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He will inform the participants of the objectives of the meeting: (i) review of progress in project preparation/activities; (ii) common understanding of current global, regional and national level activities as relevant to CMA2; (iii) preliminary identification of priority management.monitoring issues to be addressed, stakeholders, and associated data needs; (iv) preliminary identification of platforms, technologies and functionalities; (v) establishment of the CMA2 partnership and management structure; and (vi) revision of the 2014-2015 work plan and budget and assigning responsibilities. He will remind participants that the working language of the meeting will be English. Mr Ariel Troisi will briefly address the meeting as IODE Co-Chair. Dr Cesar Toro will address the meeting on behalf of IOCARIBE. Mr Peter Pissierssens will then briefly address the meeting on behalf of the IOC Executive Secretary [5 min] Adoption of the Agenda Mr Peter Pissierssens will introduce the meeting objectives and agenda, and invite participants to comment on and adopt the agenda (and timetable) [10 min] 1.3 Designation of Chair and Rapporteur for the Meeting The meeting will designate a Chair and Rapporteur for the meeting [5 min] 1.4 Introduction of participants All participants will be invited to briefly introduce themselves. Full information on the participants is available in the List of Participants [10 min] CMA2: SETTING THE SCENE 2.1 Objectives and expected outcomes of CMA2 Mr Patrick Debels will summarize the objectives and expected outcomes of the CMA2 project, as formulated in the latest version of the Project Document [PPT] [10 min] Objectives of the Caribbean LME Strategic Action Programme (CLME+ SAP) and of the CLME+ Project Mr Patrick Debels will summarize the objectives and expected outcomes of the CLME+ Project and SAP, and highlight the linkages between the CMA2 and CLME+ initiatives. Special reference will be made to the 6+4 CLME SAP Strategies, and the different components of the CLME+ Project (esp. Component 5). This intervention should also include the highlighting of important guidance frameworks such as DPSIR, the policy cycle, Governance Effectiveness Assessment Frameworks and 5 CLME modules, key conceptual frameworks under the CLME+ which are recommended for use under the CMA2 as well [PPT] [10 min] Review of the CMA2 Project Document and Report of the Caribbean Marine Atlas Review and Planning Meeting, December 2013 Dr Francisco Arias-Isaza will review the main elements of the Project Document as well as the major findings of the report from the December 2013 workshop (IOC Workshop report No. 260). He will continue to highlight current progress with, and suggested modifications to the work plan agreed upon during the December workshop. In particular, he will briefly report on progress under Work Packages 1 (Project Management arrangements), 2 (Atlas and Technology Assessments) and 3 (Stakeholder engagement). He will note that some of the activities of the original work plan could not yet be implemented due to the late start of the project, and point out the potential benefits of streamlining the CMA2 work plan and timeline with those of other major, relevant regional initiatives [PPT] [documents will be available] [20 min] 2.4 Overview of other regional and global initiatives, relevant to the objectives of CMA2 and CLME+ During this session, invited participants representing or linked to regional or global initiatives which are of potential relevance for decision making and monitoring & evaluation processes for improved marine and coastal resources management in the Caribbean region, will give a short presentation on the potential linkages between their initiatives and CMA2 PART 1 OTHER PROJECT PROPOSALS CURRENTLY UNDER DEVELOPMENT WWF (MAR2R GEF proposal) [10+5 min questions][PPT] The Nature Conservancy (CCI, ECMMAN, others) [10+5 min questions] [PPT] Each representative will be invited to provide a brief presentation on their activities as relevant to CMA2 and to make preliminary proposals on collaborative activities [ 10h40-11h00 Break 11h00-13h00 Session 2 IOC (Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme, TWAP LME component) [10+5 min][PPT] UNEP ROLAC (GEF/UNEP/CARICOM indicators initiative) [10+5 min] [PPT] Each representative will be invited to provide a brief presentation on their activities as relevant to CMA2 and to make preliminary proposals on collaborative activities PART 2 INDICATORS & NATIONAL, REGIONAL OR GLOBAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS CLME PCU (types of indicators required under the CLME+ SAP) [10+5 min] [PPT] UNEP CEP (reporting under the Cartagena Convention and its protocols; State of the Convention Area; Regional Seas indicators) [10+5 min] [PPT] UNEP ROLAC (ILAC indicators) [10+5 min] [PPT] IOC (World Oceans Assessment) [10+5 min] [PPT] FAO (indicators under the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF)) [10+5 min] [PPT] Conservation International (Ocean Health Index) [10+5 min] [PPT] Each representative will be invited to provide a brief presentation on their activities as relevant to CMA2 and to make preliminary proposals on collaborative activities [90 min] 13h00-14h30 Lunch break 14h30-16h00 Session 3 PART 3 POTENTIALL USEFUL PLATFORMS, FUNCTIONALITIES & TOOLS UNEP ROLAC (the UNEP Live platform) [10+5 min] [PPT] FAO (FIRMS, iMarine) [10+5 min] [PPT] Comisin Permanente del Pacfico Sur (CPPS) [10+5 min] [PPT] European Commission Joint Research Centre [10+5 min] [PPT] INVEMAR (the Colombian experience) [10+5 min] [PPT] University of the West Indies (mFisheries) [10+5 min] [PPT] Each representative will be invited to provide a brief presentation on their activities as relevant to CMA2 and to make preliminary proposals on collaborative activities with CMA2. 16h00-16h30 Break 16h30-17h10 Continue Session 4 ICAN & INVEMAR (Marine Atlasses, best practices & lessons) [20 min] [PPT] IOC (IZCM-MSP and associated indicators) [10 min] [PPT] IOC (Caribbean regional OBIS node [10 min] [PPT] Each representative will be invited to provide a brief presentation on their activities as relevant to CMA2 and to make preliminary proposals on collaborative activities with CMA2. ________________________________________________________________________ Tuesday 26 August 2014 09h00-10h30 Session 1 3. IDENTIFICATION OF PRIORITY MANAGEMENT AND M&E ISSUES 3.1 Presentations by sub-regional governance bodies Invited sub-regional governance bodies will give a brief presentation on their mandate, and their corresponding interest in the CMA2 initiative. For this purpose, they will build further upon the inputs provided during Day 1 Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism CRFM[10+5 min] [PPT] Organization of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector of the Central-American Isthmus OSPESCA [10+5 min] [PPT] Organization of Eastern Caribbean States [10+5 min] [PPT] Each representative will be invited to provide a brief presentation on their activities as relevant to CMA2 and to make preliminary proposals on collaborative activities Review of priorities pre-identified under CMA1 Mr Ramon Roach will give an overview of the priority national and regional, coastal zone-related management issues that had already been identified by participants under CMA1. Reference will be made to the conceptual approaches and frameworks illustrated under Session 2.b. of Day 1 for this purpose [PPT] [20 min + 5] 3.3 Overview of pre-identified priority monitoring & evaluation (M&E) needs [TBD] will give an overview of progress in the identification of coastal zone/marine-related monitoring and reporting priorities that are common/shared among participating countries and/or correspond to regional or global commitments and obligations [PPT] [15 min + 5] 10h30-11h00 Break 11h00-12h30 Session 2 Identification/Updating of priority management and monitoring & evaluation issues at resp. the national and regional levels Participants will be divided in 2 groups: group 1 (country representatives) will work on the identification of priority management/policy issues in each participating country, for which the CMA2 applications will be expected to provide decision support. Consideration will be given in this context to existing national and regional commitments (e.g. the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), and the development of National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPS) for the 2015-2020 period), projects and initiatives, from which a specific demand for decision-support may emanate, and which at the same time can provide an additional (logistical/financial) support base for the work to be conducted under CMA2 [60 min] group 2 (regional/international organizations) will work on the identification of a priority set of indicators (reporting obligations, and M&E of CLME SAP implementation) for which the CMA2 applications will be expected to provide a dissemination and consultation platform [60 min] The break-out sessions will be followed by a plenary discussion (incl. reporting on the break-out session results) [30 min] 12h30-14h00 Lunch break 14h00-15h30 Session 3 4. CURRENT INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR GEOSPATIAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT (national atlases and related data systems) Barbados [PPT] Belize (new) [PPT] Colombia [PPT] Cuba [PPT] Dominica [PPT] Jamaica [PPT] Mexico [PPT] Netherlands Antilles [PPT] Panama [PPT] As we are welcoming 5 new partners each partner will be invited to provide a brief (10 minutes) presentation on their countrys current institutional arrangements for geospatial information management. This should include information on the collection, management and delivery of ocean/coastal data, existence of coastal atlases as well as other services. Information should also be provided on the currently served stakeholders 15h30-16h00 Break 16h00-17h10 Session 4 Saint Kitts & Nevis (new) [PPT] Trinidad and Tobago [PPT] [PPT] Turks & Caicos [PPT] United Kingdom (new) [PPT] United States - Puerto Rico (new) [PPT] United States Virgin Islands (new) [PPT] Venezuela [PPT] As we are welcoming 5 new partners each partner will be invited to provide a brief (10 minutes) presentation on their countrys current institutional arrangements for geospatial information management. This should include information on the collection, management and delivery of ocean/coastal data, existence of coastal atlases as well as other services. Information should also be provided on the stakeholders served. ________________________________________________________________________ Wednesday 27 August 2014 09h00-10h30 Session 1 5. STAKEHOLDER MAPPING Updating of stakeholder inventories, departing from the results of Day 2 Participants will be divided in 2 groups: group 1 (country representatives) will work on the mapping of stakeholders - this should include the identification of a technical AND political (or senior technical) focal point within each participating country- and stakeholder groups under the different components of the policy cycle. Reference will be made in this context to the priority management issues identified during Day 1 [90 min] group 2 (regional/international organizations) will work on the mapping of stakeholders and stakeholder groups under the different components of the policy cycle. Reference will be made in this context to the objectives and targets of related regional and global iniativies, incl. the CLME+ SAP implementation, and the reporting & monitoring priorities that have been identified in this context during Day 1 [90 min] 10h30-11h00 Break 11h00-12h30 Session 2 The break-out sessions will be followed by a plenary discussion (incl. reporting on the break-out session results) [40 min] Identification of actions to engage stakeholders (WP3 A3.2) Mr Alejandro Iglesias-Campos will introduce ways and means to engage the identified stakeholders. It will be reminded that these actions will need to be included in the work plan together with resource allocations [PPT] [50 min] 12h30-14h00 Lunch break 14h00-15h30 Session 3 PLATFORM FUNCTIONALITIES & DELIVERY MECHANISMS Identification of data and information services required by stakeholders (WP3 A3.3, A3.4) The ICAN experts (Maria Berman, Tanya Haddad, Yassine Lassoued), Mr Patrick Debels and Mr Cesar Toro will be invited to give an overview of data and information services commonly required by the different stakeholder groups [PPT] [20+10 min] Functionality requirements Based on the results obtained from the workshop so far, the functionality requirements of the data platforms will be discussed [plenary] [20+10 min] System design & architecture - overview of relevant technology solutions The ICAN experts (Marcia Berman, Tanya Haddad, Yassine Lassoued) will be invited to provide an extensive overview of technology solutions and platforms that could be implemented at the national and/or regional level while taking into account the need for interoperability. [PPT] [20+10 min] 15h30-16h00 Break 16h00-17h00 Session 4 Identify and select preferred system architecture and technological solutions (WP 5 A5.1) Participants will be divided in 2 groups to identify possible system architecture and technological solutions for resp. ICZM and M&E and reporting group 1 (country representatives) [60 min] group 2 (regional/international organizations) [60 min] ________________________________________________________________________ Thursday 28 August 09h00-10h30 Session 1 PLATFORM FUNCTIONALITIES & DELIVERY MECHANISMS (contd) Results from the break-out sessions from the previous day will be brought to the plenary, and the way forward for the CMA2 project will be discussed and agreed upon [40 min]. 7. CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT, AND COMMUNICATION & OUTREACH For this session, the plenary may be split into smaller groups Capacity development (WP6) Mr Ramon Roach will provide a brief presentation on capacity development activities implemented during phase 1 referring especially to successes and failures. Ms Paula Sierra will then inquire from the participating countries about their capacity development requirements. The information collected from the meeting will be used for the development of a capacity development plan (incl. gap analysis) [PPT and discussion] [30 min] Communication and outreach (Wp7) Mr Alejandro Iglesias-Campos will invite the meeting to brainstorm on key consideration, aspects & elements for the commucation and outreach strategy. The information collected from the meeting will be used for the development of a capacity development plan [PPT] [20 min] 10h30-11h00 Break 11h00-12h30 Session 2 8. COMMON DATA NEEDS, AND READILY AVAILABLE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATA SETS Common data needs Participants will be divided in 2 groups: group 1 (country representatives) will discuss typical data requirements to support decision-making in the context of the management issues defined on Day 1, and identify a preliminary set of common data needs. Participants will then also discuss the approach to continue the inventory after the meeting, through the involvement of the stakeholders identified in Day 3 [60 min] group 2 (regional/international organizations) will discuss typical data requirements to support priority monitoring & evaluation processes defined on Day 1 (incl. data required for the preparation of indicators), and will identify a preliminary set of data needs of common interests. Participants will then also discuss the approach to continue the inventory after the meeting, through the involvement of the stakeholders identified in Day 3 [60 min] Rapporteurs from the groups will then debrief to the plenary [20 min] Readily available public domain data sets, of relevance for CMA2 A short overview will be given of pre-identified, readily available public domain data sets that may be of use for the stakeholders of the CMA2 and associated initiatives. A plan to further complete this inventory will be discussed (incl. its scope) will be discussed [PPT] [10 min followed by brief discussion] 12h30-14h00 Lunch break 14h00-15h30 Session 3 CMA2 SCOPE, PARTNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS, AND 2014-2015 WORK PLAN The CMA2 Partnership: contributions by, and synergies with regional and international partners initiatives The regional and international partners will be invited to meet separately to discuss, based upon the information gathered in agenda items 2 and onwards: what collaborative mutually-reinforcing activities can be proposed/agreed upon, that will enhance CMA2 but also serve the objectives of the organizations [90 min] 15h30-16h00 Break 16h00-17h30 Session 4 9.2 Review and revision as applicable- of project scope and management arrangements, and finalization of the 2014-2015 work plan Based on the results from the previous sessions, the CMA2 objectives, outcomes and outputs, and associated timeline, budget and management arrangements will be reviewed, and revised as applicable. This task will be conducted by a core group appointed by the meeting [90 min] ________________________________________________________________________ Friday 29 August 09h00-10h30 Session 1 CMA2 SCOPE, PARTNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS, AND 2014-2015 WORK PLAN (contd) Work Plan 2014-2015 Dr Francisco Arias-Isaza will present to the plenary: the revised work plan, budget and management arrangements, which have been prepared on the basis of the project document and the discussions held at the meeting. Mr Patrick Debels will present a diagram illustrating the identified linkages, collaborations and complementarities between the organizations participanting in the meeting in terms of reaching the goals and objectives of CMA2. The plenary will be asked to discuss and agree on the 2014-2015 CMA2 work plan [PPT] [60 min] ADOPTION OF THE REPORT Dr Francisco Arias-Isaza will request permission from the meeting to give the responsibility for the finalization of the report to the Secretariat CLOSING OF THE MEETING Dr Cesar Toro will address the meeting on behalf of IOCARIBE. Mr Ariel Troisi will address the meeting on behalf of IODE. Mr Peter PIssierssens, on behalf of the donor, will briefly address the meeting. Dr Francisco Arias-Isaza will invite participants to comment on the outcomes of the meeting. He will then close the plenary of the meeting while noting that additional sub-groups may meet during the remaining part of the day. [end]     Caribbean Marine Atlas Phase 2 - Kickoff meeting PAGE  PAGE 4 ')dyzufbXND:XhvIhO5CJhvIh15CJhvIh+(5CJhvIhO5CJhOhp0h5B* CJphphp0hO5B* CJphphp0hP5B* CJphphhOCJ$aJ$hj CJ$aJ$hhj CJ$aJ$hCJ$aJ$hJhCJ$aJ$h3Mhhj CJaJ hhj hj hvIhj B*ph6_hykhj B*ph6_jhs'UmHnHu()dyz $^a$gdnxu $^a$gd & Fgd2 2  & F8^8gdK^gdK^gd$a$gdr$a$gdgdgdj gd/y + 7 8 9    % & ' 4 e f { }xxsesWxR h,6hOh)6>*B*phh(erh(er6>*B*ph h(er6 hDD16h)hMhnxu6B*phh)hMhb6>*B*ph hb6 hpx6 htW6 h.g6 hJh6h$h)6h$h &6hOh &6>*B*phhOhO6>*B*phh$hO6hOh2 2 hBh1xh?h_5h+(    , 3 4 X [ i o u ~  ƾ򪟙wrjbh1h16h1hsb6 hvI6h1hPU6hoh@6hohPUCJhoh@CJ hoCJho6>*B*ph ho6hSh &6>* h16h$hw6hOhO6>*B*phhIhh2 2h$hO6 hnxu6 h"6 huT6h$h &6$ / $^a$gdK^  & F8^8gdK^ & FgdCgdf $^a$gd $^a$gdb$0^`0a$gdb$0^`0a$gd3 $^a$gd3 & Fgd3 ./opq#$Vùȴ~xofXPHh$hw6h$h1x6hOh1x6>*B*phhbh$CJhbhTxCJ h3CJ hBh1xh?h5hlhf6 h/yCJ htWCJ hfCJh$h6 h16 huT6hShS6>* hS6 hnxu6h$hl6hbhI6CJhbhCJhbh36CJ h36h1h"6VWmpz~,_`abgqrtĿĺ~wm^ZhTxhK^h16B*CJphhy#hy#6CJ hy#6CJhK^h,6CJhK^h16CJhK^h16>*B*CJphh1h1H*h1hpwh$h16 h6 h(G6 hW:6h$h)6B*phh$h)6hShw6>* hnxu6 h16h$hw6 h,6#qr()45h $^a$gd7nU & FgdC$ & F^a$gdK^ & F0^`0gdK$0^`0a$gdK & FgdK  & F8^8gdK^  & F^gdK^ & Fgdpw^gd$  &'5DEMUh)L  ͺ~yqiqd hW:6hy#hy#6hy#h$6 h$6h$h#L6B*phh$hK6 h,6h$hX 6h$hVK6 hDD16 hVK6h$h#L6h$h)6hs'6>*B*phhOh)6>*B*phhK6B*phhK6>*B*phh$hShTxh,' "'().p%)5745NWabƼzvmf_[W[h Nh- h-vh-v h-vh7nUhK^h-vCJh-vhK^hS6CJhK^hvQv6CJhK^h_,6CJhK^hG36CJhK^h16CJhK^h7nU6>*B*CJphhK^h7nU6CJ h7nUH*h7nUh7nUH*h7nU hKh7nU hKhKhhK^CJaJ hK^6 hW:6 hDD16bcfg]^_bcghkrsz{|}~ !»zvznh$h\6h\h\h\6h-v hfCJ hA5CJhKhf5CJhKhS5CJhKh7nU5CJhKh"5CJ hTw5CJh1htWh16h7nUh16 h-v6h Nh- h-vh-vh$h-v6B*phh$h-v6+]^_rs'(l)X  & F^gdK^gdfgd\ & FgdCgd"$ ^$ gd1 $p^pa$gdK^!"%&'(TU[efgjk"#$'()GQRSVWXĻͷߧ~h$h\6h-vh$hJw6B*phh$hJw6h$h N6h\h N6hJwhJwH*hJwhK^hJwCJhK^haICJ h-v6 h,G6h7nUh\6h\ h\h-vh$h-v6B*phh$h-v6-45?@ADEFZ[efȻ~vnan]~v]hX@h$hJw6B*phh$hJw6h\h%6h%h%6hK^h)hMCJhK^hJwCJ hJwCJ hTw5CJhhJw5CJhhJw5hJwh\h\6 h\6h7nUh\6 h\h\h$h N6h\h N6h\h$h\6h$h\6B*ph$FlVW  ! 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