ࡱ> y{x Q?bjbjߍ 427* * 8FTw1^^tttttt0000000,E680ttttt0tt0fttt0t0z..0Rlv /r0/1Hw1/99(.0.0Dttt00tttw19ttttttttt* :   Technical Workshop on the IODE Ocean Data Portal Oostende, Belgium, 27-29 February 2012 Establishment of the national support centre for IODE/ODP in Obninsk ( Nikolay Mikhaylov) In the 2011 the National Oceanographic Committee of Russian Federation adopted decision of initiative to establish the IOC Project Office for IODE ODP basing on preliminary discussions on IODE=-21 session. Taking account formal problems with IOC PO the title of such office was changed on IOC Project Support Centre for IODE ODP. Below is the plan for establishing the IOC Project Support Centre for IODE ODP: 1- IODE/IOC Secretariat and also Russian NODC consultations respectively ODP PO Status (Jan, 2012) - Done. 2- IODE Officers meeting provide the remarks and other impacts on draft of MoU and IOC/EC XLV -?? resolution (31 Jan 2 Feb, 2012) - Done. 3- MoU and business plan draft for discussion with IOC and Rushydromet (middle of Feb, 2012), 4- Consult with IODE Officers and IODE community and seek their approval to submit a DR to the upcoming EC of June 2012; 5- IOC EC June 2012 to adopt Resolution on the SC ODP, 6 - MoU signing by September-October of 2012 7- Official opening of the Office: Jan beginning 2013 (taking account the funding from Roshydromet) We can announce about this activity on JCOMM-IV! Appendix A Draft Memorandum of Understanding on the IOC Project Support Centre for IODE ODP United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'ducation, la science et la culture MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING on the IOC Project Support Centre for IODE ODP Between The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) through its Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, hereinafter called UNESCO/IOC, the Headquarters of which are situated in Paris, France of the first partFederal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environment pollution of Russian Federation hereinafter called Roshydromet, the Offices of which are situated in Moscow, Russian Federation of the second part Hereinafter called The Parties, Preamble Bearing in mind that UNESCO/IOC is a body with functional autonomy within the United National Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), whose statutes were adopted by the 30th Session of the UNESCO General Conference in November 1999. Recalling that the purpose of the UNESCO/IOC is to promote international cooperation and to coordinate programmes in research, services and capacity building, in order to learn more about the nature and resources of the ocean and coastal areas and to apply that knowledge for the improvement of management, sustainable development, the protection of the marine environment, and the decision-making process of its Member States. Noting that, the National Oceanographic Commission of Russian Federation and Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environment pollution of Russian Federation (Roshydromet) with its RIHMI-WDC, providing the functions of Russian National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) and World Data Center (WDC) for Oceanography, had expressed its willingness to host the international Ocean Data Portal (ODP) Project Support Centre. Recalling that, during its 45th Session the IOC Executive Council decided to establish the IOC Project Support Office for IOC/IODE ODP at Russian Institute RIHMI-WDC, Obninsk, Russian Federation within the IODE Programme; NOW THEREFORE, the Parties have reached the following understandings: Article I Terms of Reference of the IOC Project Support Centre for IODE ODP 1. The main purpose of the IOC Project Support Centre for the IODE ODP shall be: to maintain and develop the IODE ODP tools, coordinate the ODP distributed marine data system basing on the IODE NODC/WDCs data network, data sources from other IOC programmes for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the IOC. JCOMM data and product/service stream; to create in cooperation with IODE Project Office an enabling environment, and assist in strengthening the capacity of the ODP nodes to manage marine data and products and to provide the ODP resources and services required by users; to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the ODP work plan as adopted by the IODE Committee. To achieve these objectives the IOC Project Support Centre for the IODE ODP carries out the following activities, with guidance from the IODE Steering Group for the ODP and the IODE Group of Experts on Data Management Practices and in close collaboration with the IOC Project Office for IODE: develop, host and maintain the tools and specifications of the IODE ODP for portal and its distributed marine data system operation; assist the ODP ODINs and other ODP nodes to achieve their regional and thematic objectives; develop, strengthen and maintain the ODP data management training programmes and tools; monitor and report on the use and impact of the ODP data and services in IOC programmes; provide an infrastructure to develop and test the web-oriented technologies and tools, intersystem interoperability means and also to generate new ideas and perspectives of the IODE ODP, promote collaboration between all expert levels active in integrated marine data management, including scientists, data managers, other IOC programmes and projects, other organisations and systems (e.g. OBIS, WIS, GEOSS); provide marine data and products at the request of IOC Member States and other UN agencies. 2. The establishment of the IOC Project Support Centre for IODE ODP has been approved by the 45th Session of the IOC Executive Council through Resolution XLV (--). Article II Principles The Parties enter into this Memorandum of Understanding following principles that are founded in respect, mutual goodwill, accord each other all reasonable co-operation and assistance as may be expected between institutions committed to the highest standards of scientific research. Article III Contributions 1. The Parties to this Memorandum shall contribute as follows: 2 Cost of establishment of the IOC Support Project Centre for IODE ODP 2.1 UNESCO/IOC shall contribute: (i) the cost of international trips of the ODP staff under IODE Programme 2.2 Roshydromet shall contribute: Office space for three members of staff, with all furniture and amenities for normal office operations; The cost of utilities (water, power, heating, air conditioning) and telecommunications (telephone, fax); Use of a permanent high-bandwidth internet connection; The cost of taxes levied on the physical facilities; The cost of cleaning, maintenance and insurance of the physical facilities; The equivalent of three full time support staff position, divided over several members of staff as follows: (1) One half time ODP Head; (2) One full time data manager to carry out ODP distributed marine system supporting; (3) One full time software developer to carry out ODP software tools and specifications; (3) the equivalent of one half time position to assist the Support Project Centre with cooperation with IODE Project Office and Expert Groups, interaction with other international marine data system. Waiving of overheads on all funds that will be provided to the RIHMI-WDC for supporting the IOC Support Project Centre. 3 Costs of closing of the IOC Support Project Centre for the IODE ODP 3.1 UNESCO/IOC shall contribute: Cost of moving of the IOC Support Project Centre to decentralized office or re-establishing the IOC Support Project Centre for the IODE ODP in organization of other IOC Member-State. 3.2 Roshydromet shall contribute: Cost of closing of utility subscriptions; Closing of telecommunication subscriptions 4. The provisions on the privileges and immunities of the Seat Agreement will be applied for the Staff and materials assigned to the office. Article IV Line management, Reporting and Review 1. The IOC Support Project Centre for the IODE ODP shall be managed by the Head of the IOC Support Project Centre who will be a RIHMI-WDC Staff Member appointing by RIHMI-WDC Director in agreement with Rushydromet. 2. The line manager of the Head of the IOC Support Project Centre for the IODE ODP shall be the the Head of oceanographic data centre of RIHMI-WDC in agreement with Head of the UNESCO/IOC Programme Office for IODE and 3. UNESCO/IOC will report yearly to Rushydromet on the following performance indicators: (i) volume of data available through the ODP; (2) statistics on the use of the international Portal; (3) statistics of the number of publications making use of, or referring to the ODP data; (4) meetings of international and intergovernmental organisations attended by Support Project Centre. 4. An independent performance evaluation of the IOC Support Project Centre for the IODE ODP shall be organized once, jointly by UNESCO/IOC and Rushydromet, prior to the expiry of this Memorandum of Understanding. The evaluation shall be submitted for approval to the IODE Committee that oversees the IOC Support Project Centre for the IODE ODP activities. The IODE Committee may, as it deems necessary, recommend the renewal or extension of this agreement and will submit this Recommendation to the next available Session of the IOC Assembly or Executive Council. 5. The UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary shall include a short assessment of the IOC Support Project Centre for the IODE ODP through the statutory report on implementation of relevant IODE Resolutions as submitted to the UNESCO/IOC Assembly of Executive Council. Article V Duration and Extension 1. This Memorandum of Understanding will come into effect on . 2. This Memorandum of Understanding will have a duration of 5 (five) years from the date of signature. Based upon the results of the review referred to in Article IV above, the Memorandum of Understanding can be renewed after approval by an IOC Governing Body through a relevant Resolution and by Rushydromet through a decision of its Head Article VI Modifications This Memorandum of Understanding can be modified by written agreement between the Parties. Article VII Dispute Resolution 1. The Parties will negotiate and cooperate with each other in good faith to resolve any disputes or conflicts that arise in connection with this MoU. 2. All disputes arising out of, or in connection with the present agreement or the breach thereof, shall be settled primarily by mutual understanding. In the event an amicable settlement cannot be reached, the matter shall be settled by binding arbitration of a sole arbitrator in accordance with the rules of arbitration of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) as at present in force. Article VIII Termination This Memorandum of Understanding may be terminated by either party before the expiry date of the Memorandum by giving to the other party three months prior written notice of termination. As witness to their consent to this Memorandum of Understanding, the appropriate authorities hereunto provide their signatures, Dr Wendy Watson-Wright Dr.Alexander Frolov, IOC Executive Secretary & Assistant Director-General of UNESCO Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environment pollution of Russian Federation Date Date  Appendix B Draft Resolution IOC-EC XLV.? The IOC Project Support Centre for IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP) The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Noting the successful development and operation of the IODE ODP that provides a mechanism to integrate marine data from a number of distributed sources both in the IOC/IODE network of NODCs, other IOC Programmes and from other participating systems, and to provide on-line access to marine data and products; Recognizing that IODE ODP has an important role to play in contributing to fulfill the IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management for the practical realization of the IOC data policy via the modern IODE Data and Information System to facilitate and promote the timely exchange and dissemination of marine data and services on global and regional levels basing in IODE NODC/WDC network. Recognizing also that IODE ODP requires constant maintenance and development of portal software and management of a distributed marine data system and its application for the achievement of the objectives and programmes of IOC. Acknowledging: the Proposal, submitted by the National Oceanographic Commission of Russian Federation and Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environment pollution of Russian Federation (Roshydromet) to establish the IOC Project Support Centre for IODE ODP at RIHMI-WDC, Obninsk, Russian Federation, the decision of IODE Offices to support this Proposal (??? doc from IODE Officers meeting from Jun-Feb 2012), Decides to accept the offer of Russian Federation NOC and Roshydromet to host the IOC Project Support Centre for IODE ODP; Decides to establish the IOC Project Support Office for IOC/IODE ODP at RIHMI-WDC, Obninsk, Russian Federation with the following Terms of Reference: to maintain and develop the IODE ODP, its distributed marine data system basing on IODE DNA/NODC/WDC network and other IOC data sources, resources of other international marine information systems for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the IOC.JCOMM data and product/service stream; to create in cooperation with IODE Project Office an enabling environment, and assist in strengthening the capacity of constituent ODP nodes to manage marine data and products and to provide ODP resources and services required by users; to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the ODP work plan as adopted by the IODE Committee Requests the IOC Executive Secretary to establish a formal host agreement with Roshydromet, Moscow, Russian Federation; Requests the IOC Executive Secretary to provide the necessary secretariat assistance to the Project Support Office for IODE ODP; Urges IOC Member States to actively participate in the implementation of the IOC/IODE ODP and its distributed marine data system by providing access to their data resources.     page  PAGE 1 RSXYM  0 Z N W 7 8 q r 6 B c µڭogggch h CJaJh CJPJ^JaJnHtH$h h CJPJ^JaJnHtHh<CJaJh_xCJaJh h CJaJhz'h 5h<5PJ^JnHtHh<h 5PJ^JnHtHh<h 5h 5PJ^JnHtHHhZ2'h[5^Jh h 5^J"1XY [ Y veeePxx]P`gd + & 0` P@Pxx1$7$8$H$]P`gd .$ & 0` P@Pxx1$7$8$H$]P`a$gd "$ & 0` P@1$7$8$H$a$gd $`a$gd_x 7 q  6 B e i $ d$Ifgd_xdx$Ifgd_x d$Ifgd_xgd gd $P]Pa$gd Pxx]Pgd Pxx]P`gd c d e #%&JMVeirst{|vvv^ZJ<h h 5CJOJQJh h 5CJOJQJ^Jh .h ;h 5CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH "h CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH  h h CJOJQJmH sH h CJmH sH h OJQJmH sH h OJQJh CJOJQJjh CJOJQJU h"mh (h ;h CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (h"mh CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH $%&BFst|!Yk}bbb H$If]^H`gd_x H$If]^H`gd_x$a$gd &d P gd gd $a$gd Ekd$$If40\C%Taf4yt_x | !Yk 345WXah "^h ɼɲټ䲢zld]U]d]d]h6h H* h6h h6h 5h6h 5>*OJQJh >*CJOJQJaJh;h 56CJOJQJh >*CJOJQJh h 56CJOJQJh CJOJQJh 6>*CJOJQJhs)h 6>*CJOJQJh 6CJOJQJh h 6CJOJQJh CJOJQJmH sH k 345Wawf$ P]Pa$gd<$ 7^`7a$gd  7^`7gd Mkd2$$Ifl0%"4 layt_x $If]gd_xa^ &pp$ SPxx[$\$]P`a$gd<$PX]P^Xa$gd<$ P]Pa$gd<'$ ,8p@ P !$P7]P`7a$gd<($ /8p@ P !$P7]P`7a$gd<  "'(,-8IKYZ>P&`dw潳zzh7h mH sH h B*phh3uh B*ph#hh 5OJPJQJmH sH hgdh ^Jhgdh 5^J hh CJOJQJmH sH hPh H*h6h 5h<h h6h h mH sH h6h mH sH 0&wtFd$ & F 83P3;ddEƀ(f()[$\$]P^3`;a$gd<$ P]P`a$gd<$ & FP7$8$H$]Pa$gd<*$ 2p@ P !$P7]P^7a$gd<,abciBFy}PQ08Q_`co')0FLWaɻɻڴڭڴڴڴڴڴɻɻɻɻɻɛɉ#hh 5OJPJQJmH sH #hgdh 5OJPJQJmH sH  hgdh hh h OJPJQJmH sH  hgdh OJPJQJmH sH h h7h h<mH sH h mH sH h7h mH sH 6<5d$ & F 83P3;ddEƀ(f()[$\$]P^3`;a$gd<d$ & F 83P3;ddEƀ(f()[$\$]P^3`;a$gd<<Q5d$ & F 83P3;ddEƀ(f()[$\$]P^3`;a$gd<d$ & F 83P3;ddEƀ(f()[$\$]P^3`;a$gd<Q00;Fam{*$ 2p@ P !$P7]P^7a$gd<$ SPxx[$\$]P`a$gd<$ P]P`a$gd<#$ & F 83P3;dd[$\$]P^3`;a$gd< a{~  # $ 4 S X Z o s ,"2""""""""""""## ##V######$V$d$s$w$y$$$$$$$$$$<%I%K%z%~%⽲˲˲˲˲˲˲˲˧˲˲˧˲˲˲˲˲˲˲˜˜˜h ht;h ht;h B*phhi_h B*phh2Yh B*phh B*CJOJQJphh B*ph hgdh h_xB*phhgdh B*ph#hgdh 5OJPJQJmH sH 9 # o 6p$ & F 57p@ P !$PEƀ(f()G$]Pa$gd<*$ 2p@ P !$P7]P^7a$gd</$ 2p@ P !$P7]P^7a$gd<o{ f b!!p$ & F 57p@ P !$PEƀ(f()G$]Pa$gd<p$ & F 57p@ P !$PEƀ(f()G$]Pa$gd<!!"p$ & F 57p@ P !$PEƀ(f()G$]Pa$gd<p$ & F 57p@ P !$PEƀ(f()G$]Pa$gd<"$$p$ & F 57p@ P !$PEƀ(f()G$]Pa$gd<p$ & F 57p@ P !$PEƀ(f()G$]Pa$gd<$$$$%%5p$ & F 57p@ P !$PEƀ(f()G$]Pa$gd</$ 57p@ P !$PG$]P`a$gd<+$ 57p@ P !$PG$]Pa$gd<~%%%*&+&&&&''( ())g*k*c+g+,,P-R-[-\-t-w- /#/~///1ǵؑؑؑؑؑؑtmm\m h$Nh CJOJQJ^JaJ h"mh h B*CJOJQJphh 5OJPJQJmH sH  h"mh OJPJQJmH sH %hLch B*CJOJQJaJph#h"mh 5OJPJQJmH sH  ht;h OJPJQJmH sH h OJPJQJmH sH ht;h B*phh B*ph ht;h %%*&p$ & F 57p@ P !$PEƀ(f()G$]Pa$gd<p$ & F 57p@ P !$PEƀ(f()G$]Pa$gd<*&&&&'(*L,P-]-t--v'$ ,p@ P !$P7]P^7a$gd<$ Pxx[$\$]P`a$gd<$ P]P`a$gd<$ SPxx[$\$]P`a$gd<$ P]P`a$gd< - //#/~///4011112|PXd[$]P^Xgd<*$ 2p@ P !$P7]P^7a$gd<$ SPxx[$\$]P`a$gd<*$ 2p@ P !$P7]P^7a$gd< 1112 3+3,3]3^33344444%4(4*4,4/40474o4p4444ǷڦڦڦvXPI hJ0Kh hJ0Kh 5:hOvh 5CJOJPJQJ\^JaJmH nHsH tHh7h 5B*phhOvh 5 h 5h CJaJh B*CJOJQJph!h}&h B*CJOJQJphh 56CJOJQJ]^J%h[vOh 56CJOJQJ]^J h"mh #h"mh 5OJPJQJmH sH h$Nh CJ^JaJ2*3+3,3E3\3]30$ 2p@ P !$$Ifa$gd}&l  dgd $ PXd]P^Xa$gd<]3^33xG1 2p@ P !$x$Ifgd}&l kd$$Ifl0  t0644 lapyt}&333KkdB$$Ifl0  t0644 lapyt}&- 2p@ P !$$Ifgd}&l 3340$ 2p@ P !$$Ifa$gd}&l 2 ,p@ P !$7x$If^7gd}&l 4444/4o4p4xRJBB7 7$8$H$gd $a$gd $a$gd &$ 2p@ P !$7^7a$gd kd$$Ifl0  t0644 lapyt}&p445t7[8\8l8999y:;6<#====>/?0?1?xxgd $ & Fn7$8$H$^n`a$gd $ & F nn^n`a$gd 7$8$H$gd gd 44E5N5^5u5555555t7777[8\8l8O9V99999:d:k:y::;;;;;; 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