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Agenda item 4.5 IOC SUB-COMMISSION FOR AFRICA, INCLUDING ADJACENT ISLAND STATES The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, 1 Noting with appreciation the priority given to Africa in the IOC Medium-Term Strategy 20082013, 2 Recalling the Resolutions adopted by the IOC Assembly, at its previous sessions, especially Resolution XXIV-3 on Past, present and future of Africa within the IOC programmes, calling for the priority given to Africa to be properly reflected in the IOC Programmes and Budget, commensurate with its priority status, Further recalling that Resolution EC-XLIII.8 requested: (i) the IOC Executive Secretary to include in the Agenda of the Twenty-Sixth Session of the Assembly a proposal for the establishment of an IOC Sub-Commission for Africa, building on IOCEA and IOCWIO, and in accordance with IOC Guidelines for the establishment of decentralized offices and; (ii) the IOCEA and IOCWIO Chairpersons to prepare such a proposal, with the support of the IOC Secretariat, and to present it to the Assembly, at its Twenty-Sixth Session, for its consideration, Noting also that Member States in these regions are participating actively in various regional and international marine programmes, such as the Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa (ODINAFRICA), Global Ocean Observing System in Africa (GOOS-AFRICA), Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS), the Large Marine Ecosystems (LME), Capacity Development, multi-hazard Early Warning Systems, and Climate Change, with good results, Decides to establish the IOC Sub-Commission for Africa, including Adjacent Island States, as described in the annex to this Resolution, as a framework to improve IOC visibility, facilitate coordination among the Member States in the region, and to ensure the efficient implementation of IOC programmes in Africa; Requests the Executive Secretary to: take the necessary measures for convening the First Session of the Sub-Commission before the Forty-fifth Session of the IOC Executive Council; establish an IOC Regional Office for Africa as the Technical Secretariat for the Sub-Commission; continue the implementation of the IOCEA and IOCWIO Work Plans pending the First Session of the Sub-Commission; present to the Executive Council at its Forty-fifth Session a report on the implementation of this rsolution; Calls upon all Member States, in particular from Africa, including the Adjacent Island States, to support and participate actively in the programmes of the Sub-Commission. Annex to Draft Resolution XXVI-(4.5) A New Governance Structure in Africa IOC Sub-Commission for Africa, including the Adjacent Island States (IOC in Africa) Mission The IOC Sub-Commission for Africa, including Adjacent Island States is an intergovernmental subsidiary body of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO responsible for the promotion of regional and international cooperation, and the development and coordination of the Commissions marine scientific and research programmes, the ocean services, the ocean observing systems, capacity development and related activities in the region by taking account of the specific interests and priorities of Member States from Africa. Objectives The Sub-Commission shall: Promote regional and international cooperation and coordinate programmes, projects and other activities adopted by governing bodies of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO among the interested Member States and the marine scientific community as necessary, and make, if appropriate, recommendations to parent body to this effect. Prepare a detailed plan of action for implementation of the adopted programmes, projects and other activities. Define regional problems, set priorities and look for solutions, which call for international cooperation, and coordinate marine-related activities; Stimulate cooperation with relevant organizations, agencies, and institutions with the view to ensuring complementarity, and; Cooperate with other Subsidiary Bodies of the IOC on relevant matters of common interest; Background and justification The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO has two Regional Committees in Africa: The IOCs Regional Committee for the Western Indian Ocean (IOCWIO), established in 1979 by the Assembly at its Eleventh Session through Resolution XI.9 as the IOCs Regional Committee for the Cooperative Investigations in the North and Central Western Indian Ocean (IOCINCWIO). The name was changed, at the request of IOCINWIO-V, to IOCWIO by Resolution XXII-10 of the Assembly at the Twenty-second Session. The IOCs Regional Committee for the Central and Eastern Atlantic (IOCEA), established in 1984, by the Executive Council at its Seventeenth Session through Resolution EC-XVII.7. The Regional Committees coordinate and facilitate the development and implementation of IOC activities in their respective regions. The focus of the two Committees is on enhancing national capabilities in marine science and ocean services through cooperation between the Member States from the region and with those from other regions. The lack of regional Secretariats has been recognized as a hindrance to the development of IOCEA and IOCWIO. Project Offices were established for IOCWIO (at KMFRI, Mombasa, Kenya from 2000 to 2004; and UNESCO Nairobi Office from 2004 to 2009), and for IOCEA (at NIOMR, Lagos, Nigeria from 2002 to 2004). The establishment of a Sub-Commission for Africa is fully in line with the African Unions regional integration principle. It will strengthen IOCs presence in Africa, increase the effectiveness of its actions, and give concrete effect to the priority accorded to Africa. The existing IOCEA and IOCWIO Regional Committees will be dissolved during the first Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for Africa, including Adjacent Island States, without prejudice to existing international cooperation in the regions. Specific characteristics of the the regions will be addressed through targeted programmes developed by thematic working groups to be created by the Sub Commission. Structure The key components of the structure of the Sub-Commission include: Member States Bureau of officers Regional Secretariat Thematic working groups or task teams, which will address specific oceanographic issues of sub-regional, regional or international concerns. Membership and Composition Membership of the Sub-Commission is according to established IOC Guidelines for the Structure and Responsibilities of the Subsidiary Bodies of the Commission. Member States will be required to nominate national focal administration/institution. Officers of the Sub-Commission The Bureau of the Sub-Commission comprises the Chair and three Vice-chairs elected by the Sub-Commission, and shall serve in accordance with the Guidelines for Structure and Responsibilities of the Subsidiary Bodies of the Commission. Secretariat for the Sub-Commission An IOC Regional Office shall be established to serve as the Secretariat for the IOC Sub-Commission for Africa, and assist with the implementation of all the programmes and activities of IOC in the regional context. It shall: Promote the development and use, at the regional level, of ocean observations and services and related supporting activities, coordinated or maintained by IOC; Facilitate the exchange of scientific data and information and the transfer of knowledge resulting from marine scientific research; Assist with the identification of capacity-development needs in the region, especially those related to the programmes of the Sub-Commission, when appropriate, and promote the required capacity-development activities; Organize major scientific/technical conferences, including meetings of the Sub-Commission, Liaise and maintain links with all IOC programmes and projects; Establish and maintain links with other relevant organizations, institutions, partners and programmes in order to promote regional and international cooperation. Programme and budget The IOC Sub-Commission for Africa, including adjacent Island States, shall be funded from the IOC regular budget and extra budgetary contributions. The IOC Sub-Commission for Africa should actively explore the opportunities for raising additional resources for implementation of its programmes.  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