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INVITED SPEAKERS 13:15 [3.1] CODATA (by Helge Sagen) 14:00 [3.2] NISO working group (by Cathy Norton on behalf of Amy Stout) 14:45 Break 15:00 [3.3] Persistent identifiers - beyond DOIs (Bob Arko) 15:45 [3.4] PID interoperability - report from IETF (Andy Maffei) 16:30 Wrap up 18:00 Dinner as a group, self pay, restaurant TBD Wednesday, October 10 8:00 Coffee, tea, light breakfast 4. WORK PLAN 2013 8:30 Summary of previous day/goals for today (Peter Pissierssens) 8:45 [4.1] Further technical developments 10:00 Break 10:15 [4.2] Promotion and deployment of the use cases in the target communities 11:00 [4.3] Outreach activities 5. CLOSING OF MEETING 12:00 Lunch served at meeting location 13:00 SCOR/IODE/MBLWHOI Library subgroup write meeting report VENUE All meeting sessions will be held at the Carriage House, Quissett Campus, WHOI Campus Map  HYPERLINK "http://www.whoi.edu/graphics/downloads/logos/QC_Village.pdf" http://www.whoi.edu/graphics/downloads/logos/QC_Village.pdf A shuttle van runs from Dyers Dock in Woods Hole Village (next to Coffee Obsession) to the Quissett Campus. Tell the driver you are going to Carriage House or walk from regular stop at the Clark Building. The Sands of Time Motor Inn is within walking distance to the shuttle. Shuttle schedule  HYPERLINK "http://www.whoi.edu/facilities/page.do?pid=26455" http://www.whoi.edu/facilities/page.do?pid=26455 If you will be driving to the Quissett Campus contact Lisa about a parking permit, plenty of parking is available. Note: parking is very limited in WHOI lots in the Village of Woods Hole. 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