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National-level agencies/institutions with a stake in, or responsibility over shared Living Marine Resources (sLMR) governance & management GEF, UNDP, UNOPS,....(CLME+ funding, implementing and executing agencies) Others, as identified during the project preparation and initiation phases Executive Summary Critical goods and services provided by the marine environment in the Caribbean are at risk from threats including weak governance, mismanagement, climate change and the inadequate availability and incorporation of data and information in decision-making. The CMA2 project will contribute to better Integrated Coastal Zone (ICZ) and shared Living Marine Resources (sLMR) Governance and Management, by providing key stakeholders with a spatial data-based mechanism for information discovery and decision-support. The project will develop, test and deliver an operational technological platform to support Decision Making (DM) and Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) processes for improved marine and coastal resources management in the Region. The platform will be piloted in selected countries and at the regional level. Training, awareness building and dissemination activities will be conducted. To ensure uptake, sustainability and up-scaling of results, the project will be closely linked to the implementation of the regionally endorsed 10-year CLME+ Strategic Action Programme (SAP). The project builds upon the experience and lessons learnt in the Caribbean Marine Atlas phase 1 project and the Ocean Data and Information Network for the Caribbean and South America (ODINCARSA) initiative. IMPORTANT NOTE The current proposal outlines the main objectives, expected results and deliverables of the project. The proposal does not yet detail the participating individuals and institutions or the detailed work plan and timetable. This is because a regional planning workshop will be held in December 2013 (Caribbean Marine Atlas Review and Planning Meeting, Miami, USA, 10-13 December 2013). During that event the Project Document will be finalized allowing for a fully participatory writing process. That meeting can then also be considered as the kick-off meeting for CMA2.  1. RATIONALE AND BACKGROUNDOverall purpose of the project, the target beneficiaries and the expected outcomes Overall Purpose 1.2 Relevance The CMA2 Project will contribute to two different, partially overlapping development objectives (DOs): DO1: Reduction of the vulnerability of Caribbean Coastal Ecosystems and their associated goods and services to natural and anthropogenic hazards, through improved Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) DO2: Sustainable Management of shared Living Marine Resources (sLMR) in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (jointly referred to as CLME+) It will do so by operationalizing spatial data layers-based online technology platforms (Caribbean Marine Atlases) in support of ICZM and sLMR-related policy development, decision-making and monitoring & evaluation processes. ___ Due to its composition of many continental and small island developing states, all with marine and coastal zone-dependent economies, it is widely recognized that the Wider Caribbean/CLME+ Region is highly vulnerable to impacts affecting coastal and marine resources, including those arising from climate change, habitat degradation, overfishing and pollution. Enhanced policies and management actions that embrace the ecosystem approach and prevent or mitigate against negative impacts and improve the resilience in coastal environments/communities are urgently required. Under the CLME Project (2009-2013, UNDP/GEF), root causes for the degradation of the marine and coastal environments in the Region were identified. These root causes include: (i) inadequate governance mechanisms; (ii) limited human resources and capacity; (iii) inadequate (access to) data and information; (iv) inadequate consideration of the value of ecosystem goods & services in decision-making, and (v) population and cultural pressures. Following this, in 2013 a 10-year Strategic Action Programme for the Sustainable Management of shared Living Marine Resources of the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (called CLME+ SAP) obtained region-wide, high-level political endorsement across the Caribbean. The SAP addresses the root causes identified above through a series of Strategies and Actions. Under its different Strategies, the SAP recognizes the Regions urgent need for Decision-Support Systems that can assist the decision-making and monitoring and evaluation processes of national- and regional-level institutions, organizations and individuals with a stake in fisheries and the protection of the marine and coastal environment. The CLME+ Action Programme will be implemented through a series of projects and initiatives. The CMA2, as one of these projects, will complement and be fully synergetic with the actions and activities of other projects and initiatives that will be linked to the implementation of this CLME+ SAP. It will do so by specifically focussing on the overall and specific objectives highlighted under Section 1.3. Reliable, scale and time-relevant, scientifically robust data and information are required for different stages of the ICZM/sLMR management policy cycle. Often within the Wider Caribbean/CLME+ Region there has been a breakdown between the data collection/management phase and the information production/delivery phase of the policy cycle resulting from a lack of transparency in data/information holdings across national/regional agencies and initiatives. This limits the ability of environmental managers and decision-makers to develop effective policy prescriptions to improve resilience and lower risk with respect to coastal resources, negatively impacting sustainable development goals and inefficiently utilizing scarce financial resources. The above was the overall justification for undertaking the first phase of the Caribbean Marine Atlas project (2009-2013), and while there were some successes in developing the mechanisms for effective data and information delivery and distribution, more needs to be done to align the outputs of the atlas to regional information needs on a range of themes, including coastal hazards, fisheries management, climate change, biodiversity and land-based sources of marine pollution. During the early stages of the CMA project, regional environmental mangers identified a lack of multi-sectoral data access and transparency as well as ineffective or absent data sharing policies as major impediments to their decision-making abilities. There is no indication that the situation has improved at a national level over the course of the initiative. Other lessons learnt from CMA-1 include (i) lack of human resources; (ii) need to obtain buy-in and commitment of high-level decision makers to ensure allocation of resources to the project and to bring different stakeholder groups together. The proposed project will identify the specific, policy-relevant coastal/ marine data and information outputs needed across the WCR, and develop tools and applications to manage, analyse, produce and publish these outputs. This will be accomplished via a collaborative approach with existing national, regional and international marine data and information management initiatives such as the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem Project (CLME), the IODE ODINCARSA initiative, the IODE National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODCs) in the participating countries, and the IODE Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS), building on the framework and geographic information system technologies developed during the first phase of the CMA project. As the implementing agency of the first phase of the CMA and given its vast experience with data and information management policy development, training and regional activities, as well as its projects OBIS and International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN), IODE/UNESCO is ideally placed to facilitate the proposed project and enable its successful completion. As mentioned before CMA2 will also benefit from the lessons learnt in CMA1 and ODINCARSA. 1.2 Beneficiaries and other Stakeholders The direct beneficiaries of the CMA2 Project are national (pilot countries) and regional-level (full CLME+ region) advisors, decision-makers and managers linked to the governance bodies (policy development) and institutions/units with a stake in the management and use of coastal and shared living marine resources in the CLME+ (examples at the national level: Ministries of Environment, Ministries of Fisheries, Coastal Zone Management Units, etc; examples at the regional level: OSPESCA, CRFM, WECAFC, UNEP CEP, OECS, CCAD, IOCARIBE, etc.). Benefits to the wider environmental/natural resources stakeholder community in the CLME+ Region will be cross-sectoral and far-reaching, as the outputs from the project will support improved decision-making and policy development, with an expected substantial impact in the field (marine and coastal resources) in the medium to long-term. Results will further be up-scaled beyond the pilot countries, through the CLME+ SAP implementation process, planned twinning workshops, and other CMA2/CLME+ related initiatives. Indirect beneficiaries will thus include at least the wider CLME+ stakeholder community, including all CLME+ countries/governments, civil society and private sector (better resources management through enhanced decision-making) as well as the donor community (higher return on investment through better Monitoring & Evaluation, and adaptive management). Stakeholders that will be highly important in the success of the CMA2 initiatives are the potential data/information providers for the Decision-Support and Monitoring & Evaluation Mechanisms. In this context, both global, regional, as well as national- and local-level potential data sources will need to be considered. Secondly the data/information managers will be of critical importance to ensure the quality control, management, archival and dissemination of data and information. In addition CMA2 will benefit substantially from the Atlas development expertise available in the International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN), a project of the IOCs IODE. The capacity development/training activities will be able to benefit from the IODE OceanTeacher Global Academy (OTGA). Ownership of the CMA2 initiative, its approach, outputs and results, by the regional- and national-level stakeholders is ensured by (i) tailoring the project objectives and actions/activities to the needs identified by the regional and national-level stakeholders under the CMA1 and CLME Projects (incl. the priority actions identified in the CLME+ SAP, and taking into account the results and/or progress obtained from CLME case studies and pilot project initiatives such as the governance analyses and IMS-REMP); (ii) full involvement of the key regional- and national-level stakeholders at each stage of the project, incl. during further project preparation (inception) and execution, both as part of the executing arrangements as well as participants in project activities and workshops; and (iii) further tailoring project outputs and outcomes to the needs further identified/updated/fine-tuned during the execution of CMA2 itself (feedback on the project activities will be used to adjust outputs, under an adaptive management approach). Participating agencies will be highlighted in promotional and dissemination materials, and at the national level will be the promoters of the project and project activities. 1.3 Overall and specific objectives The CMA2 Project efforts are embedded within the context of broader regional efforts towards improved ocean and shared living marine resources governance and management, and efforts for the sustainable management of marine resources and disaster risk reduction in the coastal zone (Wider Caribbean/CLME+ Region). The CMA2 project is linked to the implementation of the 10-year CLME+ Strategic Action Programme (SAP) . The CLME+ SAP received region-wide endorsement at high political levels in 2013 and constitutes a reference framework for coordinated actions on the marine environment during the next decade. The insertion of the CMA2 Project within the context of the implementation of the SAP ensures the uptake of results, and the long term legacy of CMA2. The CMA2 Project addresses urgent regional- and national-level needs, identified during the preparation of the CLME+ SAP: enhanced, spatial information-based Decision-Support and Monitoring & Evaluation mechanisms and tools are critically needed and will substantially impact in the overall achievement of the expected main outcome of the CLME+ SAP: i.e. the enhanced, sustainable provision of goods and services from (shared living) marine resources, in support of economies, livelihoods and human well-being in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems. CMA2 Main objective: Sustainable operationalization of an online digital Caribbean Marine Atlas technology platform in support of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and shared Living Marine Resources (sLMR)-related policy development, decision-making and monitoring & evaluation processes (with special attention to: coastal hazards, climate change, biodiversity & habitats, fisheries, land-based sources of pollution). CMA2 Specific objectives: SO1. To provide and operate an information discovery, Decision-Support (DS)/Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) mechanism for improved Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) in up to 10 pilot CLME+ countries, based on [state-of-the-art technology for] the online publication, management and exchange of spatial data/information layers and ICZM best practices/tools SO2. To provide and operate a DS/M&E mechanism for improved shared Living Marine Resources (sLMR) governance and management at the Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) level, linked to the CLME+ SAP implementation process, and based on [state-of-the-art technology for] the online publication, management and exchange of spatial data/information layers and sLMR governance/management best practices & tools SO3. To enhance awareness, capacity and participation of key regional- and national-level stakeholders (both data users and data providers) in the development and use of the information discovery, DS and M&E mechanisms (with special attention to long-term sustainability, and further up-scaling of CMA2 Project results) Together, SO1 and SO3, and SO2 and SO3, are linked to the Expected Results ER1 and ER2, respectively (See Section 1.4.) 1.4 Expected results and outputs/deliverablesPerformance indicator (PI) (a maximum of three):Means of verification (M) (data source): Codification: *available online **available from the project coordination team ***available from the national focal pointsQuantitative and/or qualitative Target (T) (on the basis of baseline data (b)):Expected Result N1 (ER1) Operational, Decision-Support (DS) and Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) mechanism for improved Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) in up to 10 pilot countries (CLME+ Region), based on [state-of-the-art technology for] the online publication, discovery, management and exchange of spatial data/information layers and ICZM best practices/tools PI 1: combined index score reflecting level of operationality of the Caribbean Marine Atlas (CMA) DS&ME mechanism, based on level of performance/compliance of the related individual ER1/A1 Deliverables indicators in the pilot countries (see below) PI 2: combined index score value reflecting level of operationality of the CMA DS&ME mechanism, based on level of performance /compliance of the related individual ER1/A2 Deliverables indicators (see below)M 1: reported indicator values for ER1/A1 Deliverables; consolidated final report*,** M 2: reported indicator values for ER1/A2 Deliverables; consolidated final report*,** T 1 and (b 1): combined numeric index score with an associated qualitative interpretation of highly satisfactory, by end of project T 2 and (b 2): combined numeric index score with an associated qualitative interpretation of highly satisfactory, by end of project Action 1 (A1): Create a functional, online Decision-Support (DS)/Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) tool for improved ICZM in at least 7 CLME+ countries, based on state-of-the-art technology for the publication, discovery, management and exchange of spatial data/information layers and ICZM best practices/toolsDeliverable 1.1. Online Technology Platform (CMA interface) for supporting ICZM-related DM and M&E processes in at least 7 CLME+ countriesPI 1: # of countries where state-of-the-art CMA is built and operational (CMA focus: ICZM) PI 2: basic CMA interface components, including import/export, exploration and analytical functionalityM 1: websites with data/map server*; (final) project report(s) *,**,*** M 2: websites with data/map server*; (final) project report(s)*,**,*** T 1 (b 1): not less than 7 countries, by project end (baseline: 1 fully fledged prototype in Barbados + preliminary testing conducted in 4 additional countries) T 2 and (b 2): CMAs with all basic components operational in all selected pilot countries, by project end (baseline: fully fledged prototype in Barbados)Deliverable 1.2. Inventory of critical/priority (geospatial) data sets/information layers (with indication of associated relevant disciplines) required to support ICZM-related DM and M&E processes in the selected CLME+ countriesPI 1: number of priority data/information sets identified (global/regional datasets; country data sets) PI 2: number and type of participants/contributors to the inventory (countries/organizations/sectors or disciplines)M 1: report *,**,*** M 2: report *,**,***T 1 and (b 1): at least 30 priority data/information sets identified in all pilot countries by Project Month 10; (baseline: no such specific inventories exists) T 2 and (b 2): participatory approach implemented in all pilot countries by Project Month 8; at least 5 organizations representing a minimum of 5 sectors/disciplines with a stake in ICZM participated in the inventory in each country (baseline: such participatory processes for the specific purpose of this proposal have not taken place in any of the pilot countries)Deliverable 1.3. Collection & repository of key/priority data sets and information layers (both raw data sets and derived products), with corresponding metadata, tailored to the results from a participatory priority-setting exercisePl 1: operational repository website(s) with national-level administrative rights PI 2: number of data sets (raw + derived) collected/assembled; geographic and thematic coverage PI 3: % coverage of critical needs identified under Deliverable 1.2M 1: website* M 2: digital data sets + corresponding metadata*,**,*** M 3: summary reports*,**,***T 1 and (b 1): repository with improved user friendliness functional by month 6; repository fully populated with data sets by month 36 (baseline: a prototype repository was tested under CMA1, however lack of user friendliness of the currently implemented solution has limited uptake by end users) T 2 and (b 2): an absolute minimum of 15 of the priority data sets required to support DS and M&E collected/assembled for each country; geographic coverage = at least all pilot countries; thematic coverage: at least 80% of the disciplines identified as relevant to ICZM under Deliverable 1.2 (baseline: the prototype repository produced under CMA1 contains about 10% of the baseline planning/demographic/ infrastructure data required for DS on ICZM for two of the CMA1 project countries) T 3 and (b 3): overall coverage of at least 50% of the critical needs (identified under Deliverable 1.2) by project end; strategy developed to cover an additional 40% over the next 5 years (baseline: to date, it is estimated that only 10-15% of these data sets, critically needed to enhance ICZM DM and M&E, are being provided to decision-makers through existing technological platforms) (this estimate will be updated once the results from D1.2. become available) Action 2 (A2): Create and enhance awareness, capacity and participation of key national-level stakeholders (both data users and data providers) in the development and use of the DS and M&E mechanism for ICZM (with special attention to long-term sustainability, and further up-scaling of CMA2 Project results)Deliverable 2.1. Training, Awareness Building & Dissemination package: Set of training, awareness building and dissemination materials and activities, incl. guidelines for the development, publication, distribution and enhanced uptake of map-based information products, use of the repository and CMA interface functionality, etc.PI 1: volume of training, awareness building and dissemination materials; distribution statistics (countries, organizations, sectors) Pl 2: number of training/twinning workshops; volume and origin of participants (countries, organizations, sectors)M 1: leaflets, brochures, digital and printed training products and tools*,**,*** M 2: technical and meeting/workshop reports*,**,***T 1 and (b 1): bilingual materials covering at least: data preparation and upload; CMA consultation and download; CMA platform maintenance; CMA stakeholders and CMA use in the context of ICZM-related DS and M&E; training materials distributed among at least the pilot countries; awareness building materials distributed among at least all CLME+ countries; dissemination: at least 60.000 CMA website hits from a minimum of 30 countries by project end (baseline: one online document was produced under CMA1 describing how to use the atlas aimed at the general public; the current main CMA website has over 30,000 hits for all articles combined, however unique visitor usage statistics are not available for this site or the map application) T 2 and (b 2): 2-3 regional training workshops, 1-2 awareness building events in each country, 1-2 awareness building initiatives linked to relevant regional-level meetings, 2 twinning workshops (e.g. AMA/SPINCAM II); target public: all pilot countries represented, at least 5 ICZM-related sectors/disciplines; cumulative number of participants: at least 240 (baseline: 3 national stakeholder meetings and 3 atlas-specific training workshops were conducted under CMA1)Deliverable 2.2. Prototype (promotional) Marine Atlas on the Status of the Coastal Zone (environmental/ecosystem status indicators and socio-economic indicators), existing and potential risks and threats, and its management (process indicators and stress reduction indicators), for each of the selected pilot countries PI 1: # of countries covered by the Atlas PI 2: # of key indicators mapped/graphed in the Atlas PI 3: # and origin of downloads/printed copies distributed + destination (stats on target countries, organizations, sectors)M 1: digital (pdf) version of the prototype Marine Atlas*,**,*** M 2: printed version of the prototype Marine Atlas**,*** M 3: website (download statistics), distribution log; *,**,***T 1 and (b 1): all pilot countries covered, by project end (baseline: currently no Atlases exist with the given specifications/indicator types) T 2 and (b 2): at least 12 indicators for each country (indicator types covered: process, stress reduction and status), by project end (baseline: no such Atlas exists) T 3 and (b 3): at least 500 downloads from min 20 different countries by project end; at least 20 printed copies distributed in each target country + 60 additional copies among other CLME+ countriesDeliverable 2.3. Final Report Lessons learnt /best practices recommendations for sustainability/up-scaling of resultsPI 1: report conclusions PI 2: overall performance score (ER1)M 1: report*,**,*** M 2: report*,**,***T 1 and (b 1): report includes all mentioned aspects: lessons learnt, best practices identified, recommendations for up-scaling, sustainability strategy; available in English and Spanish (baseline: N/A) T 2 and (b 2): score with an associated qualitative interpretation of highly satisfactory, by end of project (baseline:N/A) (details of methodology to calculate overall performance score + baseline score to be determined during CMA2 kick-off workshop)Expected Result N2 (ER2) Operational DS/M&E mechanism for improved sLMR governance and management at the LME level, linked to the CLME+ SAP implementation process, and based on [state-of-the-art technology for] the online publication, discovery, management and exchange of spatial data/information layers and sLMR best practices/toolsPI 1: combined index score value reflecting level of operationality of the CMA DS&ME mechanism, based on level of performance /compliance of the related individual ER2/A1 Deliverables indicators (see below) PI 2: combined index score value reflecting level of operationality of the CMA DS&ME mechanism, based on level of performance /compliance of the related individual ER2/A2 Deliverables indicators (see below)M 1: reported indicator values for ER2/A1 Deliverables; consolidated final report*,** M 2: reported indicator values for ER2/A2 Deliverables; consolidated final report*,** T 1 and (b 1): combined numeric index score with an associated qualitative interpretation of highly satisfactory, by end of project T 2 and (b 2): combined numeric index score with an associated qualitative interpretation of highly satisfactory, by end of project  Action 1 (A1): Create a functional, online DS/M&E tool for improved sLMR governance and management at the LME level, linked to the CLME+ SAP implementation process, and based on state-of-the-art technology for the online publication, management and exchange of spatial data/information layers and sLMR governance/management best practices and toolsDeliverable 1.1. Online Technology Platform (CMA interface) for supporting DM and M&E processes on sLMR governance and management in the CLME+ Region PI 1: regional state-of-the-art CMA is built and operational (CMA focus: sLMR/CLME+ SAP DM and M&E) PI 2: basic CMA interface components: import/export, exploration and analytical functionalityM 1: website(s) with data/map server*; (final) project report(s) *,** M 2: website(s) with data/map server*; (final) project report(s)*,** T 1 (b 1): regional, spatial data layer-based CMA Platform, by project end (baseline: currently no such platform for supporting sLMR governance/management exists in the CLME+ Region) T 2 and (b 2): CMA with basic components operational (baseline: currently no such CMA exists)Deliverable 1.2. Inventory of critical/priority (geospatial) data sets/information layers (with indication of associated relevant disciplines) required to support implementation of the CLME+ SAP (sLMR governance & management; M&E of SAP implementation/SAP indicators) PI 1: number of priority data/information sets identified (global/regional/subregional datasets; thematic coverage as compared to CLME+ SAP Strategies and Actions) PI 2: number and type of participants/contributors to the inventory (countries/organizations/sectors + their linkage to CLME+ SAP Strategies and related policy cycles)M 1: report *,** M 2: report *,**T 1 and (b 1): at least 60 priority data/information sets identified, linked to the 6 CLME+ SAP Strategies, 4 Sub-strategies, and their associated policy cycles for sLMR governance and management (baseline: an inventory of potentially useful data sources (not data sets) was conducted under the IMS-REMP component of the CLME Project, using an offer-driven instead of a demand-driven approach) T 2 and (b 2): participatory approach implemented involving key organizations with a formal mandate in sLMR governance in the CLME+ (such as, but not necessarily limited to: UNEP CEP, WECAFC, CRFM, OSPESCA, CCAD, IOC, etc.), by Project Month 8; inventory linked to the development of a M&E/indicator framework for SAP implementation under the CLME+ Project (baseline: preliminary activities took place under the IMS-REMP component of the CLME Project, but the process has yet to be tailored to CLME+ SAP implementation) Deliverable 1.3. Collection & repository of key/priority data sets/information layers, with corresponding metadata, tailored to the results obtained under D2.2 PI 1: operational repository website with administrative rights for key (sub-)regional organizations with a formal mandate over sLMR governance and management PI 2: number of data sets collected / assembled; geographic and thematic coverage relative to the different CLME+ SAP Strategies PI 3: % coverage of critical needs identified under Deliverable 1.2M 1: website* M 2: digital data sets + corresponding metadata; CLME+ SAP*,** M 3: summary reports*,**T 1 and (b 1): repository with improved user friendliness functional by month 6; repository fully populated with priority data sets by month 36 (baseline: metadata portal (IMS-REMP website), with offer-driven instead of demand-driven focus ) T 2 and (b 2): at least 40 of the priority data/information sets for enhancing policy cycle implementation (DM) and SAP M&E, relevant to min. 6 of the 10 SAP Strategies/sub-strategies (baseline: no known collection mechanism(s)) T 3 and (b 3): overall coverage of at least 66% of the critical needs (identified under Deliverable 1.2) by project end; strategy developed to cover the remaining 34% over the next 2 years (baseline: currently undetermined baseline will be updated once the results from D1.2. become available) Action 2 (A2): Create and enhance awareness, capacity and participation of key regional and national-level stakeholders (both data users and data providers) in the development and use of the DS and M&E mechanism for sLMR governance and management (with special attention to long-term sustainability, and further up-scaling of CMA2 Project results)Deliverable 2.1. Training, Awareness Building & Dissemination package: Set of training, awareness building and dissemination materials and activities (synergies to be established with D2.1 from ER1)PI 1: volume of training, awareness building and dissemination materials; distribution statistics (countries, organizations, sectors) Pl 2: number of training/twinning workshops; volume and origin of participants (countries, organizations, sectors)M 1: leaflets, brochures, digital and printed training products and tools*,**,*** M 2: technical and meeting/workshop reports*,**,***T 1 and (b 1): bilingual materials covering at least: data preparation and upload; CMA consultation and download; CMA platform maintenance; CMA stakeholders and CMA use in the context of LME level, sLMR -related DM and M&E; training materials distributed among all relevant CLME+ sLMR governance bodies; awareness building materials distributed among at least all CLME+ countries; dissemination: at least 5000 CMA website hits from a minimum of 30 countries by project end (baseline: no such materials currently exist) T 2 and (b 2): 2-3 regional training workshops linked to activities of the CLME+ Project, 1-2 awareness building events linked to relevant meetings of (sub)regional sLMR governance bodies, 2 twinning workshops (e.g. AMA/SPINCAM II see also D2.1 of ER1); main target public: organizations with a key role in the policy cycles (DM) and M&E linked to the implementation of the CLME+ SAP; cumulative number of participants: at least 120 (baseline: no such specific workshops, linked to CLME+ SAP implementation, have been organized in the Region)Deliverable 2.2. Prototype Marine Atlas on the status of key habitats/sLMR (environmental/ecosystem status indicators and socio-economic indicators) and EBM/EAF-based governance and management in the CLME+ (process indicators and stress reduction indicators)PI 1: # of key CLME+ SAP indicators mapped/graphed in the Atlas PI 2: number of downloads/printed copies distributed; volume and type of target public reachedM 1: digital (pdf) and/or printed version of the prototype Marine Atlas*,** M 2: website; printing production & distribution logs**T 1 and (b 1): at least 10 indicators per CLME+ SAP Strategy (indicator types covered: process, stress reduction and status), by project end (baseline: a basic promotional Atlas (<10 indicators in total) is being produced under the IMS-REMP component of the CLME+ Project to pre-illustrate the usefulness of the Atlas concept) T 1 and (b 1): ): at least 500 downloads from min 30 different countries by project end; at least 100 printed copies distributed among (sub)regional and global organizations with a major stake in LME/sLMR governance; at least 5 copies in each CLME+ participating country Deliverable 2.3. Final Report Lessons learnt / recommendations for up-scaling of pilot results (synergies to be established with D2.1 from ER2)PI 1: report conclusions PI 2: overall performance score (ER2)M 1: report*,**,*** M 2: report*,**,***T 1 and (b 1): report includes all mentioned aspects: lessons learnt, best practices identified, recommendations for up-scaling, sustainability strategy; available in English and Spanish (baseline: N/A) T 2 and (b 2): score with an associated qualitative interpretation of highly satisfactory, by end of project (baseline:N/A) (details of methodology to calculate overall performance score + baseline score to be determined during CMA2 kick-off workshop) 2. APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY2.1 Implementation strategy Overall Strategic Approach How will the project objectives be achieved? Clearly describe the overall strategic approach to be followed. The overall Strategic Approach (that will be) followed by the CMA2 Project to achieve the projects objectives and to contribute to the overarching development goals is as follows: The CMA2 project has been designed and its objectives have been set based on (i) the results from the analyses conducted under the CLME Project, its pilot projects and case studies; (ii) the results, conclusions and lessons learnt obtained from CMA1 (incl. preliminary stakeholder analyses); and (iii) experience and lessons learnt from ODINCARSA activities. By directly and indirectly addressing several root causes of environmental degradation identified under the CLME Project, the CMA2 will deliver distinct contributions to the overall implementation of the CLME + SAP, and to the achievement of the associated broader development goals. These root causes are: inadequate governance; lack of (availability) (and use of) data and information for improved decision-making; lack of stakeholder awareness; insufficient use of the value of ecosystem goods & services in decision-making. Uptake of the results from CMA2 by the SAP initiative will further ensure regional ownership, long-term sustainability and will enable up-scaling of CMA2 results. Taking into account the limited time and financial resources on one hand, and need to address as many Member States as possible, it will be essential to make use of the existing expertise and resources available within the participating countries/institutions as well as in the participating IOC programmes/projects such as IODE, IODE/ICAN, IODE/OBIS, IODE/OceanTeacher, IODE OceanDocs, IODE/OceanDataPortal, IODE/OceanExpert, IOC/ICAM, as well as regional organizations and projects such as SPINCAM, CPPS, etc. CMA2 will be fully owned by regional- and national-level stakeholders (organizations, institutions and individuals with a stake in ICZM and sLMR) The following strategic, stepwise methodological approach will be followed by CMA2: screening of existing successful experiences & lessons learnt; stakeholder identification; awareness building ; identification of data needs and availability ; identification of platform characteristics ; implementation of platform ; training & capacity building ; populating the platform with data sets ; pilot testing of use of platform in policy cycle implementation, monitoring & evaluation ; adaptive management based on results from M&E; strategy for sustainability and up-scaling of results ; dissemination. How is gender equality addressed in the approach? Gender equality concerns will be taken into account during project participation and will be addressed during the identification of key stakeholders, in the promotion of regional/national-level ownership of the project, and during capacity and awareness building and the dissemination of outcomes. Gender equality in the context of ICZM/sLMR governance & management will further also be addressed through the (data/information) support functions that the technology platforms (to be developed under the CMA2 Project) will deliver to the ICZM/sLMR processes in the region (e.g. through the preparation and dissemination of gender equality-related indicators in the context of ICZ/sLMR management)Description and sequence of activities Note: the sequence of activities listed below should be considered as a draft. The final sequence will be discussed at the Caribbean Marine Atlas Review and Planning Meeting, Miami, USA, 10-13 December 2013. Review of state-of-the-art technology (ER1.D1.1; ER2.D1.1) Review of regional/international coastal/marine atlases, with special attention to the inventory and review of initiatives relating to the CLME+ Region or its countries (incl. twinning workshop) (ER1.D1.1; ER2.D1.1; ER1.D2.1; ER2.D2.1) Identification of CLME+/Caribbean stakeholders (organizations, institutions, individuals) with key roles in ICZM-related DM and M&E (data/information users & providers) in the CMA2 pilot countries (ER1.D1.2) Identification of CLME+/Caribbean stakeholders (organizations, institutions, individuals) with key roles in sLMR governance and management-related DM and M&E (data/information users & providers) in the CLME+ (ER2.D1.2) Identification of functionality requirements for the CMA interface, in cooperation with the stakeholder community (users, providers) identified under the previous points (incl. workshop) (ER1.D1.1; ER2.D1.1) Identification and selection of preferred technological solutions (ER.D1.1; ER2.D1.1) Development of online platforms to satisfy the data/information storage, import/export, publication and analysis requirements of the project (ER1.D1.1; ER2.D1.1) Development of Training, Awareness Building & Dissemination Strategy (ER1.D2.1; ER2.D2.1) Production of training, awareness building & dissemination materials on the use of the online platform in support of DM and M&E. Training workshops (ER1.D2.1; ER2.D2.1) Identification of information/data requirements for ER1, through a participative approach involving key stakeholders identified under Activity 3; identification of available/obtainable information/data sets; priority setting for data collection efforts under CMA2 (incl. workshop) (ER1.D1.2) Identification of information/data requirements for ER2, through a participative approach involving key stakeholders identified under Activity 4; identification of available/obtainable information/data sets; priority setting for data collection efforts under CMA2 (incl. workshop) (ER2.D1.2) Collection/creation (as feasible) of priority data sets/information layers, with corresponding metadata, based on the results from ER1.D1.2 and ER2.D1.2 (ER1.D1.3; ER2.D1.3) Selection of key maps created under Activity 11, and assemblage and production of Prototype Marine Atlases and associated analysis tools (ICZM) for the pilot countries) for dissemination in printed and digital versions (incl. workshop) (ER1.D2.1; ER1.D2.2.) Selection of key maps created under Activity 12, and assemblage and production of Prototype Marine Atlas (sLMR governance & management in the CLME+) for dissemination in printed and digital versions (incl. workshop) (ER2.D2.1; ER2.D2.2.) Workshop to collect lessons learnt/best practices, and to define and agree on next steps (incl. issue of sustainability of project outcomes and opportunities for up-scaling). Production of final report. (ER1.D2.3; ER2.D2.3)  2.2 Risk analysis and mitigationNo major physical, environmental or social risks Main risks: Political: (medium) political support and stakeholder commitment will be critical for continued and incremental stakeholder involvement (both sides of the science/policy interface) and ownership (esp. from the side of policy & decision-makers), which in turn will be essential for achieving the expected development benefits of the CMA2 Project Economic: (medium) there is an initial scale mismatch between the financial resources that can be provided directly by the FUST for the CMA2 Project and the amount of financial resources that are expected to be needed in order to maintain the human, technical and technological capacity, and to generate and provide the volume and geographic and thematic coverage of information and data flows that will be required to support governance and decision-making process up to such an extent that regionally significant development impacts can indeed be achieved Technical/scientific: while much data/information is known to exist related to the region, it is currently unclear whether these data are of sufficient (known) quality and spatial/temporal resolution to be usable for maps/atlases that are required. If this is not the case then the project by itself may not be in not in a position to collect all the required data (through research cruises, research etc). How will these risks be mitigated? If the risks are outside the projects direct control, how will the project design address them? How will these risks be managed and mitigated? In the case of a stand-alone initiative, the above-mentioned risks would pose a substantial threat to the successful delivery of expected outputs and outcomes of the CMA2 Project. This threat has however been substantially reduced by fully integrating the CMA2 Project into the broad-ranging set of efforts to implement the 10-year Strategic Action Programme for the Sustainable Management of shared Living Marine Resources of the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (the CLME+ SAP): Mitigation of the political risk: Through the region-wide, high-level political endorsement of the CLME+SAP, there exists a strong regional commitment towards achieving sustainable management of shared living marine resources in the CLME+. Among its many synergetic actions, the CLME+ SAP specifically calls for the (gradual) development of policy(s) for transboundary/cross-sectoral data and information harmonization and sharing in support of enhanced ocean governance, and for the development, further enhancement and operationalization of decision-support systems under the different CLME+ SAP Strategies (sustainable fisheries, protection of the marine (and coastal) environment). Ownership of both the CLME+ and CMA2 initiatives by key regional and national-level institutions with a stake in the marine environment through the established Programme/Project governance structures (advisory bodies, steering committee, see also Sections 1.2 and 3). Mitigation of the economic risk: Integration of the CMA2 Project with the broader set of actions and activities relating to the implementation of the 10-year CLME+ Strategic Action Programme and the new 5-year UNDP/GEF CLME+ SAP catalyzation project will allow for the establishment of synergies and cost-efficient arrangements that will allow to substantially increase the delivery ratio of the CMA2 initiative per unit of invested ($) resources. Enhanced development of the Marine Atlas and map server prototype under the CMA2 Project, as well as full demo application of the CMA2 concept to selected case study policy cycles linked to the CLME+ SAP, for a selected set of countries/CLME+ subregion during the initial years of CLME+ SAP implementation, will be used to leverage additional resources and further enhance momentum. Up-scaling of initial CMA2 efforts will be materialized with support from the CLME+ Project. Mitigation of the technical/scientific risk: it will be important to identify the needed data including their temporal/spatial resolution and to ascertain their availability during the initial phase of the CMA2 Project. Additionally if derived data is available to provide preliminary information on priority areas of concern then these may be used. The lineage of all compiled datasets and data products will be clearly stated. Association of the CMA2 initiative with other regional or national-level initiatives can result in the support of these initiatives in the production process of data sets, in such cases where it is impossible to produce these under the CMA2 Project itself. 2.3 Sustainability and exit strategy How will the benefits of the project be sustained after funding and the technical support provided under the project have come to an end? The integration/mainstreaming of the CMA2 Project into the region-wide efforts to implement the 10-year CLME+ SAP will ensure that the benefits of the project will be sustained and further up-scaled, beyond the lifespan of the CMA2 Project itself. Analyses of the existing governance arrangements for ICZM/sLMR management in the region under the first CLME Project and the integration into the CLME+ SAP of key findings from a technical proposal -developed under CLME- for a multi-level, nested regional marine resources governance framework will allow to promote and ensure ownership of the CMA2 Project by those organizations and institutions with a consolidated stake and long-term mandate on marine/coastal zone management. This way, continuity and sustainability of CMA2 outputs and outcomes will be ensured. What are the assumptions and/or mechanisms (e.g. capacity building, institutions, funding arrangements, transfer of responsibilities) put in place regarding the continuation of activities and benefits (outputs/deliverables, results) after the funding has ceased? Once created, the platform hosting the products and services specified as part of this project will have a low overall running cost, primarily related to site hosting and periodic maintenance of the databases and information sets. This will enhance the prospects that ownership of the platform can be transferred to national and regional partner institution(s) with the required staffing/resources to sustain the site in concert with inputs from the user community. The capacity building and knowledge transfer identified as the final component of this project will ensure that full technical details of the platform are well documented and readily understood by several identified platform managers/developers/users. Training materials as a legacy of the capacity building efforts will also allow additional human resources to be formed, beyond the project life span, or beyond the group of people/stakeholders directly trained by the project itself. These will be included in the IODE OceanTeacher Global Academy to ensure their continued use and availability within and outside the region. Furthermore, as the functionality and outputs of the platform will be user-driven and tightly linked to ICZM/Sustainable Development practices, it is anticipated that user feedback will support the preservation of the products and services it offers. Linkage of CMA2 to the implementation of the 10-year CLME+ Strategic Action Programme will further ensure continuity of the initiative. What tools and processes will be put in place regarding the replication and/or scaling-up of activities? The integration of the CMA2 Project with the activities and projects linked to the larger-scale 10-year CLME+ Strategic Action Programme will provide the mechanism to ensure continuation of the decision-support activities initiated under the CMA2 Project, as well as of the overall sustainability of CMA2 outcomes. An activity is included in the CMA2 workplan to specifically analyse options to ensure sustainability and up-scaling of project outcomes beyond the CMA2 project life span. Twinning/exchange activities with initiatives covering other regions such as the African Marine Atlas and the SPINCAM II Project will allow further replication and up-scaling of activities, both within the CLME+ Region (in the case of SPINCAM II) and beyond.  3. PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND IMPLEMENTATIONWho will be carrying out the different project activities? (Outline the project implementation and management arrangements including a clear description of the roles and responsibilities of UNESCO and each of the partners). UNESCO Project Staff and Consultants: 1 senior science/policy interface/governance specialist (project staff, part-time) > linking data users with data producers 1 senior technical coordinator (project staff, full-time) > overall coordination of the technical work (platform selection and implementation, data set manipulation, etc.) Data management/QC specialist (project staff, full-time, as from month X) > data set manipulation, management and quality control functions Trainer(s), meeting facilitator(s) (consultants) > workshops, training sessions) Designer(s) (consultant) > dissemination and awareness building materials, Atlas,...) Communication specialist (consultant; dissemination and awareness building materials) IODE Secretariat: IODE Programme Director, OBIS Project Manager, OBIS data manager ICAN experts others, as applicable Project Governing Bodies: Project Steering Committee (synergies with CLME+ PSC for regional project component; national-level: inter-sectoral coordination/consultation mechanism for key ICZM stakeholders; IODE and donor representative(s)) Project Technical Advisory Group (core composition: max 10 members; representatives of regional governance bodies with key roles in ICZM/sLMR; IODE representative(s)) Other stakeholders: Data/Information Users: CMA2 project focal points at (sub-)regional sLMR governance bodies (e.g. UNEP CEP, WECAFC, CRFM, OSPESCA, CCAD, CCCCC, etc.) CMA2 project focal points in CLME+ countries Data/Information Providers: Regional and international IGOs (OBIS...), NGOs (TNC, WRI), private sector, civil society, relevant national-level govt bodies,... Data/Information Managers National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODCs) OBIS nodes Marine Libraries  4. MONITORING, EVALUATION, LESSON LEARNING4.1How will the performance of the project be monitored and evaluated?, Progress and performance will be monitored and evaluated by the Project Governing Bodies, and communicated to the donor, implementing agency and project stakeholders, by making use of the indicators, means of verifications and targets identified in Section 1.4. Indicators and targets will further be fine-tuned during the CMA2 Project initiation phase and presented for approval to the Project Board. Indicators and targets may further be periodically adjusted based on the results from M&E, under an adaptive management approach. For the frequency of M&E processes, see also Annex B: Work Plan. 4.2How will you involve beneficiaries and other stakeholders in monitoring and evaluation? See also Section 4.1. Carefully tailoring specific CMA2 outcomes and outputs to user needs will increase buy-in and commitment of key stakeholders to the CMA2 M&E process. Stakeholder participation and ownership have been key considerations throughout project design. See e.g. also Section 3. Integration of the CMA2 Project within the broader range of actions and activities relating to the implementation of the CLME+ Strategic Action Programme (CLME+ SAP) will further promote and enhance overall stakeholder involvement, and as such also facilitate the involvement of the broader array of CLME+ stakeholders in the monitoring and evaluation process for the CMA2 initiative. M&E of the CLME+ SAP Programme implementation will also be strongly promoted through Component 5 of the new GEF-funded catalytic CLME+ SAP implementation project. Important synergies between CLME+ and CMA2 M&E activities will be established in this context. Stakeholder ownership over both CLME+ and CMA2, established among other means through co-executing arrangements and the project governance mechanisms (steering committee, advisory board,...), will promote and further stimulate the involvement of beneficiaries and stakeholders in project M&E. Beneficiary/stakeholder communication channels as well as the substantive M&E procedures and channels that will be developed or further expanded under the CLME+ Project will also be made available to the CMA2 initiative. Beneficiaries and stakeholders will be made familiar for this purpose with the CMA2 logical framework and its associated indicator sets. Possible options (to be explored) to provide additional stakeholder access to monitoring and evaluation options, and to effectively conduct monitoring and evaluation, include: Distribution of questionnaires among stakeholders Monitoring and evaluation at existing/planned workshops and regional meetings Online evaluation options on the CMA2 project website/map server Online user statistics  5. VISIBILITY5.1How will the proposed project contribute to raising the visibility of UNESCO and the donor in the project area: describe the overall communication strategy/approach (e.g. media coverage, use of the logo on the publications, and other displays of the donors support, participation of the donor in project events, joint press conference, exposure on UNESCOs or other web sites). IODE/IOC/UNESCO and Donor logos/references will be prominently visible on all outputs produced under the CMA2 Project. Such outputs will include (but not be limited to): CMA2 dissemination materials (project leaflet, brochure); enhanced CMA2 website/mapserver interface; CMA2 technical documents and reports; CMA2 information and datasets and associated metadata developed/processed/assembled in the context of (sub-) regional and national/local-level policy development and decision-making processes relating to the marine environment/coastal zone. Linkages and references to CMA2 will be available also through IODE, IODE/OBIS, IODE/ICAN, IODE OceanTeacher, IODE OceanDocs, IODE OceanExperts etc. The integration of the CMA2 activities with the overall efforts to implement the CLME+ Strategic Action Programme (e.g. by producing and delivering materials that will support key CLME+ SAP-related decision-making and monitoring & evaluation processes) will provide an extended platform - and consequently enhanced media and stakeholder access - to the CMA2 initiative. This will substantially increase, in a very cost-effective manner, the visibility of UNESCO and the Flanders UNESCO Science Trust Fund (FUST), not only among the broader marine/coastal resources stakeholder community of the CLME+ Region itself, but also among the wider, global IW/LME/GEF practitioners community and the general public. Visibility will be further enhanced through twinning and dissemination efforts and project meetings/workshops that will be organized and undertaken both directly by the CMA2 Project itself (e.g. twinning/linkages with the AMA initiative), as well as in the wider context of the implementation of the CLME+ Strategic Action Programme (SAP) and its related projects and initiatives (such as e.g. IW:LEARN). Linkage to the CMA website/map server will feature prominently on the CLME+ SAP implementation website. A more detailed Communications Strategy for the CMA2 Project is to be further developed; this process will be supported by and integrated with the CLME+ Project (SAP implementation) Preparation Phase (Sept 2013-Feb 2014). Annex B Workplan Annex C Budget (by UNESCO Budget Line) (Logframe Annex A not included) Annex B: Workplan Activity by project componentsYEAR/QUARTERYR1YR2YR3Q1Q2Q3Q4Q5Q6Q7Q8Q9Q10Q11Q12CoordinationXXXXXXXXXXXXSubmission of Progress Report for the donor1222Self evaluation333333333333Submission of Final report (project management) including the self-evaluationXA1. Review of state-of-the-art technologyXXA2. Review of regional/international coastal/marine atlases, with special attention to the inventory and review of initiatives relating to the CLME+ Region or its countries (incl. twinning workshop) XX WSA3. Identification of CLME+/Caribbean stakeholders (organizations, institutions, individuals) with key roles in ICZM-related DM and M&E (data/information users & providers) in the CMA2 pilot countries XXA4. Identification of CLME+/Caribbean stakeholders (organizations, institutions, individuals) with key roles in sLMR governance and management-related DM and M&E (data/information users & providers) in the CLME+ XXA5. Identification of functionality requirements for the CMA interface, in cooperation with the stakeholder community (users, providers) identified under the previous points (incl. workshop) XX WSA6. Identification and selection of preferred technological solution XXA 7. Development of online platforms to satisfy the data/information import/export, publication and analysis requirements of the project XXXXA8. Development of Training, Awareness Building & Dissemination StrategyXXXA9. Production of training, awareness building & dissemination materials on the use of the online platform in support of DM and M&E. Training workshopsXXXXXXXXA10. Identification of information/data requirements for ER1, through a participative approach involving key stakeholders identified under Activity 3; identification of available/obtainable information/data sets; priority setting for data collection efforts under CMA2 (incl. workshop) XXXXXXA11. Identification of information/data requirements for ER2, through a participative approach involving key stakeholders identified under Activity 4; identification of available/obtainable information/data sets; priority setting for data collection efforts under CMA2 (incl. workshop) XXXXXXA12. Collection/creation of priority data sets/information layers, with corresponding metadata, based on the results from ER1.D1.2 and ER2.D1.2XXXXXXXXXA13. Selection of key maps created under Activity 11, and assemblage and production of Prototype Marine Atlases (ICZM) for the pilot countries) for dissemination in printed and digital versions (incl. workshop)XXXXXXA14. Selection of key maps created under Activity 12, and assemblage and production of Prototype Marine Atlas (sLMR governance & management in the CLME+) for dissemination in printed and digital versions (incl. workshop)XXXXXXA15. Workshop to collect lessons learnt/best practices, and to define and agree on next steps (incl. issue of sustainability of project outcomes and opportunities for up-scaling). Production of final report (technical)XX 1 Report on the results of the kick-off meeting/updated work plan 2 Annual progress reports 3 Quarterly performance &results (progress) self-evaluation WS Workshop Annex C C1 Budget by UNESCO Budget Line Cost Elements DescriptionYear 1Year 2Year 3Total(10) Staff(10) Travel costs50005000500015000(11) International experts/Consultants750007500075000225000(13) Administrative and Technical support staff11446114461144634338(14) United Nations Volunteers---0(17) National experts---0(10) Total Staff914469144691446274338(20) Subcontracts350003500035000105000(30) Training, seminars and meetings600006000060000180000(40) Equipment10000--10000(50) Miscellaneous30004000840015400Subtotal direct costs199446190446194846584738(80) Support costs (10%)19945190451948558474TOTAL219391209491214331643212  This can be added at a later date when a specific donor has been identified.  CLME+ refers to the combined area formed by the Caribbean and the North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (http://www.lme.noaa.gov/).  Experiences/best practices and lessons learnt from CMA2 will also be to the benefit of other regions of the world, through the winning and dissemination initiatives planned under CMA2.  www.clmeproject.org  Information Management System Regional Environmental Monitoring Programme  Strategic Action Programme for the Sustainable Management of the shared Living Marine Resources of the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (CLME+ SAP)  CLME Project (UNDP/GEF; 2009-2013: www.clmeproject.org)  Linkage with the SPINCAM II and CLME+ Project will allow to further increase the number of beneficiary countries  Qualitative interpretation criteria to be defined by Project Board (incl. stakeholders and donor)  Bearing in mind logistical and financial constraints proper of the target region  Qualitative interpretation criteria to be defined by Project Board (incl. stakeholders and donor)  Qualitative interpretation criteria to be defined by Project Board (incl. stakeholders and donor)  Bearing in mind logistical and financial constraints proper of the target region  Qualitative interpretation criteria to be defined by Project Board (incl. stakeholders and donor)  http://www.clmeproject.org/sap/CLME%20SAP%20v05022013.pdf  Monitoring, reporting and evaluation processes and tools should be designed to capture information on activities, outputs/deliverables and expected results. At the output/deliverable and expected results levels adequate provisions for data collection should be made covering all performance indicators (with associated quantitative and/or qualitative targets), starting with a baseline for each performance indicator. Information on key performance indicators should be collected periodically in order to track progress towards project implementation, output/deliverable delivery and achievement of the expected results. Please refer to a) the HYPERLINK "http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0018/001887/188713E.pdf"monitoring and reporting guidelines and b) the HYPERLINK "http://portal.unesco.org/intranet/file_download.php/Guidance+Note+on+Evaluation.pdf?URL_ID=21863&filename=13524550381Guidance_Note_on_Evaluation.pdf&filetype=application%2Fpdf&filesize=55839&name=Guidance+Note+on+Evaluation.pdf&location=user-S/"Guidance Note on Evaluation of 07.11.12  If appropriate, indicate the specific reporting requirements established by the donor and consistent with the provisions in the funding agreement.  Acronyms for: IW = International Waters (i.e. transboundary river basins, aquifers and marine ecosystems); LME = Large Marine Ecosystems; GEF = Global Environment Facility  AMA = African Marine Atlas  http://iwlearn.net/  Complete either a budget by UNESCO budget line (C1) or a budget by activity (C2). In case the budget per activity is the one approved by the donor, reporting will be provided per WBS elements. In any cases, a detailed budget labelled with UNESCO budget-lines, with cost recovery details, must be prepared as required by BFM, for internal management purposes.     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