ࡱ>  &bjbj 3\e @@ 8CǖT OjFa:ooo$[fo/@ooo oRo> Օ">෈e ^<0O x>>T(ooooooOooooooooooooo@ I: INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Twelfth Session of the Group of Experts on Marine Information Management of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Miami, USA, 22-26 January 2013 IODE / MIM Products and Tools: New Initiatives Aquatic Research Platform Doc Number: IOC/IODE-GEMIM .. Submitted by: Pauline Simpson & Marc Goovaerts Date published: 27/12/2012 Original Language:  FORMTEXT English Agenda Item: 6.5 Status:  FORMTEXT DRAFT 1 ASK Text10 " " \* MERGEFORMAT   BACKGROUND Over the years the IODE Information and Data Communities have implemented a number of information products. At present they are available online but often from disparate locations (URLs). It is difficult to have an overview of all information products from one access point : OceanDocs, OceanExpert, Ocean Data Portal, OceanTeacher, IODE Vimeo, Coastal and Marine Atlases , Open Science Directory; Library Databases, Standards etc. As a premier information provider, IODE needs to expose these products in an integrated and dynamic way to enhance their visibility and use. ISSUES TO BE DISCUSSED The Group will be invited to note the achievements of the VOA3R Project in which IODE and Hasselt University have been partners with FAO,  HYPERLINK "http://voa3r.eu/" http://voa3r.eu/ and to consider the proposal to commence the planning for an innovative community portal: Aquatic Research Platform using the VOA3R infrastructure as an IODE-GEMIM Project. A supporting separate proposal will be made for the Group to agree an IODE Information Products Launch Pad solution in the interim. See ANNEX C DECISIONS/ACTIONS REQUIRED FROM THE GROUP The Group will be invited to formally agree the establishment of an Aquatic Research Platform Project . Setting up an integrated web environment : IODE Information Products Launch Pad (see Annex C) Evaluation of the actual VOA3R platform by a group of users coordinated by GEMIM. Feasibility study to create an Aquatic Research Platform: Tools: VOA3R or alternatives? How to integrate the IODE (and IAMSLIC) tools in a research environment? Content: Which databases, services (authority control: vocabularies,), standards? The transformation of OceanExpert in a Linked Open Data-based system is an indicative step. Relations to external systems: e.g. ISNI; ORCID Financial, personnel and organizational resources ----- APPENDIX: DRAFT TEXT FOR INCLUSION IN THE SUMMARY REPORT OF IODE-GEMIMXII This agenda item was introduced by Ms Pauline Simpson. She recalled that IODE and the University of Hasselt had been in partnership with FAO and a total of 14 partners in the design and implementation of VOA3R; Virtual Open Access Agriculture and Aquaculture Repository. The VOA3R Community Project began in 2010 and is now operating in beta mode (http://voa3r.cc.uah.es/). VOA3R online portal has pioneered a sophisticated software infrastructure (as open source software based on JOOMLA) which VOA3R partners are now able to re-configure and re-use for other projects of their own (Marc Goovaerts, personal communication). Ms Simpson further informed the Group that, Marc Goovaerts was already involved in plans to set up a similar portal utilising the VOA3R infrastructure for 6 universities in Cuba. The Group will be invited to discuss the proposed IODE Aquatic Research Platform which will bring together in an interoperative environment all existing and proposed IODE Information Products. Whilst the underlying infrastructure will be a re-configured VOA3R it is envisaged that this would be an excellent joint project of both the IODE Information and Data Communities. The Group will be invited to consider Recommendation IODE-GEMIMXII as detailed below.   Annex A-1 Proposed initial ARP Steering Group membership Marc Goovaerts, Hasselt University etc ANNEX C IODE INFORMATION PRODUCTS LAUNCH PAD The sophisticated Aquatic Research Platform will take time to evolve into an operational tool. In the interim, it is recommended that an IODE Information Products Launch Pad be designed and implemented on the IODE website ie from one webpage all IODE related information products can be accessed: OceanDocs Network, OceanExpert, Ocean Data Portal, OceanTeacher, IODE Vimeo, Coastal and Marine Atlases , Open Science Directory; Library Databases, Standards, Aquatic Commons, ASFA etc etc. Aggregating links to all IODE Information Products will provide a user friendly launch pad from which all products can be accessed. The links to each information product could be through a visualization of the product/webpage with a small description alongside but that is a design detail for the web manager. The launch pad should include web stats facility. The present IODE Home page does not provide easy discovery of all the excellent tools and products provided by IODE. This simple solution would serve in the interim before the IODE Aquatic Research Platform is implemented.     IOC/IODE-GEMIMXII page  PAGE 4 IOC/IODE-GEMIMXII page  PAGE 5 IOC/IODE-GEMIMX11/AgendaItem6 Page  PAGE 1 DRAFT RECOMMENDATION IODE-GEMIMX11 THE IODE AQUATIC RESEARCH PLATFORM The IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Acknowledging the importance of IODE Information Products; the effort in initiating and maintaining the products and the need to expand their utilization, Noting with appreciation that VOA3R has proved a successful infrastructure with a three year project and that through periodic workshops and international conferences held in 2010 2012 has produced a sophisticated portal, Further noting that VOA3R Partners, having produced a suite of open source tools for the community portal, is permitted to re-utilize the software for other partner purposes, Recommends the establishment of the IODE Aquatic Research Platform to bring together in an interactive, interoperable and dynamic environment all IODE Information Products; Recommends the establishment of the IODE Steering Group for the IODE Aquatic Research Platform from the IODE/IAMSLIC Information and Data Communities with agreed Terms of Reference. Annex A to Recommendation IODE-GEMIMX11 . Terms of Reference of the IODE Aquatic Research Platform Objectives of the Project The strategic goal of the IODE Aquatic Research Platform: Creation of one access point for all IODE Information Products Visibility and exposure of IODE Information Products Interoperability of IODE Information Products Implementation of agreed technical standards Introduction of the social media and research community modules of the VOA3R software .. Define the scope and the feasibility of the IODE Aquatic Research Platform The Participants in the Project All experts from IODE/IAMSLIC GEMIM, Information and Data Communities as well as other relevant external experts designated by the SG. Annex B to Recommendation IODE-GEMIMXII Terms of Reference of the Steering Group for the IODE Aquatic Research Platform Project Objectives The SG-ARP shall: Advise the IODE Committee on the global vision, mission, policy and strategy, including partnerships of the IODE/ARP project with IOC and other projects/organizations; Advise the IODE Committee on IODE/ARPs strategy for its sustainability and further development including resource mobilization; Assist with the preparation and implementation of work plans, and review progress; Membership The Project will be managed by an IODE Steering Group for IODE ARP (SG-ARP), initially composed of members from IODE/IAMSLIC GE-MIM and OT Data Management plus representatives from other regions .. 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