ࡱ> wyv Nbjbj<< '^^EP  8%Di|n3^C(kkkF> 3333333683FF3kk(3kk33=0 2)80%2>30n30D9D9, 2 2 :   Limited distribution IOC/IODE-XXI/12 13 February, 2011 Original: [English] INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Twenty-first Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XXI) Lige, Belgium, 23-26 March 2011 Report of the IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BICH) Gwenalle Moncoiff, outgoing Chair GE-BICH Hernan Garcia, Co-Chair GE-BICH Sergey Konovalov, Co-Chair GE-BICH 1. REPORT ON ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT DURING THE INTER-SESSIONAL PERIOD The GE-BICH met for its fifth session on 17 to 20 January 2011 (see agenda provided in Annex). Details on activities undertaken during the inter-sessional period can be obtained from the published report IOC/IODE-BICH-V/3 ( HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=6572" IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GEBICH), Fifth Session, 17-20 January 2011). Briefly, GE-BICH focused on its agreed workplan for the period 2009-2011 with the outcomes on key deliverables being as follows: The GE-BICH wiki ( HYPERLINK "https://sites.google.com/site/gebichwiki/home" https://sites.google.com/site/gebichwiki/home) was successfully setup in 2009 and is now used regularly by the group and its collaborators to discuss the planned activities, to report on issues discussed during the sessions, to present work in progress as well as finalized reports and recommendations, to get feedback from the scientific community, and to provide links to external activities related to GE-BICH Terms of References; The compilation of lists of vocabularies related to biogeochemical data collection and analysis in the ocean has begun (see GE-BICH V report and https://sites.google.com/site/gebichwiki/vocabularies-2); the ultimate goal of submitting these lists as standards could not be achieved within this inter-sessional period however good progress has been made on some of the lists (e.g. plankton nets, biological development/larval stages) thanks to the effort of GE-BICHs long-term member Ms Mary Kennedy; meetings and consultations with group members, other data managers, scientific experts and vocabulary experts have taken place; consultations are on-going and the reviewed products will be submitted for content governance to the most appropriate international group (e.g. SeaDataNet device vocabulary for plankton net gears) in 2011 (see 2011-13 workplan section); as part of this activity the group recommended that the device vocabulary catalogue currently maintained by Dr Roy Lowry at BODC be submitted to Ocean Data Standards (ODS); The highlight of our QA/QC activities was the organisation of the First IODE Workshop on Quality Control of Chemical Oceanographic Data Collections on 8-11 February 2010; the workshop enabled us to focus on key aspects of the quality control of samples data held in oceanographic databases starting with major nutrients and oxygen measurements; the outcomes from the workshop were presented at IMDIS 2010, Paris, France, March 29-31, 2010 (Moncoiff and Garcia 2010) and have been published as  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=5109" IOC Workshop Report No. 228; One of the outcomes of the workshop was the decision to put forward a proposal to adopt a quality flag (QF) scheme standard for oceanographic and meteorological data exchange to the Ocean Data Standards process; informal feedback received during IMDIS 2010 was incorporated into the proposal and the scheme was reviewed and extended during GE-BICH V; the proposal has now been submitted to ODS ( HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandatastandards.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=46&Itemid=0" Proposal 2011/01); Work on other actions from the QC workshop is on-going; in particular a subgroup is currently working on developing better quantitative tests criteria for the QC of nutrients and oxygen data collections; again, report on progress will be made via the GE-BICH wiki in a first instance. In addition to GE-BICHs planned tasks, GE-BICH was asked a small working group of GE-BICH members volunteered to report on issues related to the provision of and access to chemical and biological data using two developing distributed data systems: the European SeaDataNet data portal (SDN) and the IODEs Ocean Data Portal (ODP). This work was primarily concerned with optimization of different developing systems and their effective interaction rather than criticising or making any judgement on their future. GE-BICH recognises the need for a global international data distribution system which guarantees free and open access to ocean data from all disciplines. This is the goal of ODP. In order to support IODEs and ODPs goal, NODCs ought to make available to ODP any part of their data collection which qualifies for free and open access. However GE-BICH also recognises the need for NODCs to operate efficiently at the national and regional level and to respond to national and regional (e.g. pan-european in the case of european data centres) priorities with regards to data access and provision. With this in mind, the working group reviewed the situation (December 2010 - January 2011) and results of the survey were presented at GE-BICH V. The group made a number of recommendations which were endorsed by GE-BICH V. The results of the survey were compiled in a document which has been sent to the SDN and ODP technical teams. It was recommended that in order to avoid the cost and inconvenience of NODCs from the SeaDataNet network having to support multiple systems, the two portals should be made interoperable as agreed during IODE XX. Interoperability with OBIS will also need to be considered. The following recommendations were also made to the ODP Steering Group: (i) to follow SDNs example in providing access to stand-alone data software tools such as ODV and DIVA; (ii) to employ BODC Parameter Usage Vocabulary for biological and chemical data. To SDN, the working group recommended that a point of contact be clearly identified in order to report and address quality issues in the climatologies generated by DIVA and available through the SDN web site. The Group called on NODCs to send or serve their publicly available chemical and biological data to international data systems such as ODP and SDN, and called on developers to ensure that these systems are ready to serve them. GE-BICH V also issued the following additional recommendations: For the IODE Committee to address data flow procedures including data flow to the WDC Oceanography, Silver Spring, USA and its WOD product; In addition the Group recommended that close collaboration should be established between OBIS nodes and IODE NODCs to ensure efficient and effective data flow of biogeographical data; The Group recommended that IODE identify a long-term and permanent archival for oceanographic data and data products not curated at NODCs including OBIS data products; The Group recommended that project and institutional data should be sent first and foremost to IODE NODCs, which should then be served through the IODE ODP; It also called on IODE to recommend that NODCs liaise with Government funding agencies to ensure that biological and chemical ocean data are sent to NODCs and that NODCs are properly resourced to curate these data. Finally, as per IODE-XIX.2 recommendation, 3 of GE-BICH long-term members (Dr Gwenalle Moncoiff, Ms Mary Kennedy, and Mr Alexander Kouznetsov) had reached the end of their mandate. An IOC Circular Letter has been sent by the IODE Project Office inviting IOC member states to nominate suitable candidates for replacement. The Group recommended that Dr Hernan Garcia should become a long-term member of the group. The Group elected Drs Hernan Garcia and Sergey Konovalov as its new co-chairs. 2. PROPOSED WORK PLAN AND TIME TABLE FOR THE NEXT INTER-SESSIONAL PERIOD Work on vocabularies and ontologies for biological and chemical data management and exchange with the following specific tasks: Task 1.1 complete compilation and submission of plankton sampling gears; Task 1.2 complete submission of water samplers; Task 1.3 continue compilation of information related to chemical sensors and analysers, chemical methods, in situ imaging systems via the wiki; Task 1.4 complete compilation and submission of non-taxonomic group names; Task 1.5 complete a thesaurus of life cycles and life stages names, and identify recommended names for data exchange; Task 1.6 Liaise with Roy Lowry to facilitate the submission of the Device vocabulary to ODS; Task 1.7 initiate a review of selected usage parameter code definitions Work on QA/QC procedures Task 2.1 complete actions arising from the 1st QA/QC workshop and the submitted QF scheme including work on developing quantitative and objective test criteria, as well as other criteria (for example, data processing history) that have to be reported; Task 2.2 set up a working group on the standardization of measurement units reporting and, when possible usage; Task 2.3- contact lead author of (Hydes et al 2010: Recommendations for the Determination of Nutrients in Seawater to High Levels of Precision and Inter-Comparability using Continuous Flow Analysers) to clarify minimum requirement for reporting nutrient data. Collaboration with IPHAB on the development of the Harmful Algal Information System (HAIS) Task 3.1 Dr Vanden Berghe to contact Mr Enevoldsen to discuss ways and means to enhance collaboration; Collaboration with GE-OBIS Task 4.1 contact the ICES zooplankton working group to seek collaboration on exchange standards related to abundance data; Task 4.2 contact the GE-MIM Chair regarding access to a reference list for institutes and scientific organisations names for usage in OBIS; Provision of and access to biological and chemical data via the Ocean Data Portal Task 5.1 compile a detailed document including recommendations based on the presentations made at GE-BICH V on the survey of the provision of and access to biological and chemical data via the SDN and ODP portals; Task 5.2 - seek comments and feedback from the SDN and ODP technical teams regarding the results of the survey; Task 5.3 compile information on initiatives related to the development of a netCDF convention for biological and chemical data; Task 5.4 - contact IOOS and chair SG-ODP regarding development and adoption of a netCDF convention for biological and chemical data; Contribution to Ocean Teacher Task 6.1 inter-sessional working group to (i) identify topics that should be added in the OT library relevant to the scope of GE-BICH; (ii) enter content in the OT library; (iii) check the quality of existing content in the OceanTeacher library relevant to GE-BICH; Task 6.2 - participate in the upcoming meeting of the SG-OT, to be held in Miami in April 2011 3. REQUESTED FUNDING FOR THE NEXT INTER-SESSIONAL PERIOD Deadline dateAction item descriptionTo be implemented byRequested from UNESCO RP2011Participation to SG-OT, to be held in Miami in April 2011.H. Garcia5000 USD20122nd GE-BICH workshop on data QA/QC and interim GE-BICH meeting with new long-term members.GE-BICH co-chairs30,000 USD2013GE-BICH VI session.GE-BICH co-chairs, IODE PO30,000 USD 4. TEXT FOR THE ACTION PAPER Dr Gwenalle Moncoiff introduced this Agenda Item by referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXI/12 (Report of the IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BICH)) which contains the details of GE-BICHs activities and workplan during the inter-sessional period. Substantial progress was made on its workplan for the period 2009-2011. This included the development and maintenance of a GE-BICH wiki ( HYPERLINK "https://sites.google.com/site/gebichwiki/home" https://sites.google.com/site/gebichwiki/home); the compilation of lists of vocabularies needed for the management and exchange of biogeochemical data; the organisation of the First IODE Workshop on Quality Control of Chemical Oceanographic Data Collections on 8-11 February 2010 with outcomes presented at IMDIS 2010 and published as IOC Workshop Report No. 228; the submission of a quality flag scheme proposal to the Ocean Data Standards process; the compilation of information about quantitative test criteria for biological and chemical data quality control; a study of the current provision and access of chemical and biological data via the SeaDataNet and the ODP portals. In the course of its 5th Session, 17-20 January 2011, the group recommended (i) that the device vocabulary catalogue currently maintained by Dr Roy Lowry at BODC be submitted to Ocean Data Standards (ODS); (ii) that ODP, SDN, and OBIS be made interoperable; (iii) that ODP provide access to stand-alone data software tools such as ODV and DIVA and employ BODC Parameter Usage Vocabulary for biological and chemical data; (iv) that SDN identify a feedback mechanism for data quality issues in their web-based climatologies. The group also called on NODCs to send or serve their publicly available chemical and biological data to international data systems such as ODP and SDN, and called on developers to ensure that these systems are ready to serve them. Recognising the issues about data flow from NODCs to regional and global data systems and the risk of generating multiple near-identical versions of the same data, GE-BICH recommended that the IODE Committee address data flow procedures including data flow to the WDC Oceanography, Silver Spring, USA and its WOD product. It also recommended that long-term and permanent archival for oceanographic data and data products not curated at NODCs including OBIS data products be identified. The Group stressed that close collaboration should be established between OBIS nodes and IODE NODCs to ensure efficient and effective data flow of biogeographical data. It also called on IODE to recommend that NODCs liaise with Government funding agencies to ensure that biological and chemical ocean data are sent to NODCs and that NODCs are properly resourced to curate these data. Dr Moncoiff noted that GE-BICH needs to renew 3 of its long-term members in 2011 and IOC member states have been invited to nominate suitable candidates for replacement. GE-BICHs proposed workplan includes completion of on-going work on vocabularies and quality control procedures. GE-BICH also plans to (i) start a review of selected parameter code definitions; (ii) set up an inter-sessional working group to help with the standardization of measurement units syntax and usage for data reporting; (iii) set up an inter-sessional working group to improve input to Ocean Teacher. Funding is requested to organize a meeting in 2012 which would be two back-to-back meetings: an interim GE-BICH meeting with the new long-term members and the a 2nd workshop on data QA/QC in 2012 to further develop quantitative and objective test criteria for the QA/QC of biological and chemical data. GE-BICH will also require funding to support its 6th session in 2013. Annex to IOC/IODE-XXI/12 AGENDA to GE-BICH V, Oostende, Belgium, 17-20 January 2011 1. OPENING OF THE SESSION 1.1. WELCOME 1.2. INTRODUCTION OF PARTICIPANTS 1.3. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 2. INTER-SESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 2.1. STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE GE-BICH-IV WORK PLAN (Recommendation IODE/GE-BICH-IV.1) 2.1.1. GE-BICH wiki 2.1.2. Vocabularies 2.1.3. QA/QC activities 2.1.4. Best practices for data reporting and data exchange 2.1.5. Membership and collaborations 2.1.6. Other actions still pending 2.2. ISSUES ARISING FROM IODE-XX 2.2.1. New revised Terms of Reference of GE-BICH (Resolution IODE-XX.1) 2.2.2. Cooperation with IPHAB on the development of HAIS (resolution IODE-XX.2) 2.2.3. Integration of OBIS into the IOC/IODE structure 3. SPLIT SESSION 3.1. VOCABULARIES 3.2. QUALITY FLAGS SCHEME SUBMISSION TO OCEAN DATA STANDARDS 4. VOCABULARIES AND ONTOLOGIES 4.1. ISSUES PENDING FROM GE-BICH-IV 4.1.1. Plankton sampling gears 4.1.2. Trawl sampling gears 4.1.3. Water samplers 4.1.4. Sediment samplers 4.1.5. Chemical sensors and analysers 4.1.6. Chemical methods 4.1.7. In situ imaging systems 4.1.8. Biological analytical instruments 4.1.9. Life cycles and life stages 4.1.10. Non-taxonomic group names 4.2. WORK ON VOCABULARIES AT BCO-DMO 4.3. FAO ACTIVITIES AND D4SCIENCE TECHNOLOGIES 4.4. THE WAY FORWARD 4.4.1. Governance and maintenance issues 4.4.2. Priorities for 2011-12 workplan 5. QUALITY CONTROL/QUALITY ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES 5.1. OUTCOME OF THE QA/QC WORKSHOP 5.2. EMODNET QA/QC GUIDELINES 5.3. BLACKSEASCENE QA/QC ACTIVITIES AND UPDATES ON OTHER INITIATIVES 5.4. RESULTS OF FOLLOW-ON ACTIONS FROM QA/QC WORKSHOP 5.4.1. Development of quantifiable QC checks 5.4.2. QC flags 5.5. QA/QC PRIORITIES FOR 2011-12 WORKPLAN 6. COLLABORATION WITH IPHAB ON HAIS DEVELOPMENT 7. COLLABORATION WITH GE-OBIS 8. SURVEY ON PROVISION OF/ACCESS TO CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL DATA VIA THE SEADATANET AND IODES ODP PORTALS 8.1. SDN vs ODP: how to contribute chemical and biological data 8.2. SDN vs ODP: how to discover and access chemical and biological data 8.3. Presentation by Toru Suzuki 8.4. Discussion 9. STRATEGIES FOR IMPROVING ACCESS TO BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL DATA 10. TRAINING AND EDUCATION RELATED TO HE-BICH: CONTRIBUTION TO OCEANTEACHER 11. WORK PLAN AND REQUIRED RESOURCES FOR THE NEXT INTER-SESSIONAL PERIOD 12. MEMBERSHIP ISSUES 13. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 14. ELECTION OF (CO-)CHAIR(S) 15. ADOPTION OF THE REPORT 16. DATE AND PLACE OF NEXT SESSION 17. 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