ࡱ>  =bjbj<< '^^5Ox x 99999MMMM8lMo5:'(OOO4444444c8;49K@499OO4`9O9O44.990PGbHM//05To5/;;(00"90x :   Limited distribution IOC/IODE-XXI/15 01 February, 2011 Original: English INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Twenty-first Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XXI) Lige, Belgium, 23-26 March 2011 IODE/JCOMM Ocean Data Standards (ODS) Paul N. Oloo, Oceanography and Marine Meteorological Services, Kenya Meteorological Department; Yutaka Michida, Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Japan.  Summary of the document The IODE/JCOMM Ocean Data Standards (ODS) Pilot Project, coordinated through the joint JCOMM/IODE Expert Team on Data Management Practices (ETDMP) aims to achieve broad agreement and commitment to adopt a number of standards and best practices related to ocean data management and exchange. The IODE-XX and JCOMM-III both held in the year 2009 recommended the establishment of ODS. Three submissions, to recommend the International Standard ISO, have been received. Two submissions has been published while one is under review. An online documentation of best practices and standards has also been prepared and published by JCOMM/IODE. A workplan for the next intersessional period is included.  1. REPORT ON ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT DURING THE INTER-SESSIONAL PERIOD A joint IODE/JCOMM Ocean Data Standards (ODS) Pilot Project, documented at the Ocean Data Standards website  HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandatastandards.org" http://www.oceandatastandards.org, was established through the IODE-XX and JCOMM-III recommendations for the development and acceptance of community wide standards for marine data and information management and exchange. This process is coordinated by the ETDMP, through its revised terms of reference which were adopted by IODE-XX and JCOMM-III in 2009, and encourages all IOC Member States, Programmes and relevant organizations to submit standards for consideration, to contribute to the evaluation process, and to adopt recommended standards. Three candidate standards have been submitted for recommendation to ODS. To date two of these submissions have been published in the IOC/UNESCO Manuals and Guides. One is the Recommendation to Adopt ISO 3166-1 and 3166-3 Country Codes as the Standard for Identifying Countries in Oceanographic Data Exchange published in the IOC/UNESCO Manuals and Guides No. 54(1) on 6 January 2010. The other is the Recommendation to Adopt ISO 8601:2004 as the Standard for the Representation of Date and Time in Oceanographic Data Exchange published in the IOC/UNESCO Manuals and Guides No. 54(2) on 31 January 2011. The other submission is in the expert review process. JCOMM-III in November 2009 endorsed a number of priorities for the DMPA for the next intersessional period, including developing standards and best practices in the marine community through the IODE/JCOMM Standards Process. JCOMM-III also adopted Recommendation 7.3/1 (JCOMM-III) Development of Data Management Standards which recommends Members/Member States (i) to submit their proposals to the JCOMM-IODE Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project (ODS) for wide community adoption; and (ii) to implement the recommended standards in agencies in their own countries at the earliest possible date. JCOMM/IODE have prepared and published an online Catalogue of Best Practices and Standards for integrating of instrument best practices and related standards among the marine meteorological and oceanographic communities ( HYPERLINK "http://bestpractice.iode.org" http://bestpractice.iode.org/). The web site provides access to over 60 publications of WMO and IOC. Further work needs to be carried out to review the publications and documents to identify deficiencies, duplication, discrepancies, potential for cross-referencing, and to make recommendations to address those issues. The process of receiving recommended standards from Member States has been very slow. The success of this process is highly dependent on active participation of all IOC Member states, Programmes and related organizations by submitting suitable standards for consideration. The Meeting of a Standards Group of Experts as proposed in the previous Workplan was not undertaken, therefore we propose a meeting of the ODS Pilot Project with the objective of harmonizing the Instrumental observations and data management for physical and non-physical variables in Ocean community application in 2011 and in 2012. Some standards have been identified for submission to ODS, they include Latitude, Longitude and Altitude based on ISO 6709, Units, Platform/Instruments, Institutions, Ontology, Taxa and QCs (dependent on parameters). The SeaDataNet Technical Task Team was invited to consider submitting the Sea Level Quality Control, Cruise Summary Report (CSR), SeaDataNet device categories -L05 and ODV4 in ASCII format standard submissions. At the IODE Workshop on QC/QA of Chemical Oceanographic Data in February 2010 GE-BICH agreed to submit the QC quality flag scheme and a schema for five data processing levels for data management to the ODS process. The ETDMP through ODS needs to follow up with SeaDataNet and GE-BICH to ensure these proposals are submitted. ETDMP could also play a more proactive role in soliciting standards submissions. 2. PROPOSED WORK PLAN AND TIME TABLE FOR THE NEXT INTER-SESSIONAL PERIOD (2011 and 2012-2013) ActionAction item descriptionDue by date To be implemented byBudget Requested fromUNESCO RPOther Sources1Coordinate the ODS processes for submitted proposals.ContinouslyETDMPNone2Review procedures (the process) of ODS for best practices. July 2011ETDMPNone3Liaise with the ODP Task Team in order to seek appropriate Individuals/Programmes and/or relevant organizations that can recommend Standards Proposals for Longitude, Latitude & Altitude and Units.September 2011ETDMPNone4Encourage SeaDataNet and GE-BICH to submit their Standards proposals to ODS related to QC flags and Metadata. Also keep in touch with relevant bodies such as SeaDataNet, GE-BICH, GTSPP, and MyOcean by encouraging them to make standards submissions. In these processes Ocean Data Portal requirements will be taken into account.October 2011ETDMPNone5Report on the ODS development to the ETDMP-III,November 2011ETDMP-III5,000 USDJCOMM6Meeting of ODS Pilot Project.November 2011 IODE Project Office 15,000 USDJCOMM7Liase with the ODP and Metadata Task Teams in order to provide the recommended standards for Platform/Instruments , Institutions, Ontology, Taxa and QCs (dependent on parameters) and other variables/parameters. Alternatively Seek appropriate Persons/ Programmes and/or relevant Organizations that can provide Standards Proposals.ContinuouslyODSNone8Publicize recommended standards and best practices at International Meetings/Workshops/Seminars of Oceanographic and Marine Meteorological CommunityContinuouslyIODE Project Office 20,000 USD JCOMM9Meeting of ODS Pilot Project.November 2012IODE Project Office 15,000 USDJCOMM 3. REQUESTED FUNDING FOR THE NEXT INTER-SESSIONAL PERIOD (DRAFT BUDGET 2011 and 2012-13) Action item descriptionTo be implemented by Deadline dateRequested from UNESCO RPRequested from other sourcesReport on the ODS development to the ETDMP-III.ETDMP-IIINovember 20115,000 USDJCOMMMeeting of ODS Pilot Project.IODE Project OfficeNovember 201115,000 USDJCOMMPublicize recommended standards and best practices at International Meetings/Workshops/Seminars of Oceanographic and Marine Meteorological CommunityIODE Project Office December 201110,000 USD JCOMMMeeting of ODS Pilot Project.IODE Project Office November 201215,000 USDJCOMMPublicize recommended standards and best practices at International Meetings/Workshops/Seminars of Oceanographic and Marine Meteorological CommunityIODE Project Office December 201210,000 USD JCOMM 4. TEXT FOR THE ACTION PAPER Mr. Paul N. Oloo introduced this Agenda Item referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXI/15 (IODE/JCOMM Ocean Data Standards Pilot project). A joint IODE/JCOMM Standards meeting held in January 2008 developed a process to accept, evaluate and recommend proposals for community wide standards for marine data and information management and exchange. As a result of this meeting, the IODE Committee (IODE-XX) adopted Recommendation IODE-XX.2 - The Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project, which encourages all IOC Member States, Programmes and relevant organizations to submit standards for consideration, contribute to the evaluation process, and adopt recommended standards at the earliest opportunity. This process is coordinated by the ETDMP through recommendation of IODE-XX. JCOMM-III in November 2009 endorsed a number of priorities for the DMPA for the next intersessional period, including developing standards and best practices in the marine community through the IODE/JCOMM Standards Process. JCOMM-III also adopted Recommendation 7.3/1 (JCOMM-III) Development of Data Management Standards which recommends Members/Member States (i) to submit their proposals to the JCOMM-IODE Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project (ODS) for wide community adoption; and (ii) to implement the recommended standards in agencies in their own countries at the earliest possible date. JCOMM/IODE have prepared and published an online Catalogue of Best Practices and Standards for integrating of instrument best practices and related standards among the marine meteorological and oceanographic communities. The web site provides access to over 60 publications of WMO and IOC. Further work needs to be carried out to review the publications and documents to identify deficiencies, duplication, discrepancies, potential for cross-referencing, and to make recommendations to address those issues. Three submissions have been received: (i) Recommendation to Adopt the International Standard ISO 3166 for Country codes; (ii) Recommendation to Adopt the International Standard ISO 8601 for Date and Time; and (iii) SeaDataNet Common Data Index (CDI) profiles based on ISO 19115 for exchange of oceanographic and marine meteorological data. The first two submissions have successfully passed through the review process and the third submission has been submitted for expert review. The process of receiving recommended standards from Member States has been very slow. The success of this process is highly dependent on active participation of all IOC Member states, Programmes and related organizations by submitting suitable standards for consideration. The Meeting of a Standards Group of Experts as proposed in the previous Workplan was not undertaken; therefore we propose a meeting of the ODS Pilot Project with the objective of harmonizing the Instrumental observations and Data management for physical and non-physical variables in Ocean community application during the year 2011 and in 2012-13. Some standards have been identified for submission to ODS, they include Latitude, Longitude and Altitude based on ISO 6709, Units, Platform/Instruments, Institutions, Ontology, Taxa and QCs (dependent on parameters). ODS Task Team will liaise with Ocean Data Portal (ODP) on these standards proposals. The SeaDataNet Technical Task Team will be approached to consider submitting the Sea Level Quality Control, Cruise Summary Report (CSR), SeaDataNet device categories -L05 and ODV4 in ASCII format standard proposals. The IODE Workshop on QC/QA of Chemical Oceanographic Data in February 2010 GE-BICH agreed to submit the QC quality flag scheme and a schema for five data processing levels for data management to the ODS process. The ETDMP through ODS will follow up with GE-BICH to ensure these proposals are submitted. ETDMP will also play a more proactive role in soliciting standards submissions. DRAFT RECOMMENDATION The IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Acknowledging that the issue of Standards and Best practices is one of the most critical elements for IODE for the management and exchange of data and that the consolidation of a set of standards will benefit every member of IODE as well as the broader oceanographic data community, Recognizing that interoperability between NODCs will be achieved through the use of internationally endorsed Standards and Best Practices to allow shared use of metadata, data and products, and is key to the successful development of the Ocean Data Portal, Noting with satisfaction the work of the Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project in developing Standards and Best Practices, Invites all IOC Programmes and other relevant organizations to collaborate with the Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project, by submitting standards for consideration and contributing to the evaluation process. Urges Member States to play an active role in the Ocean Data Standards Process and to adopt recommended Standards and Best Practices at the earliest opportunity. Financial Implications: 2011 USD 30,000 (from UNESCO RP) 2012 USD 25,000 (from UNESCO RP) REFERENCES IOC Workshop Report No. 206, Oostende, 21-25 January 2008. Report of the Twentieth Session of the IODE Committee, Beijing, China, 4-8 May 2009 is Document IOC/IODE-XX/3 ( HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/iode20" http://www.iode.org/iode20) IOC Manuals and Guides 54: Ocean Data Standards Volume 1. Recommendation to Adopt ISO 3166-1 and 3166-3 Country Codes as the Standard for Identifying Countries in Oceanographic Data Exchange. IOC Manuals and Guides 54: Ocean Data Standards Volume 2. Recommendation to adopt ISO 8601:2004 as the Standard for the Representation of Dates and Times in Oceanographic Data Exchange [end]     IOC/IODE-XXI/15 page  PAGE 2 IOC/IODE-XXI/15 Page  PAGE 5 Oyz @ A    ; 񞒌qfZI<hYh"HCJ^JaJ hYh"HCJOJQJ^JaJh/h"H5CJ\h"H6OJQJ\jh"HU^JmHnHuhZ!h"HB*ph h"H^Jh6Zxh"H5\^Jh"H5OJQJ\^J,jh"H5OJQJU\^JmHnHu&hth"H5CJ$OJQJ\^JaJ$ h"H5CJ$OJQJ\^JaJ$h"HOJQJ^Jh"H5OJQJ\h"HNOz  A B  $7$8$H$a$gd"H 7$8$H$gd"H$7$8$H$a$gd"H$$ & 0` P@1$7$8$H$a$gd"Hgd"H$a$gd"H   ]^X|q 7$8$H$gd"H$ & 0` P@a$gd"H $a$gd"H$a$gd"H e^egd"H) & 0` P@01$7$8$H$^0`gd"H! & 0` P@1$7$8$H$gd"H ; < O Q s t X'2368lyHJKX\ص饗|h'hHwPh"H6B*CJ\^JaJphhHwPh"HCJ^JaJhYh"H6CJ^JaJhYh"HCJ]^JaJhYh"H6CJ]^JaJhYh"H0JCJ^JaJ'jhYh"HCJU^JaJ!jhYh"HCJU^JaJhYh"HCJ^JaJh"HCJ^JaJ($&'):<ADEL]^xMCEX1{󵪛|tttt],hYh"HCJPJ^JaJmH nHsH tHh"HCJaJhYh"H0JCJaJ#jhYh"HCJUaJjhYh"HCJUaJhYh"HCJaJhYh"HCJPJ^JaJ(hYh"HCJ^JaJmH nH sH tH h"HB*CJ\^JaJphh"HCJ^JaJhYh"HCJ^JaJ${pRSTUVǼseWeL=h h"H6CJ\]aJh h"HCJaJhyh"HOJPJQJ]h h"HCJPJ]aJhN=h"H6CJ^JmHsHh"H5CJ^Jhh"H5CJ^J,hlh"HCJOJPJQJ^JaJmH sH h:h"HCJ^JaJh:h"HCJaJ,hYh"HCJPJ^JaJmH nHsH tH(hYh"HCJ^JaJmH nH sH tH hYh"HCJ^JaJ'<R $Ifgd"H! & 0` P@1$7$8$H$gd"HRSTUVWaK@77@@ $Ifgd"H $Ifgd"Hkd$$Ifl4rw !``M `8` t0x!44 laVWaopr C_C 亭֭֡wwlllwh"HCJPJ]aJh"HCJaJhux h"HCJaJmH sH %hOh"HB*CJaJmH phsH h"HCJaJmH sH h"HCJ]aJmHsHh h"HCJ\]aJhyh"HOJPJQJ]h h"HCJPJ]aJh h"HCJaJh h"HCJ]aJmHsH)aopr-$ $Ifgd"Hkd$$Ifl4ֈw. !  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