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The number of members increased from 16 to 23 (7 countries and 19 organizations); some projects have been implemented, other emerged like, for instance, Digitization of rare books on marine science available in the ODINECET region. The Pilot Project website for ODINECET was created and maintained by IODE. Later the web site was updated though not regularly. Most recently it was revised and is now maintained by IT staff of IBSS. Equipment grant In March 2010 the IODE Officers passed the budget for 2010-2011 and approved the allocation of 2000 USD in 2010 and 3000 USD in 2011 specially for purchasing the needed equipment. Following the IODE recommendation, project participants were asked to substantiate their equipment needs and as a result the proposal titled "ODINECET Equipment project for IODE" was submitted to IODE by the Coordinator in May, 2010 action pending. Action: Keeping on cooperating with the IODE concerning the Equipment provision. Software for e-catalogues Installation of the Koha software in the libraries of the ODINECET group. The integrated library system Koha was installed in the IBSS Scientific Library. Filling has been started. Action: Installating the Koha software in the libraries of the ODINECET group. Creating a corporative catalogue for the Ukrainian marine libraries, using Koha software. ECET Union Catalogue of Serials The new web-based input interface for the management of the ODINECET Union Catalogue of Serials has been developted by VLIZ IP staff. Action: 1. correcting the list of the names of participating institutes in the Union catalogue project; 2. correcting all these names in the Union catalogue database; 3. receiving a login to the new web-input interface (demonstrated during the workshop) for reviewing serial titles and holdings by each organization; 4. promoting this tool to attract new libraries/participants in each region to add titles + holdings to the catalogue; 5. compiling a small on-screen manual that will be helpful to start input in the new system. CEEMaR and IBSS repositories E-repositories created and regularly updated at the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas (IBSS) and the Central and Eastern European Marine Repository (CEEMaR) and are among the projects of ODINECET group that are going well. From January 2010 to September 2011 three new members, two from Ukraine and one from Latvia, joined the repository. By 31 August 2011 the CEEMaR repository numbered 984 items altogether. Launched in June 2007, the repository of IBSS of 1930 original documents is an integral part of the ECET group repositories project. Five countries involved into the project: Bulgaria, Latvia, Poland, Russia, Ukraine (14 Institutions). The new version of OceanDocs has been installed for CEEMaR and IBSS repositories. Action: Further submission of the relevant documents into CEEMaR and IBSS repository. Attracting new partners. OTA Training Courses Altogether 12 students from the ODINECET region participated in OceanTeacher Academy courses in 2010 and 2011. All the participants emphasised the usefulness of the courses for their professional development. Action: Further participating of ODINECET trainees in the OTA Training Courses. The meeting of Russian aquatic libraries and information centers staff in VNIRO, Moscow. Action: Organizing a meeting of Russian aquatic libraries and information centres staff at VNIRO, Moscow (2012); Attracting more libraries into the ODINECET projects and the CEEMaR repository Digitization of rare books on marine science available in the ODINECET region (new project) Framework for a Grant Proposal was discussed during the ODINECET Workshop in Sevastopol. Action: Compiling lists of rare books by each participating library. The lists are to be submitted by 31 Oct 2011; Analysing the importance of the rare books (survey or focus groups) with involving researchers; Future actions are to be discussed by Steering Committee of the project. Assist IOC/IODE with appointment of new MIM National Representative from ECET region The 10th session of GE MIM has specially underlined that MIM members of states-participants of IOC UNESCO should be more active about their work. Three countries, Bulgaria, Russia and Ukraine, have their MIM members in ODINECET group. The group also suggested two representatives for Poland and Croatia. MIM representative for Croatia was choosen in 2010 Catic Ingrid from Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (Split) Collaboration with the ODINBlackSea Working collaboration with the IODE ODINBlackSea is in progress. Action: (i) assisting to ODINBS in search for oceanographic data in printed sources available in the libraries of the ECET region; (ii) updating the ODINECET page on the IODE website by IT staff of the ODINBS; (iii) keeping on developing the integrated library system Koha; (iv) administrating and maintenancing IBSS and CEEMaR repositories; (v) assisting in working out the Digital rare books project. Next ODINECET meeting will be organized at the IOC Project Office for IODE at autumn 2012. Olga Akimova ODINECET coordinator ACTION ITEMS FOR ODINECET THE 2011 AND 2012-2013 WORK PLAN AND BUDGET Action item descriptionTo be implemented byDeadline dateDeliverableCostUpdating of the ODINECET web siteODINECET coordinatorDONEUpdated web site-Participation of ODINECET trainees in the OTA Training CoursesODINECET coordinator, IODE Project Office2011 - 2013MIM staff trainedWith support of the IODE Project Office The ODINECET Group Meeting ODINECET coordinator2011DONE20000 USDThe ODINECET Group Meeting ODINECET coordinator2012Project action plan20000 USDContinue submission of the relevant documents into CEEMaR and IBSS repository CEEMaR, IBSS repository project paricipantsOngoingUpdated Repositories-Technical support to the Central and Eastern European Marine Repository (CEEMaR) within the framework of the ODINECET. ODINECET coordinator, IODE Project Office2011 - 2013Technical improving of the IBSS server where the CEEMaR is hosted 3600 USDProvision of the equipment for the ODINECET group members actively involved in the Central and Eastern European Marine Repository (CEEMaR) and other projectsODINECET coordinator, IODE Project Office2011 - 2012Scanned documents and input to the Repositories expected to be qualitative 5000 USDThe meeting of Russian aquatic libraries and information centers staff in VNIRO, Moscow. ODINECET coordinator, Russian MIM coordinator2011/2012 IODE projects and ODINECET activities promoted, new partners attracted.8000 USD Applying for the IAMSLIC, EURASLIC GrantsInstallation of the Koha software for e-catalogues accessible through Internet in the libraries of the ODINECET group ODINECET coordinator, IBSS IT personnel2011/2012 ODINECET library catalogues are searchable through Internet-Updating of the ECET Union Catalogue of Serials including to the catalogue of foreign periodical titles stored in the ODINECET libraries. ODINECET project participants2011 - 2013 Data base updated-Digitization of rare books on marine science available in the ODINECET regionODINECET project participants2011 - 2013Sponsor identified, proposal submitted, implementation in progress.GE-MIM initiativeODINECET Group Meeting ODINECET coordinator2013Project action plan20000 USD      PAGE  PAGE  PAGE  PAGE  PAGE 2 SG-OCEANDOCS-I/2.2.1/ Page &DE] *>ººeCe8,hxB*PJ^Jphhx5B*\phBhx5B*PJ\^J_HfHmH nHphq sH tH<hxB*PJ^J_HfHmH nHphq sH tHhxB*^JmH phsH #hxB*_HmH nHphsH tH+hxB*PJ^J_HmH nHphsH tHhxB*ph)hx5B*\_HmH nHphsH tH1hx5B*PJ\^J_HmH nHphsH tHhx5B*^JmH phsH &DE 34~;DzN@&gd,y $@&a$gd,y34~OlLMضܒqffZJ4+hxB*PJ^J_HmH nHphsH tHhxB*PJ^JmH phsH hxB*PJ^Jphhx5B*\ph@hxB*PJRHY^J_HfHmH nHphq sH tHFhx5B*PJRHY\^J_HfHmH nHphq sH tHBhx5B*PJ\^J_HfHmH nHphq sH tHhxhxB*phhxB*PJ^Jphhx5B*PJ\^JphNOlLMbc4Wtuqrk!l!!@&gd,yMb4;Q)W^}+Qt츚k_OOO=#hxB*PJRHY^JmH phsH hxB*PJ^JmH phsH hxB*PJ^Jph+hxB*PJ^J_HmH nHphsH tH1hx5B*PJ\^J_HmH nHphsH tH:hx5B*PJ\^J_HfHnHphq tH1hx5B*PJ\^J_HmH nHphsH tHhxB*PJ^Jphhx5B*PJ\^JphhxB*phhx5B*\phtuqJ!k!!!!!"0"1"}"%&V&&0'ózpQChxB*^JmH phsH <hxB*PJ^J_HfHmH nHphq sH tHhxB*^Jph1hx5B*PJ\^J_HmH nHphsH tHhx5B*^JmH phsH hxB*PJ^JmH phsH hxB*PJ^JmH phsH hx5B*PJ\^JphhxB*EHPJ^JphhxB*PJ^Jphhx5B*\phhxB*ph!!!!0"1"I"^"l"x"}" $$G$Ifa$$G$If$a$@&gd,y }"~""""""h`UUUU $$G$Ifa$$G$Ifkd$$Ifr qu '2 k b847a p2""#8#D#V##h`UUUU $$G$Ifa$$G$Ifkd$$Ifr qu '2 k b847a p2#######h`UUUU $$G$Ifa$$G$Ifkd$$Ifr qu '2 k b847a p2#####$$h`UUUU $$G$Ifa$$G$Ifkd$$Ifr qu '2 k b847a p2$$8$Q$b$n$$$$$h`ZZZOOOO $$G$Ifa$$If$G$Ifkd$$Ifr qu '2 k b847a p2 $$3%]%i%%%h`UUUU $$G$Ifa$$G$IfkdY$$Ifr qu '2 k b847a p2%%V&&&&&h`UUUU $$G$Ifa$$G$Ifkd2$$Ifr qu '2 k b847a p2&&A'o'y''''h`UUUUL $$Ifa$ $$G$Ifa$$G$Ifkd $$Ifr qu '2 k b847a p20'1'6'A'y''(())**********************nbnQ jHhߓgh,y0JUHhgh,y0J jHhgh,y0JUHhgh,y0J h,y0J jHhgh,y0JUjhxUhxhxB*^JphhxB*phhxB*^JmH phsH 4hxB*PJ^J_HfHnHphq tH+hxB*PJ^J_HmH nHphsH tH''m(n(((((h`ZOOOO $$G$Ifa$$If$G$Ifkd$$Ifr qu '2 k b847a p2((n)o)))))h`ZOOOO $$G$Ifa$$If$G$Ifkd$$Ifr qu '2 k b847a p2)))*'*k*}*h`UUUU $$G$Ifa$$G$Ifkd$$Ifr qu '2 k b847a p2}*~*******h`UUUUL $$Ifa$ $$G$Ifa$$G$Ifkd $$Ifr qu '2 k b847a p2***********hfafafafafgd,ykdr $$Ifr qu '2 k b847a p2 ****++++++,+-+.+ $h]ha$gd,ygdxogd&&`#$h]hgd,ygd,yoߓgd&h&`#$]hgd,yogd&h&`#$]hgd,yogd&&`#$ *******++++++ + + + ++++-+.+ܷhq0JmHnHujh,y0JUHhgh,y0J jHhgh,y0JUhxh,y h,y0J jHhߓgh,y0JUHhߓgh,y0J?0P1h:p,y. 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