa$gd=`{ & FgdX] >?kd$$Iflֈ7 b!on25 t044 lap<ytTi?A]ghij $IfgdU $IfgdTijkkd$$Iflֈ7 b!on25 t044 lap<ytUkmv $Ifgd $IfgdTiv-129:*+1234xhB 0JmHnHu hB 0JjhB 0JUhB CJaJh2hB CJaJhrjhrU hMhGql hMhMh DhGqlhA hMhd hMh} hMhKh=`{CJaJhUhTihUCJaJhUCJaJ-kd$$Iflֈ7 b!on25 t044 lap<ytU $IfgdU $IfgdTikd$$Iflֈ7 b!on25 t044 lap<ytU./01 $IfgdTi12kd$$Iflֈ7 b!on25 t044 lap<ytU2456789 $IfgdTi9:kd$$Iflֈ7 b!on25 t044 lap<ytU:%56Scdefg$a$gdB gdB  & FgdGql & FgdA & Fgd}456EXY_`abdfg hMhGqlhB 0JmHnHu hB 0JjhB 0JUhB CJaJh2hB CJaJhrhB 1 0:pB |. 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