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Participants from countries with Tanzanian diplomatic missions or consulates should apply for and secure visas prior to their departure for Tanzania. In countries where Tanzania has no diplomatic representation, arrangements will be made for the issuance of visas on arrival. Participants are requested to inform the Local Coordinator, at the very latest by 10th April 2013 to facilitate arrangements for issuance of visas on arrival at Zanzibar International Airport and Mwalimu J.K. Nyerere International Airport (Dar es Salaam). CURRENCY Tanzanians local currency is the Shilling. 1 US $ is approximately 1600 Tanzania shillings. However the exchange rate is subject to market fluctuations. One can change all major currencies (US$, UK, EURO, Swiss Franks, J-Yen) either at the airport or in downtown Zanzibar. All major banks offer Bureau de Change services from Monday to Friday (9.00 a.m. 3.00 p.m). Forex Bureaus are also available in town and operate up to 5.00 p.m. Credit cards for payments of hotel and other charges are accepted in some hotels but not in all. One is therefore advised to carry adequate cash for necessary transactions. TIME ZONE Tanzania uses East African Standard Time (EAST) which is 3 hours ahead of the Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) ELECTRICITY The mains supply in Tanzania is 230 Volts, 50Hz and the plug is square British type. HOTEL ACCOMMODATION The Venue/Hotel will be Zanzibar Ocean View Hotel ( HYPERLINK "http://ocean.co.tz/ogh/zov/zov-about/" \t "_blank" http://ocean.co.tz/ogh/zov/zov-about/) regarding the best way for the participants to book their reservations. Participants can send emails directly to the Hotel, HYPERLINK "mailto:info@zanzibaroceanview.com" info@zanzibaroceanview.com(contact person, Ms Veronica P. Mwibule, Phone number HYPERLINK "tel:%2B255%20776%20531214" +255 776 531214), indicating their arrival and departure dates/time. Rooms begin at the Workshop Rate of US$68/night and include full Breakfast. Please copy me when you notify Veronica ( HYPERLINK "mailto:Sidney.thurston@noaa.gov" Sidney.thurston@noaa.gov). 7. TRANSPORT ARRANGEMENTS Transport will be availed for arriving participants at Zanzibar International Airport to the hotel as well as transfers to the Airport during departure. However, participants are advised to send their arrival details (Date, Flight and estimated time of arrival) to the meeting Local Coordinator at least two weeks before the start of the workshop. 8. WEATHER IN ZANZIBAR IN APRIL/MAY CONDITIONS AVERAGES EXTREMES Max Min Lowest Highest APRIL Temperatures: 29.6 23.1 15.4 35.7 Humidity(%) (0600GMT & 1200GMT): 87 73 Average number of rain days in APRIL: 17 MAY Max Min Lowest Highest Temperatures 29.4 22.4 14.0 31.8 Humidity (%) (0600GMT & 1200GMT): 86 70 Average number of rain days in MAY: 14 9. LOCAL COORDINATOR For any assistance or information, please get in touch with the Local Coordinators on the address given below: Mr. Augustine D. Kanemba Manager, International Affairs Tanzania Meteorological Agency P.O. Box 3056 Dar es Salaam Telephone: 255 0 22 2460706/8 Fax: 255 0 22 2460735/2460772 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:kanemba@meteo.go.tz" kanemba@meteo.go.tz Assisted by: Mr. Wilbert Timiza International Affairs Officer Mobile: +255 787 465 589 E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:timizaw@meteo.go.tz" timizaw@meteo.go.tz,  HYPERLINK "mailto:timizaw@yahoo.com" timizaw@yahoo.com. Ms. Hazla S. Masoud International Affairs Officer Tanzania Meteorological Agency P. O. Box 3056 Dar es Salaam Tel: +255 22 2460706-8 Fax: +255 22 2460735 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:hazla@meteo.go.tz" hazla@meteo.go.tz,  HYPERLINK "mailto:hazlaa@gmail.com" hazlaa@gmail.com Note: Please copy all your email communication to < HYPERLINK "mailto:met@meteo.go.tz" met@meteo.go.tz> 10. TOURIST ATTRACTIONS Zanzibar is a major Island and tourist destination in Tanzania with a ring of beautiful beaches and lots of interesting historical sites. Those interested in visiting some beaches and tourist sites in other parts of the country can get in touch with the Local Coordinator for assistance. 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