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It is focused at the North Caspian coastal zone, which is of particular importance for the entire region, due to the influence of the Volga River (forming there one of the world largest deltas). The Volga River Delta and the adjacent Caspian coastal zone represent a significant biodiversity center featuring a number of endemic species (flora and fauna), a unique wildlife habitat for commercial fish species (spawning and feeding grounds, migration routes) and birds (wetlands of international importance, the Ramsar site 800,000 ha). The Volga-Caspian natural resources determine the lifestyle and wellbeing of coastal communities. The major outcomes under the survey carried out in January-March 2010, are impact assessment of natural and anthropogenic factors on water sources, flora & fauna biodiversity, and health of the coastal population, as well as action-oriented recommendations developed by young people of the Caspian coastal communities. The survey results were presented at the International student applied-research conference Ecology and life safety a basis for sustainable development of the Volga-Caspian region (April 16, Astrakhan, Russia) attended by some 100 participants students and teachers from schools and Astrakhan State Technical University (ASTU). Presentations were arranged in oral and poster sessions (38 papers), followed by an exhibition of photos & drawings Environmental risks as viewed by schoolchildren. (2) Presentation entitled Caspian Floating University: Youth Capacity Building for Sustainable Development of the Caspian Region was made at the Conference 50 Years of Education and Awareness Raising for Shaping the Future of the Oceans and Coasts (Sharing lessons learned and proposing longterm projections - input to the Millennium Development Goals and UN Decade on Education for Sustainable Development), St.Petersburg, Russia, April 2010. The paper is published in the Conference Proceedings (HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc50.ru/cd/proceedingsofioc50conference.pdf"http://www.ioc50.ru/cd/proceedingsofioc50conference.pdf). (4) Caspian Sea Day celebration A series of Russia-Kazakhstan events dedicated to the Caspian Sea Day was held on 6-9 August, 2010, Astrakhan oblast (campgrounds in the Volga River delta), attended by students, teachers and NGO representatives (25 persons in total). The program included a field workshop on Ecology and Life Safety at the Volga-Caspian Coastal Territories and a trip to in the Caspian Sea coastal zone. Topics covered under the workshop: - Caspian Floating University and Marine Ecology School; - Ramsar Convention. Oil pollution impact on the Caspian Sea ecosystem; - Impact of pollution on the avian fauna of the North Caspian; - Phytoplankton and its role in self-purification processes of water bodies. Under the practical studies the trainees were familiarized with methods and equipment for hydrometeorological monitoring, sampling techniques (phytoplankton and nutrients), and GPS operating in field conditions. (5) On 15 September, 2010, a seminar in the coastal city Lagan (Kalmykia) was held with the participation of students and teaching staff and the municipality officials (about 100 attendees). The main themes discussed: environmental and socio-economic issues of the North Caspian coastal zone and the role of young people in solution of these challenges; training and education in marine sciences at ASTU, professional guidance and terms of admission to the university. The participants concluded that strengthening links between Lagan schools and ASTU would promote environmental education and awareness and contribute to capacity building in environmental protection and sustainable use of nature resources in the Kalmyk sector of the Caspian coastal zone. (6) The Caspian Sea and its Coastal Zone training for teachers of rural schools, attended by 15 persons representing all coastal districts of Astrakhan oblast (Volodarsky, Kamyzyak, Ikryanoe, and Liman) was held on 26 December at Astrakhan Oblast Childrens Library. The key presentations addressed the Caspian coastal issues, activities of Astrakhan State biosphere nature reserve, and fiction&verse devoted to the Caspian Sea. The program of joint actions for the year 2011 was discussed and adopted. It included, inter alia, establishing network of educational institutions and NGOs under the goal Education for Sustainable Development of Caspian Coastal Municipalities. Under the short-term/immediate actions, a students expedition The Caspian is a Live Sea and Summer Schools are envisaged.     -  PAGE 1 - "Llm    > A C R (   7;"%-1V߹ߒ~oohDRhwqCJOJQJ^J'hDRhwq>*CJOJQJ^JmH sH hDRhP1>*CJOJQJ^J,hDRhi&CJOJQJ^JmH nHsH tH,hDRhP1CJOJQJ^JmH nHsH tHhDRhi&CJOJQJ^JhDRhP1CJOJQJ^J"hDRhP15CJOJQJ\^J(  *+O_`56-.TUVXY$a$gdDRVsV]#DE|}~@HTU^vwgXXXXXhDRhi&CJOJQJ^JhDRhP1>*CJOJQJ^J hDRhP10J*CJOJQJ^J%jhDRhP1CJOJQJU^JhDRCJOJQJ^JhDRhwqCJOJQJ^Jh FCJOJQJ^JhDRhi&CJOJQJ\^JhDRhP1CJOJQJ\^JhDRhP1CJOJQJ^JhDRhNCJOJQJ^J"<=3W6@STUVWYZ\]_`brjfjfjfjfh!'jh!'UhDRhwqCJOJQJ^JhDRhP1CJOJQJ\^JhDRhP16CJOJQJ^Jh FCJOJQJ^JhDRhP1>*CJOJQJ^JhDRhNCJOJQJ^J+hDRhP15B*CJOJQJ\^JphhDRhi&CJOJQJ^JhDRhP1CJOJQJ^J"Y[\^_abqrst$a$gdDR +$ha$gdDR bdeklmnpqrstݹ򪦢hDRhwqCJOJQJ^Jh!'h FhDRh FCJOJQJ^J%h F0J-CJOJQJ^JmHnHu hDRh F0J-CJOJQJ^J)jhDRh F0J-CJOJQJU^Jh F0J-CJOJQJ^J :&P 1P:pDR. 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