ࡱ> 463`bjbjss." ,t t t t $ ,; $ hq   :  rZT6 6t @"$ 0;zG!b.G!6G!6` ]  ta   ;,,,,,,,,, Report of Portuguese Contribution to the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) Country: Portugal National Contact for GOOS: Chairman; Portuguese Committee for IOC, Av. Infante Santo, 42-4, 1350-179 Lisboa, Portugal Tel.: +(351)213904330; Fax: +(351)213952212; Email: cointersec.presid@fct.mct.pt Implementation of national GOOS 1. GOOS Working Group report A Working Group for the national implementation of GOOS Modules Oceans/Climate was created in the frame of the Portuguese Intersectorial Oceanographic Commission (of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education) in consultation with the Portuguese Committee for IOC-UNESCO. This Group has completed the inventory, at a national level, of the ongoing research projects, the existing capacity of institutions and specialized manpower relevant for GOOS activities and has prepared a report, to be submitted soon 2007 to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, containing an analysis of the collected information and recommendations for the main actions to be undertaken in order to implement GOOS Modules Oceans/Climate at the national level. The report recommendations include the specific national support and financing of ocean monitoring projects and data management, and the participation in EUROGOOS. In order to optimize the existing resources and coordinate the efforts of the national institutions relevant for GOOS implementation, the report suggests the establishment of a consortium, or equivalent mechanism, gathering all the relevant entities (Laboratories of State and research units). 2. Current activities of the Working Group The Working Group for GOOS has been acting as a follow-up mechanism for igoos and related activities and issues, including jcomm. Within the functions assigned to the Working Group, studies, briefings and other supporting material have been produced as reference documentation for Portuguese positions concerning GOOS, and participation in international meetings. The coordinators of the Working Group, I. Ambar and A. Soares, participated in JCOMM sessions and in the VII Session of IGOOS in the Portuguese Delegation lead by Prof. M. Ruivo, Chairman of the Portuguese Committee for IOC. In this context, the Working Group acted as a national forum for coordination of participation of Portugal in the following European initiatives in the frame of the oceans and climate: (i) Participation in IBI-ROOS (Iberia-Biscay-Irish Regional Operational Oceanographic System) Project. At the present, only the Hydrographic Institute of the Navy has signed the Memorandum of Understanding of IBI-ROOS project but there will be other national institutions participating in it. (ii) Participation in the proposal of EuroARGO project. Portugal has given support to this proposal in which the Institute of Oceanography, University of Lisbon, is the contact point. Mrio Ruivo Isabel Ambar Chairman of Portuguese Committee for IOC Coordinator of the Working Group OVaz* I J K N ` g h i j x $ ´|tiaiVa|ai|ai|KhtA2h/KmH sH htA2hyCmH sH h/KmH sH htA2h ;mH sH htA2mH sH h@^mH sH h| AhtA25mH sH h| Ah:5mH sH h| Ahet5mH sH h| Ah_5mH sH heth:h5>*mH sH h ;5>*mH sH hethtA25>*mH sH h| Ah ;mH sH htA2h ;mHsHh| Ah ;5 htA2h ;NOa) * J K h k xojjj] $^`a$$a$$x]xa$-$x%d&d'dOPQ]x^`a$gdx$$x|%d'dOQ]x^`|a$gdx*$xh$d%d'dNOQ]x^h`a$$a$] $ - 6 A I P Q Z [ l p } 7 R h j k l u      3456OǼǴǬǴǴǬǤh| Ah_5mH sH h:mH sH h| AmH sH h'mH sH hfmH sH h_mH sH h:mH sH htA2hetmH sH hetmH sH htA2h@^mH sH hh/2mH sH h@^mH sH h/KmH sH htA2h ;mH sH 1k 56ahFGHa$ ^`a$gdx$ P^`a$gdx$a$gdet$h^h`a$gdx $^`a$ O\aers|ab !/;EJ]^g+4<=?fkl߿߿߿߿߿߿߿ߡhxhx]mH sH hxhxmH sH hxhxmH sH hxh_mH sH hxmH sH htA2hxmH sH hxmH sH h| Ah_;OJQJmH sH h| AmH sH h_mH sH h| Ah_5mH sH h| Ah| A5mH sH 2l}  68BEFGHST`źźźŭŎŭ{ph`p`XMhtA2h_mH sH h ;mH sH hxmH sH h_mH sH htA2h ;mH sH hetmH sH h:h_mH sH hfhx>*mH sH hxhxmH sH h_mH sH hfhxaJmH sH hfhxmH sH hxmH sH h:hxmH sH h:hxaJmH sH h:hx>*aJmH sH h:hx]mH sH ,1h. A!"#$% @@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH dAd &Tipo de letra predefinido do pargrafoXiX  Tabela normal :V 44 la ,k, Sem lista DB@D Corpo de texto$a$5\ZC@Z Avano de corpo de texto$h^ha$XT@X Texto de bloco,h],^h`mHsHL"L LTexto de baloCJOJQJ^JaJ "NOa)*JKhk56ah F G H a 0000@000000000000000000NOa)*JKhk56ah F G H 000@0@00000000000 0 00@0j00$ Ol k   8@0(  B S  ?-6#.%/0|$14pf2of3of4 of53 6|7|)8