ࡱ> XZW &bjbjߍ .@,,,<<4zxp*4,4,4,4,4,4,4,-79X4X4m4Z*4*4F12{B144042::022XX4X44:, :   Technical Workshop on the IODE Ocean Data Portal Oostende, Belgium, 27-29 February2012 CURRENT STATUS OF THE DATA PROVIDER SOFTWARE (Sergey Belov, Sergey Sukhonosov) Agenda item 2. Current status of the Data Provider software 1. The IODE ODP (version 1) Data Providers software IODE ODP uses Data Provider software of different versions (v.1.1.4, 1.5, 1.5.5) for data set registrations and on-line access to the data and product on requests. Data Provider software (v.1.1.4) provides a following functionality: Connection to local data sets maintained by the Data Center, registering metadata via web-interface Supports interaction with sql-oriented DBMS, plain data files in CSV format, objective data files (images, documents, etc.) Automatic generate and update of dataset metadata based on time scheduler and data frequency Automatic use of the controlled code-lists and dictionaries through the interaction with the Integration Server which provides the management and use of the metadata Data Provider software v.1.5 1.5.5 provides the additional functionality: Logging processes of data request and metadata actualization, Quartz implementation of system and metadata schedulers, Light Data Provider functionality for registration users that can use Data Provider remotely. Users have their own list of datasets and can manage it without conflicts with other users. Remote users cant modify any system configuration of Data provider, Changes in web interface, Character encoding bug fix in DiGIR concerning with using MS SQL Server database. The latest version of Data Provider software 1.9 provides new functionality: Option to use HTTP or web-service interaction between Integration Server and Data Provider, Submit data catalogues from HTTP/FTP server, automatic data catalogue update Web-service notification in case metadata or data is updated in dataset, Update dataset metadata based on event on the local file system, Logging processes to web service bus, Improvements in user web interface. 2. The Data Providers software status US-NODC The node is operating via Light Data Provider function hosted by IODE PO/VLIZ Data Provider. Registered datasets were taken from GTSPP catalogue. Data Provider software should be upgraded to fulfill data from GTSP catalogue (FTP server) automatically. 28 datasets have been registered, 14 datasets are available. Unavailable datasets have links to FTP directory and should be updated after Light Data Provider upgrade. All datasets have been registered at ODP Data Portal. MEIT/MHI Data Provider v.1.5.5 is installed and is operating from 13-10-2005. 16 datasets have been registered and 7 of them are validated and registered at ODP Data Portal. No data is available from registered datasets from portal: it is necessary to check data source linked with metadata. 8 dataset have test descriptions and must be deleted. NODC/RIHMI-WDC Data Provider v.1.5.5 is installed and is operating from 29-04-2009. 14 datasets have been registered and 9 datasets have been registered and available at ODP Data Portal. NMDIS Data Provider v.1.5.5 is installed and is operating from 13-10-2010. 5 datasets have been registered but no data available: there is no network connection with Data Provider server. BGODC/IO-BAS Data Provider v.1.1.4 is installed and is operating from 04-02-2009. 2 datasets have been registered but there is no data response from Data Provider. It is necessary to check if database is connected to Data Provider server. LaMIS/IBSS Data Provider has been installed but is not operating for current moment. There is no connection available between ODP Integration Server and IBSS Data Provider. 2 datasets have been registered at Data Provider and ODP Data Portal. ISDM The node is operating via Light Data Provider function hosted by IODE PO/VLIZ Data Provider. 2 datasets have been registered and data is available. Data Provider software should be upgraded to fulfill data from FTP server automatically. MIRC The node has been installed 17-09-2010, but there were network connection problems and server was offline after earthquake. At this moment Data Provider software has been installed at server and Data Provider software should be updated to the latest version. 1 dataset has been registered, but there is communication problem which should be solved. GDNA Data Provider v.1.5 is installed and is operating from 10-08-2010. 1 dataset has been registered, but data isnt available. It is necessary to check data file location on the Data Provider side. CEADO Data Provider v.1.5 is installed and is operating from 03-06-2011. This node has Light Data Provider functionality and will be used to connect data from national data centres. At this moment installed software is moving to new hardware and temporarily not available. 1 dataset has been registered after software installation. NODEC/NIMRD Data Provider has been installed and operating from 29-04-2009. No actions about registering data. METOFFICE Data Provider has been reinstalled recently and connected to ODP Integration Server. New datasets should be published. UTAS Data Provider is functioning but no data is registered. Annex 1. ODP Data Providers contact information US National Oceanographic Data Center(NODC) USA,Silver Spring,1315 East-West Highway Charles.Sun@noaa.gov Charles Sun Phone voice: +1-301-713-3272 ext. 111 02 September 2010 Resources: 28 All-Russia Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information - World Data Centre (RIHMI-WDC) Russia,Obninsk,Kolrolev 6 serg@meteo.ru Sergey V. Sukhonosov Phone voice: +74843974194 Fax: +74952552225 29 April 2009 Resources: 14 National Marine Data and Information Service (NMDIS) China,Tianjin,No. 93, Liuwei Road, Hedong District, Tianjin 300171, China newyjk@126.com Yang Jinkun Phone voice: 86-022-21040830 Fax: 86-022-24010926 14 October 2010 Resources: 5 Marine Hydrophysical Institute National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (MHI) Ukraine,Sevastopol,2, Kapitanskaya St. zhuk.elena@nodc.org.ua Elena Zhuk Phone voice: 380-692-540452 01 July 2009 Resources: 16 Integrated Science Data Management (ISDM) Canada,Ottawa,1202 - 200 Kent St Mathieu.Ouellet@dfo-mpo.gc.ca Mathieu Ouellet Phone voice: +1 (613) 990-8570 27 October 2010 Resources: 7 Bulgarian National Oceanographic Data Centre (BGODC/IO-BAS) Bulgaria,Varna,First May Street 40, P.O.Box 152, Varna 9000, Bulgaria a.stefanov@io-bas.bg Asen STEFANOV Phone voice: (+359 52) 370486 Fax: (+359 52) 370483 29 April 2009 Resources: 2 Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IBSS) Ukraine,Sevastopol,2, Nakhimov av., Sevastopol, 99011, Crimea, Ukraine gorbunov@ibss.org.ua Vladimir Gorbunov 29 April 2009 Resources: 2 Tbilisi State University, Georgian DNA(GDNA) Georgia, torniker@gmail.com Tornike Razmadze 17 September 2010 Resources:1 Marine Information Research Center(MIRC) Japan  HYPERLINK "mailto:suzuki@mirc.jha.jp" suzuki@mirc.jha.jp Toru Suzuki 17 September 2010 Resources: 1 National Institute for Marine Research and Development (NODEC/NIMRD) Romania  HYPERLINK "mailto:gganea@alpha.rmri.ro" gganea@alpha.rmri.ro Gabriel Ganea 29 April 2009 Resources: 0 Integrated Science Data Management (ISDM) Canada, Ottawa, K1A 0E6, 1202 - 200 Kent St  HYPERLINK "mailto:Mathieu.Ouellet@dfo-mpo.gc.ca" Mathieu.Ouellet@dfo-mpo.gc.ca Mathieu Ouellet 27 October 2010 Resources: 2 MetOffice UK  HYPERLINK "mailto:nicola.scott@metoffice.gov.uk" nicola.scott@metoffice.gov.uk Scott, Nicola 20 January 2011 Resources: 0 UTAS Australia  HYPERLINK "mailto:gjsw@utas.edu.au" gjsw@utas.edu.au Geoff Williams 15 March 2011 Resources: 0 CEADO Argentina Marta Caldentey  HYPERLINK "mailto:mcaldent@mincyt.gov.ar" mcaldent@mincyt.gov.ar 3 June 2011 Resources: 1 W    g h q A    4 5 ڴڠ{tmimbmWh Th^?B*ph h'huh' h'h^? h'hcHhC" h'hC"hEhcH h'h h'h0VmHsH h'h0V h0V5h6Fh0V5h^?h)- hE5h6FhE5hE5OJQJ\^Jhqh0V hM h)-h#h)-5h)-h)-5h h)-5^J"1W  h A 5 s & FgdI $`a$gd^?$ e^ea$gdr$ & F ^`a$gdcH $`a$gdn $`a$gd0V 7$8$H$gdE$a$gd)- $`a$gd)-s eX $^a$gd< $ & Fa$gd $`a$gdn $a$gdr$ & F ^`a$gdr $`a$gdI & FgdI5 e9<Xt<ƿh? hhh hh:hEJhG1h< h<h< hn5 h^?5h^?hn h0Vh0V hIhrhhlXhzAhkOhh4hrhIB*mHphsH hIhIhI3JY  $^a$gd}`K $^a$gd% $^a$gds% $^a$gdg_ $^a$gd $^a$gd $ & Fa$gd<<^IJXY{ Oulu] ÿӸӴ{t h}`Kh}`Kh%hgh2 h2h2ha-h7Xh*h*xShs% hs%hs% hqqhG"hG"hg_ hg_hg_hpDhdh hDUh3Bh h h h hqqhh h7^ hqqhqqhhqq-*WB =y=>mn-M¾ҷҳ}y}}}hfK h/hk|h/hk|\ hk|5hk|hk|5hk|hCE hCEhCEh'- h'-h'-ht[ ht[ht[h'nhI;&h>hrRh h& h&h&hph hhhW hmHhoZh}`Kh2/=n -. gdk|^gdk| & Fgdk| $^a$gdw. $^a$gd'- $^a$gdt[ $^a$gd& $ & Fa$gd& $^a$gdps m!{!!!T"b"p"q"r"""""gdk|^gdk| & Fgdk|T !!r""###F#G#Y#Z#j####$$$$*$$$$$$$,%-%_%`%a%~%%%%%%%%A&B&m&n&o&&&&jh/hk|Ujh/hk|Uh/hk|0Jh/hk|0JmHsHjh/hk|Uh/hk|mHsH h/hk|h/hk|\4"##]#j#|#####$*$8$E$F$p$$$%%%)%,%%%%%gdk|^gdk| & Fgdk|%%%%%&&& &!&'&1&A&&&& $^a$gdk| h^hgdk|^gdk| & Fgdk|h^hgdk|,1h. 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