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During the time period analyzed for this report were submitted 68,066 files to GTS in TESAC format, 68% of these files reached the GTS in the first 24 hours and 95% in less than 48 hours. During the reporting period 272,557 NETCDF files were transmitted to GDACs, about 83% of them in less than 24 hours. Performance statistics of our data transmissions to GTS and GDACs are available online at: http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/phod/argo/opr/ . US institutions deployed 465 Argo floats all over the World. Up to date maps with the deployment positions can be found online at: ww.aoml.noaa.gov/phod/argo/opr/php_forms/deployment_maps.php. These maps link to data collected by the floats. The US Argo DAC has continued its involvement in deployment planning, finding ships of opportunity and providing ship riders for selected cruises. Software Development at the US Argo DAC Three new Argos decoders and one new Iridium decoder have been developed and implemented during the reporting period. A new software package for the decoding of Iridium floats using Rudics has been developed to increase the adaptability to changes in the data format, thus reducing the adaptation needed to accommodate changes in the types and combination of sensors on a new float type. This package is, for example, used for a float with three oxygen sensors. Some parts of the currently operational QC programs were converted from Fortran 77 to Fortran 90, to take advantage of the enhanced power and flexibility of the latter. The subroutine performing QC Test 14, the density inversion check, was updated to implement a new method approved in the current QC Manual. Improvement to the existing program that determines the salinity correction derived in the DM quality control (QC) and apply it to already existing profiles that are younger than the most recent D-file were also implemented to increase its efficiency. The transition to the NETCDF format version 3.0 is used to consolidate various components of the processing system into one software package that is being written in Fortran 90. It will apply the real-time adjustments of pressure and salinity as needed, perform the real-time QC tests, generate the NETCDF files and create the TEASAC bulletins. New programming techniques are being used to simplify adaptations to future modifications in float formats. The processing system was migrated to a new server with a faster processor and more storage capacity which enabled the US Argo DAC to double the daily data acquisition and processing. This migration required changes of many programs to adapt them to the newer operating system. The US Argo DAC is maintaining a website that provides documentation and information about the operations:  HYPERLINK "http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/phod/argo/index.php"http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/phod/argo/index.php DELAYED MODE QC: After Delay mode quality control AOML receives the Argo profiles from US delayed-mode operators and verifies their contents to ensure soundness of the files. Recently we started accepting these files in the new Argo NETCDF format version 3.0. Each US Argo institution has provided information on their delayed-mode processing which was added to this report. University of Washington As of October 2013, University of Washington had submitted 155,764 delayed-mode files (D-files) to the GDACs via AOML. These were comprised of: 143,900 D-files belonging to University of Washington (UW), representing about 90% of UW profiles older than 12 months. 11,864 D-files belonging to the KESS project from University of Hawaii (UH), representing 100% of all UH KESS profiles. Delayed-mode evaluation of conductivity sensor drift was done by using the statistical comparison method of OW (2009), in conjunction with the CTD reference database issued by Coriolis. Visual comparison with nearby good Argo data was used to complement the statistical method of OW. Results from Stephanie Guinehuts altimetry test were also taken into account. Many APEX floats with the old Apf-8 controller were still active, thus their data continued to need checking for Truncated Negative Pressure Drift (TNPD). Wood Hole Oceanographic Institute In the period October 1, 2012 to September 30th 2012, 108 WHOI Argo floats were deployed from 10 separate vessels including the R/V Ronald Brown, R/V Endeavor, R/V Pelican, S.A. Agulhas II, F.R.S Algoa, M/Y Alucia, M/V Explorer, M/V Maersk Visb, JPO Pisces and Lady Amber. During this period, 380 unique WHOI floats reported a total of 10152 profiles of temperature and salinity. As of October 4, 2013, Woods Hole has submitted 89,901 delayed-mode profiles. Of the target group of profiles older than 12 months, approximately 16,000 profiles still require DMQC attention. Scripps Institution of Oceanography Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) has evaluated, as part of delayed-mode quality control (DMQC), a total of 125,294 Argo stations (profiles). This is an increase of approximately 14,494 stations (397 float years) since the previous United States Argo National Data Management Report (October, 2012). At present, 98.5% of the DMQC eligible, SIO stations have been completed. Here we define a station as being DMQC eligible if it was sampled more than 12 months ago. The above numbers include all SIO performed delayed-mode stations, including SIO floats, all Argo New Zealand floats, and 26 Argo-Equivalent floats provided to Argo by Dan Rudnick as part of the Origins of the Kuroshio and Mindanao Current project. SIO expects to be able to continue to maintain a high DMQC completion percentage during the coming year and will continue to revisit the profile data from most floats every 6 months. The standard DMQC procedures for SOLO/SOLOII profile data were continued in 2013. The Argo Program agreed upon a transition between the V2.2 NETCDF format and the V3.0 NETCDF format, comprising modifications to the profile, trajectory and meta files. SIO has developed procedures in order to manipulate and produce V3.0 DMQC data files. During the year, significant effort was expended in the DMQC of the trajectory data from 640 inactive SIO Argos SOLO floats (deployment years span 2000-2011). This most notably includes the estimation of float cycle timing, including float arrival and departure from the surface, and the full quality control of all Argos position data. The DMQC trajectory data from these floats are ready to be made public when the GDAC accepts the V3.0 trajectory file NETCDF format. However some of this effort is already available as improved time of surfacing (JULD of profile) estimates were recorded in the recent resubmission of 77,119 DMQC V3.0 profile NETCDF files. DMQC on additional Argos SOLO trajectory data will be ongoing as the floats cease sending new data. Scripps has actively participated in forwarding Argo Program priorities during the year. Most notably by Megan Scanderbeg in co-developing and documenting the Version 3.0 trajectory file. SIO continues to update quarterly both the Argo Climatological Dataset for OW salinity calibration and a census of format errors identified in delayed-mode NETCDF profile files. The transition to the IDG1 SOLOII / MRV S2A float utilizing the Iridium transmission system from the IDG SOLO float utilizing the ARGOS transmission system has been completed. The final SOLO float (upgraded to the SOLOII firmware and using the Iridium transmission system) was deployed February 13th, 2013. As mentioned in the 2012 report, the final ARGOS equipped SIO SOLO float was deployed in March 2012. Currently 39% of the SIO float array and 42% of SIO DMQC floats are Iridium SOLOII/S2A/SOLO floats. Scripps continues to work with float developers (IDG, MRV) to add capabilities to the SOLOII/S2A float type. Additions this year include an ice detection algorithm and the ability to modify data resolution post launch. It is hoped that an active relationship will result in the return of data able to minimize later DMQC tasks, and maximize the usability of the data in real-time. The same goal has led SIO to retain data decoding control for all SIO Iridium float data. Finally, SIO Argo and IDG deployed a prototype Deep SOLO float during 2013, which successfully measured over 70 profiles to 4000dbar before being recovered for analysis. Initial DMQC was applied to this float, however final DMQC is likely to wait till the Argo Program coalesces around a preferred procedure. South Atlantic Argo Regional Center at AOML Currently no funding is available for the final stage of the delayed-mode quality control. Activities related to float deployments are continued in close collaboration with WHOI. ?A) + n qDEHY`>'?'N(P(-,Y, ---û~tl鑉hUrCJaJhUrCJOJQJhUr5CJOJQJhUrCJPJhUr5CJPJhUrB*CJphhUr0J*PJjhUrUhUrjhUrUhUrB*CJaJphhUrB*CJphhUr5CJ\ hUrCJH* hUrCJhUr5CJH* hUr5CJ$#=O]^e 3 nd[qFGHYM,$a$,$a$$a$iYZ` "%%'!)*-,Y, - -----00$a$ $ & Fdda$$a$--$a$,1h/ =!"#$% DyK yK Zhttp://www.aoml.noaa.gov/phod/argo/index.php^2 666666666vvvvvvvvv66666686666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH V`V Normald*$ CJKHOJQJ_H9mH sH tH9DA D Default Paragraph FontVi@V 0 Table Normal :V 44 la (k ( 0No List 2o2 WW8Num1z0OJQJ2o2 WW8Num1z1OJQJ2o2 WW8Num1z2OJQJJ/!J Absatz-StandardschriftartP/1P WW-Absatz-StandardschriftartR/AR WW-Absatz-Standardschriftart1T/QT WW-Absatz-Standardschriftart11V/aV WW-Absatz-Standardschriftart1112oq2 WW8Num2z0OJQJDA D Default Paragraph FontT/T WW-Absatz-Standardschriftart12J/J WW-Default Paragraph FontBoB Plain Text Char CJOJQJ./. 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