ࡱ> lnk bjbj<< 'Z^^8P 8<%B(()))BBBBBBB|EHrBB))B ))BBn<?ρ7= @B0B=HH@??g@ c:   Limited distribution IOC/IODE-XXI/41 26 January, 2011 Original: English INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Twenty-first Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XXI) Lige, Belgium, 23-26 March 2011 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF IODE IN 2011 Sissy Iona, Hellenic National Oceanographic Data Centre 1. REPORT ON ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT DURING THE INTER-SESSIONAL PERIOD During their meeting in March 2010, the IODE Officers discussed and finalized several activities and events for the celebration of the IODE 50th Anniversary in 2011. The document describes what have been implemented during 2010-2011 as well as the next actions to be carried out during the commemoration year 2011. International Conference: The IODE 50th Anniversary Conference will be held 21-22 March 2011 (prior to the IODE-XXI Session) at Liege, Belgium. The first announcement and call for papers was published on August 2010 inviting Member States to submit their contributions. Twenty seven abstracts were received by the PO until January of 2011. The provisional agenda will be finalize by the Steering Committee and published begging of February 2011. Additional information about the programme, registration time lines and fees, hotel booking, travel and local arrangements, etc, can be found at the Conference Web Site ( HYPERLINK "http://www.iode2011.be" http://www.iode2011.be) developed by the Local Organizers. Anniversary Logo: the Officers selected it among nine professionally designed logos. It is used on all web pages, the conference announcement and promotional materials prepared for, and during 2011. It is available upon request from the IODE Secretariat. The logo is a contribution by Greece. Promotional Material: All IODE Data Centres and Marine Libraries are encouraged to produce promotional materials. The IODE 50th anniversary logo can be used on these materials. An Anniversary Calendar for the year 2011 will be printed by the IODE PO. The calendar will be distributed free of charge to all IODE national coordinators. So far the following promotional materials have been announced: Greece: T-shirts and mouse pads Germany: map with research vessels 2. PROPOSED WORK PLAN AND TIME TABLE FOR 2011 The following table lists the activities for the year 2011 as they planned by the IODE Officers. These activities are related with the Anniversary Conference Organization and the promotional material that the Member States are encouraged to contribute. ACTIONDESCRIPTIONDATEIMPLEMENTATION BYInternational ConferenceSelection of abstracts and posters first week of February 2011Steering CommitteeProvisional Agenda/ 2nd Announcementsecond week of February 2011Steering CommitteeProgramme brochure1 March 2011IODE PODeadline for registration1 March 2011Submission of full papers21 March 2011IODE POProceedings (IOC Workshop Report)by end of 2011IODE SecretariatPromotional MaterialPosters, pins, calendars, global maps, etcearly 2011Member StatesHandouts in multiple languagesearly 2011Member StatesMovie, Media Messages2011Member StatesAnniversary Calendarbegging of 2011IODE PO It was further decided to develop a dedicated web site aiming to the "customers" of IODE. It will look at the history as well as at the present and future of IODE. All Data Centres and Marine Libraries will be invited to contribute a history of their organization as well as an overview of the products and services they are offering to their "customers" today. The IODE Gallery (http://gallery.iode.org ) will be integrated in the web site. Due to a delay (by the Conference Steering Committee Chair) in the preparation of the guidelines for the Web content, the launch of the site is shifted for 2011. 3. REQUESTED FUNDING FOR THE NEXT INTER-SESSIONAL PERIOD According to the IODE work plan and budget for 2010-2011 as revised and adopted by the IODE Officers (March 2010), an amount of the 5,000 USD has been approved for 2011, while no funds allocated for the year 2011. Request: The PO is requested to provide an overview of the 2010 budget. Question: The Committee is being asked to identify if there any specific financial requirements for 2011. 4. TEXT FOR THE ACTION PAPER Ms Sissy Iona will introduce this Agenda Item by referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXI/41 (50TH ANNIVERSARY OF IODE IN 2011). She will remind the Committee that an inter-sessional working group (chaired by Greece) established during the IODE-20 Session to propose a plan for the commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of IODE in 2011. The Officers at their Session on March of 2010 discussed the proposals and finalized the future actions. Sissy Iona will report on the following activities that were implemented during 2010: The Anniversary IODE 50th International Conference that will be held 21-22 March at Liege, Belgium aiming at the customers of IODE e.g. how IODE products and services are being used by various stakeholders. Detailed information about the Conference and the provisional agenda can be found at the web site ( HYPERLINK "http://www.iode2011.be" http://www.iode2011.be). The anniversary logo that is used on all web sites, documents and promotional materials prepared for, and during 2011. It is available upon request from the IODE Secretariat The Promotional Material that has been announced and produced so far by the IODE PO and the Member States. She will report on the activities related to the final phase of the IODE 50th International Conference as well as any other promotional activities dedicated to the anniversary event. [end]     IOC/IODE-XXI/41 page  PAGE 2 IOC/IODE-XXI/41 page  PAGE 3 Nxy ; < u v 2 L N b c {     ! 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