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OceanExpert is a global directory of marine and freshwater professionals developed in 1997 under the auspices of the IODEs Group of Experts on Marine Information Management. The information in the directory includes names, addresses, institutional affiliation, specialization and bibliographic information on publications of the experts. Expected outcome of the Project: Establishment of Full Directory and active use of Directory of Oceanographic marine and freshwater experts Duration of the Project -GLODIR(OceanExpert) 1997- Activities implemented between April 2013 and March 2015 (indicate URL if the project has a web site):  HYPERLINK "http://www.oceanexpert.org" http://www.oceanexpert.org Data cleanup annually and addition of VLIZ experts, and linking to SeaDataNet EDMO code. Problems experienced and measures taken: Results achieved between April 2013 and March 2015: Since IODE-XXII, OceanExpert data cleanup was undertaken twice (once per year). A summer job student was hired for a month for each cleanup. Emails were sent to each registered individual to update their profiles. Due to the yearly cleanups OceanExpert database is now quite up to date. It contains details for 10486 experts, 4012 institutions, 1343 events and 172 jobs. SeaDataNet EDMO code has been added to 278 institutions. Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) has agreed to make available its individuals (experts) database which is part of IMIS. The database contains a total of 3371 records of which about 1800 are Belgians. We Will shortly add these records which currently only have name, email and telephone number and address fields, to the OceanExpert database and send an email asking individuals to update their record or delete it from the system if they do not wish to be included. This should result in an additional 2000-3000 records in the database. In terms of website statistics, gathered by Google Analytics, OceanExpert has had 63,369 visitors since IODE-XXII of which 16.2% are returning visitors. Demographically, highest visits originated from United States (14.83%), France (5.94%) and United Kingdom (5.12%). English (59.48%), French (7.56%) and Spanish (4.53%) were the languages of the most visitors' user browsers. In the coming intersessional period we intend to implement more changes to the workflow of OceanExpert to make it more user friendly and compatible with mobile technologies which are increasing in popularity.Also, links from OceanDocs to OceanExpert are planned, with an added link for submission of Orcid ids, which are an open source issued unique identifier for each scientist linking their professional affiliations and career publications for viewing (Orcid is based on the code for Researcher ID) Work plan and Budget for the next period (April 2015 March 2017): (Budget expressed in US Dollars) Activity (as per work plan)Timing (month, year)Total required fundingFunds already identified (and source)Funds requested1If outside consultant needed for enhancements09/20155,000None$5,000234 Actions requested from the Committee: A. Advocate and encourage IOC, IODE and associated program and project members to enter professional contact information into the OceanExpert database and to update these annually B. Encourage appropriate usage of OceanExpert directory C. Endorse and provide funding for enhancements of OceanExpert for the next term as requested in Work Plan and Budget     IOC/IODE-XXIII/Ag3-Proj-OceanExpert Page  PAGE 2 KZnpq{k l z {     $ 0 W _ s % & ' y    9 : R r ѽѽ h_h_hphdhFzBh@Shth/hHjhShFhmh#Ujh6hE>|hsh{Kh{Kh{K5hP|Wh Dh3Mh2h75CJaJh2CJaJh2h7CJaJhFCJaJ2pk l {  1 z   & Fgd D$a$gdS$a$gd Dgd7 $a$gd7^`gd7$  ^`a$gdP|W $  a$gdP|W $  a$gd D : Cl Niwx2TUq $IfgdTi hh^h`hgdHcOgdlgdxN ^gdl & Fgd D BVkl~  MNhiwx234;STȸȥȝșӕӊwlhHcOhdCJaJh(CJaJhHcOhHcOCJaJhHcOh(CJaJh(hlhSPJ^JhxNPJ^Jhlh#UjPJ^JhlPJ^Jh#UjPJ^JhlhlPJ^Jhdh4bhth,Rhh_0J h_h_h_jh_U'T !")*129:ABCgm    ¾¾¾¾h4R"h4R"0JmHnHu h4R"0Jjh4R"0JUh4R"CJaJh2h4R"CJaJhtjhtU h7h{Kh#Ujh$8hhxNh{KhAhdhSCJaJhhTihHcOCJaJ3kd$$Iflֈ7 b!on25 t044 lap<ytTi! $IfgdTi!"kd$$Iflֈ7 b!on23 t044 lap<ytTi"$%&'() $IfgdTi)*kd$$Iflֈ7 b!on23 t044 lap<ytTi*,-./01 $IfgdTi12kd$$Iflֈ7 b!on23 t044 lap<ytTi2456789 $IfgdTi9:kd$$Iflֈ7 b!on23 t044 lap<ytTi:<=>?@A $IfgdTiABCgddkd$$Iflֈ7 b!on23 t044 lap<ytTiCiV  gd4R"gd4R"^gd{K & Fgd{K1 0:p4R"|. 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