ࡱ> ceb#` -bjbj .X%%(((8T(p(4))"*)*)*)***v4x4x4x4x4x4x4$5h_842-**2-2-4*)*)4j2j2j22-*)*)v4j22-v4j2j2j2*)( `QK(0j22404j2]91]9j2]9j2 **|j2/+d+***442X***42-2-2-2-$!d! Ninth Session of the IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management, 17 - 20 September 2007, Belgium Annotated Agenda for Discussion and Decision-Making For Consideration: When GEMIM 9 is considering its agreed actions and decisions, it may be useful to allocate priorities (eg highest priority = 1, lowest priority = 5) to the actions, tasks and decisions it agrees to progress. This may assist later with resource allocation. 1. IODE-XIX OUTCOME RELEVANT TO GE-MIM (Refer to document presented by Chair. Chair & Technical Secretary to introduce discussion) Review MIM related action items and identify required follow-up actions Q. 1.What actions must GEMIM take as a result of IODE directions? Prepare input to GE-MIM work plan based on instructions from IODE-XIX 2 COMMUNICATIONS (Chair to introduce discussion) 2.1 Communication Strategy for GEMIM and MIM National Coordinators (Refer to decision of IODE 19 on Role of Groups of Experts Chair to introduce discussion) Now that there are over 30 MIM NCs, GEMIM needs to develop clear strategy for communication with NCs, as well as with IODE, and the wider MIM community. Q. 2. What are current weaknesses in communication within GEMIM, between GEMIM & NCs, between GEMIM & outside groups? Q. 3. What are current gaps in communication? Q. 4. What are current nos of MIM NCs? Q. 5. How do we actively increase nos. of MIM NCs? Q. 6. Do we identify particular skills of MIM NCs (use OceanExpert?) Q. 7. How does GEMIM develop a sense of community/team amongst MIM NCs? Q. 8. Would MIM NCs benefit from a mentoring program? (see also Item 3.3) Q. 9. Should NCs develop regional groups (eg by ODINs?) Could GEMIM members take responsibility for different groups? Q. 10. What should a GEMIM-MIM NC Communication strategy include (list important elements)? Q. 11. What should a national reporting mechanism for NCs to GEMIM/IODE look like? Q. 12. What technologies should we be using (wikis, blogs, listservs?) Q. 13. Should GEMIM attempt virtual meetings? Q. 14. Could Google be used as a promotion tool (see also Item 4.1)? Decisions needed Does GEMIM develop a communications strategy? If so, who does it? Time frame for task? 2.2 IODE web site and MIM There is a need to review MIM content in the IODE web site. Q. 15. Should a working group/sub-committee of GEMIM be established for this task? If so, what would be terms of reference, time frames, and priorities? Should tasks / responsibilities be spread around MIM NCs? Q. 16. What are current gaps? What are current weaknesses? What are current strengths? Q. 17. What services or products should be provided by web site? Decision needed 2.3 Building Links with Other IM Programs IAMSLIC - There is a strong need for GEMIM/IOC to build supportive and collaborative links with other agencies. GEMIM has had a long association with IAMSLIC, with much overlap of membership and expertise. Q. 18. How does GEMIM develop a true working relationship with IAMSLIC? Q. 19. Current MOU is out of date. How do we make it stronger & more focused? (See also Item 4.2) Decision needed Other agencies/programmes Q. 20. What other agencies should GEMIM work with collaboratively (should MOUs be developed)? How do we identify/prioritise contacts? Possible other agencies/programmes: International Federation of Library Associations & Institutions (IFLA), International Maritime Organisation (IMO), Work Meteorological Organisation (WMO), Pacific Islands Association of Libraries (PIALA), Food & Agriculture Organisation (FAO), UN Atlas of the Oceans, International Oceans Institute (IOI) Decision needed Q. 21. Joint projects can they be clearly identified and placed in Strategic Plan? 2.4 Long-Term Strategic Plan (Refer to draft MIM Strategic Plan, circulated to all GEMIM members before GEMIM 9) MIM participants at IODE 19 provided input into IOC data & Information Management Strategic Plan. In doing so, a rough (but incomplete) version of a MIM Strategic Plan was begun. Advantages of developing a MIM Strategic Plan are: benefit communication between GEMIM & MIM NCs, GEMIM-IODE, IOC-external groups, highlight overlap with other agencies & possible synergies. Q. 22. Review IOC D&IM strategic plan - comments? Develop rough MIM Strategic Plan further comments, additions, use MIM survey results to strengthen plan. How long should plan run for?, Review process? Deadline for completion? Distribution to GEMIM NCs, IODE Officers, IAMSLIC, others, on IODE web site)? Q. 23. Big picture aspect of Strategic Plan ; 'libraries in e-science'. Q. 24. Is there a need for national oceanographic libraries (as NODC counterpart)? Q. 25. Future for libraries under Libraries 2.0? Q. 26. Is the digital divide reducing or widening? Suggestions for addressing issue? Q. 27. Should GEMIM survey all IOC member states to gain understanding of issues & priorities & status of marine libraries in their countries? Could survey identify priorities for training & skills building (to be used in development of Ocean teacher see item 3.2) If so, what form should the survey take? Possible questions: How do libraries currently support research? What is current level of access to digital or internet services or products? What else? Decisions needed Doe GEMIM complete task of developing MIM Stratagic Plan, as an integral part of the wider IOC DM & IM Strategic Plan? Who does it? Completion date? Should GEMIM undertake wide survey of marine libraries? Who does it? Completion date?3 CAPACITY BUILDING (Chair to introduce discussion) 3.1 ODINs (Ask ODINAfrica & ODINCarsa representatives to talk briefly about MIMN developments in their regions) Review ODINs progress in terms of MIM Q. 28. What has worked well for MIM? What has not worked well for MIM? What are important issues related to language (eg products, training, communication)? Library management systems Q. 29. How do libraries deal with different library catalogue systems within an ODIN? Should there be a single recommended library management system for ODINs? Or should GEMIM develop a list of essential criteria/standards/components for systems, which allows various ODINs to select their own system? Should open source options be preferred (eg Koha)? New ODINs Develop list of necessary MIM actions for each new ODIN. Clarify role of MIM NCs in ODINs. Decisions needed Future treatment of library management systems in ODINs? Role of GEMIM in ODINs? 3.2 OceanTeacher: MIM Content (Ask Linda Pikula to introduce discussion) Review progress of OceanTeacher content related to MIM and provide advice to SG-OceanTeacher. Q. 30. What are current strengths? What are current weaknesses (see Item 2.4)? Where are gaps in topics (see Item 2.4)? Q. 31. How can OT development be better shared across MIM community? Q. 32. How does GEMIM identify new authors? Does OT have a preferred style/format for writing new material? Decisions needed 3.3 Mentoring Programmes (Ask Janice Beatty to introduce this discussion) Q. 33. Is there a need for MIM mentoring programmes? Can GEMIM encourage: short-term internships in large marine libraries & provide support for library students? What are examples of successful library mentoring programmes? Q. 34. Could GEMIM mentor MIM NCs? Do MIM NCs mentor other librarians in their own countries/regions, ODINs? Q. 35. Considering the worldwide coverage of GEMIM, how can a mentoring programme work over such large distances? Can we develop an e-mentoring programme? What are advantages: improve MIM communication build sense of community in wider MIM parts of IODE What are disadvantages: Is this within GEMIMs charter? Does GEMIM have the required resources? Decision needed4 IODE/MIM PRODUCTS (Chair/ Technical Secretary to introduce discussion) 4.1 GE-MIM Involvement in IODE Product Development OceanExpert, - Q. 36. Can MIM NCs be delegated tasks for management/input of records. What training would they first need? Decision needed Q. 37. How can OE be linked to ASFA? Can it become the Expert Directory for ASFA (CSA), such as Scholar Universe is for Sociological Abstracts (CSA)? Should GEMIM approach ASFA again? Decision needed Q. 38. OceanPortal What role forGEMIM in OP? OceanTeacher (see discussion in 3.2) Q. 39. How can integration of products and interoperability be enhanced? Q. 40. What promotion opportunities are available (eg Google?) Other products Q. 41. IOC Technical Series and MIM. Should these be separate or all part of OT? Identify need for new products Q. 42. What are new topics which need to be covered? Is there a need for guidelines for establishing national ocean library (isnt there already one?); Q. 43. Topics of concern - how can marine libraries assist (e.g. climate change, IPY,...) 4.2 E-Repositories (OceanDocs) (Ask Marc Govaarts & Pauline Simpson to introduce this) (See also Item 2.3) Q. 44. Promotion of OceanDocs options for promotion (eg Google)? Impact of e-repositories on citation impacts? Why should scientists use e-repositories? Q. 45. GEMIM/IAMSLIC Relations between OceanDocs and Aquatic Commons; - standards for 2 products, complimentary aspects? Decision needed Technical Issues e-repository harvester legal (copyright) issues Q. 46. Capacity Building Issues for E-repositories What is status of current training options? What has worked well for training? What has not worked well? How are language issues managed? Q. 47. What is Way Forward? Is there a role for MIM NCs in E-repository development?      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