ࡱ> WZTUVy }bjbj {{o $$ 2 2 2 2 2222(3,5246V<9<:<:<:?PB C$k* 2vDR?@?vDvD* 2 2<:<:?nLnLnLvDR 2<: 2<:nLvDnLnLĮ^<:[T4GU0j)H)^^) 2HvDvDnLvDvDvDvDvD**nLvDvDvDvDvDvDvD)vDvDvDvDvDvDvDvDvD$$ 0: Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Reports of Meetings of Experts and Equivalent Bodies   Joint JCOMM-IODE Steering Group for the Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project (SG-ODSPP) Ad hoc Session IOC Project Office for IODE Ostend, Belgium 2325 April 2012 UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Reports of Meetings of Experts and Equivalent Bodies Joint JCOMM-IODE Steering Group for the Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project (SG-ODSPP) Ad hoc Session IOC Project Office for IODE Ostend, Belgium 2325 April 2012 UNESCO 2012 IOC/IODE-JCOMM/SG-ODSPP/Adhoc2012/3 Ostend, 8 May 2012 English only For bibliographic purposes this document should be cited as follows: Ad hoc Session of the Joint JCOMM-IODE Steering Group for the Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project (SG-ODSPP), 2325 April 2012, Ostend, Belgium. Reports of Meetings of Experts and Equivalent Bodies, N236. 23 pp. English. UNESCO/IOC 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS page  TOC \o "1-3" 1. OPENING OF THE MEETING  PAGEREF _Toc198113953 \h 1 1.1 Welcome  PAGEREF _Toc198113954 \h 1 1.2 Meeting arrangements  PAGEREF _Toc198113955 \h 1 1.3 Adoption of the agenda  PAGEREF _Toc198113956 \h 1 2. OBJECTIVES OF THE WORKSHOP  PAGEREF _Toc198113957 \h 1 3. ODS: FROM PILOT PROJECT TO PROJECT  PAGEREF _Toc198113958 \h 2 3.1 JCOMM/IODE ODS Project Terms of Reference  PAGEREF _Toc198113959 \h 2 3.2 Proposal of Transition from ODS Pilot Project to the Joint JCOMM/IODE ODS Project  PAGEREF _Toc198113960 \h 3 4. PROGRESS REPORT TO JCOMM-IV ON ODS  PAGEREF _Toc198113961 \h 3 5. STATUS OF THE PENDING PROPOSALS SUBMITTED IN 2010 AND 2011  PAGEREF _Toc198113962 \h 3 5.1 Proposal No. 2011-01: Proposal to adopt a quality flag scheme for oceanographic and marine meteorological data exchange  PAGEREF _Toc198113963 \h 3 5.2 Proposal No. 2010-01: Proposal to adopt the SeaDataNet common data index (CDI) metadata profile as a standard for oceanographic data exchange  PAGEREF _Toc198113964 \h 5 6. REVIEW OF STANDARDS PROCESS  PAGEREF _Toc198113965 \h 5 7. REVIEW OF THE ODS CANDIDATES DISCUSSED AT THE FIRST ODS WORKSHOP  PAGEREF _Toc198113966 \h 6 8. PRIORITIZATION OF THE ODS CANDIDATES  PAGEREF _Toc198113967 \h 6 8.1 Quality Flags  PAGEREF _Toc198113968 \h 6 8.2 Unique Data Tag  PAGEREF _Toc198113969 \h 6 8.3 Quality Control: Temperature and Salinity Profiles  PAGEREF _Toc198113970 \h 6 8.4 Quality Control: Surface Temperature and Salinity  PAGEREF _Toc198113971 \h 6 8.5 Quality Control: Ocean Currents  PAGEREF _Toc198113972 \h 7 8.6 Quality Control: Ocean Waves  PAGEREF _Toc198113973 \h 7 8.7 Others  PAGEREF _Toc198113974 \h 7 9. ADOPTION OF THE WORKPLAN (2012)  PAGEREF _Toc198113975 \h 8 10. CLOSURE  PAGEREF _Toc198113976 \h 8  ANNEXES I.  HYPERLINK \l "annex1" Agenda II.  HYPERLINK \l "annex2" List of Participants III.  HYPERLINK \l "annex3" ODS Action List IV.  HYPERLINK \l "annex4" Draft Terms of Reference of the Ocean Data Standards and Best Practices Project (ODSBP) V.  HYPERLINK \l "annex5" Review of ODS Potential Standards Identified by the ODS Forum of 2008 1. OPENING OF THE MEETING 1.1 Welcome Mr Peter Pissierssens opened the meeting welcoming the participants (Annex II) to the IODE Project Office. He noted that presentations and relevant documents that were used in the meeting would be posted on the meeting web pages of IODE so that remote participants would have access to them ( HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewEventDocs&eventID=1020" http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewEventDocs&eventID=1020). Mr Yutaka Michida noted that only 2 standards had been through the review process and achieved acceptance. He remarked that the process must be more productive, attract more submissions and process them more expeditiously. Mr Paul Oloo remarked on the bottlenecks in the process as well and that he hoped that the meeting would be able to come up with solutions. Mr Michida explained that this past year his time had been consumed with dealing with the aftermaths of the tsunami of 2011. Consequently, he thanked Mr Oloo for carrying so much of the responsibilities during the last year. 1.2 Meeting arrangements Mr Pissierssens provided information about meeting arrangements. He noted that it was important to stay as well aligned as possible with the published agenda because those connecting remotely through Webex or Livestream would expect certain topics to be discussed at planned times. Mr Bob Keeley was designated rapporteur. 1.3 Adoption of the agenda There was only one addition to the agenda. Ms Nicola Scott offered to provide an update on the activities of the ETDMP Task Team on metadata. It was decided to include this under agenda item 8.7. 2. OBJECTIVES OF THE WORKSHOP Mr Paul Oloo presented a review of the Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project (ODS) from its beginnings in 2008. He noted that standards are needed to enable rapid understanding of data content. This is increasingly important for improving processing efficiencies to deal with increasing data volumes. Standards are essential for interoperability of data sets collected by different programmes. A number of international bodies, including IOC and its IODE, and WMO, have stated the importance of agreeing to standards. Challenges to accomplish this included slow reception of proposals, a lack of action to seek out new submissions, and a review process that was taking too long. A significant impediment appeared to be finding individuals who had the time required to guide a proposal through the review process. He also noted that during the review stages, there existed often the misunderstanding that by accepting a proposal, individual organizations that are engaged in handling data would have to change their internal practices as soon as possible. Such action was never intended. Rather, whatever standards were recommended would be applicable to data exchange to facilitate interoperability. Therefore, an organization providing data need only map their internal data structures to the recommended exchange standard. This sets a much lower threshold to participation that should be relatively simple to achieve. Mr Oloo also noted that there were groups within IODE (e.g. GE-MIM, SG-ODP) for which agreement on standards was very important, and they should be approached to determine how ODS can be of assistance to them. Mr Oloo also stated that he wanted the ODS, which is a Pilot Project, converted to a Project in consideration of the scope of its work. Mr Charles Sun presented his views on ODS. He remarked that first there must be standards and then interoperability is achieved. He noted that ODS is not very visible and this needs improvement. He noted also that there are so many areas needing attention that some priorities must be established to effectively manage the establishment of standards. Ms Nicola Scott noted that many projects establish their own internal standards. Unifying these is difficult because they have established ways of doing things. Ms Sissy Iona re-inforced this view. Mr Keeley noted that existing projects demonstrate practices that work and so even though it is a challenge to unify existing ones, the ones that are in use have demonstrated utility. Ms Iona noted that the SeaDataNet2 project (SDN) had specific deliverables that would include the preparation of proposed standards and that she was the overall leader for this activity. The challenge will be to broaden the scope to encompass issues from outside of SDN. As an example, SDN has started discussions with the Technical Coordinator of JCOMMOPS in broadening the platform list to a global list. SDN has a number of similar controlled lists and each of these could be proposed. Ms Iona also noted that once a standard is accepted, there needs to be some mechanism in place to maintain it, or provide updates. Again, as an example, controlled lists need new entries to be added from time to time and someone needs to be identified to continue keeping the lists up-to-date. Specific suggestions and resulting actions are identified in subsequent sections of the meeting. 3. ODS: FROM PILOT PROJECT TO PROJECT 3.1 JCOMM/IODE ODS Project Terms of Reference Mr Yutaka Michida presented this item. He pointed out that no clear Terms of Reference (ToR) were created when the ODS began and it was time to correct this. He remarked that the ToR need to identify project objectives and responsibilities of members of its Steering Group to direct the work of the ODS. Mr Pissierssens noted that because ODS has both IODE and JCOMM parents its management is more challenging. An important point is that there must be some mechanism for each parent to recommend standards between formal sessions of their governing bodies and for maintaining standards. The parents have different procedures for adopting standards and this needs clarification (actions 3,4). It was noted that the JCOMM Catalogue of Practices and Standards ( HYPERLINK "http://bestpractice.iode.org/" http://bestpractice.iode.org/), hereafter referred to as the Catalogue, is closely related to the ODS. The Catalogue contains material that describes standard practices of projects. Whereas these are not global standards they can be useful guidance to groups wanting some help in knowing what to do. Standards represent the global consensus and can grow out of existing project or regional standards as represented in the Catalogue. This deserves mentioning in the ToR. A small sessional working group was established to draft the Terms of Reference. The draft was subsequently discussed and agreed upon. It is attached as Annex IV. This will be submitted to the ETDMP at its next Session (action 1) More discussion relevant to this item is included under agenda 3.2. The report of this meeting will be submitted to the ETDMP at its next meeting (action 2). 3.2 Proposal of Transition from ODS Pilot Project to the Joint JCOMM/IODE ODS Project The process for transitioning the ODS from a Pilot Project to a Project entails closing the Pilot Project and re-starting the activity as a Project. This requires formal recommendations to go to the IODE Committee and IOC Assembly and to JCOMM and WMO. With JCOMM-IV taking place so soon (end of May 2012) it is past the date where such a recommendation can be submitted to that session. IODE-XXII is planned for March 2012 and this will be the first opportunity to formally discuss this matter at the Member State level. It was suggested that a draft recommendation would be prepared on consultation with the IODE Officers for submission to IODE-XXII. This recommendation will formally close the pilot project and establish a new project (Ocean Data Standards and Best Practices Project) - ODSBP that also incorporates a catalogue containing information about best practices. The meeting noted that until JCOMM becomes a partner in the new ODSBP we cannot refer to the JCOMM Catalogue as the ODSBP catalogue of best practices. It is hoped that JCOMM will join in this new initiative and the Catalogue can be the repository for ODSBP as well. The recommendation should therefore also invite JCOMM to endorse this as a joint project. One of the identified issues in timely handling of submitted proposals was the identification of someone able to act as a moderator for the submission. The moderators role was defined as follows: to move the proposal through the review process in as timely a manner as possible until either consensus is reached or the proposal is rejected. It was noted that this requires dedicated working time which is difficult for an individual to assign him/herself. It was suggested that a list of names and areas of expertise for potential moderators be prepared. This would help the Chair of the Steering Group identifying someone quickly to carry out this function. It was also suggested that when a person was being considered it may be helpful for him/her to get permission to spend staff time if an official letter is sent by IOC (IODE) requesting that the person be allocated time to work as moderator. It was agreed that a letter template would be prepared (action 5). 4. PROGRESS REPORT TO JCOMM-IV ON ODS Mr Paul Oloo informed the meeting briefly on the report that will be submitted to the upcoming JCOMM-IV meeting. It will review the history of the pilot project, refer to the Catalogue of Best Practices, and to the standards that have passed through the review process. The two submissions currently under review also are mentioned. 5. STATUS OF THE PENDING PROPOSALS SUBMITTED IN 2010 AND 2011 The meeting was informed that two standards had been reviewed and acceptance achieved (see agenda item 8). The standards have already been published by IODE, though as yet they have not been formally recommended by either IODE or WMO. A draft recommendation for IODE citing these two standards was prepared (action 7). This will be passed to ETDMP for consideration, as well as to IODE-XXII. 5.1 Proposal No. 2011-01: Proposal to adopt a quality flag scheme for oceanographic and marine meteorological data exchange The meeting was presented with a report on the progress of the submitted standard for quality control flags. In the course of the community review process there had been revisions and the most recent version, V1.2, dated March 2012 had not passed to community review, though was available to the meeting. The proposal discusses a two level scheme. The primary level is composed of numeric indicators solely related to the reliability of the data values. A secondary level is suggested for providing additional information that explains the values set at the primary level. This additional information includes what tests were performed, whether data values are outside of instrument detection, whether the value is interpolated, etc. The meeting was informed by Mr Oloo that the primary flag scheme was considered acceptable for data exchange and interoperability needs, based on comments received. The concept of the secondary scheme had generated more discussions and, as mentioned above, a version 1.2 had been made available recently. The meeting agreed that version 1.2, together with comments made by the authors, should be re-submitted for community review as soon as possible. A point of discussion on the primary flag scheme at the meeting was the lack of a flag value to indicate probably good data. Such a flag is used in a number of international programmes and there was some concern about where data flagged as probably good in local data systems should get mapped into this global scheme. It is expected that data providers will make a choice between flag 1 or flag 2. There was also some concern about using a hierarchical flag scheme (an increasing numeric value indicating decreasing reliability of data) where data for which no assessment of quality, flagged as 2, was ranked higher than data assessed as bad, as indicated by flag 3. The proposal did present a rationale for this. The meeting expressed some concerns over the second flag scheme (in line with the concerns expressed by the community review when they reviewed version 1.1). The meeting noted that a further modification could emphasize the primary flag scheme only. Reference could be made to the concept of a secondary scheme, and that deliberations are on-going but detail should be limited. This simplified version may more easily pass a community review and could then be recommended for use. The meeting proposed that work continue apace on clarifying the questions yet to be resolved on the secondary scheme. If the authors consider the suggestion made above to split the proposal, this could be submitted as an update to the quality flag scheme accepted already (presumably) and a recommendation to this effect be presented when consensus is reached. Splitting the proposal into two pieces like this would allow a basic flagging scheme to be accepted and to go into use in data exchange without having to wait for the additional information delivered by the secondary scheme. The information of the secondary level is very useful, but not having that does not negate the immediate benefit of the primary flags to improve data exchange and interoperability. The secondary scheme is important, but implementing the primary level only is still a significant step towards interoperability (actions 8, 9, 10). The meeting was informed (towards the end of the meeting) that the V1.2 had not yet gone to community review. This community review must proceed as quickly as possible. The participants asked the Chairs to keep them informed of the continuing deliberations on this proposal. It is hoped that consensus can be reached such that a recommendation can be made to IODE-XXII (action 6). 5.2 Proposal No. 2010-01: Proposal to adopt the SeaDataNet common data index (CDI) metadata profile as a standard for oceanographic data exchange The meeting was informed that Mr Greg Reed had produced a comparison of the CDI and the Marine Community Profile (MCP). He concluded that there were sufficient differences in approaches to recording metadata to make it impossible to reconcile the two approaches into a single standard. Subsequently, the CDI was submitted for consideration. Since the CDI was built in 2003 there has been an evolution of ISO standards and whereas CDI (2003) was mostly compliant with ISO-19115, a more up-to-date standard, ISO-19139 has been developed. SDN, the authors of the CDI, are reformulating it to be ISO-19139 compliant. This update should be ready in 2012. Consequently, the CDI proposal (2003) was withdrawn. The meeting was of the view that the CDI was a prime example of a standard practice of a project with wide use. Even if the submission could not attain broad community acceptance, it was still a very important development and at least should be represented in a catalogue of best practices. There is much to be learned from the SDN Project and having its documentation referenced in the catalogue would be very helpful. 6. REVIEW OF STANDARDS PROCESS Mr Paul Oloo provided an overview of the standards review process as it currently operates. He remarked that in the course of guiding the QC Flag proposal through the various stages, there were revisions of the proposal. There were no instructions on how to handle revised documents, whether each revision restarts the entire process or recycles through the stage it is currently in. It was clear that the review process needed to be revised to take this into consideration. He also noted that the review process does not make clear that any other agencies or programmes other than NODCs have an evaluation role. In fact, it was intended that reviews should be distributed widely for comments. It is particularly important that significant international data systems (e.g. Argo, GTSPP, etc.) should be consulted. Likewise, groups of JCOMM or other international organizations who have experience in aspects dealt with in a proposal should be consulted. The revised process should address this as well. Mr Pissierssens recalled earlier discussion noting that reviewers need to be reminded that standards are intended for international exchange purposes and not to impact local systems. He suggested this also be clearly stated in the revision. Mr Keeley noted that with the inclusion of a catalogue of best practices, a clear link to the catalogue and a mechanism and criteria be drafted for the revised process. As an example, Ms Iona remarked that she had received a copy of the MyOcean guide for real-time QC with the request of the JCOMM ETOOFS that it should be entered in the catalogue. Mr Pissierssens generalized these comments to suggest that all of the significant international projects be approached and asked for a copy of their documentation for entry into the catalogue. Having this scope of material would provide source material for identifying possible global standards. Mr Keeley noted that the web pages were very clear about where a proposal was within a review, but it did not take into consideration the revisions that might occur. Participants did not recall if the criteria for sending a proposal to the fast-track was clear and so they requested this to be checked as well. It was remarked that ODP has built conversion software to deal with different metadata coming from different data sources. Having data providers adhere to a standard would not only simplify ODP but serve as a demonstration of the advantages of global standards. Iona recalled her earlier comment that responsibilities for maintaining existing standards need also be identified. As a comparison, Mr Sun presented information obtained from WMO on their process for approval of standards. An important difference between WMO and IODE is that once a standard is adopted by WMO, Members are required to implement it, whereas in IODE there is not such requirement. In WMO recommended Practices are actions that Members are encouraged to adopt, but there is no requirement. Urgent proposals can be moved forward quickly by the President of WMO although Members must still have a 90 day window to comment or hold up implementation. In normal circumstances WMO Regulation 76 applies. Based on the above discussions, the meeting participants requested Mr Keeley to prepare a new version of the review process for their consideration (action 13). He was also asked to prepare a clear description of the purpose of the standards being reviewed and to include this in the proposal template (action 12). Finally, it was noted that there should be a linkage between ODS web site and any related pages like the catalogue of best practices (action 11). 7. REVIEW OF THE ODS CANDIDATES DISCUSSED AT THE IODE/JCOMM FORUM ON OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA MANAGEMENT AND EXCHANGE STANDARDS (2008) The meeting then proceeded with a quick review of the standards candidates identified at the 2008 Forum. The intention was to identify concisely if there had been any proposal submitted or perhaps some movement towards a possible standard. Annex 4 records the discussion. The meeting noted that there is no lack of activities that could result in a proposed standard coming forward. Proposals can result from activities in ODP, from activities itemized in Annex 4, from international projects, or from actions taken by groups in IODE or JCOMM. The meeting asked the Chair(s) of the ODSBP at its first meeting (if established) to review activities from all of these sources to note progression towards, or the submission of, a proposed standard (action 15). 8. PRIORITIZATION OF THE ODS CANDIDATES 8.1 Quality Flags Activities related to this item have been reported under agenda item 5.1 8.2 Unique Data Tag Mr Charles Sun provided a short review of the use of the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) method employed in GTSPP to uniquely tag real-time (coming in traditional alphanumeric code forms e.g. BATHY, TESAC) and delayed mode data. He has prepared a paper that documents both the procedure and an evaluation of its effectiveness. He remarked that using the CRC as a method for creating a more general unique tag may not be ideal. The meeting requested Mr Sun to submit the CRC document for inclusion in the catalogue of best practices (action 16). The meeting was also informed that GTSPP is actively discussing this matter. 8.3 Quality Control: Temperature and Salinity Profiles Mr Charles Sun informed the meeting of the discussions at the recent GTSPP meeting. A revision of the GTSPP Real-Time Quality Control Manual had been published recently (Manuals and Guides No. 22). Ms Iona noted that SDN as well as other programmes (e.g. MyOcean, Argo) have some procedures. All of this documentation should be gathered and could be reconciled to a global proposal. 8.4 Quality Control: Surface Temperature and Salinity The meeting suggested that the Chair of GOSUD be contacted in this regard. 8.5 Quality Control: Ocean Currents Mr Sun informed the meeting that recently the US NODC has compiled the current data held by the WOCE Current Meter Archive into netCDF files. Combining the experience at US NODC and at BODC, some progress might be made towards a standard or best practice. It was also noted that surface currents derived from surface drifters are prepared by AOML and their experience could be tapped into. 8.6 Quality Control: Ocean Waves Mr Sun noted that NDBC and ISDM both operate wave measurement programmes. There are both similarities and differences between their operations. Many other nations also have instrumented wave measurement programmes and, again, an assembly of relevant data processing documentation would be helpful for the catalogue and as base material for a possible standard. 8.7 Others There were a number of items discussed under this item. Ms Nicola Scott provided an update on the ETDMP TT-metadata. They are working closely with SDN on vocabularies and on how best to structure this information. Ms Iona remarked that SDN has a number of vocabularies that could be globalized and submitted as possible standards. Mr Sun was especially interested in the platform list, since US NODC and ICES collaborate on the global list for IODE. Ms Iona agreed to bring them in the discussions (action 17). Ms Iona also noted that within SDN there is a work package to deliver proposed standards to ODS. She is overseeing this work and so the ODS should expect to see proposals flowing from SDN over the course of the next 3 years (actions 19, 22). Mr Sun remarked that the evolving conventions for interoperability appearing in the development of netCDF should be closely monitored. It would be helpful to develop recommendations on how these conventions could be used when preparing data files in netCDF. He agreed to collaborate with work being undertaken within SDN (action 20). The meeting was told that GE-BICH is developing a scheme for categorizing data processing levels. Details were not yet available but it was thought that this was analogous to the scheme used by the satellite community. ODS should monitor this work. Ms Iona remarked that JCOMMOPS has documentation on its web site, some of which could be relevant to ODS or the catalogue. It was noted that GE-MIM is working on standards for keywords, organizations, and is involved in a data publishing project with SCOR and WHOI/MBL. Mr Pissierssens informed the meeting of a new activity called the Research Coordination Network (RCN: OceanObsNetwork). One of its stated activities is to promote standards and interoperability including approaches for common sensor builds. Meeting participants agreed that a number of existing documents should be gathered. This activity was captured in actions 18 and 21. 9. ADOPTION OF THE WORKPLAN (2012) The meeting reviewed the list of actions in AnnexII. A final action (23) was for the Secretariat to organize the first meeting of the ODSBP pending approval by IODE-XXII (and JCOMM). 10. CLOSURE The meeting was closed at 12h30 on 25 April. The Chairs thanked participants for their contributions. ANNEX I AGENDA 1. OPENING OF THE MEETING 1.1. Welcome 1.2. Meeting arrangements 1.3. Adoption of the agenda 2. MEETING OBJECTIVES 3. ODS: FROM PILOT PROJECT TO PROJECT 3.1. JCOMM/IODE ODS Project Terms of Reference 3.2. Proposal of Transition from ODS Pilot Project to the Joint JCOMM/IODE ODS Project 4. PROGRESS REPORT ON ODS TO JCOMM-IV 5. STATUS OF PENDING PROPOSALSSUBMITTED IN 2010 AND 2011 5.1. Proposal No. 2011-01: Proposal to adopt a quality flag scheme for oceanographic and marine meteorological data exchange 5.2. Proposal No. 2010-01: Proposal to adopt the SeaDataNet common data index (CDI) metadata profile as a standard for oceanographic data exchange 6. REVIEW OF STANDARDS PROCESS 7. REVIEW OF THE ODS CANDIDATES DISCUSSED AT THE 2008 ODS FORUM 8. PRIORITIZATION OF THE ODS CANDIDATES 8.1. Quality flags 8.2. Unique data tags 8.3. Quality Control: Temperature and Salinity Profiles 8.4. Quality Control: Surface Temperature and Salinity 8.5. Quality Control: Ocean Currents 8.6. Quality Control: Ocean Waves 8.7. Others 9. ADOPTION OF THE WORK PLAN (2012) 10. CLOSING OF THE MEETING ANNEX II LIST OF PARTICIPANTS In Ostend Mr Robert KEELEY Retired 2243 Rembrandt Road Ottawa K2B 7P8 Ontario Canada Tel: +1 613 829 7919 Email: robertkeeley@rogers.com Dr. Yutaka MICHIDA Professor University of Tokyo, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute 5-1-5, Kashiwanoha Kashiwa-shi 277-8564 Chiba Japan Tel: +81 4 7136 6362 Email: ymichida@aori.u-tokyo.ac.jp Mr. Paul OLOO Principal Meteorologist Kenya Meteorological Department P.O. Box 30259-00100 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254 721 624918 Fax: +254 20 3876955 Email: paul_oloo@yahoo.com Ms Nicola SCOTT GCC & Marine Data Manager Met Office Edinburgh S9 Saughton House Broomhouse Drive Edinburgh EH11 3XQ United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)131 528 7312 Fax: +44 (0)131 528 7345 Email: nicola.Scott@metoffice.gov.uk Dr. Charles SUN NOAA, National Oceanographic Data Centre, Silver Spring National Oceanographic Data Center NOAA/NESDIS E/OC1 SSMC3, 4th Floor 1315 East-West Highway Silver Spring MD 20910-3282 United States Tel: +1 (301)713-3272 x111 Fax: +1(301)713-3302 Email: charles.sun@noaa.gov By Webex or Livestream Sissy IONA Head HNODC Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Anavyssos Institute of Oceanography 46.7 Km, Athens-Sounio Ave. PO BOX 712 Anavyssos 190 13 Attica Greece Tel: +30-22910-76367 Fax: +30-22910-76347 Email: sissy@hnodc.hcmr.gr Mr Greg REED Executive Officer Australian Ocean Data Centre Joint Facility, Fleet Headquarters, Wylde Street Building 89 Garden Island, Potts Point NSW 2011 Australia Tel: +61 2 9359 3141 Fax: +61 2 9359 3120 Email: greg@metoc.gov.au Mr Scott WOODRUFF IT Specialist National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, U. S. Department of Commerce Boulder Labs (R/PSD3), 325 Broadway Boulder CO 80305 United States Tel: +1 303 497-6747 Fax: +1 303 497-6181 Email: scott.d.woodruff@noaa.gov IODE Secretariat (Ostend) Mr Peter PISSIERSSENS Head, IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7 - Pakhuis 61 B-8400 Ostend Belgium Tel: +32-59-340158 Fax: +32-59-79 5220 Email: p.pissierssens@unesco.org ANNEX III ODS Action List NoWhatWhoBy When1Submit draft ToR for ODSBP to ETDMP for consideration and to go to IODE-22 and JCOMMChairsAs relevant2Deliver ODS Workshop report to chair of ETDMPChairsBy ETDMP-III3Advise SG on how standards that pass review may be endorsed by IODE between sessions.Pissierssens/ IODE-XXIIIODE-XXII4Consult with JCOMM and advise SG on how standards that pass review may be endorsed by JCOMM between sessions.Pissierssens/ JCOMM SecretariatsEnd 2012 5Prepare form letter seeking formal commitments from agencies to allow specific staff to work on standards reviewPissierssensJune 20126Remain informed on the outcome of the planned GE-BICH meeting concerning a 5 level schema for classifying data processingChairsContinuous7Submit draft recommendation on standards that have passed review process for consideration by ETDMP and to go to IODE-22 and JCOMM.ChairsBy ETDMP-III8Request authors of QC flag scheme consider splitting V1.2 into two parts. The first proposes the primary flag component and this to go to community review. The second dealing with the secondary flag scheme would be submitted as an update to the flagging standard when consensus has been reached.1Chairs25/5/20129Revised QC flag scheme submission to go back to community review.Secretariat15/05/1210Decision on acceptance or rejection of the QC flag proposal and inclusion in draft recommendation to ETDMP and IODE-22SG/SecretariatBy ETDMP-III11Making sure that there is strong connection (links) between ODS and best practices web siteSecretariatMay 201212Draft text to be included in submission template that states clearly that standards apply only to data exchange / interoperability and affect local operations only to the extent that local data be mapped to standard for exchange purposes.R. Keeley to draft, group to agree01/06/201213Prepare a draft ODSBP review process document based on ODS web site description with comments made at this meeting, then send to group and then to ETDMP and IODE-XXIIR. Keeley01/06/12 by ETDMP-III and by end 201214Designate an initial list of moderators based upon list of possible standards (as listed in report)Secretariat01/06/1215Review ODSBP candidate list of standards and review progress (including contacting ongoing and new projects and identify contacts)Chairs / SG1st meeting SG16Submit documentation of CRC (to be published as IOC M&G relevant to GTSPP) for future publishing as Best PracticeC. Sun1 June 201217Involve US NODC in discussions between SDN and JCOMMOPS on the development of a platform name list.S. Iona, US-NODCcontinuous18Identify published documents that should be included in the catalogue of best practicesWorkshop Participantscontinuous19Coordinate submission of standards proposals from SDNS. IonaAs available20GTSPP to have discussions with SDN on creation of a netCDF structure for CTD dataChair GTSPP and SDN As soon as possible21Review ODP list of required standards and seek submissions to support theseChairs / SG1st meeting22Consider manuals produced by SDN1 for inclusion in Best PracticesChairs / SG1st meeting23Organize the first SG meetingSecretariat2013, depending on IODE-XXII and JCOMMThis action 8 may no longer be relevant if version 1.2 is considered positively by the community review ANNEX IV DRAFT TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE OCEAN DATA STANDARDS AND BEST PRACTICES PROJECT (ODSBP) Objectives of the Project The objective of the Ocean Data Standards and Best Practices Project (ODSBP) is to achieve broad agreement and commitment to adopt a number of standards and best practices related to ocean data management and exchange. This will include the following main tasks: develop and manage a process for the reception, reviewing and recommending of standards and best practices, based upon the process developed by the Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project; actively liaise with all relevant communities, programmes and projects such as Ocean Data Portal, ETDMP Meta-Data Task Team, SeaDataNet Technical Task Team, GE-BICH, GE-MIM, SG-OBIS, GTSPP, ICSU WDS, GEO/GEOSS; promote and monitor the usage of recommended standards and practices in the relevant communities, including those mentioned under (ii); regularly review and revise recommended standards and best practices based upon feedback from the relevant communities, including those mentioned under (ii); maintain an online catalogue of best practices, enabling easy discovery and downloading of these documents by users (e.g. JCOMM Catalogue of Best Practices and Standards). Management The Project will be managed by a Steering Group with the following Terms of Reference: advise the IODE Committee on the vision, strategy and implementation of the Ocean Data Standards and Best Practices Project (ODSBP); report to the IODE Committee (and ETDMP, as appropriate) on the progress of submission, recommendation, publishing and revision of standards and best practices recommended through the Project; develop a document on, and maintain the process for evaluating proposals for standards and best practices. The Steering Group will be composed, initially, of the former members of the JCOMM/IODE ETDMP Task Team for the Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project, experts from relevant JCOMM bodies, and representatives of IODE NODCs with a special interest in data standards. In addition representatives of major international oceanographic data management projects will be invited as relevant to the agenda (e.g. GTSPP, Argo, SeaDataNet, MyOcean, OceanSITES, IMOS,), as well as other experts as deemed necessary by the Steering Group. The Steering Group will designate its own Chair(s). For the first Session the former members of the JCOMM/IODE ETDMP Task Team for the Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project will Chair the meeting. Meetings of the Steering Group The Steering Group will work largely by email. One Steering Group meeting will be organized annually (this can be in person or by video conferencing or mixed). Cost of participation will be met preferably by the experts. ANNEX V REVIEW OF ODS POTENTIAL STANDARDS IDENTIFIED BY THE ODS FORUM OF 2008 This table provides a concise list of potential standards or best practices originally identified by the IODE/JCOMM Forum on Oceanographic Data Management and Exchange Standards (Workshop report # 206) that took place in Jan 2008. Complete information is available from  HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandatastandards.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3&Itemid=5"http://www.oceandatastandards.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3&Itemid=5 ActivityStatus4.1 MetadataA comparison between MCP and CDI(2003) was done. The differences in handling information could not be reconciled. CDI standard was proposed, passed through some review and was withdrawn. A new submission with a revised version of the CDI is expected in 2012.4.2 Ontology resourcesNo submission4.3 Date and time (passed review)Submission received, reviewed, accepted and published. Recommendation for adoption will go to IODE and JCOMM. (IOC Manuals and Guides No. 54, Volume 2, 2011).4.4 Latitude, longitude & altitudeAnalysis by Reed showed altitude reference is not finalized for platforms at sea. Advised that a submission should wait until ISO had this settled.4.5 Countries (passed review)Submission received, reviewed, accepted and published. Recommendation for adoption will go to IODE and JCOMM (IOC Manuals and Guides No. 54, Volume 1, 2010).4.6 PlatformsNo submission4.7 Platform typesNo submission4.8 Quality control: temperature & salinity profilesGTSPP Manual (IOS Manuals and Guides #22 rev 2010) completed but no submission. Information from SeaDataNet received.4.9 Quality control: surface temperature & salinityNo submission4.10 Quality control: sea levelNo submission4.11 Quality control: currentsDocumentation of U.S. Procedures for HR Radar based observations was done. No submission4.12 Quality control: surface wavesNo submission4.13 Quality flagsSubmission received and through to community review. Final revisions to be done then return for community review.4.14 ProjectsNo submission4.15 InstitutionsNo submission4.16 UnitsNo submission4.17 InstrumentsNo submission4.18 Science wordsNo submission4.19 TaxaNo submission4.20 ParametersNo submission     IODE-JCOMM/SG-ODSPP-adhoc/3 page (i) IOC/IODE-JCOMM/SG-ODSPP/Adhoc2012/3 page (ii) IOC/IODE-JCOMM/SG-ODSPP/Adhoc2012/3 page (i) IOC/IODE-JCOMM/SG-ODSPP/Adhoc2012/3 page  PAGE 8 IOC/IODE-JCOMM/SG-ODSPP/Adhoc2012/3 page  PAGE 7 IOC/IODE-JCOMM/SG-ODSPP/Adhoc2012/3 IOC/IODE-SG-OT-1I/3 Annex I - page  PAGE 2 IOC/IODE-OT-SG-II/3 Annex I - page  PAGE 3 IOC/IODE-JCOMM/SG-ODSPP/Adhoc2012/3 Annex I - page  PAGE 1 IOC/IODE-JCOMM/SG-ODSPP/Adhoc2012/3 Annex II - page  PAGE 2 IOC/IODE/JCOMM-SG-ODSPP-2012/3 Annex II - page  PAGE 1 IOC/IODE-JCOMM/SG-ODSPP/Adhoc2012/3 Annex II - page  PAGE 1 IOC/IODE-JCOMM/SG-ODSPP/Adhoc2012/3 Annex III - page  PAGE 2 IOC/IODE-JCOMM/SG-ODSPP/Adhoc2012/3 Annex III - page  PAGE 1 IOC/IODE-SG-OBIS-I/3 Annex VIII - page  PAGE 1 IOC/IODE-JCOMM/SG-ODSPP/Adhoc2012/3 Annex IV - page  PAGE 2 IOC/IODE-JCOMM/SG-ODSPP/Adhoc2012/3 Annex IV - page  PAGE 1 IOC/IODE-JCOMM/SG-ODSPP/Adhoc2012/3 Annex V - page  PAGE 1 +2356>?ABCDLM_`abcdefq༪qhThIhhY hg7^JaJ&jhU^J_HmHnHsH uhY hg7^JjhUmHnHuhY hg7^JaJhY hg76CJ$^JaJ"hY hg76@CJ ]^JaJ"hY hg76@CJ ]^JaJ"hY hg76@CJ ]^JaJ"hY hg76@CJ ]^JaJhY hg76CJ ]^JaJhjhg75CJ$\^JaJ`acefghijklmnopq       $`a$gd Y~m$gdg7m$$$`a$gd Y~m$qr|}    ~rcrcTrH<hwCJRHe^JaJh CJRHe^JaJhY hg7CJRHe^JaJhY hcACJRHe^JaJhjCJRHe^JaJ"hjhg75CJRHe\^JaJ"hjhj5CJRHe\^JaJhY hg7CJ8RHe\^JaJ4hw5CJ8RHe\^JaJ4h 5CJ8RHe\^JaJ4h5CJ8RHe\^JaJ4"hwhw5CJ8RHe\^JaJ4hj5CJ8RHe\^JaJ4      " # % & ' - / Z a b d Ĵzm]M;M"hY hj6@CJ ]^JaJhY hj6CJ ]^JaJhjhj5CJ$\^JaJhj5CJ \^JaJ hjhg75CJ \^JaJ hY hj5CJ\^JaJ-hj5CJ\^JaJ-hg75CJ\^JaJ-hY hg75CJ\^JaJ-hY hg7^JhY hg7^JaJ hY hg7CJ^JaJhwCJRHe^JaJhY hcACJRHe^JaJ    ! 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