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Additional input from: Dr. Paulo Nobre ( HYPERLINK "mailto:pnobre@cptec.inpe.br" pnobre@cptec.inpe.br), Dr. Edmo Campos ( HYPERLINK "mailto:edmo@io.br" edmo@io.usp.br), Dr. Mauricio Mata ( HYPERLINK "mailto:mmata@furg.org" mauricio.mata@furg.org) and Dr. Darly Henriques (darly@mct.gov.br). Observations Open-ocean/global observing networks In situ observations defined in the GCOS IP For 2005 and 2006, report only on discrepancies from this compilation (note in columns below). In situ observing elementnational contributioninternational total200520062007 plans2008+ plansOct 2006goalDBCPSurface drifting buoys724584011561250with barometer7154640317600Sea ice buoys (IABP, IPAB)000024Global tropical moored buoy network888877119Coastal moorings1124109Ocean SITESGlobal reference mooring networkXxxx629Total time series sites including aboveXxxx2858GLOSSstations committed to GLOSS66912206290GLOSS real-time reporting stations114781170GLOSS geolocated stations6691269170SOTHigh-density XBT lines occupied11112264Frequently-repeated XBT lines occupied11111725VOS AWS shipsxxxx140VOSClim shipsxxxx113200ASAP shipsxxxx27ASAP sondes deployedxxxx5319IOCCPCarbon survey (hydrographic lines completed since 2001) xxxx1631Underway measurements (VOS lines)xxxx29Argoprofiling floats404925103000 Optional detail on the numbers reported above: DBCP (National Network of Fixed and Drifting Buoys - PNBOIA): 1) Brazil has started a steady cooperation with NOAA/AOML, for the deployment of SVP-B drifters in the Tropical and South Atlantic regions that has significantly enhanced sampling in this region . 2) The strategy of sampling design developed by the National Network of Observations based on fixed and drifiting buoys points out for a minimum of 40 SVP-B type drifters during 2007/2008, with further sampling areas yet to be considered by the GOOS National Programme, as new voluntary plaftorms become available. 3) There are two fixed buoy coastal sites off the S/SE coast of Brazil, one in Arraial do Cabo, RJ and the other one in Rio Grande, RS. The former is not presently instrumented, after a major buoy sensor failure in 2005. 4) Two new moorings are expected to be acquired in 2007, to be deployed off the Southern coast of Brazil, where the genesis of extreme events have become more frequent since 2004, with funds already approved by the Brazilian Government. The most vivid example is the “Catarina” extra-tropical cyclone (hurricane force 1, in some classifications) that could be related to climate change and anomaly, due to the warmer temperature of the sea that has observed for that period. In order to add predictive power to the occurrence of such events, monitoring the adjacent ocean is fundamental. 5) The PIRATA Project also maintains 08 ATLAS buoys in the Tropical and Subtropical Atlantic. 6) There are prospects of improving sampling strategy in the Tropical and Subtropical Atlantic, as part of the PIRATA Project, to encompass new sensors (floats, drifting buoys, gliders etc,) and as a result of partnership between the Brazilian Hydrographic Service (DHN) and the Space Research Institute (INPE) of Brazil. GLOSS: 1) The Permanent National Network of Mean Sea Level, a national project under the GOOS umbrella encompasses 09 (nine) tide gauges, fully operational. 2) The aim is to reach 12 (twelve) sites, all of them reporting in real time, as described below, by 2008: STATIONPARTNERSHIPSITUATIONNotes 1ImbitubaIBGEoperational2CananéiaIOUSPoperationalKALESTO Radar gauge3Ilha FiscaloperationalUpgrade to a KALESTO Radar gauge to be installed in 20074MacaéIBGEoperational5Barra do RiachoPORTOCELtest phasepressure tide gauge6SalvadorIBGEoperationalAcoustic tide gauge received as part of a cooperation with NOAA (UHSLC)7FortalezaIBGETo be soon installed by IBGEAcoustic tide gauge to be received as part of cooperation with NOAA (UHSLC)8Ponta da MadeiraCVRDoperational9Ilha da Trindadeto be installed in 2008KALESTO Radar gauge to be installed in 2008 and report real time10Ilha Fernando de Noronha (ou Rio Grande)to be installedKALESTO Radar gauge to be installed in 2008 and report real time11Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago (ASPSP)INPEto be installedKALESTO Radar gauge to be installed in 2008 and report real time12Rio GrandeFURGSecondary stationNew radar gauge by 2008+ 3) Total of tide gauge stations to report in real-time: 2007 - Ilha Fiscal, ASPSP, Barra do Riacho and Fortaleza; 2008 – Ilha da Trindade and Ilha Fernando de Noronha. SOT 1) The single high-density XBT line occupied refers to a national project under the GOOS umbrella called Monitoring the Upper Ocean Thermal Variability between Rio de Janeiro and Trindade Island (MOVAR) that since 2004 encompasses deployment of approximately 224 XBT (198 DEEP BLUE and 26 T-5 and T-7 probes) every two months, in a transect that covers a ship track line from Rio de Janeiro to Trindade Island (totaling 450 NM west-east transect from the coast). 2) The objective is to obtain a high-resolution time-series (spatial resolution approx. 15 NM; every 03 months) of the upper ocean thermal structure in a sparsely sampled area of the SW Atlantic. It is expected that the high-resolution XBT line will help elucidate several aspects of the gyre scale circulation and its variability and also serve to calibrate models and allow comparisons with other ocean basins. 3) More recently, efforts have been made to conjugate the XBT time-series with the launch of drifting buoys and ARGO floats, so as to better understand the circulation in this area. ARGO 1) The MOVAR project has been serving as a good platform for voluntary ARGO float deployments, since the region is particularly void of those instruments. 2) Plans are to deploy more ARGO floats from 2007+, provided floats will be made available via external cooperation (ARGO donor program) and further voluntary ship time made available for those deployment opportunities in the Tropical and South Atlantic region. Four floats are already underway from the WHOI/ US-ARGO program to be deployed in the South Atlantic ARGO ‘gap’ near 20S / 30W. Other open-ocean/global sustained observing networks Include URLs for real-time data streams if appropriate, and note future plans. Most of the national contributions to GOOS are gradually being merged into a regional network called “Regional Alliance for Oeanography in the Upper Southwest and Tropical Atlantic (OCEATLAN)”. Some of the data generated by the National and Regional GOOS Programmes are made available for download at  HYPERLINK "http://www.goosbrasil.org" http://www.goosbrasil.org and http:// HYPERLINK "http://www.oceatlan.org" www.oceatlan.org, and has been used by several research programmes in the region. As part of a scientific project aimed at the development of an oceanic forecasting model for the Southwest Atlantic, which uses the novel method of feature modeling, during 2007-2008, 12 (twelve) SVP drifters will be released in the interior of Sao Tomé and Cabo Frio eddies, located at the shelf break and offshore waters of the Brazilian SE coast of Brazil. These 12 drifters are configured to have a mean life span of 12-14 months, which will permit their displacement by the Brazil Current towards the south. It is expected that their displacement will cover a large area of the SW South Atlantic, being possible that part of these drifters will be caught by the South Atlantic large scale circulation. Data collected by these drifters will be available to the users. Research and development supporting open-ocean observations Several research process studies in the South Atlantic have been initiated and led by the research community, with support from CIRM and DHN. Some of them are of potential interest to GOOS, such as: South American Climate Change Consortium (SACC) – the main objective of SACC in the region is to advance our understanding on climate variability as a result of changes in the thermohaline circulation and water mass properties of the Southwestern Atlantic, and to describe temporal and spacial scales of SST anomalies in the region. In Brazil, the SACC is led by Dr. Edmo Campos, University of Sćo Paulo. More information can be found at http://www.sacc.org.uy/; Brazilian High Latitude Oceanography Group (GOAL) – the main research topics of GOAL focuses in the understanding of (1) the formation and variability of dense bottom water close to the tip of Antarctic Peninsula; (2) the variability of Bransfield and Gerlache Straits ecosystems. (3) the role played by the Southern Ocean in the global carbon cycle using in situ and satellite ocean color data; (4) the upper layer circulation and 3D structure eddies shredded by the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence. This Project is sponsored by the Brazilian Antarctic Programme, under CIRM, and led by a group of research scientists from the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG). Furthermore, the GOAL group will be present during the ongoing IPY through the project called SOS-CLIMATE, when a coordinated effort will take place to study several aspects of Southern Ocean hydrography. The SOS-CLIMATE will contribute with several kinds of data collection including: high resolution hydrography, current profiles, ocean optics and biogeochemical parameters. More information on GOAL can be found at www.goal.ocfis.furg.br  HYPERLINK "http://www.goal.ocfis.furg.br/"SOS-CLIMATE - represents the Brazilian oceanographic contribution to IPY. The field effort will cover shelf and shelf-slope regions across the Polar Front from the Antarctic Peninsula region to the Patagonian Shelf, investigating controls on plankton dynamics. Oceanographic cruises are planned for March 2007 and the Austral summers of 2007-08 and 2008-09. Cruises onboard the R/V “Ary Rongel” started March 2007 in the Patagonian shelf break area (where strong phytoplankton blooms occurr), and are planned for the Austral summers of 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 in the following areas: (1) Brazil-Malvinas Confluence; (2) Patagonian shelf; (3) Bransfield and Gerlache Straits, and (4) northwestern Weddell Sea. Satellite observations Satellite observations in the Brazilian territory and maritime region is provided and managed by the Space Research Institute (INPE), that has a permanent seat at the National Executive Committee for GOOS in Brazil. Therefore, there is a direct contribution of INPE to GOOS implementation in the South Atlantic. According to CEOS Earth Observation Handbook ( HYPERLINK "http://www.eohandbook.com/ceos/part3e.html" www.eohandbook.com/ceos/part3e.html) INPE planned missions for the next years to come is contained in ANNEX I of this Report. Coastal observations 1) National Meteorological Service (SMM): The National Marine Meteorological Service is run by the Navy Hydrographic Center (CHM), under the aegis of the Directorate of Hydrography and Naviagation (DHN), and works in straight cooperation with institutions along the Brazilian Coast and neighboring countries (Argentina and Uruguay). To date, 05 coastal automated Met stations have been installed and 12 conventional coastal Met stations report regularly. All data are available at the National Data Center (BNDO), hosted by DHN and also via GTS. As part of a recent collaboration between SMM and the National Meteorological Institute (INMET), plans are to install 10 more Coastal automated Met stations and which data will be available at  HYPERLINK "http://www.inmet.gov.br/html/rede_obs.php?lnk=../sonabra/sonabra.html" www.inmet.gov.br/html/rede_obs.php?lnk=../sonabra/sonabra.html. 2) ANTARES Network: This integrated network of in situ and remote sensing stations, focused on detecting long-term changes in marine ecosystems around South America is run by 15 scientists from Argentina, Brazil, Chile Venezuela and Peru, plus experts from Canada and the USA). The objective of the Network is to understand the variability of the coastal environment on a continental scale and the local, regional, and global factors and processes that effect this change. It will generate continental-scale high-resolution (1 km) maps of chlorophyll and of sea surface temperature, served daily over the web according to specifications of users within the Antares network. The network architecture proposes linking remote sensing observations with in situ time series stations and to create a database of satellite and in situ observations for scientific, educational and management purposes. Data made available for the network can be found at  HYPERLINK "http://antares.ws" http://antares.ws, as well as within local pages linked. Despite its importance to the management of coastal ecosustems around South America, there is, to date, no involvement of the Large Marine Ecosystem Programme (LME) to its development. Please describe any regional or national observations of harmful algae occurrences, harmful algal events, or algal blooms, including specifics and future plans if appropriate. There is a regional group pertaining to the IOC/UNESCO Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) programme, called “Floraciones de Algas Nocivas en Sudmaerica (FANSA) that has also straight connections with GOOS in Brazil. National responsible institution is the University of Vale do Itajaķ (UNIVALI), Santa Catarina, Brazil, with a strong link to Rio Grande University. Please provide information on national impediments to progress in the sustained coastal ocean observing networks. lack of Governmental funds strictly dedicated to ocean observing systems, even though there has been a positive trend over the past three years from the engaged operational institutions; Brazil still lacks human capabilities to deal with the bulk of data collection and processing; 3) with the onset of extreme events along the Brazilian coast, Government awareness has been increasing on the need to collect data near real time, so as to enhance model skills and improve prediction to the extent required by responsible national agencies and other sectors responsible for mitigating and adapting to those extreme events. DATA MANAGEMENT For open-ocean/global observations Real-time data streams DBCP  HYPERLINK "https://www.mar.mil.br/dhn/dhn/index.html" https://www.mar.mil.br/dhn/dhn/index.html (Navy Hydrographic Center)  HYPERLINK "http://www.goosbrasil.org" http://www.goosbrasil.org http://www.mileniodomar.org.br http:// HYPERLINK "http://www.inmet.gov.br/html/rede_obs.php?lnk=../sonabra/sonabra.html" www.inmet.gov.br/html/rede_obs.php?lnk=../sonabra/sonabra.html. OceanSITES xxxx GLOSS  HYPERLINK "http://www.goosbrasil.org" http://www.goosbrasil.org (Navy Hydrographic Center) SOT  HYPERLINK "http://www.ocfis.furg.br/~mauricio/movarpage/" http://www.ocfis.furg.br/~mauricio/movarpage/ (Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG) IOCCP xxxx Argo  HYPERLINK "http://www.goosbrasil.org" http://www.goosbrasil.org xxxx Satellite observations http://www.cptec.inpe.br The National Space Institute (INPE) collects, decodes, quality control, archive, and distribute real time data from the PIRATA array of moored buoys over the western Tropical Atlantic, through its family of SCD/CBERS data collecting satellites. Data are publicly available at http://pirata.cptec.inpe.br:8080/pcd/consulta_boia.jsp Delayed-mode archives 1) Are data from the global observations above collected by a national center being transferred to the ICSU World Data Centers for oceanography (WDC)? R: No. 2) Are any of the global observing networks archiving data elsewhere? If so, where? R: Yes. National Oceanographic Data Center (BNDO) that is part of the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange System of IOC/UNESCO. 3) Please list any data archeology or data reprocessing activities for open-ocean/global reanalysis: R: There has been no reanalysis of data being processed at BNDO. ADCP data collected as part of Brazilian Redeployment Oceanographic Cruises in support to PIRATA, for the period 1999 to 2005 have been reprocessed at INPE and made available at BNDO. Partnerships 1) What are your national plans to make the data streams and archives reported on in this section compatible with the WMO Information System (WIS)? R: No action envisaged as yet. 2) It is important to identify the major impediments to progress (e.g. fiscal restraints, government awareness, etc.) for the ocean observing system. Please provide information on national impediments to progress in sustained open-ocean/basin-scale data management activities. R: Impediments to progress: Federal budget allocation has been constrained over the past years, although a positive tendency has been shown for the past two years. With an increase in budget allocation enhancement of the existing network of ocean observations is likely to occur, even though the burden ofn ship operations, by far the highest indirect cost for GOOS implementation, both at the national and regional level, is also likely to occur. The implementation of GOOS Regional Alliances could help minimize implementation costs and impacts, as pursued by IOC/UNESCO. For the past 08 years, there has been a severe budget constraint to support new developments and maintenance of data sets and streams at BNDO. In addition, there has been a lack of human resource capacitating, leading to even more restrictions to data management activities. The national GOOS Programme web page development and maintenance has been made possible via external contracts and third party consulting services. For coastal observations Real-time data streams For the observations reported in Section 1.2, please describe real-time acquisition, quality-control, archival and dissemination arrangements, including URLs if appropriate. Specify the institution(s) responsible. Antares Network: http://antares.ws Marine Met services:  HYPERLINK "https://www.mar.mil.br/dhn/dhn/index.html" https://www.mar.mil.br/dhn/dhn/index.html Executive Committee for GOOS in Brazil:  HYPERLINK "http://www.goosbrasil.org" http://www.goosbrasil.org Delayed-mode archives 1) Are data from the coastal observations above and collected by a national center being transferred to the ICSU World Data Centers for oceanography (WDC)? If so, please note which one, and with what frequency the data are transferred to the WDC. R: No. 2) Are any of the coastal observing networks archiving data elsewhere? If so, where? R: Yes. National Oceanographic Data Center (BNDO), that is part of the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange System of IOC/UNESCO. Partnerships 1) What are your national plans to make the data streams and archives reported in this section compatible with the WMO Information System (WIS)? R: Synoptic data obtained by Met stations are available on the GTS and are compatible with WIS. However, there is no national plan to make it broader in scope and mandatory, to date. 2) It is important to identify the major impediments to progress (e.g. fiscal restraints, government awareness, etc.) for the ocean observing system. Please provide information on national impediments to progress in sustained coastal ocean data management activities. R: Comments are rather similar to those made under item 1.3 above. Of the many impediments to progress, human capacitationcapacitating for data management must be singled out. AddittionalAdditional efforts made via external contracts and consulting services have changed data availability and exchange scenario, still far from ideal. More data will be made available from Brazilian institutions if investments will be made in personnel dedicated to data analysis, quality control and dissemination. Support to continue and enhance GOOS web site in Brazil will only be possible if external funding continues but also through cooperation with personnel from academic institutions dedicated to scientific activities. 3) Your  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewGroupRecord&groupID=59&Itemid=42" national IODE coordinator has been asked to report in detail on data management and archiving activities by national questionnaire for IODE-XIX in March 2007. Your contributions are extremely important and valuable. Please ensure the requested information is submitted. R: Yes. , National Report to XIX-IODE has been submitted by Commander Marcos Vinicius Simões, and added up to the Final Report of the XIX-IODE Meeting. Products and services Production of ocean environmental information Open-ocean/global products and services Please list national contributions to global/basin-scale operational ocean forecasting (such as those coordinated through GODAE): 1) The Brazilian Navy Hydrographic Center at DHN is the national institution responsible for the generation and dissemination of meteorological analysis and forecasts for the maritime area under Brazilian responsibility, and as member of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea ( HYPERLINK "http://www.dhn.mar.mil.br/chm/meteo/images/Dec_092610.htm" \t "_blank" SOLAS).The Center serves as the national contact point to GMDSS (WMO); 2) The National Space Institute (INPE-CPTEC) generates seasonal forecasts of global tropics sea surface temperature, monthly. Daily SST forecasts are produced twice daily up to 30 days in advance. Both seasonal and daily SST forecasts are generated with INPE-CPTEC coupled ocean-atmosphere-biosphere model. Please list other nationally-produced open-ocean/basin-scale products or services (including analyses, forecasts, or warnings for sea ice, waves, storm surges, tsunami, currents, pollution, search-and-rescue support, etc.): 1) The Marine Met Service is run by the Brazilian Navy Hydrographic Center/DHN that issues bulletins twice a day (“METEOROMARINHA”), valid for 24 hours, with forecasts, predictions and analyses of ocean meteorological conditions for the entirety of the Brazilian oceanic and coastal areas, named as METAREA V (according to WMO standards). The available products here described, pertaining to the Southwest Atlantic, are also transmitted via fac-simile, in HF, encompassing products for 36-hour forecasts: sea surface pressure chart ; sea surface temperature chart; wind fields at 10m; wave height and direction. Whenever appropriate and timely, warnings on low visibility, strong winds and rough seas for METAREA V are issued. Those warnings are repeated in the METEOROMARINHA Bulletin for the whole period of time until such a situation prevails. Please describe national contributions to GMDSS broadcasts if appropriate. Brazil issues METEOROMARINHA Bulletin twice a day over SafetyNet, with valid predictions of wind, wave, visibility and also significant events for the 24 hours to follow. Warning issues on low visibility, strong winds and rough seas for METAREA V are also produced at any time and whenever necessary, that are constantly repeated over METEOROMARINHA. Coastal products and services The Marine Met Service issues bulletins for coastal area forecasts twice a day, via SafetyNet. Those forecasts can also be circulated via the National Network of Coastal Stations (RENEC), via VHF frequency, upon request. The METEOROMARINHA Bulletins contain 24-hour forecasts for the eight coastal regions of Brazil, classified alphabetically (from “Alpha” to “Hotel”), and pertaining to METAREA V. Tempestivamente, sćo emitidos avisos de baixa visibilidade, vento forte, mar grosso e ressaca para essas įreas, sendo entćo repetidos nos METEOROMARINHA subseqüentes enquanto permanecerem em vigor. Warning issues on low visibility, strong winds and rough seas for those sub-areas in METAREA V are repeated in the METEOROMARINHA Bulletin until such a situation prevails.. Tools Are the model systems, model outputs, or data sets and services used to produce the global and regional products reported on above available or used by a larger community? If so, please provide a description of the applications and user requirements (e.g., URL, web pages, papers or a short description). All data products, services and predictions can be found at at HYPERLINK "https://www.mar.mil.br/dhn/chm/meteo/index.htm"https://www.mar.mil.br/dhn/chm/meteo/index.htm and  HYPERLINK "http://www.cptec.inpe.br" http://www.cptec.inpe.br. Several other web sites in the country also provide data sets and services - on a non-official basis - to the larger public. Partnerships Does your nation have a secondary value-added industry providing downstream ocean products or services? If so, please provide details on significant downstream services in your nation. Indicate if and how these interface with government agencies. R: Yyes. Several oil and gas exploration companies such as PETROBRAS provide ocean products and data streams but those would not be available to the large community. PETROBRAS has made several agreements with academic institutions, non-governmental organizations and Federal, State and Municipal agencies towards environmental protection of oceanic coastal regions in Brazil. Application of ocean environmental information Open-ocean/global information For the open-ocean/global products and services reported on above (serving climate monitoring, forecasting, or research; or a specific operational purpose), please provide narrative answers, highlighting success stories if possible, to the following questions: Is the environmental information being successfully incorporated into problem-solving or decision-making for societal benefit? If so, how? What were key factors in reaching this success? If not, what are the major impediments to progress? R: Ppartially so. Environmental data and information in Brazil is still lacking, from the operational standpoint of view, particularly with regard to data dissemination and exchange. Several institutions do possess data centers but those are not articulated into one single frame. Efforts have been made by the Ministry of Environment, one of GOOS partners in Brazil, towards the creation of a National System for Integrated Coastal and Marine Assessment (SIGERCOM), over the past year. There are many environmental information made available, coming from different sources in Brazil, and feeding isolated data centers which are not successfully enmeshed into problem solving due to a complete lack of coordination among them. It is envisaged that a web portal to integrate all data centers dealing with coastal and marine data could be developed, with a friendly interface that would make those data sets easily accessible by local parties and developed as a fundamental tool to decision making processes and optimization of efforts in terms of national assets. What are the priority societal problems faced by your nation that could have solutions depending on open-ocean/global environmental information, but currently lack this input? R: 1) The Brazilian Government has recently published some statistics that reveal 40% of the national coastline is subject to erosion in different levels. Changes in sea level rise but also in wave propagation in shallow waters have been identified as the main factors contributing to that, and as a consequence of storm surges and other meteorological events. Therefore, the monitoring of wave propagation and sea level are deemed essential for the country efforts towards defining coastal areas where edifications should be avoided , and according to the spirit of the national contributions to GOOS. It should be noted that the Project ORLA represents a good contribution to this purpose. 2) The dissemination of operational information to the local society, especially regarding direct and indirect benefits and impacts on the improvement of quality of life, is still not much developed, but shows a positive evolution. Coastal information For each societal goal in Coastal GOOS (see below), please provide narrative answers, highlighting success stories if possible, to the following questions: What are the major problems facing your nation? Is the environmental information reported on in Section 3.1 becoming part of the solution to those problems? If so, how? If not, what are the major impediments to progress? 1) Detection and prediction of the effects of global climate change on coastal ecosystems: The Ministry of the Environment (MMA) has a new Programme for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity (PROBIO), funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), that) that aims to evaluate the impacts of sea-level rise, associated with global warming in coastal areas of Brazil. Still in the domain of the Ministry of the Environment (MMA), results on eight projects carried out on Climate Change and its Effects on Biodiversity have been published in February 2007. In those studies, climate evolutionary profiles have been obtained, with indicators of possible climate scenarios over the next 100 years. In this context, evolution of sea-level rise over the Brazilian coast has been one important objective of those studies, and a sensitive indicator of climate change. Results of those studies have been taking into account by MMA in the structuring of public policy and how to anticipate problems that could arise, in this regard (including adaptation), as well as the likely adverse effects to be expected over biodiversity, public health, agriculture, among others. It is worth noting that the National contribution to GOOS in Brazil is supervised by the Interministerial Commission for Sea Resources (CIRM), a collegiate body that encompasses all Ministries involved in oceanographic matters in the country. A national plan for GOOS that has been approved in 1997 is presently being revised, according to the country“s priorities and financial availability for ocean observations. Such a model has been object of appreciation from neighboring countries that also invest in oceanography and its essential contribution to strategic issues like climate change, natural disaster prediction, mitigation and adaptation, among other subjects strictly related to the oceans and with impacts to the coastal zone. Coordination and capacity-building Global coordination and capacity-building Amount of national contribution to global coordination directly through the IOC: unearmarked funds given to the IOC Trust Fund for the observing system: 2005 total US$… ; 2006 total US$… ; intended future commitment US$… (mark time frame) earmarked funds given to the IOC (note purpose) : 2005 total US$… ; 2006 total US$… ; intended future commitment US$… (mark time frame) in kind support (i.e., secondments to the IOC) : 2005 … person-years ; 2006 … person years ; intended future commitment … (mark time frame) Amount of national contribution to global coordination directly through the WMO (specify financial and in kind contributions as above): FUNDING OF GOOS IN BRAZIL: During 2006, Brazil has spent US$ 2.6 million (two million and six-hundred thousand US Dollars) from Governmental budget allocated to science, technology and the monitoring of the oceans, fully devoted to operations and not encompassing ship costs. Investment in national coordination: the National Executive Committee for GOOS in Brazil has financed all national meetings in 2006, and a major national workshop for the Evaluation of the Brazilian Contribution to the GOOS Programme, held in Rio de Janeiro, 04-06 May 2005, and hosted by DHN. 3) Investment in regional coordination: by means of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), Brazil presently hosts an IOC/UNESCO Regional Programme Office for GOOS, located at DHN, with incurred costs to the Brazilian Government (office space; electricity, among other services; professional staff). 4) It is worth noting that most countries financially contributing to GOOS implementation are charged individually with the costs for logistics and operations (higher costs for ship operations, fuel, calibration of sensors, equipments etc.), and as part of their national budget. That is certainly the case of Brazil and which costs should be credited as national “ear-marked” contributions to the implementation of the Global GOOS Programme. Capacity-building activities: please list projects that are a direct contribution to developing capacity to build or benefit from the ocean observing system at a global level. Include information on the goals, beneficiaries, methods, investment and future plans. R: none. Regional coordination and capacity-building Please detail any changes to your national or institutional participation in regional coordination bodies (GRAs, UNEP Regional Seas Conventions, FAO Regional Fisheries Bodies, LMEs) from the compilation (January 2003) found in Tables VIII.1 and VIII.2 of  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-goos.org/goos-125x" Annex VIII of the Coastal Strategic Implementation Plan for GOOS. R: none. Please report below on both financial and in kind contributions. Amount of national contribution to regional coordination through GRAs: The Brazilian Government supports IOC/UNESCO decision to enhance the development of GOOS activities at the regional level; 2) Through the existing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Government of Brazil and IOC/UNESCO, the country hosts the Technical Secretariat for the Regional Alliance in Oceanography for the Upper Southwest and Tropical Atlantic (OCEATLAN) and all appropriate financial commitments. Please list regional projects to develop capacity across nations to build or benefit from the ocean observing system. Include information on the goals, beneficiaries, methods, investment and future plans. R: Nnone. National coordination and capacity-building What is your mechanism for coordination of national agency and institution implementation of the ocean observing system? Are both ocean-related (oceanographic, hydrographic, fisheries, environmental, etc.) and meteorological agencies and institutions included? Specify if you have a National GOOS Committee. 1) A National Executive Committee for GOOS in Brazil, hosted by DHN, is the official body for GOOS coordination and implementation. It is subordinated to the Interministerial Commission for Sea Resources (CIRM), that has approved the existing structure back in 1997. 2) The coordination of the GOOS programme in the country has reached the maximum level of national organization and therefore its perception by national agencies is well acknowledged in terms of institutional implementation. 3) The level of funding however has been kept very low over the past ten years, but with a positive tendency upwards signaled by Federal Government budget sources. 4) Brazil participation in the PIRATA project over the tropical Atlantic is coordinated by a National Committee led by INPE and DHN, with participation of Brazilian Met Service, University of Sćo Paulo and Cearį State Met service. Please report on national priority requirements for improved capacity to build or benefit from the ocean observing system, and on national plans to address and sustain that capacity requirement. Brazil lacks a National Laboratory for ocean instrumentation calibration. INPE has plans to build an ocean instrumentation laboratory, and would greatly benefit from international cooperation toward incrementing such laboratory. R: nNone. ANNEX I COMPOSITION OF THE NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FOR GOOS IN BRAZIL: Coordinator: Representative from the Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation (DHN) MEMBERS: 1) Ministry of Science and Technology – Dr. Darly Henriques; 2) Ministry of the Environment – Dr. Edemilson Zamboni; 3) Ministry of Education – Dr. Jean Valentin; 4) Ministry of Mines and Energy – Dr. Leonardo de Souza; 5) Navy Hydrographic Center – LTC Marcelo Cavalcanti 6) Institute for Sea Resources Alte. Paulo Moreira – Dra. Eliane Gonzales Representatives from the scientific community: 7) Dr. Ilana Wainer – IO-USP; 8) Dr. José Muelbert – FURG; 9) Dr. Monica Campos – UFPE; 10) Dr. Dieter Muehe – UFRJ; and 11) Dr. Joćo Lorenzzetti - INPE ANNEX II INPE (BRAZIL) PLANNED SATELLITE MISSIONS (as contained in CEOS Earth Observation Handbook) SSR-1 (INPE)Planned01-Dec-0501-Dec-09Earth resources, environmental monitoring, land surface HYPERLINK \l "_OBA_Observador_Brasileiro" OBAType: Inclined, non-sunsynchronous Altitude: 905km Period: 103.2mins Inclination: 0deg Repeat cycle: days LST: Longitude (if geo): Asc/desc: N/A URL: http://www.inpe.br/programas/mecb/default.htmSCD-3 (INPE)Planned01-Dec-0601-Dec-10Data collection and communication HYPERLINK \l "_DCP_(SCD)_Data" DCP (SCD)Type: Inclined, non-sunsynchronous Altitude: 1100km Period: 107mins Inclination: deg Repeat cycle: days LST: Longitude (if geo): Asc/desc: TBD URL: http://www.inpe.br/programas/mecb/default.htmSSR-2 (INPE)Considered01-Dec-0701-Dec-11Earth resources, environmental monitoring, land surface HYPERLINK \l "_OBA_Observador_Brasileiro" OBAType: Inclined, non-sunsynchronous Altitude: 905km Period: 103mins Inclination: 0deg Repeat cycle: 16days LST: Longitude (if geo): Asc/desc: TBD URL: http://www.inpe.br/programas/mecb/default.htm  national SOT coordinators have been requested to fill out a report by March 2007 on their activities. Please ensure the answers above are consistent.  http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewGroupRecord&groupID=59&Itemid=42  http://www.ioc-goos.org/goos-125x     The ocean observing system 2007  PAGE 15 -  PAGE 15 - -  PAGE 1 - !"#]cde…‡¹¾æÉśū  + , - < = V W X Z €  Ŗ « ¬ Ą Į Õ Ö õ śņķčśķąŁśŅĖĽ¶½Ä¶Ä«Ä«Ä«Ä™’‹„y„kyby„y„h“QphÜG0JjŪhIi·hÜGUjhIi·hÜGU h“QphÜG h“QphIi· hIi·hÜGhIi·jhIi·h³UUjhIi·h³UU hIi·h³9ć hIi·hF¼ hIi·h³U hIi·hIi· hIi·h|T’ h×"ņh]l0h×"ņhIi·5 h³U5 hIi·5h7{²h!Ó5 h|T’5&"deX ‡ ˆ • śśƒ$¬õƒ$¬õƒ$¬ķƒ$¬Ŗƒ$¬Øƒ$¬Øƒ$¬eƒ$¬CEʀLƵ†CEʀœĮµ†$a$gd]l0$a$$a$ tœ‰ężżżõ ö ÷ ’      @ A B C K X Y † ‡ ˆ • ŗ å ę ē G H O a b Œ  Ž ½ ¾ Ś Ü Ž å ļ š ńęŻŌŻęĶęĶæęŻŌŻęĶø±¤“‹ƒ‹zznznidin h7{²5 h|T’5h|T’mHnHsHtH h|T’6h|T’hIi·hÜG5hIi·h|T’5hIi·h|T’56 hIi·h|T’h³9ćh|T’CJOJQJ h“Qph³9ć h“Qph|T’jahIi·hÜGU h“QphÜGh“Qph&(½0Jh“QphÜG0JjhIi·hÜGUj²hIi·hÜGU'• ŗ ę G H b x Œ ¹·ƒ$¬·ƒ$¬·ƒ$¬±»¬Ø„ ¬›¬ $„Ē’$If^„Ē’a$ $$Ifa$$IfFEʀLƵ†.gd“QpŒ  Ž “ ˜ £ Æ WQH&¬H%¬H+¬Hj¬ $$Ifa$$IfØkd 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