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Compile & develop indicators that could be adopted/already adopted by GEO members and participating organisations to provide information on the impact and outcome of Earth observation capacity building programmes. Compile and develop methodologies standardizing the collection of data for these indicators Encourage the GEO community in developing these indicators and build on existing capacity building indicator frameworks used by international organisations. Monitor and assess Task CB-07-01c implementation Output & Deliverables Standardized methodologies GEO Capacity building indicators Calendar (incl. milestones) 07Q11st draft of the Task Sheet07Q3Kickoff meeting08Q12nd TF meeting (back to back with CBC6) Financial Contributions (from GEO Operations Budget) To be defined Current Status Oct 06: First draft version of this Task Sheet compiled by the GEO Secretariat. Sep 07: Kickoff meeting of the TF in charge of the Task (Seville, in connection with the CB Symposium and CBC5). Task leaders identified (BGR, also POC, UNESCO-IOC, DMN-Morocco). Reflection on aspects concerning the introduction of performance indicators & clarification of the scope and priorities of the Task Collection of initial reference materials from UNESCO-IOC; ITC; among others Oct 07: Web site to report progress on this task sheet operational ( HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-cd.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=42&Itemid=50" http://www.ioc-cd.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=42&Itemid=50) Coordination with other tasks of committees Outcomes of the meeting on GEOSS performance indicators and the subsequent Task in the Work Plan By the nature of the Task, each indicator specific to a task will be developed in coordination with the other task leaders. GEO Member Potential Contributions Members & POs to provide reference materials on current methodologies and tools used to monitor & evaluate their specific CB activities Task Participants TypeRepresentingOrganisationNameEmailAddressTask LeadMoroccoDirection de la Mtorologie NationalesNoureddine FilaliNour.filali@gmail.comTask LeadUNESCO-IOCUNESCO-IOCJoannes Berquej.berque@unesco.orgTask Lead & POCGermanyBundesanstalt fr Geowissenschaften und RohstoffeUlrich RankeUlrich.ranke@bgr.deContributorGermanyDeutscher Wetterdienst (DWD)Stefan Rsnerstefan.roesner@dwd.deContributor GermanyDeutches Zentrum fr Luft & Raumfahrt (DLR) Wieland Knzelwieland.kuenzel@dlr.de Contributor Germany Deutches Zentrum fr Luft & Raumfahrt (DLR) Michael Kosinowskim.kosinowski@bgr.de ContributorNigeriaMinistry of EnvironmentAdeniran Akanniadeniranakanni@yahoo.comContributorSouth AfricaUmvotoAndiswa Mlisaandiswa@umvoto.comContributorSpainINMMarta Angolotimangoloti@inm.esContributorThe NetherlandsITCYola Georgiadougeorgiadou@ITC.NLContributorUnited KingdomDEFRAAdina Gillespieadina.gillespie@defra.gsi.gov.uk     GEO 2007 Work Plan September 2007 Capacity Building Task CB-07-01c   ,TU^`z  [ s u v ̺|ooo|o|[D,hs5B*OJQJ\aJmHnHphu&hsB*CJaJmHnHphsH uh sh sCJmH sH h CJmH sH hqZ:CJmH sH *hsB*OJQJaJmHnHphsH u&hsB*OJQJaJmHnHphu#hs5OJQJ\aJmHnHu hs\ hp \+hs5CJOJQJ\^JmHnHsH u%hsCJOJQJ^JmHnHsH u TU`v `UOOO$If  !$Ifkd$$Ifl40& p 064 laf4p$If$IfA {p  !$If $Ifykd$$Ifl440& p064 laf4 & { t  ԻԧԻ{kb^Z^Z^Z^Z^V^bKhsmHnHsH uhp h=hshsmHnHuhs5CJ\aJmHnHu*h@B*OJQJaJmHnHphsH u*hsB*OJQJaJmHnHphsH u&hsB*OJQJaJmHnHphu0hs5B*OJQJ\aJmHnHphsH u,hs5B*OJQJ\aJmHnHphu(hs5B*OJQJ\mHnHphu vke$If  !$Ifkd$$Ifl440& p  064 laf4p  zt$If  !$Ifykdr$$Ifl440&  p064 laf4 vke$If  !$Ifkd2$$Ifl440& p  064 laf4p  & { u  |zuuuuuzssz & F$xxa$ykd$$Ifl440& p064 laf4   7 8 = M nkd$$Ifl0%h 064 la$If    6 8 M N T V b c y z | ",^{rri^ih[5mHnHuh[mHnHuhl|mHnHuhSpmHnHuhl~mHnHuhl~5mHnHuhs5\mHnHuhsCJmHnHuhsmHnHuh mHnHuhdMmHnHtHuhqZ:\mHnHtHuhqZ:hqZ:H*mHnHtHuhqZ:mHnHtHuhsmHnHtHu M N S { $IfnkdD$$Ifl0%h 064 la{ | ~ ",^gd[ & Fgdl~nkd$$Ifl0%h 064 laLMN*+STUhۨ|n`nW?/hh s5B*CJaJmHnHphsH uh smHnHuhs5\mHnHtHuh5\mHnHtHuh5\mHnHtHuhmHnHuhsmHnHuh[h[mHnHuh[mHnHu#h[h[0JCJaJmHnHu.jnh[h[CJUaJmHnHuh[h[CJaJmHnHu(jh[h[CJUaJmHnHu+TUghmz $IfgdMzgd sgd s#$d%d&d'dNOPQ kd$$If94r >3&/ 3 20&44 9aNp2@AJP׿׃kSSS;/hh[5B*CJaJmHnHphsH u/hh s5B*CJaJmHnHphsH u/hhO5B*CJaJmHnHphsH uhhCJaJmHnHu&hhCJ\aJmHnHsH u/hhO5B*CJaJmHnHphsH u/hh5B*CJaJmHnHphsH u/hh5B*CJaJmHnHphsH uhh sCJaJmHnHu $IfgdMz3*** $IfgdMzkdw $$If9r >3&/ 3 0&44 9aNp2,@AQ*kd $$If9r >3&/ 3 0&44 9aNp2 $IfgdMzQY $IfgdMz3*** $IfgdMzkd $$If9r >3&/ 3 0&44 9aNp2*kd $$If9r >3&/ 3 0&44 9aNp2 $IfgdMzETmno01rs >?׿׮ל׿׮לל׮sbsbOs$hh0J5B*CJaJph hh5B*CJaJph/hh5B*CJaJmHnHphsH u hh|45B*CJaJph"hh[CJ\aJmHnHu hh[5B*CJaJph/hh[5B*CJaJmHnHphsHu/hh[5B*CJaJmHnHphsH uhh[CJaJmHnHuETn $IfgdMzno|3*** $IfgdMzkd $$If9r >3&/ 3 0&44 9aNp2*kd$$If9r >3&/ 3 0&44 9aNp2 $IfgdMz0 $IfgdMz01=JQ3*** $IfgdMzkd$$If9r >3&/ 3 0&44 9aNp2Q_rs*kd4$$If9r >3&/ 3 0&44 9aNp2 $IfgdMzs $Ifgd<3*** $Ifgd<kdO$$If9r >3&/ 3 0&44 9aNp2*kdj$$If9r >3&/ 3 0&44 9aNp2 $Ifgd<? $Ifgd<?@ACDF31///kd$$If9r >3&/ 3 0&44 9aNp2?@ABDEGHJKMajpƽh|4 h|4CJ'h|45CJ OJQJ\aJ mHnHuh'h|45CJ\h|45CJ\h|45CJ\mHnHuhjhUh[hsmHnHtHu"hhCJ\aJmHnHuFGIJLMp  !{8$a$  !b% > 00&P 1hP/R . 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