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(Reports of Meetings of Experts and Equivalent Bodies, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission) Abstract The OceanDocs Network has been created to provide a multi institutional distributed network of OceanDocs Central and institutional, regional and national repositories to provide a unique access point to marine science publications and research. The Second session of the SG-OceanDocs was held as a video conference with the intention of updating the Action Plan agreed at the First Session, 24-27 January 2012 in Oostende, Belgium.  TABLE OF CONTENTS  TOC \o "1-3" 1. OPENING OF THE SESSION  PAGEREF _Toc229454128 \h 1 1.1 Introduction of participants  PAGEREF _Toc229454129 \h 1 1.2 Adoption of the agenda  PAGEREF _Toc229454130 \h 1 2. OCEANDOCS TECHNICAL SUPPORT  PAGEREF _Toc229454131 \h 1 3. ACTION PLAN PROGRESS  PAGEREF _Toc229454132 \h 2 4. STEERING GROUP MEETINGS  PAGEREF _Toc229454133 \h 3 5. TRAINING ON OCEANDOCS/ AGRIOCEAN DSPACE  PAGEREF _Toc229454134 \h 3 6. OCEANDOCS EDITORIAL SUPPORT  PAGEREF _Toc229454135 \h 4 7. OCEANDOCS ASFA PROPOSAL  PAGEREF _Toc229454136 \h 4 8. OCEANDOCS-SG BUDGET 2013-2015  PAGEREF _Toc229454137 \h 4 9. APPOINTMENT OF NEW CHAIR  PAGEREF _Toc229454138 \h 4 10. CLOSE OF THE MEETING  PAGEREF _Toc229454139 \h 4  ANNEXES I. Agenda of the meeting II, Action Plan III. Budget 2013-2013 (submitted) IV. List of Participants OPENING OF THE SESSION The Co-Chairs of the Group, Mr Marc Goovaerts and Ms Pauline Simpson, welcomed the participants to the Second Session of the Steering Group of OceanDocs and thanked the IOC Project Office for IODE for providing host facilities on WebEx ( HYPERLINK "http://iode.webex.com" http://iode.webex.com). Introduction of participants The meeting participants introduced themselves. Apologies were received from: Susana Macanawai ; Saida Messaoudi ; Mika Odido; Peter Pissierssens and Imma Subirats . Mr. Aditya Naik Kakodkar, IODE IT Expert agreed to be rapporteur of the meeting and called attention to the Agenda, which had been circulated. (Annex 1). Adoption of the agenda Mr Marc Goovaerts introduced the Agenda and aims for the meeting. The Group adopted the Agenda. OCEANDOCS TECHNICAL SUPPORT Mr Aditya Naik Kakodkar was introduced as the new technical support for OceanDocs Central who confirmed he would continue to work with Mr Denys Slipetsky. Mr Marc Goovaerts offered to continue to provide advice and guidance and was thanked for all his hard work in implementing and developing OceanDocs.. The following was noted: End user documentation location needs to be standardized and the documentation needs to be revised . At present the technical documentation is available at AIMS, Google Docs and Dropbox. Technical (developer) documentation is not yet available. Several technical meetings (using WebEx) need to be arranged Finalization of the batch import module for Agris was discussed. The group was informed that XML file import was already available, but an intermediate Dspace format was required. The Group briefly discussed the next version of OceanDocs (Action 7.4). The Technical Team was requested to consider the standard version of DSpace and not a compiled version like the one used now and also to try finding new developers from different organizations, those who are willing to work with OceanDocs technical development. The Group was informed that there is no timeline yet set for the beta version. Harvesting by OceanDocs Central of the IBSS and CEEMAR records was discussed. This will help in increasing the number of documents in OceanDocs. A need for a Working Group to identify improvements in OceanDocs user-friendliness was recommended. The Group raised the need for a feedback mechanism on the interface and a bug-reporting tool to submit the technical/interface problems that arise when using OceanDocs. To enable monitoring, the Group agreed that the following actions plus others from this report, should be added to the Action Plan, with indicated persons taking responsibility: Technical developer documentation for AgriOceanDSpace including the controlled vocabularies and workflow fields modified/added in should be created in the IODE documentation wiki, as a matter of urgency It was decided to hold a technical meeting immediately in mid-March 2013 to discuss future technical plans. Mr Aditya Naik Kakodkar to arrange. The Technical Team will try to find new developers from different Organizations willing to work on OD technical development. A trial to harvest records from IBSS to OceanDocs Central using OAI would be carried out. A Working Group will be formed to carry out an evaluation of the OceanDocs interface. Ms Pauline Simpson (Co-Chair) will be the coordinator and each ODIN will be invited to nominate a representative. The Group recommended the inclusion of a Feedback Function on the OceanDocs interface and the creation of a Bug Tracker Account for OceanDocs, ACTION PLAN PROGRESS OceanDocs SG Action Plan 2012-2014 @ Jan 2013: deliverables now due (see ANNEX II): Ms Pauline Simpson introduced this agenda item. It was acknowledged with disappointment that very few substantive due deliverables had been achieved on the Action Plan since January 2012: Action 3.2:/3.4 This action relates to discussions in Agenda item 2. Action 3.3: The Spanish translation was already completed by Ms Andrea Cristiani and is available on OceanDocs. The French translation by Ms Saida Messaouda is in progress Action 5.1: No work had been done on the Communication Strategy. Its importance was emphasized and it was agreed that a draft of the Communication Strategy would be circulated to the SG by Jun 2013. Action 5.5: No work had been done on describing the different operational architectures in support of OceanDocs Action 5.6: see agenda item 6. Action 5.7: It was discussed that there are difficulties in creating good quality promotion material due to lack of high-resolution graphics. It was agreed that high-resolution graphics should be created using professional help and recommended that a budget for promotional material be included in the SG-OD Budget 2013-2015.. Action 5.8: It was noted that ODIN Members believed it was out of their scope to prepare Institute policies on open access. However it was identified that they could contribute to any discussions within their organizations on the preparation of Institutional Policies on Open Access. The Group felt they could make a recommendation that their Institute should sign the Berlin Declaration on Open Access, when discussions on OA Institution Policy was raised. Action 6: No work on the ODINs OA/IR survey had commenced. The Group recommended as a start to gather similar survey questions particularly FAO: HYPERLINK "http://aims.fao.org/advice/open-access/survey"http://aims.fao.org/advice/open-access/survey and EIFL. Action 7; 7.4: Technical developments under agenda item 2. Action 7.2: Feedback opportunity to be implemented on the OD interface (in addition to just an email address). OD Evaluation Survey to be carried out. Action 7.5: Metadata structure of AgriOceanDspace was discussed and the Group agreed that it should be evaluated and compared with Aquatic Commons Action 8: OceanDocs and Aquatic Commons cooperation was discussed. The Group recommended to explore integrated services and improve cooperation with Aquatic Commons by ways such as standardizing metadata and involving the Aquatic Commons community in OceanTeacher training courses. STEERING GROUP MEETINGS Ms Pauline Simpson introduced this agenda item. The Group agreed that more frequent virtual SG meetings might help with the progressing of the Action Plan. The Group agreed that two virtual meetings per year should be held. To be arranged by Co-Chairs TRAINING ON OCEANDOCS/AGRIOCEAN DSPACE The need for local and regional training for OceanDocs was highlighted and the Group requested historical data on what OceanDocs training courses had already been given globally. Once previous courses have been identified, presenters will be requested to submit their past and future presentations for upload to the OceanTeacher website. The Group was informed about the end user AgriOceanDocs installation and training to be included in the April 2013 OTA Development and Management of e-Repositories, and also that more information will be available after IODE XXII. The Group recommended that a list of all courses worldwide, that included OceanDocs training since 2008, be compiled. OCEANDOCS EDITORIAL SUPPORT This agenda item was introduced by Ms Pauline Simpson. It was noted that deposits to OceanDocs Central were not increasing significantly and that the quality control of records was variable. There followed discussion on the editorial responsibilities of the teams identified in Action Plan item 5.4 and 5.6 and it was recognized that there was a need for an Editorial Guidelines document to try to maintain consistency of record standards. The Group agreed that OceanDocs Editorial Guidelines should be written and that the Aquatic Commons Editorial Guidelines document should be shared as one example. OCEANDOCS ASFA PROPOSAL The agenda item was introduced by Mr Marc Goovaerts who informed the Group that his OceanDocs proposal to the ASFA Trust Fund which included the creation of an export tool from ASFA to OceanDocs among other things had not been successful. It is understood that ASFA are now considering writing their own script for ASFA to OceanDocs export which will greatly assist the OceanDocs Community. OCEANDOCS-SG BUDGET 2013-2015 Mr Marc Goovaerts introduced this agenda item reporting that a Budget for the 2014 SG Meeting in Oostende would need to be finalized and submitted. It was agreed that the Co-Chairs would submit the SG-OceanDocs proposed budget 2013-2015 to the IODEXXII for approval. (ANNEX III) APPOINTMENT OF NEW CHAIR Mr Marc Goovaerts introduced this agenda item reminding the Group that he had resigned as Co-Chair from Jan 2013. A new Chair of the SG needs to be appointed and it has always been expected that an ODIN representative would take this role. Ms Pauline Simpson will continue as co-Chair until Jan 2014 to assist the new Chair. No nominations from members was received and Mr Marc Goovaerts kindly agreed to remain as co-Chair until the post is filled. A number of suggestions were made as a way forward and the Group agreed to find more candidates and carry on the selection process outside the meeting. CLOSE OF THE MEETING The next meeting would be a virtual meeting expected to be arranged sometime during September or October 2013. ANNEX I AGENDA 1. OPENING OF THE MEETING 1.1. Introduction of participants 1.2. Adoption of the Agenda 2. OCEANDOCS TECHNICAL SUPPORT 3. ACTION PLAN PROGRESS REPORTS 4. STEERING GROUP MEETINGS 5. TRAINING ON OCEANDOCS AND AGRIOCEAN DPSACE 6. OCEANDOCS EDITORIAL SUPPORT 7. OCEANDOCS ASFA PROPOSAL 8. OCEANDOCS-SG BUDGET 2013-2015 FOR IODE XXII 9. APPOINTMENT OF NEW CHAIR 10. CLOSING OF THE MEETING Annex II ACTION PLAN OCEANDOCS ACTION PLAN NEW ITEMS ADDED 01 MARCH 2013DELIVERABLEWHODUE NOTESRECOMMENDATION10.1Technical developer documentation for AgriOceanDSpace including the controlled vocabularies and workflow fields modified/added in should be created in the IODE documentation wiki, as a matter of urgency Marc Goorvaerts Denys SlipetskyJun 2013 10.2Arrange a technical meeting immediately in mid-March 2013 to discuss future technical plans. Adii Naik Kokadkar Marc Goorvaerts Denys Slipetsky Thembani Malapela March 2013Mr Adi Naik Kakodkar to arrange. 10.3The Technical Team will try to find new developers from different Organizations willing to work on OD technical developmentAdii Naik Kokadkar Denys Slipetskyasap 10.4  A Working Group will be formed to carry out an evaluation of the OceanDocs interfacePauline Simpson ODIN Representatives from eachMay 201310.5Feedback Function on OD interface Creation of a Bug Tracker Account for OceanDocsAdii Naik Kokadkar Adii Naik Kokadkarasap asap Completed10.6A Trial harvest of IBSS records using OAI would be carried out Adii Naik Kokadkar Marc Goorvaerts Denys Slipetsky End April 201311List of all courses that included OceanDocs training since 2008, be compiled. Presentations from past and future OceanDocs regional training to be uploaded to the Oeanteacher Website. Marc Goorvaerts ODIN RepresentativesJune 201312OceanDocs Editorial Guidelines to be created Aquatic Commons Editorial Guidelines document send to AndreaAndrea Cristiani Pauline Simpson Completed13 Submit the SG-OceanDocs proposed budget 2013-2015 to the IODEXXII for approval. Marc Goorvaerts Pauline SimpsonMarch2013 Completed14.Evaluation Survey of OD functionality and interface to be carried out Pauline SimpsonSep 2013Ref Action 7.215Identification of new members for SG-ODCo-Chairs & Steering GroupA number of new members will need to be recruited and helped to gain experience to take on future lead roles.Katerina Kulakova has been nominated by Olga Akimova as the ODINECET Representative on SG-OD (Denys is Technical Dev). Bojan Macan has an eprints repository and is not in OceanDocs Network he may be able to link through AC. Other candidates are being pursued OCEANDOCS ACTION PLAN JANUARY 2012DELIVERABLEWHODUE DATENOTESRECOMMENDATIONREPORTED PROGRESS JAN 20131.OceanDocs Policy documentPauline SimpsonFeb 2012The draft version is ready Final review by the Steering Group CompletedRecommend that IODE, the different Odins and the institutes, which are partners in OceanDocs adopt an Open Access policy by signing the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities (HYPERLINK "http://oa.mpg.de/berlin-prozess/berliner-erklarung/"http://oa.mpg.de/berlin-prozess/berliner-erklarung/) Completed2.Copyright guidelines Pauline SimpsonFeb 2012Final review by the Steering Group  Completed3.1.Documentation: The existing documents will be collected in Dropbox: OceanDocs material (ppt pdf - ) will be revised External material (links websites)Steering Group coordinated by Marc GoovaertsMar 2012Pauline Simpson created a Dropbox directory and invited the OceanDocs Steering Group. This is a temporary solution (see next action) DropBox created and in use3.2. The general documentation will be available through OD . The necessary links will be created on the interface. Internal documents will be submitted in a new collection in OceanDocs. External material will be included in OceanTeacher. Marc Goovaerts and Denys SlipetskyyMay 2012Recommend that the Oceandocs resources will be available through OceanTeacher linked to specific training courses.3.3 Translation of the main internal documents about policy and copyright in French and SpanishSada Messaoudi and Andrea CristianiMay 2012 Translations will be reviewed. Translations in other languages awill be the responsibility of the requesting partners. SPANISH VERSION COMPLETED Spanish version of the OceanDocs Policy Document / Politicas del repositorio OceanDocs available to the OceanDocs SG in May 23, 2012 in Dropbox. FRENCH TRANSLATION is ongoing (SM)3.4. Technical documentation and training material (English version) is available through the AIMS Agriocean DSpace pages (http://aims.fao.org/tools/agriocean-dspace). The documents will be updated where necessarySteering GroupMay 2012Translations in other languages, if requested, will be the responsibility of the requesting partners.4. Request IODE/OceanTeacher to organize a training course on repositories with a focus on OceanDocs during 2012Steering GroupJan 2012IODE/OceanTeacher has scheduled a course in Nov. 2012  COMPLETED Rescheduled for April 20135.1. Creation of a communication strategy document ODIN representatives (*) + Linda Pikula (Lead)Jun 2012 Now agreed Jun 2013ODINCARSA no progress @ Jan 2013 ODINAFRICA requests to know what is meant by a communication strategy5.2. Delivery of an Intermediate Progress Report of activitiesODIN representatives (*)Jan 2013COMPLETED ODINCARSA - Report on ODINCARSA activities for 2012 were sent to GEMIM Chair 18 Dec. 2012. This report includes OceanDocs progress. ODINAFRICA report to be sent by 21 Jan 2013 ODIN-PIMRIS is yet to be part of OceanDocs but are working towards it. We have been promoting Open Access (at the University of the South Pacific & regional members) since returning from the OceanDocs SG meeting in early 2012 and will test DSpace in one of our island countries (ODIN-PIMRIS member) this year. If successful, we might migrate all others from Greenstone to DSpace in the near future.5.3. Delivery of a Progress Report to the Steering Group Meeting ODIN representatives (*) Jan 2014 Or one month before the next steering group meeting5.4. Creation of Odin teams ODIN representatives (*) Mar 2012The Odin representatives will create a team of 2-3 information managers to work out the different tasks on the Odin level: Introduction of OA, development of policy material, technical support, Quality control, projects, ODINCARSA team: Regional Coordinator and OceanDocs admin: Andrea Cristiani OceanDocs Validation team: Gabriela Silvoni (Argentina sub-communities and collections), Enma Fonseca and Andrea Cristiani (rest of Latin America sub-communities and collections). ODINAFRICA - OdeanDocs-Africa team is composed of 3 IM: Arame Keita (Senegal), James Macharia (Kenya) & Saida Messaoudi (Tunisia). 5.5. Describing the different operational architectures in support of OceanDocsODIN representatives (*) + Marc Goovaerts Now June 2013Marc Goovaerts, ready in Feb 2012 for the policy documentODINCARSA no progress @ Jan 20135.6. Quality control of the OceanDocs submitted depositsODIN Teams (On going) ODINCARSA = OceanDocs Validation team: Gabriela Silvoni (Argentina sub-communities and collections), Enma Fonseca and Andrea Cristiani (rest of Latin America sub-communities and collections). Edititorial Guidelines to be written 5.7. Preparation of material for Information sessions on Open Access, repositories and OceanDocsODIN Teams Minimal 1x/year: e.g. Open Access weekRecommend to create basic advocacy material (logo, powerpoint template, flyer) Budget request: 5000$ ODINCARSA no progress @ Jan 2013 Marc & Linda to request a budget from PP. Granted IODEXXII LP5.8. Preparation of institute policies on Open Access for Odins and institutes: to be proposed to Odins and institutesODIN representatives (*)ongoing Implementation and specification of the OceanDocs policy on the regional and local level ODINCARSA no progress @ Jan 2013 ODINAFRICA -On going: My institute policy will be ready by the next week & will be communicated to all the researchers of INSTM, then proposed to OdinAfrica group. 6.Survey for every participating Odin about: local/regional repository and Open Access options in addition to OceanDocs and Aquatic Commons Defining the volume of historical material and annual production of scientific publications in institutes Availability of an Open Access and repository policy on the different levels (institutes countries Odin)ODIN representatives (*) ODINAFRICA not yet done Imma recommended not to use FAO survey questions but to look at EIFL. Pauline has circulated some sample OA/IR surveys to use in the creation of the survey (March 2013) Likely to use EIFL with questions greatly reduced and edited.6.1.Draft of the survey planningODIN representatives (*)Mar 20126.2.Review of the survey planningApr 2012Steering group will participate in the review phase6.3.Survey period (May-August 2012) Aug 20126.4.Finalization of the survey reportSep 2012Steering Group will participate in the finalization phase 7. Technical developments on OceanDocs (AgriOcean Dspace): IODE XXII is requested to support the technical development of the OceanDocs network (meetings, travel, internship, software development etc) Budget request: 2000/3000$/year 3 during the next session. Completed included in Budget submitted.7.1. Finalization of the batch import module for Agris AP (for ASFA partners)Denys Slipetskyy Feb 2012 Completed7.2. Survey for a new release of AgriOcean Dspace - Already proposed functionalities: Batch Import: ASFA version Authority control: Thesaurus plug-in Authors (OceanExpert) Copyright license selection tool Duplication control tool Harvesting possibilitiesMarc Goovaerts Jun 2012Feedback mechanism to be implemented on OD interface. Evaluation Survey of the OD interface to be carried out see Action 10.47.4 New release AgriOcean DspaceMarc Goovaerts Adi Naik Kakodkar Oct 2012 Now March 2013 To be discussed at technical development meeting in March 20137.5. Evaluation of the metadata structure of AgriOcean Dspace Steering Group Lisa Raymond April 2012 Now 15 March 2013 Documentation is available at http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=84128. OceanDocsAquatic Commons: cooperation Data Sets (policy) Crosswalks (incl. ASFA batch import) Use of Linked Open Data - VOA3R AVANO support Sharing documentation and resourcesSteering Group On going Supported by Lisa Raymond, Hardy Schwamm, Linda Pikula, Marc Goovaerts, Pauline Simpson, Andrea Cristiani8.1. Intermediate Report on cooperation progressAndrea Cristiani Jan 2013ODINCARSA - - 1 new institution joined OceanDocs and started to upload documents to the repository in Dec. 3, 2012: Centro de Investigaciones Marinas, Universidad de La Habana, Cuba. - OceanDocs Training Workshop organized by Chile National Coordinator for MIM, Ms Alexandra Smith and sponsored by IODE. Place: Universidad de Magallanes, Punta Arenas, Chile Date: 25-26 de October 2012 Trainer: Gabriela Silvoni, INIDEP, Mar del Plata, Argentina8.2. Report to Steering Group on cooperation achievedAndrea CristianiJan 20148.3. Standardization of metadata between OceanDocs and Aquatic Commons: Agreement on a common coreHardy Schwamm Lisa Raymond Sep 2012A comparison of metadata fields is being completed8.4. Cooperation between IODE & IAMSLIC on training on repository development (OceanTeacher) Linda PikulaNov 2012Completed OTA Course arranged April 20139.1. Intersessional Steering Group meeting (Virtual)Pauline Simpson, Marc GoovaertsJan 2013Completed 01 March 2013 (Webex)9.2. Project Office OceanDocs Steering Group meeting (Physical)Pauline Simpson, Marc GoovaertsJan 2014 Organized in the second half of 2013 or the beginning of 2014 Recommend IODE XXII to support the organization of the 2nd steering group meeting. Budget request: US$35000 Completed March 20139.3. Annual Odin meetings (virtual): Every Odin organizes its own OceanDocs meeting ODIN representativesEvery yearParticipants: Odin team + chairs OceanDocs + other steering group members (facultative)ODINACARSA - No virtual meetings have been held so far Jan 2013  Odin representatives (*): Sada Messaoudi, Andrea Cristiani,  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewMemberRecord&memberID=19825" Susana MACANAWAI, Denys Slipetskyy ANNEX III BUDGET 2013-2015 (to be submitted to IODEXXII) 1. Two Yearly Steering Group Meeting in Jan 2014 (Oostende) or linked to another activity (IAMSLIC, IODE meetings other) 8 persons: Per diem  5 days: 8000 - Travel: 8000,- - Other: 2000,- = 16,000 12 persons: Per diem  5 days: 12000 - Travel: 12000,- - Other: 2000,- = 25,000 2. Development and support for AgriOcean Dspace implementations  2000-3000 /year3. 3. Regional training sessions - for discussion 4. Creation of advocacy material - 2000 ANNEX IV List of Participants: ODIN/OceanDocs representative Lic. Andrea CRISTIANI Chief Librarian Centro de Documentacion y Biblioteca Instituto de Investigaciones Pesqueras Montevideo Uruguay Email: andrea.cristiani@gmail.com Mr Denys SLIPETSKYY Lead Engineer National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, O. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas Nakhimova 2, Sevastopol Sevastopol 99011 Ukraine Tel: +380671321453 Email: d.slipetskyy@ibss.org.ua Invited Expert Ms Lisa RAYMOND Associate Library Director Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole MA 02543 United States Tel: 1 508 289 3557 Fax: 1 508 457 2156 Email: lraymond@whoi.edu Co-Chair SG-OceanDocs Mrs Pauline SIMPSON Programme Coordinator Central Caribbean Marine Institute PO Box 10152 Grand Cayman KY1-1002 Cayman Islands Tel: +[1] 345 949 1244 Email: psimpson07@aol.com Co-Chair SG-OceanDocs Mr Marc GOOVAERTS Director Universiteit Hasselt Campus Diepenbeek Agoralaan Gebouw D 3590 Diepenbeek Belgium Tel: + 32 (0) 11 26 81 24 Fax: + 32 (0) 11 26 81 24 Email: marc.goovaerts@uhasselt.be Chair GE-MIM Ms. Linda PIKULA Regional Librarian NOAA Central and Regional Libraries 4301 Rickenbacker Causeway Miami Florida 33149 United States Tel: 305-361-4429 Fax: 305-361-4552 Email: linda.pikula@noaa.gov IODE Secretariat Mr. Aditya NAIK KAKODKAR IT Expert Wandelaarkaai 7/61 8400 Oostende West Vlaanderen Belgium Tel: +32 59 34 01 75 Fax: + 32 59 34 01 52 Email: a.naik-kakodkar@unesco.org IAMSLIC representative Mr. Hardy SCHWAMM Collections Manager Freshwater Biological Association The Ferry Landing Far Sawrey Ambleside - Cumbria LA22 0LP United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1539 442468 Email: hschwamm@fba.org.uk FAO representatives Thembani MALAPELA FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, Headquarters Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00153 Roma Italy Email: thembani.malapela@fao.org     IOC/IODE-SG-OceanDocs-2 Page (i) IOC/IODE-SG-OceanDocs-2 Page (ii) IOC/IODE-SG-OceanDocs-2 Page  PAGE 4 IOC/IODE-SG-OceanDocs-2 page  PAGE 3 +2356>?ABCDLM_`abcder٭٭ففod[D[9[hG!hg7^JaJ,jhhU^J_HmHnHsH uhG!hg7^JhG!hg7^JaJ#hG!hg76CJ$OJQJ^JaJ*hG!hg76@CJ OJQJ]^JaJ*hG!hg76@CJ OJQJ]^JaJ*hG!hg76@CJ OJQJ]^JaJ*hG!hg76@CJ OJQJ]^JaJ&hG!hg76CJ OJQJ]^JaJ#hG!hg7CJ$OJQJ\^JaJ`abdefghijklmnopqr $a$gd.xm$gd.xm$ $$a$gd.xm$rĬsdUF5 hG!h zCJ0OJQJ^JaJ-hg7CJ0OJQJ\^JaJ-hCJ0OJQJ\^JaJ-h zCJ0OJQJ\^JaJ-hG!hg7CJ8RHe\^JaJ4'hG!hg7CJ8OJQJRHe\^JaJ4(h|5@CJ8OJQJRHe\^JaJ4.hG!hg75@CJ8OJQJRHe\^JaJ4$h5CJ8OJQJRHe\^JaJ4$h|5CJ8OJQJRHe\^JaJ4*hG!hg75CJ8OJQJRHe\^JaJ4 йpZK;($h #1hg7OJQJRHg^JmH sH h""OJQJRHg^JmH sH hG!hg7^JaJ-mH sH +hG!hg75CJOJQJ^JaJ-mH sH .hG!hg75CJOJQJ\^JaJ-mH sH hG!hg7^JmH sH hG!hg7^JaJ mH sH (hG!hg7CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH ,hU~hO34CJOJQJRHe^JaJmH sH hO34CJOJQJRHe^JaJh zCJOJQJRHe^JaJh;^CJOJQJRHe^JaJ  , 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F gdg7m$ $a$gdg7m$ $a$gd.xm$gd.xm$      + , 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 O R S U ̽q`qP>P#hA6hg76@OJQJRHg^JhA6hg76OJQJRHg^J h #1hg7@OJQJRHg^J h #1hg7@OJQJRHg^Jh #1hg7OJQJRHg^Jh #1hg7OJQJ^Jh z@OJQJRHg^J h.xhg7@OJQJRHg^Jh.xhg7OJQJRHg^J h #1hg7OJQJ^JmH sH h zOJQJRHg^JmH sH $h #1hOJQJRHg^JmH sH F G H I J K L M N O m n o p q z { q r - . $Ifgdg7m$gdg7m$U V ] ^ ` a e f k l m o p q s t u v w x y { | ~  ݻݫݛݍm]h+hg76OJQJRHg^J#h+hg76@OJQJRHg^JhA6@OJQJRHg^JhA6hg76OJQJ^JhA6hg76@OJQJ^JhA6hg76@OJQJ^JhA6hg76@OJQJ^J#hA6hg76@OJQJRHg^JhA6hg76OJQJRHg^J#hA6hg76@OJQJRHg^J# ͭݠ͠~qaQ?Qa#h #1hg7@OJQJRHg]^Jh #1hg7OJQJRHg]^Jh #1hxOJQJRHg]^Jh+6OJQJRHg^Jh+h5z6OJQJRHg^J#h+hx6@OJQJRHg^Jh z6OJQJRHg^Jh+hx6OJQJRHg^Jh+hx6@OJQJ^Jh+hg76OJQJRHg^J#h+hg76@OJQJRHg^Jh+hg76@OJQJ^J           ! 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