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The implementation of the OceanDocs Network: Makes scientific publications of oceanographic and marine institutes more quickly, and easily and freely accessible to the research and policy management community, Makes local and regional grey literature available on a worldwide scale Enhances the internal scientific communication Facilitates publishing of research findings (e-journal as well as e-archive), specifically for scientists in Developing Countries thereby promoting their research and increasing their access to the international research forum. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES The OceanDocs Network has been created to provide a distributed network of OceanDocs Central and institutional, regional and national repositories whose records will be harvested by Avano to provide a unique access point to the publications: Development of OceanDocs Central, hosted by IOC/IODE Project Office, to provide a repository for any ODIN or marine related institute within IOC Member States, that does not have the capacity to set up their own repository. Development and support of an OceanDocs Network of OAI-compliant repositories (Institutional, national and regional) hosted by ODINs or individual institutes within ODINs. These provide access to full-text publications/research created by scientists affiliated to oceanographic and marine institutes and managed by their libraries and information centres. Integration of document records into AVANO,  HYPERLINK "http://www.ifremer.fr/avano/" http://www.ifremer.fr/avano/ Build an IOC/IODE harvester. Work to create an ODIN filter through Avano to provide one retrieval point to the records within all ODIN repositories/Utilize the harvester functionality within DSpace to facilitate one search capability across OceanDocs Central and all autonomous ODIN Repositories Integration of Repositories into ODIN Information Portals, Digital marine atlases and Databases: ASFA, OceanExpert and Datasets linking Cooperate with other UN Agencies Repository initiatives to share expertise and investigate interoperability PARTNERS (see list in Annex 1) OceanDocs Network provides repository services at the Central, National, Regional and Institutional level for: IOC/IODE ODINs : OdinAFRICA,OdinCARSA, OdinCINDIO, OdinECET, OdinPIMRIS, OdinWESTPAC Institutes within ODINs Individual Institutes within IOC Member States OceanDocs Central may also host collections produced by IOC partner agencies at the discretion of the OceanDocs Network Steering Group (eg. SCOR ASCLME etc). Partners will: appoint 1 or 2 repository coordinators implement the OceanDocs Network policy at the local level develop promotional activities in the region develop capacity building/training on a regional level provide Yearly Planning and Activity reports to be delivered to the Chair of the OceanDocs Network Steering Group. GOVERNANCE The OceanDocs Network is hosted by the IOC/IODE Programme, and funded through a variety of programmes and projects. The coordination and organisation of the Network is managed by a Steering Group who are tasked with the development of a coherent repository network with a goal of creating better access to research in marine science and oceanography. Membership of the Steering Group IODE Project Office; Hasselt Technical Support; 2 x Coordinators from each ODIN Repository; GE-MIM Representative; Aquatic Commons Representative; a Representative from partner agencies; Invited Experts. Chair to be appointed from ODIN members Responsibilities of the Steering Group Agree Policy, Strategy and yearly Operational Plan Recommend technical developments and services Liaise with complementary organisations in repository matters Support repository training Training session of trainers (for ODIN Coordinators at IOC level) Regional training sessions (By ODIN Coordinators in the ODIN) Development of training material (in OceanTeacher) POLICIES AND STANDARDS Partners in the OceanDocs Network agree to a common approach to policy and standards. SOFTWARE AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT DSpace is the preferred repository software for OceanDocs Central. Hasselt University Library maintains, develops and adapts the DSpace software and will provide support to other Network repositories using DSpace. eg. Easy-to-install version of OceanDocs DSpace. Other software packages (EPrints, Fedora, CDSWare) are also OAI-compliant and can be used by Network partners for their own institutional repository, but OceanDocs Central cannot provide technical support for these. METADATA OceanDocs metadata structure is based on Qualified Dublin Core Metadata Elements and has been developed to be compatible with the AGRIS AP and MODS. Anyone may access the metadata free of charge. The metadata must not be re-used in any medium for commercial purposes ACCESS Anyone may access full text items free of charge Only in special cases, a limitation to access may be installed. Single copies of full items can be: Reproduced for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-profit purposes without prior permission or charge. Provided: the authors, title and full bibliographic details are given a hyperlink and/or URL are given for the original metadata page the original copyright statement is given the original rights permission statement is given the content is not changed in any way This repository is not the publisher; it is merely the online archive. SUBMISSION OF DOCUMENTS It is appreciated that the following conditions may need to be amended in accordance with local requirements. Items may only be deposited by accredited members of the organisation, or their delegated agents. Eligible depositors must deposit full texts of all their publications, although they may delay making them publicly visible to comply with publishers' embargos. Items may not be deposited until any publishers' or funders' embargo period has expired. Submitted items are not vetted by the administrator. The validity and authenticity of the content of submissions is the sole responsibility of the depositor. Any copyright violations are entirely the responsibility of the authors/depositors. If the repository receives proof of copyright violation, the relevant item will be removed immediately. CONTENT OceanDocs is an international, multi-institution repository network, focused on marine and aquatic science literature. Only metadata with full text deposits will be accepted Only items complying with copyright conditions should be deposited (see Annex 3: Copyright Guidelines The repository accepts the following materials: Journal articles Conference papers including powerpoint presentations Books Book Chapters Other scholarly work : Reports (scientific, technical, progress, project etc); working papers Theses and dissertations Institutional journals may be integrated as a separate collection in the repository, if they are free of any copyright restriction. Other types: Maps, images, sound, video, datasets: the limitation is related to internet access Exclusions: Administrative Reports Items deposited in the OceanDocs Network may have the following Publication status: unpublished (grey literature) submitted versions (pre-prints - as sent to journals for peer-review) accepted versions (post print - author's final peer-reviewed drafts) published versions (publisher-created files - see  HYPERLINK "http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/" Publisher Copyright Policies & Self Archiving http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo FILE FORMATS Preferred file formats for deposited digital objects: Text pdf (if a Word version is deposited it should be READ ONLY) PowerPoint - pdf Images - jpeg Video mpeg Audio - wav Datasets: Excel, CSV, PRESERVATION Items will be retained indefinitely. The repository will try to ensure continued readability and accessibility. The repository regularly backs up its files according to current best practice. Items may be removed at the request of the author/copyright holder, but this is strongly discouraged. Acceptable reasons for withdrawal include: Journal publishers' rules Proven copyright violation or plagiarism Legal requirements and proven violations National Security Falsified research Withdrawn items are deleted entirely from the database. The metadata of withdrawn items will not be searchable. If necessary, an updated version may be deposited. The earlier version may be withdrawn from public view. In the event of the repository being closed down, the database will be transferred to another appropriate archive. Annex 1 - OCEANDOCS NETWORK PARTNERS @ Annex 2 - OCEANDOCS NETWORK OPERATIONAL PLAN 2012 Annex 3 - COPYRIGHT GUIDELINES Annex 1: OceanDocs Network @ Jan 2010 REVIEW FOR UPDATES (internal error 16/01) OceanDocs Central at IOC-Ostend: Africa - EGYPT o National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries - GHANA o Marine Fisheries Research Division - KENYA o Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute - MADAGASCAR o Institut Halieutique et des Sciences Marines - MAURITANIA o Institut Mauritanien de Recherches Ocanographiques et des Pches - MAURITIUS o Albion Fisheries Research Centre - MOROCCO o Universit Mohammed V-Agdal, Facult des Sciences - MOZAMBIQUE o INAHINA - NAMIBIA o NatMIRC - NIGERIA o Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research - SENEGAL o Direction des Pches Maritimes / CRODT - SEYCHELLES o Seychelles Fishing Authority - TANZANIA o Institute for Marine Science - Zanzibar - TOGO o Centre de Gestion Integre du Littoral et de l'environnement - TUNISIA o Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer Latin America (ODINCARSA) - ARGENTINA o Instituto Nacional de Investigacin y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP) - CHILE o Instituto de Fomento Pesquero (IFOP) o Programa CIMAR o Servicio Hidrografico y Oceanografico de la Armada de Chile (SHOA) - COLOMBIA o Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras - CUBA o Acuario Nacional de Cuba o Centro de Bioproductos Marinos Industrias Pesqueras o Instituto de Oceanologa o Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras - Ministerio de - ECUADOR o Instituto Oceanogrfico De La Armada - MEXICO o Universidad Autonoma de Baja California-Ensenada + Facultad de Ciencias Marinas + Instituto de Investigaciones Oceanologicas - TRINIDAD & TOBAGO o Marine and Coastal Information [0] o Institute of Marine Affairs - URUGUAY o Direccin Nacional de Recursos Acuticos o Instituto de Investigaciones Pesqueras GEOHAB IODE CEEMAR - BULGARIA: o Institute of Oceanology Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IO-BAS) - POLAND: o Institute of Oceanology PAS, Sopot o Sea Fisheries Institute, Gdynia -RUSSIA: o Federal Institute for Fisheries & Oceanography (VNIRO), Moscow o Sakhalin Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (SakhNIRO), Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk o Scientific-research Institute of the Azov Sea Fishery (AzNIIRKH), Rostov-on-Don - UKRAINE: o Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Odessa branch o Institute of Hydrobiology (IHB), Kiev Institutional Repositories: - DRS at National Institute Of Oceanography (Goa, India) - Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas (Sebastopol, Ukraine) - Odin-Pimris Network (Pacific Islands) (under construction) Annex 2 : OPERATIONAL PLAN 2012 DELIVERABLERESPONSIBILITYDUE DATENOTES          Annex 3: COPYRIGHT GUIDELINES (some text modified from Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Policy on Copyright and Open Access ( HYPERLINK "http://repub.eur.nl/static-eur/pdf/Copyrights.pdf" http://repub.eur.nl/static-eur/pdf/Copyrights.pdf, accessed 16 Jan 2012) Copyright laws are not identical in all countries. It is important to be aware of this because academic work frequently crosses national boundaries. Still, there is much in common among national copyright laws because they are based on international agreements, such as the Berne Convention. Always check national copyright and publishers policies. It is advisable also to know whether: The Institute has a policy about retention of copyright ownership The Institute uses the Creative Commons License  HYPERLINK "http://creativecommons.org/about/licenses" http://creativecommons.org/about/licenses Open Access is the immediate, online, free availability of research outputs without restrictions on use commonly imposed by publisher copyright agreements. Open Access includes the outputs that scholars normally give away for free for publication; it includes peer-reviewed journal articles, conference papers and datasets of various kinds. Open Access provides the means to maximise the visibility and availability, and thus the uptake and use, of research outputs. Copyright: the main question is whether a work has been published. If it has not yet been published, the author holds the copyright. When a work is published, the key question is whether the rights have been transferred in writing to the publisher by means of a contract. If no contract has been signed, the author owns the copyright and can determine how the work is used. In the case of a signed contract, much will depend on the wording of the contract. Contracts are not absolute. Authors that receive contracts from publishers can stipulate a clause whereby they stipulate that they want to place the work to be published in an Open Access Repository. An increasing number of publishers agree to such stipulations. There are also many publishers that have already included such permission in their own policies. However, different publishers have different policies in this regard. For information about publishers policies that could affect you, see, for example, the Sherpa web pages. http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/ There, you will also find those publishers that object to pre-publication in the form of a working paper or something similar. Most publishers prefer to use such pre-publications for finding interesting texts; but an occasional publisher will object to this. If the publisher does not provide the author with a written contract for signing, the author is free to publish in the journal and deposit the article in an OA Repository. If the author does receive a contract for signing, the author must stipulate certain rights in the contract with the publisher. There are two methods of doing this: 1. The author can retain the copyright themselves, but grant the publisher certain rights, for example, the right to publication in a journal 2. The author can assign the copyright to the publisher in the contract, but at the same time stipulate that he/she may place your article in an academic repository 3. The author informs the publisher that as a requirement of his project funding from which the paper was produced, he/she is required to deposit in an OA Repository. Three different situations: 1. Storage before actual commercial publication (pre-print) 2. Parallel publishing 3. Storage after actual commercial publication (post-print) Storage before actual publication Authors hold all rights to their work. They may therefore decide whether they want to have their work included in a repository. If authors store their work in an OA repository, for example as a working paper or as a research memorandum, they retain the option of offering this work to a commercial publisher for inclusion in a journal. Most publishers no longer object to this. On the contrary, publishers also consult OA repositories in their search for suitable articles. Parallel publishing Some publications, for example dissertations or publications at your own institute, may be placed in the repository and published simultaneously. Authors retain all rights to their work. Storage after actual publication The possibilities of storage in an OA repository after publication of a work will depend on whether a written contract has been concluded with the publisher and, if so, the stipulations in that contract. Publishers usually stipulate an embargo. This means that, although a paper will be included in the OA repository, the full text will only be available after a specific period. As a rule, this period will be six months, sometimes a year, after commercial publication. In any case, realise that publishers may own rights to a specific text, a specific article or book. Any changes made to the contents constitute a new work with new rights. Several examples: 1. There is no written contract concluded with the publisher Author owns all rights to the work because no transfer of rights has taken place. 2. There is a written contract a. Exclusive rights The publisher owns all commercial rights to the authors work, or the author must have specific conditions included in the contract. b. Non-exclusive rights It is not unusual for a publisher to own the rights to distribute a work in printed form. Sometimes a publisher also has the rights to an electronic edition of the work, but authors can also hold the rights to exploit their work, for example, the right to place his work in an OA repository. c. Other contracts A contract is binding. Read the authors contract to see which publication potential can be exploited. Anything that is not expressly prohibited is permitted. If a contract explicitly states that authors may not place their work in an OA repository, they can try to delete this stipulation. If that is not possible, they can always ask the publisher for permission later to place their work in an OA repository. 3. There is mention in the colophon that the author has relinquished his rights A colophon is not a contract. Without a contract, there is no legal transfer of rights. The author still retains all rights to his work. 4. Verbal agreements If the author agrees verbally that their work will be included in a specific edition of a journal, he will still own all rights to his work. As mentioned above, virtually all publishers permit pre-print publication of authors work ("working paper"). An increasing number of publishers have also decided that post-print publications are permitted. Publishers allow articles, after publication in journals, to be included in repositories in the authors final version. You are free to make changes, but you may not use the format of the journal. You must also include a reference to the publishers website. Authors should take care to save their final version the version that is sent to the publisher for publication. Even better, send the latest version (pre-print) both to their publisher and to OceanDocs If the author makes a habit of this, nothing can go wrong. Co-authorship If Authors co-write an article and the contribution is interwoven in the text to the point that reference can no longer be made to it, this is called co-authorship. That means that, in order to place the article in a repository, the author will require permission from his co-authors. When sections of an article are clearly written by different authors, the author will own the copyright to the section of the article written by him. In both cases, it is desirable that they ask their co-author or authors for permission to publish in the repository, so that the complete article can be included.  A repository makes available electronically, the scientific research output of an institution or group of institutions. Primarily, it is a way to make their own scientific publications/research available to their own community and to other interested scientists through Open Access (see  HYPERLINK "http://www.opendoar.org" http://www.opendoar.org). A repository is not an electronic library. In an e-library all material relevant to a community is collected. The storage of all these documents on a library server cannot be realized as a result of the limitations enforced by copyright laws. An electronic library will use search tools for electronically accessible documents (commercial publishers and open access document collections). Universities and research centres all over the world create their own repositories to manage and present their scientific output through Open Access. In the field of oceanography and marine science the number of repositories is growing (see http://www.ifremer.fr/avano/archives.htm).     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