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Objectives The main objective of the Workshop is to cement the cooperation between GOOS-AFRICA and the Pan-African LMEs and to further mechanisms, and ways and means that will fast- track their effective implementation. The Leadership Workshop will build on and will empower African capacity in marine sciences and technology in general, and ocean remote sensing in particular. Specific objectives include: 1- Assess the requirements and recent developments in African LME programmes in respect of operational oceanography (including observing and monitoring and forecasting), and restraints 2- Assess the requirements and recent developments in GOOS-AFRICA in respect of observing systems and their implementation and restraints, noting the contribution to be made by the Ocean Data and Information Network in Africa (ODINAFRICA). 3- Capture the vision of leading African marine scientists and managers on the likely development of operational oceanography in Africa up to the year 2025 4- Formulate potential strategies to address the identified needs in ways that are affordable, implementable and sustainable 5- Develop a viable draft plan that jointly addresses the needs of African LMEs and GOOS-AFRICA and strengthens ties between these complementary initiatives, in particular the utilization of the African LME network for the implementation of GOOS-AFRICA and vice-versa 6- Build and further strengthen close links between key players in the African LMEs, GOOS-AFRICA and ODINAFRICA, and strengthen capacity in African countries in operational oceanography 7- Reinforce the cooperation between GOOS-AFRICA and the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (OGP) towards the development of operational oceanography, marine sciences and technologies in Africa 8- Draw on the opportunities for international cooperation in support of the development of operational oceanography and ocean remote sensing in Africa. 9- Report on the output of the Workshop to serve as a blueprint for consideration by the Second Pan-African LMEs Forum (13 November 2006) and the Forum of GOOS Regional Alliances (November 14-17, 2006) and by the International Waters Programme of the Global Environment Facility. Key questions addressing the objectives, scope and outputs from the Workshop would need to be answered: 1- What are our collective VISION and WISDOM to build the further generations of African Champions in Marine Sciences, Technology, Operational Oceanography and Satellite Remote Sensing to benefit African Society and the humankind as a whole. 2-What do the LMEs want or need and what are the constraints? 3-What does GOOS-AFRICA want or needs and what are the constraints? 4-What can the African LMEs offer GOOS-AFRICA? 5-What can GOOS-AFRICA offer the LMEs? 6-What are the other major ongoing or emerging ocean related initiatives in Africa? 7-Where will the execution/implementation capacity come from? 8-Where will the funds for on-going execution/implementation come from? 9-What does Africa really need in terms of marine sciences and technology and operational oceanography (not LMEs, not GOOS)? 10-How will operational oceanography like develop in Africa over the next twenty years? 3- Initial Workshop Topics To RESPOND to these crucial QUESTIONS, the following topics that are not exclusive will be addressed: (i) Paradigms and Challenges in Ocean Sciences, Technologies and Operational Oceanography and Satellite Remote Sensing (ii) NEPAD relevant Actions Plans on ST, Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment (iii) Special Session on the LMEs concept and development in Africa (iv) Monitoring and Management Needs/Issues and Requirements for African LMEs (v) In situ Observations and Measurements Needs in African LMEs (vi) Coastal Ocean Satellite Remote Sensing Applications in Africa (vii) UNESCO BILKO Distance Learning in Coastal Ocean Satellite Remote Sensing (viii) Data assimilation and modelling for Integrated Management of African LMEs (ix) Risks and vulnerability along the African coasts (x) Scientific Decision-Making Tools for Monitoring and Management of LMEs (xi) Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) and Strategic Action Plan (SAP) (xii) Establishment of Regional Commissions for African LMEs in Africa (xiii) AFRICA and the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) (xiv) Global and Regional Ocean Observing and Forecasting Systems for Africa (xv) Meteorological Observations and Progress in Africa: ACMAD and PUMA (xvi) Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa, ODINAFRICA (xvii) Socio-economics, governance and stakeholders’ involvement (xviii) Get it Right: Project Development and Management including fund raising (xix) International cooperation in Marine Sciences and Technology (xx) Regional Comparative Advantages & Positive Synergy: LMEs versus GOOS- AFRICA and vice-versa (xxi) Follow up programmes activities in the context of LMEs and GOOS-AFRICA (xxii) Reinforcing the cooperation between GOOS-AFRICA and the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (OGP) towards the promotion of operational oceanography, marine sciences and technologies in Africa (xxiii) Leadership and Team Building in Marine Sciences, Technology and Operational Oceanography: Building further generations of African Champions in Marine Sciences, Technology and Operational Oceanography towards Sustainable Development of Coastal and Marine Environment in Africa. (xxiv) Preparing for the Second Pan-African LME Symposium and the Third Forum of GOOS Regional Alliances in Africa. Note: A number of Position Papers on relevant topics are being solicited and circulated prior to the Workshop by way of background information and to stimulate discussion during both plenary and parallel sessions. POSTER PRESENTATIONS AND EXHIBITION ON MARINE SCIENCES, TECHNOLOGY AND OPERATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHY: individual LMEs - GOOS-AFRICA - ODINAFRICA - IOGOOS – PIRATA -SADCO - SAWS/WMO MetArea 7 - Satellite Imagery - Tide Tool IOTWS and peri-African sea level network and others. Tentative Leadership Workshop Agenda Day 1: Monday, 06 November 2006, Lecture Theatre 2. OPENING CEREMONY Co-chairs: Chair of GOOS-AFRICA, Geoff Brundrit Chief Technical Advisor of BCLME, Michael O’Toole Regional Director of GCLME, Chidi Ibe Rapporteur: GOOS-AFRICA Coordinator, Justin Ahanhanzo 08:30-08:40 Welcome to UCT by the Vice Chancellor of UCT 08:40-08:50 Welcome by LMEs Representatives in Africa BCLME CTA, Michael O’Toole and GCLME Director, Chidi Ibe 08:50-09:00 The way we are! Chair of GOOS-AFRICA, Geoff Brundrit 09:00-09:10 Opening Remarks by a South African Government Official 09:10-09:20 Workshop Arrangements by Emlyn Balarin and Justin Ahanhanzo 09:20-09:30 Introduction to the Workshop by GOOS-AFRICA Coordinator, Justin Ahanhanzo SESSION 1 SETTING THE GLOBAL SCENE PARADIGMS & CHALLENGES IN OCEAN SCIENCES, TECHNOLOGIES AND OPERATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHY 09:30-10:15 KEYNOTE 1: THE FUTURE OF THE LARGE MARINE ECOSYSTEMS OF AFRICA: CONCEPT AND DEVELOPMENT by Kenneth Sherman 10:15-10:45 Coffee/Tea Break 11:15-11:45 KEYNOTE 2: CLIMATE FOR DEVELOPMENT in Africa: STRATEGY AND IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAMME by Charles Magori, KMFRI 11:45-12-30 KEYNOTE 3: the Role of Africa in Coastal GOOS by Chair of GSSC, John Field (CONFIRMED) 12:30-13:00 Discussions 13:00-14:00 Lunch Day 1: Monday, 06 November 2006, afternoon, Lecture Theatre 2. SESSION 2 A BIG PICTURE FOR AFRICA IN THE GLOBAL SCENE A Special African LMEs Session on African Experiences with the LMEs Development and Implementation: LESSONS FOR THE FUTURE Co-chairs: Magnus Ngoile, ASLME Representative Gotthilf Hempel, Science Advisor, Senate of Bremen, Vere Shannon, UCT Rapporteur: Chika Ukwe, UNIDO 14:00-14:20 AGULHAS SOMALI LME (ASLME) by Magnus Ngoile(tbc) 14:20-14:40 BENGUELA CURRENT LME (BCLME) by Michael O’Toole 14:40-15:00 CANARY CURRENT LME (CCLME) by Andrew Cooke 15:00-15:20 GUINEA CURRENT LME (GCLME) by Chidi Ibe 15:20-15:40 RED SEA LME AND EMERGING LMEs INITIATIVES IN AFRICA by Cherif Sammari & Kenneth Sherman (tbc) 15:40-16:00 THE NEPAD ACTION PLAN FOR AFRICAN FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE DEVELOPMENT by Sloans K. Chimatiro (tbc) 16:00-16:30 Coffee Break 16:30-18:00 DEMONSTRATION OF SOME OPERATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHY ACTIVITIES THAT MAY BE RELEVANT TO FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS IN THE AFRICAN LMEs Progress and Further Plans for In Situ Observations and Measurements in Pan-African LMEs: Selected Case Studies and demonstrations in the BCLME (Frank Shillington), GCLME (Georges Wiafe), CCLME (Andrew Cooke) and ASLME (Magnus Ngoile) 18:00 End of Day 1 Day 2: Tuesday, 07 November 2006, Lecture Theatre 2 Session 3 The PROMOTION OF EARTH OBSERVATION SYSTEMS in africa TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF our MARINE AND COASTAL ENVIRONMENT Co-Chairs: Chair of GSSC, John Field Vice-Chair of I-GOOS, Kouadio Affian Rapporteur: Regional coordinator, CCLME, Andrew Cooke 08:30-09:00 THE NEXT STEPS FOR goos-africa by GOOS-AFRICA Chair, Geoff Brundrit 09:00-09:30 BEYOND ODINAFRICA III, the vision for the future By ODINAFRICA Coordinator, Mika Odido 09:30-10:00 DEMONSTRATION BY SELECTED PLAYERS FROM ODINAFRICA AND GOOS AFRICA OF SOME OPERATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHY ACTIVITIES THAT MAY BE RELEVANT TO FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS IN AFRICA 10:00-10:30 Coffee Break Session 4 A SPECIAL AFRICAN SESSION ON APPLICATIONS OF SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING TO operational oceanography, ECOSYSTEMS AND WATER RESOURCES IN AFRICA Co-Chairs: CEO, Satellite Applications Center, SAC/CSIR, South Africa Johnny Johannessen, Nansen Environmental Remote Sensing Center Rapporteur: Regional coordinator, CCLME, Andrew Cooke 10:30-11:00 : SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING: A CRITICAL TOOL FOR EARTH OBSERVATION IN AFRICA by the former Director of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs and former Chair of the UN-Committee for the Peaceful Use of the Outer Space (UN-COPUOS), Ade Adigun Abiodun 11:00-11:30 AFRICAN CAPABILITIES AND POTENTIALS IN SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING TECHNOLOGY: by Sunsat Manager, Sias Mostert 11:30-12:00 UNESCO & its IOC Initiatives in the fields of Satellite Remote Sensing in Africa by GOOS-AFRICA Coordinator and Team Leader, UNESCO, Justin Ahanhanzo 12:00-12:30 Distance Learning in Coastal Ocean Satellite Remote Sensing: UNESCO Bilko Experiences by Valbord Byfield, David Kirugara, Frank Shillington, R Sudarshana 12:30-13:00 Discussions 13:00-14:00 Lunch SESSION 5 OCEAN DATA & INFORMATION; NEEDS AND PROGRESS IN AFRICA: Co-chairs: Georges Wiafe, GCLME, Ghana Nkosi Luyeye, INIP, Luanda Rapporteur: Christo Whittle UCT, Cape Town 14:00-15:00 OCEAN DATA & INFORMATION NETWORK FOR AFRICA: ODINAFRICA CONTRIBUTION TO GOOS-AFRICA by Mika Odido, ODINAFRICA Coordinator and ODINAFRICA Work Package leaders Data management Information management Product development and dissemination 15:00:15:30 SADCO PERSPECTIVE by Martin Grundlingh, SADCO 15:30-16:00 WHAT CAN AFRICA CONTRIBUTE TO THE PILOT PROJECTS OF COASTAL GOOS? CHLOROPHYLL PP, IMPACTS OF SWELL, COASTAL VULNERABILITY, etc. A discussion led by John Field 16:00-16:30 Coffee Break SPECIAL KEYNOTE ADDRESS ON GIWA 16:30-17:30 KEYNOTE : PERSPECTIVES ON Global International Water Assessment (GIWA) by Gotthilf Hempel, Science Advisor, Senate of Bremen 17:30-18:00 THE WORKING GROUPS FOR DAY 3 AND 4. TERMS OF REFERENCE AND COMPOSITION. To be led by the Working Group Convenors 18:00 end of Day 2 Day 3: Wednesday, 8 November 2006, Lecture Theatre 2. SESSION 7 GOOS-AFRICA AND THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF OIL AND GAS PRODUCERS (OGP): TOWARDS A STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP PROMOTING marine sciences, technologies AND operational oceanography in Africa Co-chairs: Co-chair of the Joint GOOS-AFRICA/OGP WG, Valérie Quiniou-Ramus, Met Ocean Specialist, Total President of African Association of Oil and Gas Industries Rapporteur: Oke Eyo Oboko Oku, Met Ocean Advisor Shell Nigeria 08:30-08:50 Introductory Background on the cooperation between GOOS-AFRICA and OGP by GOOS-AFRICA Coordinator, Justin Ahanhanzo 08:50-09:10 Overview of OGP: WHAT is the OGP and HOW does it work? by Valérie Quiniou-Ramus (TOTAL) and Colin Grant (BP) 09:10-09:30 WHICH Oil Companies and WHAT are their activities in terms of Operational Oceanography, Marine Meteorology, Environmental Impact Assessment and Sustainable Development in Africa? by Valérie Quiniou-Ramus (TOTAL) and Colin Grant (BP), Angola Business Unit staff and Oke Eyo Oboko Oku, Met ocean Advisor, (Shell Nigeria) 09:30-09:50 Role of Service Providers in Marine Sciences & Technology Development and Operational Oceanography: Experiences and Views from Oil Companies in the industrialized World: Concrete success stories: TOTAL, BP, SHELL, STATOIL, TEXACO… 09:50-10:10 Role of Service Providers in Sciences & Technology Development in Environmental Sciences at broad: Experiences and Views from AMEC by Tim Conley, Managing Director, AMEC 10:10-10:40 Coffee Break 10:40-11:30 Role of Service Providers in Marine Sciences & Technology Development & Transfer: Experiences and Perspective from Inside Africa: Selected Experiences and Success stories: SONAGOL-Angola, Gabon, Congo, SHELL-Nigeria, Mauritania, Equatorial Guinea, … 11:30-12:00 Discussions on “Our Collective Wisdom”: Lessons learned and African Perspective related to OGP activities in Africa led by the President of African Association of Oil and Gas Industries in Africa 12:00-13:00 Further perspectives and modalities for Actions towards reinforcing GOOS-AFRICA/OGP Cooperation promoting operational oceanography in Africa including: GOOS-AFRICA/OGP WG Joint GOOS-AFRICA/OGP-Met Ocean Capacity Assessment Pilot Project OGP Meeting in Africa (2007 and onward) Pan-African Conference of Oil and Gas Industries for the Economic growth of African continent (2007 onward). Moderators: Justin Ahanhanzo & Valerie Quiniou 13:00-14:00 Lunch Afternoon (14:00 – 17:00) of Day 3, and Morning (09:00 – 10:30; 11:00 – 12:30) of Day 4 Lecture Theatre 2, Academic Rooms 1&2, Boardroom 2 WORKING GROUPS Four parallel specialist sessions focussing on detailed operational requirements, financing and implementation needs to address the following topics: Living marine resources and ecosystem health THE BENEFITSECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT APPROACH in AFRICAN LMEs by a GCLME expert Adaptation to climate variability Improving capacities for climate ADAPTATION by Andre Kamga, ACMAD Ocean predictability and forecasting PREREQUISITES FOR AND ADVANCES IN Prediction & Forecasting in AFRICAN LMEs by Geoff Brundrit UCT (CONFIRMED) Marine pollution and public health A STRUCTURED ECOSYSTEM-SCALE APPROACH TO MARINE WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT by Suzanne Taljaard, CSIR(CONFIRMED) Note: Each of these specialist sessions will commence with an invited keynote paper Collectively these sessions will cover the full scope/spectrum as given in the Objectives, Key Questions and TOR of this Leadership Workshop. The Working Groups will be expected to take their topic and to make recommendations as their contribution to the Synthesis Report. There will be plenary reports back at 16:30 (after coffee, and before close at 17:00 on Day 3) and at 12:00 (before lunch on Day 4). Day 4: Thursday 9 November 2006, AFTERNOON, Lecture Theatre 2 SESSION 10 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN SUPPORT OF OPERATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND REMOTE SENSING IN AFRICA Co-Chairs: Kenneth Sherman, NOAA Ashley Johnson, South African Representative to the IOC EC Rapporteur: CCLME Representative 14:00-14:30 CONTRIBUTION OF THE IOC/UNESCO CAPACITY BUILDING PROGRAMME TO GOOS-AFRICA AND AFRICAN LMEs To be confirmed A SPECIAL SESSION ON GOOS-AFRICA/NORWAY COOPERATION TOWARDS EMPOWERING AFRICAN CAPACITIES IN THE FIELDS OF WATER AND COASTAL RESOURCES, OPERATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND REMOTE SENSING IN AFRICA 14:30-15:15 The critical Role of Satellite Remote Sensing for Integrated Monitoring and Forecasting of Oceans and Coasts: GOOS-AFRICA and NORWAY sharing experiences by Johnny Johannessen, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center 15:15-16:00 Development of Early Warning System in support of Offshore Industry towards Environmental Impact Assessment and Sustainable Development of Marine Resources in Africa including Fisheries: The West Africa Case, by Anne Karin Magnusson, Norwegian Met Institute 16:00-16:30 Coffee Break FURTHER INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES 16:30-17:00 The EU as a world partner: monitoring natural resources for development co-operation in Africa by Samuel Djavidnia and Leo Nykjaer, EC – JRC 17:00-17:30 ENVISAT AND COASTAL AND MARINE ENVIRONMENT MONITORING IN AFRICA by Pierre Philippe Mathieu, ESA 17:30-18:00 THE CANADIAN SPACE AGENCY AND EMPOWERMENT OF AFRICAN CAPACITY IN SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING (RADAR APPLICATIONS) by Tidiane Ouattara, Manager of International Relations, CSA 18:00-18:30 Discussions End of Day 4 Day 5: Friday, 10 November 2006 , NOTE Lecture Theatre 3 09:00-10:00 REPORTS BACK FROM THE FOUR WORKING GROUPS 10:00-10:30 Coffee Break 10:30-12:30 Development of Synthesis Report on a Pan-African LMEs/GOOS-AFRICA Cooperative Framework for Operational Oceanography and Remote Sensing in Africa, for presentation the next week to the Second Pan-African LMEs Forum and the Third Forum of the GOOS Regional Alliances the following week 12:30 Closure of the Leadership Workshop 13:00-14:30 Lunch 14:00-16:00 Separate follow up meetings in preparation for the Second Pan-African LMEs Forum and the Third Forum of the GOOS Regional Alliances ON the following week. 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