ࡱ>  UWJKLMNOPQRST wbjbj<< .^^i"lElE-S-STTTUUUUpVdUXUuvIZ_```jb;qsTt?jjtt}-S-S``d <}}}t-S`T`}t}}5ThTP|Uz~9<up&G}G}h TtttlE Q:    Ad hoc meeting of the IODE Steering Group for OBIS IODE Project Office, Oostende, Belgium 18-19 November 2010 UNESCO 2010 IOC Workshop Report No. 237 Oostende, 30 December 2010 English For bibliographic purposes this document should be cited as follows: Ad hoc meeting of the IODE Steering Group for OBIS, IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium, 18-19 November 2010 Paris, UNESCO, 30 December 2010 (IOC Workshop Report No. 237) (English) TABLE OF CONTENTS  TOC \o "1-4" 1. OPENING OF THE MEETING  PAGEREF _Toc281393651 \h 1 1.1 Opening remarks  PAGEREF _Toc281393652 \h 1 1.2 Introduction of participants  PAGEREF _Toc281393653 \h 1 1.3 Practical arrangements  PAGEREF _Toc281393654 \h 1 2. REPORT ON THE STATUS OF OBIS  PAGEREF _Toc281393655 \h 1 2.1 Matters arising from the 2009 OBIS managers committee meeting  PAGEREF _Toc281393656 \h 1 2.2 Report on the CoML Conference  PAGEREF _Toc281393657 \h 1 2.3 Report on iOBIS activities  PAGEREF _Toc281393658 \h 1 2.3.1 Technical: web site and database  PAGEREF _Toc281393659 \h 1 2.3.2 Data acquisition  PAGEREF _Toc281393660 \h 4 2.3.3 Data use  PAGEREF _Toc281393661 \h 4 2.3.4 International representation/links  PAGEREF _Toc281393662 \h 4 2.3.5 Staff  PAGEREF _Toc281393663 \h 5 2.3.6 Funding  PAGEREF _Toc281393664 \h 5 2.4 Report on RON activities  PAGEREF _Toc281393665 \h 5 2.4.1 Summary report  PAGEREF _Toc281393666 \h 5 2.4.2 Report on activities from individual Nodes  PAGEREF _Toc281393667 \h 10 2.5 Establishment of Nodes  PAGEREF _Toc281393668 \h 11 2.6 Technical matters  PAGEREF _Toc281393669 \h 12 3. ADOPTION OF OBIS BY IOC/IODE  PAGEREF _Toc281393670 \h 12 3.1 Responses received to IOC Circular Letter 2333  PAGEREF _Toc281393671 \h 12 3.1.1 India  PAGEREF _Toc281393672 \h 13 3.1.2 United States  PAGEREF _Toc281393673 \h 13 3.1.3 Belgium (Flanders) Flanders Marine Institute  PAGEREF _Toc281393674 \h 14 3.1.4 Conclusions  PAGEREF _Toc281393675 \h 14 3.2 Discussions on OBIS duringthe 43rd Session of the IOC Executive Council (June/July 2010)  PAGEREF _Toc281393676 \h 14 3.3 Actions taken since July 2010  PAGEREF _Toc281393677 \h 15 4. REVISION OF THE IODE STRUCTURE TO ACCOMMODATE OBIS  PAGEREF _Toc281393678 \h 15 4.1 Introduction  PAGEREF _Toc281393679 \h 15 4.2 Establishment of the IODE Group of Experts on OBIS  PAGEREF _Toc281393680 \h 16 4.2.1 Terms of Reference  PAGEREF _Toc281393681 \h 18 4.2.2 Membership  PAGEREF _Toc281393682 \h 18 4.2.3 Draft Recommendation for IODE-XXI  PAGEREF _Toc281393683 \h 19 4.3 Establishment of the IODE Steering Group for OBIS  PAGEREF _Toc281393684 \h 19 4.3.1 Terms of Reference  PAGEREF _Toc281393685 \h 19 4.3.2 Membership  PAGEREF _Toc281393686 \h 20 4.3.3 Draft Recommendation for IODE-XXI  PAGEREF _Toc281393687 \h 20 4.4 Establishment of the IOC Project Office for IODE/OBIS  PAGEREF _Toc281393688 \h 20 4.4.1 Terms of Reference  PAGEREF _Toc281393689 \h 21 4.4.2 Review of received hosting offers  PAGEREF _Toc281393690 \h 22 4.4.3 Draft Recommendation for IODE-XXI  PAGEREF _Toc281393691 \h 22 4.5 Preparations for the IOC Assembly (June 2011)  PAGEREF _Toc281393692 \h 22 4.5.1 IODE-XXI  PAGEREF _Toc281393693 \h 22 4.5.2 Interim arrangements 2011  PAGEREF _Toc281393694 \h 23 4.5.3 Preparation of working document/draft resolutions for IOC Assembly  PAGEREF _Toc281393695 \h 23 4.5.4 Briefing of Delegates to Assembly by OBIS managers  PAGEREF _Toc281393696 \h 23 5. PROPOSED WORK PLAN AND BUDGET 2011-2013  PAGEREF _Toc281393697 \h 23 5.1 OBIS activities planned for 2011-2013  PAGEREF _Toc281393698 \h 23 5.2 Budget  PAGEREF _Toc281393699 \h 23 6. WAYS AND MEANS TO MOBILIZE RESOURCES FOR IODE/OBIS  PAGEREF _Toc281393700 \h 23 7. ADOPTION OF THE SUMMARY REPORT  PAGEREF _Toc281393701 \h 24 8. ELECTION OF AD HOC CHAIR  PAGEREF _Toc281393702 \h 24 9. DATE AND PLACE OF THE NEXT SESSION  PAGEREF _Toc281393703 \h 24  ANNEXES  HYPERLINK \l "annex1" ANNEX I: Agenda of the Meeting  HYPERLINK \l "annex2" ANNEX II: List of Participants ANNEX III: Draft recommendation on the establishment of a Group of Experts for OBIS ANNEX IV: Work Plan ANNEX V: Budget ANNEX VI: Technical workshop January 2011 ANNEX VII: List of Acronyms  The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2010. Since taking the lead in coordinating the International Indian Ocean Expedition in 1960, the IOC has worked to promote marine research, protection of the ocean, and international cooperation. Today the Commission is also developing marine services and capacity building, and is instrumental in monitoring the ocean through the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and developing marine-hazards warning systems in vulnerable regions. Recognized as the UN focal point and mechanism for global cooperation in the study of the ocean, a key climate driver, IOC is a key player in the study of climate change. Through promoting international cooperation, the IOC assists Member States in their decisions towards improved management, sustainable development, and protection of the marine environment. OPENING OF THE MEETING Opening remarks The meeting was opened by Dr Edward Vanden Berghe, Executive Director of OBIS. He welcomed the participants to the meeting. He introduced the agenda of the meeting and invited the participants to adopt it. The adopted agenda is attached as Annex I. Introduction of participants Dr Vanden Berghe invited all participants to introduce themselves. The list of participants is included as Annex II. The following were invited to the meeting but sent apologies: Ms Xiaoxia Sun (OBIS China); Marten Grundlingh (AfrOBIS); Michel Claereboudt (Gulf of Aden); Russ Hopcroft (ArcOD); Narayanan Saravanane (IndOBIS). Practical arrangements Mr Peter Pissierssens, Head of the IOC Project Office for IODE and IODE Programme Coordinator welcomed the participants to the IOC Project Office for IODE. He provided practical and local information. REPORT ON THE STATUS OF OBIS Matters arising from the 2009 OBIS managers committee meeting Dr Vanden Berghe provided a brief report on the status of OBIS referring to the work plan of the 2009 managers committee meeting and its implementation status. It was noted that many of the action items were still pending, and he suggested that the items be discussed during the agenda item on the work plan. Those still relevant could be incorporated in the 2011 work plan. Report on the CoML Conference Dr Vanden Berghe provided a brief report on the events organized in London, United Kingdom to commemorate the ten-year Census of Marine Life and the presentations and discussions held regarding OBIS. The events included a press conference on 4 October, a science symposium on 5-6 October and a Leadership day on 7 October. Dr Vanden Berghe referred to the presentation made by the IOC Executive Secretary during the press conference. Mr Pissierssens recommended that copies of the Highlights of a decade of discovery be made available at IODE-XXI in March 2011 and to the IOC Assembly in June 2011. It was recalled that IOC will take over OBIS on 1 January 2011. Report on iOBIS activities Dr Vanden Berghe reported on the activities of the iOBIS Secretariat since the 2009 OBIS management committee meeting. Technical: web site and database The database has been recreated in PostgreSQL, replacing Oracle. Dr Vanden Berghe recalled that the database (full database dump) is accessible to all OBIS partners provided that rights of use terms are respected. Mr Hernandez recommended that the database should be versioned (time stamped); Dr Vanden Berghe explained that this was the standard practice at iOBIS. In order to guide users in the proper interpretation and subsequent analysis of the OBIS database, it was suggested to organise a scientific workshop, attended by members of the OBIS data provider community, and joined by scientists with proven analytical skills. The output of this workshop would be a number of scientific papers, and suggestions for data/information products based on OBIS data. Experience with ICES and MarBEF integrated databases have shown that such workshops can be a good catalyst for data custodians to make data available, and to facilitate scientific papers.  Figure 1. Entity-relationship diagram of the new structure of the OBIS database. Only the main tables are shown; the NCBI taxonomic list, discussed in the text, is not shown In response to a question from the Group, Dr Vanden Berghe explained that the OBIS data is automatically compliant with the Darwin Core, as the OBIS Schema for data exchange is an extension of the Darwin Core. Data providers have a choice of transferring data in the Darwin Core or OBIS Schema formats. The OBIS Secretariat will provide a small report on the relative use of these two exchange formats, and how well the fields in the OBIS extension are populated by those providers that use the OBIS Schema. The search engine has been replaced by Ei Fujioka of Duke University. The new search engine makes extensive use of GeoServer and its capabilities, including providing OGC services. Development of the web site was in collaboration with OpenGeo, the main developers of GeoServer. Experiences and all code written for the web site are available for sharing in the OBIS community. The web site is now based on the Drupal Content Management System (CMS) and was developed in cooperation with Duke University and Simon Bolivar University. Some of the information on the old web site (which is still accessible at v2.iobis.org) still is to be transferred to the new site. The new site now has content in English, Portuguese, Japanese and Spanish. Efforts should be made to include also Russian, as this would ensure that OBIS is available in all official working languages of the IOC. A brief overview of the main capabilities of the web site was given by Dr Vanden Berghe, including selecting data by several simultaneous criteria, integration of results over the taxonomic classification, various output formats that were not available in the previous web site. The participants were invited to review and comment on the site. It was noted that content will need to be updated as from January 2011 when OBIS is adopted by IOC/IODE. The contact form on the web site is heavily used, with several new conversations started every day. In many cases, web site visitors offer data in their custody for publication on OBIS. Follow-up is a problem, and will require assistance from the OBIS community. Mr Herlach responds to English language feedback whereas Simon Bolivar University responds to Spanish language feedback. A structured approach will have to be found to respond to feedback in the growing number of languages in which the site is available. The question was raised as to whether these were shared with appropriate OBIS Nodes. It was noted that offers to publish data should be referred to the relevant Node for follow up and action. Translation of web pages in local languages, and responding to questions in languages other than English is certainly something where Nodes can assist the international OBIS Secretariat. It was reiterated that some other tasks for the Nodes were to make sure data flow into joint database but also to develop special products in hi-resolution on their own region. It was recommended to revise the document on roles and responsibilities of Nodes. It was also recommended to agree on modalities of participation in projects. Funding modalities for projects include: Project Office goes to funding agency on behalf of OBIS for global project Project Office goes to funding agency on behalf of OBIS for regional project Node goes to funding agency on behalf of OBIS for regional project Node goes to funding agency for national project In each of these four cases, there should be communication between the relevant Node and the Project Office. In terms of hardware the database is hosted in the Amazon Cloud. There are five virtual machines that are now operated by OBIS: one data development machine, 1 pair of beta machines and 1 pair of production machines a pair each time consisting of a database server and a web server. The cost with Amazon is now USD 3000/month, so clearly unsustainable beyond end of 2010. Discussions have been ongoing with VLIZ to host the database or to host a virtual machine on the VLIZ infrastructure. Mr Hernandez proposed virtual machine hosting at VLIZ; a similar agreement with INCOIS could be investigated. Implementation of to sites for OBIS would make mirroring and load balancing possible. The transition from Oracle still needs to be finalized. The data assimilation process into OBIS still uses the Oracle database as the top copy, and the Postgres database is updated from the Oracle database; this order has to be reversed. A number of functions still has to be created in the new web site; most important of this is a reporting mechanism, drawing on the Apache (web server) logs and the log tables built in the database.). A workshop could be organized to see what Nodes can contribute what. Mr Hernandez mentioned there are needs in EMODNET and possibly funds could be found. Participants in the workshop would include Simon Bolivar University, Duke University, VLIZ, Rutgers, INCOIS, SCAR/MARBIN, and possibly GBIF. The objective is to finalize transition on present web site, who will do what in terns of expanding/maintaining web site and how to re-use tools that were developed by community. Proposed timing for this workshop is January 2011 (back to back with GE-BICH). Prof. Patrick Halpin suggested talking to Google to host the hardware; a potential problem with such an arrangement is that Google then owns the content. CoML has data in Google Earth and there were license waiver issues. Prof. Halpin will further investigate. Mr Hernandez stressed that proper management of the IT infrastructure of OBIS would be improved by inside expertise of the OBIS data. The meeting decided that the Google approach would not provide substantial benefits at this time but requested more information on options. Prof. Halpin will contact Google and report back to the Steering Group. Data acquisition The OBIS database holds now almost 30 million records. The largest acquisition in the past year is from ICES (7 million). Many records have been offered also through the web contact form. A large effort was made at the Project Office to clean up the spelling of the taxonomic names, and to assign taxa to a taxonomic classification. Several reference lists were used in this process: WoRMS, Catalogue of Life, ITIS, NCBI, IRMNG. It was noted that the sole use of WoRMS is difficult to defend as substantial investments have been made in ITIS. By default, WoRMS spelling, classification and synonymy is used, as this proved to be the database that had by far the most relevant records. Especially NCBI was useful as a complement to WoRMS, as this allowed to resolve many of the bacterial names. Of the 30 million records, only 300,000 remain that are associated with unclassified names. The Project Office will continue working on this, and was offered help from Tony Rees of the Australian Node. Data use The Web site attracts about 400 visits/day. This is less than before but for Google analytics java code must be included in the page or Google will not monitor it. So Google analytics is probably underestimating the number of visits. The old web site is now called v2.iobis.org and stats are available on v2.iobis.org/usage/. Statistics of the new web site are available on Google analytics only; members of the SG interested in having access to these should arrange with Dr Vanden Berghe. It was suggested to monitor the new web site with Webalyser, the same system that is used with the old web site; this would allow for direct comparison for use between the two sites. The database statistics functionality still needs to be developed. It will be per resource so it can be used by Nodes RONs and TONs as well to generate their reports. It ; it is hoped that the numbers in these reports will assist in demonstrating the value of OBIS, and to increase the support from within the NodesT/RONs host organisations. The meeting agreed that requirements for reporting will be sent to the Project Office. The meeting requested the Project Office to send the URL and access details for the Google analytics site. Scientific publications based on OBIS data should be part of the reporting, and a PDF or at least reference made available through the OBIS web site. Members of the OBIS community are urged to pass on relevant information and documents to the Project Office. OBIS data are available through other portals such as GBIF, EOL, EMODNET. It was recommended studying the possibility to link OBIS to the IODE Ocean Data Portal. There is a problem with credits on the EOL web site: even if one searches for a marine species, OBIS records are only visible as EOL receives them from GBIF, thus only GBIF is credited for the data unless one digs deeper into the data. It was agreed that the Project Office should contact EOL about this. The OBIS Project Office summarises the depth information it receives from its providers in depth ranges, and these are provided to EOL. In this case, OBIS is appropriately credited, and links back to the OBIS web site provided. These pages are very well visited; EOL and OBIS PO are discussing on hoe to expand this feature on the EOL web pages. International representation/links Dr Vanden Berghe reported that he and Node managers worked hard to get OBIS linked to other organizations and participated in many events such as Oceans day, CoML, GBIF, CBD, ISA, UNEP-WCMC and GOBI. It was noted that new representation to GBIF should be identified. Dr Vanden Berghe recommended that this should be someone from IOC (as head of the delegation), plus either a representative from the Project Office or a node manager nearest to the meeting (as GBIF Node manager). OBIS is currently an associated member. SCAR is already directly a member of GBIF; VLIZ and EurOBIS will be seeking this status in the very near future. Dr Vanden Berghe noted that, much as he was not in a position to oppose these plans, having OBIS Nodes becoming individual members of GBIF was weakening the position of OBIS as the thematic sub-network responsible for marine data within GBIF. Staff Mr Brook Herlach joined Rutgers as the OBIS data manager in August 2010. Mr Bill Stafford was released in February 2010, but was called back after some supplemental funds were found (partly through CoML projects sponsored by Sloan Foundation, partly through Rutgers, and a small amount through a project on Metadata for GBIF, as discussed in the 8th Management Committee meeting). Ms Jessie Bluvias, data manager, left the project in August to take up a permanent position in a private company. Mrs Alena Hornakova is a part time data manager who continues working for OBIS Project Office. Ms Marci Meixler was part time lecturer in the Ecology Department in Rutgers University, and now assists the OBIS Project Office, mainly in project development. Funding The Sloan Foundation funding will end in December 2010. Funding for OBIS activities can be distinguished between direct support to the Nodes and support for OBIS Project Office through IODE. The budget for IODE is unlikely to increase substantially in 2012-2013 so any increase from the current allocation of USD 5000/year (biennium 2010-2011) will be either the result of a decision of the IOC Assembly to increase the IODE allocation from the IOC regular programme budget, from additional extra-budgetary contributions or from an increased allocation by the IODE Committee to OBIS within the IODE regular programme envelope. This would require discussions at IODE-XXI. Report on RON activities The OBIS managers were invited to provide a brief report on the activities undertaken by their node since the 2009 managers committee meeting. The documents are available through the web site on  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewEventAgenda&eventID=715" http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewEventAgenda&eventID=715 Summary report Dr Lang da Silveira presented a summary of the OBIS network, based on the reports received from the Node managers. Information was not received from INDOBIS, New Zealand, China and the Arabian Sea. It was noted that discussions need to be held about additional regional as well as thematic nodes. Dr Lang de Silveira noted that it was not possible to prepare a comparative table of growth in records as not all Nodes provided the information required. He concluded that some very substantial contributions were received from some nodes but that others have remained somewhat limited. Dr. Fornwall questioned the usefulness of the statistics to justify OBIS. We should report against goals rather than increasing numbers. Dr Vanden Berghe agreed, and suggested that reporting should focus more on publications, representation at meetings etc. It was recommended to develop a functionality that generates statistics dynamically; this would free up time and energy in the Nodes to compile the information that can not be automatically generated. ArCOD - As of Nov 2010: Number of records: 103,641 (up from 156,347in 2009) AFROBIS As Nov 2010 Number of new records is 11,550 (up from 3,414,538 in 2009) Number of new distinct points is 194 (up from 31,648 in 2009) Number of new distinct species 2,728 (up from 18,647 in 2009) Number of new distinct data providers: 4 (up from 14 in 2009) ANTOBIS - As of Nov 2010 Number of records is 1,372,515 (up from 1,201,216 in 2009) Number of distinct points: 341,894 Number of distinct species: 5,235 Number of distinct data providers: 46 AROBIS - As of Nov 2010 in processing: Number of records: 5, 269 (to be added to 19,978 in 2010) Number of new distinct points: 373 Number of new distinct species: 2921 Number of data providers: 3 (to be added to 13) Australia - As Nov 2010 Number of records: 632,000 (up from 531,048 in 2009) Number of distinct species: some 6,300 Number of distinct points: not available Number of distinct data providers: 43 (up from 41 in 2009) Canada - As of Nov 2010: Number of records: 1,123,271 (up from 1,107,230 in 2009) Number of distinct scientific names: 8,988 (vs ~3,000 in 2009) Number of distinct species: 6,834 Number of resources/collections 19 Number of distinct data providers: 6 ESPOBIS As Nov 2010 Number of records is 31,298 (up from 28,651 in 2009). Number of distinct species: 648 (up from 379 in 2009) Number of data providers : 7 EUROBIS - As Nov 2010 Number of new records: 14,407,818 (up from 6,913,838 in 2009) Number of distinct points: 46,845 Number of new distinct species: 40936 (up from 38,832 spp.) Number of distinct data providers: 21 (from 211) JAPAN As Nov 2010 Number of new records: 10,527 Number of new distinct points: 1,207 Number of new distinct species: 275, 572 taxa Number of new distinct data providers: 2 OBIS USA As Nov 2010 Number of records: 6,576,451 (up from 2,479,334 in 2009) Number of distinct points: 869,368 (u from 300,823 in 2009) Number of distinct taxa: 83,334 (up from 67,201 in 2009) Number of distinct datasets: 125 (up from 42 in 2009) OBIS-USA new outreach: 1.2 million records/23 datasets US data from community: 2.2 million records from iOBIS (US CoML); 600,000 records from OBIS-SEAMAP (US data) WSAOBIS As Nov 2010 Number of records: 92,915 (up from 66,961 in 2009). Number of species: 92,915 (up from 6,879 in 2009) Number of data providers : 25 (up from 14 in 2009) Additional new records not visible in iobis: 2,917 mangrove and 277 exotic species. Usage statistics ArCOD missing AFROBIS unknown ANTOBIS -  HYPERLINK "http://www.scarmarbin.be/" \t "_parent" www.scarmarbin.be number of hits: 6,289,646 (all), 885,587 (2010) number of pages downloaded: 502,500 (2010) number of visits: 823,415 (all) ; 67,584 (unique visitors) publications: mentioning RON 75 presentations: 19 (regional, international) AROBIS - web site different from iobis.org web site: not informed publications:1 based on RON presentations: 1 (regional) Australia -  HYPERLINK "http://www.obis.org.au/" \t "_parent" www.obis.org.au number of hits: OBIS AU Search Page ~100/month; C-squares mapper requests: ~27,000/month (c. 50% for iOBIS Portal) publications:1 based on RON; mentioning RON non. presentations: 1 (international) CANADA - Web Site:  HYPERLINK "http://www.marinebiodiversity.ca/OBISCanada" \t "_parent" http://www.marinebiodiversity.ca/OBISCanada number of visits: 835 number of pages viewed: 2973 publications: based on RON data unknown; mentioning CoML, GBIF/iOBIS/OBISCanada, WoRMS/ERMS/CaRMS: 11 presentations: 3 in internal meetings; 2 in North America. Radio/TV coverage of Census of Marine Life: 2 ESPOBIS - Web Site:  HYPERLINK "http://ron.udec.cl/" \t "_parent" http://ron.udec.cl number of visits: average 12 p/day 52,151 Spanish site; 25,478 English site Data bases downloaded: average 19 per month over last 12 months EUROBIS -  HYPERLINK "http://www.marbef.org/data/eurobis.php" \t "_parent" http://www.marbef.org/data/eurobis.php number of hits: 612,624 number of visits: 76,578 publications based on RON 1 mentioning RON 3 presentations: regional (EU) 2; international 4. JAPAN number of hits: 884,381 number of pages downloaded: 553,886 number of visits: 11,145 publications based on RON data: 0; mentioning RON: 0 presentations: 6 USA  HYPERLINK "http://obisusa.nbii.gov/" \t "_parent" http://obisusa.nbii.gov/ and  HYPERLINK "http://obis-usa.colorado.edu/erddap/index.html" \t "_parent" http://obis-usa.colorado.edu/erddap/index.html (ERDDAP) Statistics measuring application unavailable since March 2010. publications: 1; OBIS-USA methodology in preparation. presentations: ~25. WSAOBIS -  HYPERLINK "http://obisbr.cria.org.br/" \t "_parent" http://obisbr.cria.org.br number of visits since 14 Feb 2008: 2,482 publications: based on RON: 1 being revised; mentioning RON: 3 presentations: 1; radio coverage: 1 Funding situation/sustainability ArCOD no information AFROBIS core funding and source: ~US$7,000 proposals: Mobilizing marine biodiversity data for decision-making capacity in Africa funding organisation(s): JRS Foundation (likely to maintain OBIS network in Africa) resources requested: title: Marine biodiversity data assembly as Node for SABIF (South African Biodiversity Information Facility, Node of GBIF) participation in RON meetings: YES ANTOBIS - core funding and source: 320,000 EUR (from 9 sources) proposals: only Mondrian (research project) participation in RON meetings: YES proposal development to maintain the OBIS network: YES AROBIS core funding and source: 10K dollars proposals: 1 submitted to IABIN Australia core funding and source: In kind support by CSIRO USD $50k/year, IT infrastructure USD $10k/year. participation in RON meetings: NO participate in proposal development: NOT KNOWN CANADA core funding and source: DFO, CMB in-kind proposals: Increased linkage of OBIS Canada with other Canadian data management, to be funded by DFO- NSDMC), resources requested/received 63K/$35K Can participation in RON meetings: YES ESPOBIS core funding and source. COPAS FONDAP - salary and technical support for the server and data manager; additional funding The Chilean Commission for Science and Technology through the Grant FONDECYT 1080037 EUROBIS core funding and source: VLIZ staff 1; Through EMODnet 2 FTE proposals: 1; to European Commission DG for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries resources requested/received: 850,000 (2009-2012) prospect of financing: through EMODnet future Thematic Assembly Group (possible long term) JAPAN core funding and source: Biological Information System for Marine Life (BISMaL) continuation by JAMSTEC (National funding from the Japanese Government ) proposals: after CBD/COP10 participation in RON meetings: unclear USA core funding and source: core $150k by USGS; $50k (NOAA/IOOS) supplement fiscal year 2010; $34k (BOEMRE) supplement fiscal year 2010 Prospect of financing: expected additional resources beyond the USGS base funding WSAOBIS core funding and source: office space and personnel time by USP; PETROBRAS/ANP & USP US$290k to early 2012. Problems encountered/issues operating the Node Financial almost all Nodes said Yes! Technical mainly due to funding constrains and impacts on personnel. Political (are people willing to publish data through OBIS? Do the authorities stimulate uptake of OBIS and similar systems by requiring results of publicly-funded research be made public?) Mixed reactions to these political issues the nature of open publishing of biodiversity information on the Web is open to discussion. Methods on ways to acknowledge and even protect providing sources/authors/etc. are needed. Take-up of WoRMS, IRMNG and CoL: Most nodes prefer to check taxonomy using services on-line. Need for Gazetteer: at least 4 Nodes said yes. Description of the general quality control procedures: Only 2 Nodes offered comments on the issue. Collaboration with National Oceanographic Data Centre Nodes collaborating are: AfrOBIS, AntOBIS, AROBIS, Australia, Canada, EurOBIS, Japan and USA. Dr Lang de Silveira showed the usage statistics as reported by the Nodes as well as publications (e.g. that mention the Node) and presentations. Dr Vanden Berghe recommended a regular check in Google Scholar. Peter Pissierssens mentioned the work done for the 50th anniversary of IODE ( HYPERLINK "http://www.citeulike.org/user/iode2011" http://www.citeulike.org/user/iode2011 ). Nicolas Bailly noted that a similar task is carried out annually for FishBase. This could be done also for OBIS. The methodology for such an investigation could be shared (to be provided by Nicolas and IODE Project Office) It was also recommended to prepare a reference publication on OBIS and store this in OceanDocs. Summary: in terms of financial problems nearly all nodes mentioned financial difficulties. Technical problems were often related to financial limitation to keep or improve staffing. Regarding political problems (are people willing to publish data through OBIS? Do the authorities stimulate uptake of OBIS and similar systems by requiring results of publicly-funded research be made public?). It was noted tat there were mixed reactions: the nature of open publishing on the web of information on biodiversity is open to discussion on ways to acknowledge and even protect providing sources/authors/etc. Mr Hernandez recommended collecting data that will not be distributed but that can be used to make derived products (distribution maps e.g.). This will be facilitated if data providers can be assured that the data themselves will not be distributed. Several participants objected to restricting data. Mr Hernandez mentioned that we are missing huge amounts of data by not being able to restrict access. Mrs Kennedy reported that, during her recent visit to Silver Spring, the US NODC has expressed an interest in being a partner in OBIS data activities to the extent possible, by facilitating its data archive capabilities and data processing through the World Ocean Database (WOD). WOD would like to pursue the conversion of its plankton (and co-located physical, chemical) data into netCDF CF and as applicable to OBIS formats. Report on activities from individual Nodes Prof. Dr Patrick Halpin presented the activities of OBIS SEAMAP. OBIS-SEAMAP is the global node for marine mammals, seabird and sea turtle data. OBIS-SEAMAP was initiated in 2001 under the NOPP program and was initially funded by the A.P. Sloan Foundation. OBIS-SEAMAP is currently funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation (2007 2010). A recent description of the OBIS-SEAMAP node can be found in Halpin et al. 2009. The OBIS-SEAMAP project conducted and published a gap-analysis of the data holdings in 2010 (Kot et al. 2010). This gap-analysis assesses the current data holdings and will help guide the development of future data acquisition priorities. OBIS-SEAMAP Data holdings and growth in last year number of records 2,399,827 (total) 184,334 (2010) number of distinct points 2,399,827 number of distinct species 324 (All) number of distinct data providers 291 (All) 52 (2010) Halpin, P.N.; A.J. Read, B.D. Best, E. Fujioka, B. Donnelly, C. Kot, L.J. Hazen, D. Hyrenbach and L. Crowder. (2009) OBIS-SEAMAP2.0: Developing a research data commons for the ecological studies of marine mammals, seabirds and seaturtles. Oceanography 22(2)104-115. Best, B.D.; P.N. Halpin; E, Fujioka, A.J. Read, S.S. Qian, L.J. Hazen and R.S. Schick. (2007) Geospatial Web Services within a Scientific Workflow: Forecasting Marine Mammal Habitat in a Dynamic Environment. Ecological Informatics 2:210 223 Halpin P.N., Read A.J., Best B.D., Hyrenbach K.D., Fujioka E., Coyne M.S., Crowder L.B., Freeman S.A., Spoerri C. (2006). OBIS-SEAMAP: developing a biogeographic research data commons for the ecological studies of marine mammals, seabirds, and sea turtles. Marine Ecological Progess Series. 316:239-246 Kot, C. A. Boustany and P.N. Halpin. (2010) Temporal patterns of sea turtle bycatch in the U.S. Atlantic pelagic fishery. Can. J. Fisheries and Aquatic Science 67(1): 42-57. doi:10.1139/F09-160. Establishment of Nodes Dr Vanden Berghe reminded the meeting about the document Roles and Responsibilities of Regional OBIS Nodes; this document has been discussed for quite some time now, and been reasonably stable. It should now be expanded to include wording about the Thematic OBIS Nodes. It should also be expanded with a report on the discussions on projects submitted by OBIS Nodes or Secretariat, and the need for communication around them. The meeting recommended to document criteria for establishing a Node by including them in this expanded Roles and Responsibilities, and to publish the document in the series of IOC Manuals and Guides, to complement the M&G 5 for the Establishment of NODCs. Once the guidelines are developed and the information sent to IOC Member States, the mechanism for establishing an OBIS Node is for the Member State to contact IOC, announcing the establishment of the Node. The meeting then considered which current OBIS data providers could be considered as Nodes. The meeting agreed that, in order to be considered an OBIS Node, integration of data over several sources is necessary: a provider as a single data set, no matter how big, should be considered a data provider rather than OBIS Node. The definition for Regional OBIS Nodes is reasonably clear, with the understanding that several are being created (Gulf of Aden, Philippines, possibly Caribbean). Thematic nodes identified at the meeting were OBIS SEAMAP, FishBase and SynDeep (for the deep sea). There is an urgent need for a microbial node; MicrOBIS now has data from a single database, but could be asked to take this responsibility. It was noted that Regional OBIS nodes were defined by spatial boundaries, thematic nodes by a topic. If boundaries and/or themes overlap, there is a danger that duplicate data will be entering in the system. This should be resolved by careful management, and maintenance of detailed metadata. Where there are overlaps in responsibility, there should be a dialogue between the OBIS Nodes involved and/or the OBIS Project Office. The meeting briefly mentioned the need to review the data transfer modalities between iOBIS and GBIF. Two principles emerged: there is a need to make all data flows bi-directional (e.g. US Mammals can come in through OBIS SEAMAP or though OBIS- USA, but either party has to make the data available to the other party, to allow both parties to have a complete collection of relevant data). Second, there should be flexibility and communication; the wishes of the data provider, and the effort it takes to contribute the data, should be the most important arguments, not internal structure of OBIS. Another important element is community-specific information; the preferred pathway has to be that in which this specific information is retained to the maximum extent possible (e.g. if there is bird-specific data that can be handled by OBIS SEAMAP but not by OBIS- USA, data should ideally go to OBIS SEAMAP first). It was noted that within EMODNET biogeographic information is dealt with by EurOBIS. EMODNET is a client of EurOBIS. The meeting then discussed the linking of OBIS and IODE ODP. F. Hernandez noted that VLIZ will set up the data provider software for sea level data but can do the same for iOBIS. F. Hernandez will discuss this further with S. Belov. Dr Vladymyrov noted that he could host a Node for Ukraine. However it would be more logical to be a Black Sea Node. Dr Vanden Berghe stated that Ukraine could host 2 types of nodes: a thematic node for historic data and a second for the Black Sea. Mr Pissierssens recommended that Dr Vladymyrov discuss the possible hosting by IBSS of a BS RON with the ODINBlackSea member countries and seek their agreement. After such agreement IBSS can then inform IOC/IODE of the establishment of a Black Sea RON. However it was mentioned that the Black Sea region was now covered by EurOBIS which has sustained funding. F. Hernandez asked whether it would be sufficient to set up a dedicated EurOBIS web site for the Black Sea. Dr Vanden Berghe will contact MedOBIS to clarify their situation. Dr Vladymyrov and Mr Hernandez will discuss setting up and collaboration in the framework of a possible Black Sea or Ukraine Regional OBIS Node. Mr Hernandez stated that he would prefer a management structure for EurOBIS. A subsequent discussion was held on gaps in cover of the area of interest of the Nodes; clear geographic gaps are Gulf of Aden and Coral Triangle in South East Asia; discussions are ongoing to fill both these gaps. A list of potential data providers should be compiled, and see whether they are providing data to a Node. The meeting agreed there is a need for careful analysis of OBIS content and to carry out a gap analysis both geographically and thematically. The outcome of this analysis can then be taken into account for the planning/invitation of new OBIS nodes or activities of existing OBIS nodes.[action: F. Hernandez, P. Halpin, B. Danis, iOBIS Secretariat] Technical matters Dr Edward Vanden Berghe introduced technical matters that required discussions: Reporting Based Apache logs and database hits; this issue was discussed earlier Making data streams two-way This is a long- standing issue, and conversations with GBIF to make this a reality have not resulted in any concrete transfers. It was noted that all OBIS Nodes are welcome to look for access to the OBIS data holdings, and make data available on their own web site that were uploaded directly to iOBIS Web services Unlimited access might swamp server Quality control Standardising: this involves extending the OBIS Schema, creating vocabularies to support both old and new parts of the schema. Many ideas were discussed last year in the MC8 meeting; they will be included in the new Work Plan. Closing the loop with providers: many records were edited at the iOBIS Project Office, in order to standardize the taxonomy and quality-control the georeferencing. A start was made to push these changes back to the original data provider as suggestions for corrections. ADOPTION OF OBIS BY IOC/IODE Responses received to IOC Circular Letter 2333 Mr Pissierssens recalled that IOC Circular Letter 2333 was issued on 16 February 2010. In that Letter the IOC Executive Secretary informed IOC Member States that an IOC Trust Fund had been established, dedicated to OBIS, and invited Member States to contribute to the Fund. Between February and June 2010, three responses were received: Government of India (15 March 2010), Flanders Marine Institute (31 March 2010), and Rutgers University (30 April 2010). The Government of India offered the services of INCOIS in hosting and maintaining a special data centre. The Flanders Marine Institute offered (i) development and maintenance of the OBIS data system; (ii) development and maintenance of the OBIS web site; (iii) development and maintenance of the OBIS data interfaces to other networks (GBIF, GEOS, ODP, SeaDataNet, emodnet,; (iv) better integration of the WORMS-OBIS data systems; (v) long term hosting, regular updates essential for security and performance of these systems; (vi) high speed internet connection (1 Gbit); and (vii) professional support by IT staff, data managers and biologists.. The Rutgers University offered to continue hosting the iOBIS Secretariat as a Project Office of IOC, following the guidelines specified in Document IOC/INF-1193 on the establishment of decentralized offices. The offer includes office space for three members of staff (local support staff); internet connectivity; administrative assistance with project management and development. Mr Pissierssens then invited the representatives of the institutions that submitted an offer to provide further details on the offer (provided the offer is still valid) India Unfortunately India was not represented at the meeting and no written information was received. United States Dr Vanden Berghe informed the meeting that Rutgers University has expressed its interest in establishing the IOC Project Office for IODE/OBIS. What remains is to submit the offer to the Assembly for agreement and, provided this agreement is agreed upon, to work out the administrative arrangements between UNESCO and USA, and a Memorandum of Understanding between Rutgers University and IOC. Relevant documentation will need to be prepared for IODE-XXI and the IOC Assembly. The Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab at Duke University (MGEL) was able to secure funding from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to support the redesign of the iOBIS portal as part of the Mapping & Visualization program of the Census of Marine Life. Working with the iOBIS portal team and collaborators from Simone Bolivar University, the MGEL team was able to help implement a full redesign of the iOBIS portal, mapping interface, database infrastructure and cloud-computing delivery system. This redesign effort was completed in October 2010 to coincide with the public conclusion of the first Census of Marine Life. The MGEL team wishes to thank the A.P. Sloan Foundation for their support of OBIS through the CoML M&V activities. The Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab looks forward to continuing collaborative innovation and development with the iOBIS portal and IOC/OBIS Project Office. To this end the MGEL team plans to continue maintaining a development server and database mirror site of the iOBIS portal at Duke University. The MGEL team also hopes to actively work in collaboration with the IOC/OBIS Project Office on the development of external funding proposals to further develop the iOBIS portal functionality and new decision support and analysis applications. The MGEL team seeks a letter of acknowledgement from IOC to help formalize the offer of in-kind effort and to help the MGEL team secure additional resources to support OBIS related activities. As the home of the OBIS-SEAMAP node, the MGEL team is in a unique position to bring technical knowledge gained from maintaining a thematic node to iOBIS portal development. Also as an established OBIS node, the Duke University MGEL / OBIS-SEAMAP team will be have a representative on the OBIS-SG so will be able to maintain close communications concerning collaborative development with the full OBIS-SG. Belgium (Flanders) Flanders Marine Institute Mr Francisco Hernandez re-iterated the offer as detailed above. He also referred to other contributions mentioned during this meeting. Conclusions The meeting expressed appreciation for the substantive offers made. While regretting the absence of India the meeting invited India to host a mirror of the OBIS database, and to investigate how they could contribute further to the development of OBIS. Suggestions were made that this contribution might involve taking responsibility over some of he coding that remains to be done for OBIS; or to generate OBIS content by extracting relevant information from sources such as the Biodiversity Heritage Library or Google Books. During the meeting, news was received that Canada made a promise to make a contribution in cash (CAN$ 20,000). The meeting expressed its appreciation for this generous gesture. Discussions on OBIS duringthe 43rd Session of the IOC Executive Council (June/July 2010) Mr Pissierssens informed the participants that OBIS was not on the agenda of the 43rd Session of the IOC Executive Council (8-16 June 2010). OBIS was referred to, nevertheless in the Statement of the IOC Chairman and in the introduction by the IOC Executive Secretary. In addition it was decided to establish a sessional working group with the following Member States declaring their wish to participate: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, China, India, Japan, Kenya, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Thailand, United Kingdom, and United States of America. The sessional working group reported back to the Council with the following statement: The report of the sessional working group for OBIS was introduced by Dr Ned Cyr, Chair of the group. He recalled that this working group was established with the objective of identifying financial contributions that will be provided by IOC Member States to support OBIS as from January 2011. It was recalled further that IOC Circular Letter 2333 had been issued on 16 February 2010 regarding the establishment of a multi-source Trust Fund for the support of OBIS and addressed to the IOC Member States. It was noted that to date no financial contributions had been received. The Working Group was attended by delegates from Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Japan, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States of America. Additional information was received from Australia shortly after the meeting. The outcome of the working group was as summarized follows: (i) the United States of America will provide US$ 200,000 (US$ 100,000 in 2010, and US$ 100,000 in 2011); (ii) Australia will provide financial support but the precise amount could not yet been identified at this time; (iii) Belgium (Government of Flanders) will provide support for meetings, workshops, training courses or other relevant OBIS activities through the small-scale activities allocation of the Flanders-UNESCO Trust Fund for Science (FUST) (US$ 10,000-30,000 per small scale activity); and (iv) Brazil will provide support through the hosting of meetings, workshops, or training courses related to OBIS. The working group noted that the financial requirements in 2011 and 2012 were mainly to cover the cost of a Programme Specialist. This cost was estimated to be approx. US$ 160,000/year. Taking into consideration the financial requirements of approx. US$ 160,000 in 2011 and a similar amount in 2012, the working group noted that, in addition to the pledged contribution by the USA of US$ 100,000/year, the amount of US$ 60,000 needs to be mobilized for 2011 and for 2012. Actions taken since July 2010 As a follow-up to the pledges made during the Executive Council funds were received (or will be received shortly) from: (i) United States of America (direct support through Rutgers University for salary of Dr E. Vanden Berghe); (ii) Brazil (US$ 10,000); Australia ($A 90,000 over 2010-2013). As noted above, a contribution from Canada is under discussion. As a further follow-up it was decided to organize an ad hoc session of the IODE Steering Group for OBIS which will be tasked to develop the further formal arrangements for the establishment of all structural elements of OBIS within IODE, for submission to the IODE Committees 21st Session (23-26 March 2011). REVISION OF THE IODE STRUCTURE TO ACCOMMODATE OBIS Introduction Dr Vanden Berghe recalled that at the 2008 OBIS managers committee and the OBIS (Ocean Biogeographic Information System) Strategy and Work plan Meeting, IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium, 18-20 November 2009 (See IOC Workshop Report No. 226), extensive discussions were held on how to integrate OBIS into the IODE structure. This resulted in the diagram shown in Figure 12, below.  Figure 2: Proposed structural diagram of IODE incorporating OBIS The Strategy Meeting had further noted: An IOC Project Office for OBIS will need to be established, as well as the post of Head of the IOC Project Office for OBIS, equivalent to the present position of OBIS Executive Director. The Head of the IOC Project Office for OBIS will be an IOC staff member. Rutgers University will be asked to investigate further under which modalities the hosting can be done at Rutgers University Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences. A Memorandum of Understanding will need to be established between UNESCO/IOC and the hosting institution. The equivalent documents that were used to set up the IODE Project Office at Oostende can serve as templates. Additional formal agreements may be required that need to be further discussed with the IOC action address (Dr Jack Dunnigan). Mr Pissierssens and Dr Vanden Berghe were requested to investigate this matter further. The OBIS DB Project Steering Group would replace the Regional OBIS Nodes Managers Committee. Terms of reference have to be developed, based on the present RON Roles and Responsibilities document. The chair of the Steering Group will be an officer of IODE. There was some discussion over the name of the OBIS DB Project. It was pointed out that OBIS is a community of practice, with a data system as its most visible product, not just a database. Also, the term Project might be interpreted as indicating a limited time span for this group; OBIS Programme or OBIS Programme Activity were offered as alternatives. IOC will need to investigate whether a Steering Group, which is normally associated with a Project can be maintained under this name. Elements of the Terms of Reference for the Steering Group were discussed but not finalised; it was left to the IODE and OBIS Secretariats to coordinate the drafting the ToRs (in close consultation with the OBIS Governing Board, the Regional OBIS Node (RON) Management Group and IODE Officers). The OBIS Governing Board will be consulted on these Terms of Reference before they are presented to the 2010 Session of the IOC Executive Council. Mr Pissierssens briefed the meeting on formal requirements for Groups of Experts and their Terms of Reference, and on the specific Terms of Reference of the GE-BICH. The ToR of the latter will have to be changed to accommodate the new OBIS group and other bodies. The role and composition of IODE Groups of Experts is defined in IODE-XIX.2, Strategy and Structure of IODE Groups of Experts. A Group of Experts for OBIS will need to be established. GE-OBIS will take over the roles of the Science Board and International Committee. Terms of Reference were discussed but not finalised; this will be done by the OBIS and IODE Secretariats. Input will be requested from the OBIS Governing Board. It was recommended to draft the terms of reference prior to the 2010 IODE Officers Meeting (which will meet in March 2010). They will then submit a draft resolution to the June 2010 Session of the IOC Executive Council as part of the Working Document that needs to be prepared for the Council. There is no formal role for the present OBIS Governing Board in the new structure. Members of the Governing Board will be consulted on various issues during the transition period. The Meeting was invited to further consider these structural elements and to define the terms of reference and membership of each of the new structural elements under Agenda Item 4.2 Establishment of the IODE Group of Experts on OBIS Mr Pissierssens briefly introduced the different subsidiary bodies that exist within IOC including Groups of Experts and Steering Groups. Whereas the IODE Committee is a Primary Subsidiary Body, Groups of Experts and Task Teams or Steering Groups are Secondary Subsidiary Bodies. The IODE Committee can itself establish a Secondary Subsidiary Bodies provided that no costs fall on the Commission or costs have been allocated by a Governing Body. (A request for approval of costs may be submitted, by an appropriate Primary Subsidiary Body, to a Governing Body either when the Secondary Subsidiary Body is first formed or with the proposed programme of work and financial requirements when submitted to the Executive Secretary by the Primary Subsidiary Body IOC/INF-1193). As far as membership is concerned members of Groups of Experts are Experts acting in their personal capacity and selected for their knowledge and expertise in the subject concerned. (IOC/INF-1193). The Chairperson (and a Vice-Chairperson) shall be elected by the subsidiary body itself. Both shall normally serve for one intersessional period and the next session, if any, of the subsidiary body; if there is no such session (e.g., in the case of a Task Team working by correspondence), the intersessional period shall be that of the parent body. The Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson shall be eligible for re-election for only one more intersessional period and subsequent session as just defined; however, on an exceptional basis and in the interest of the Commission, both may be eligible for re-election for one further term. For the first session of a subsidiary body, a Convenor may be designated by the parent body. Subsequently, elections for the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson shall normally be held at the end of each session of the body. It was noted also that the IODE Committee adopted Recommendation IODE-XIX.2 Strategy and Structure of IODE Groups of Experts. This states: Recommendation IODE-XIX.2 STRATEGY AND STRUCTURE OF IODE GROUPS OF EXPERTS The IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Recalling the outcome of the IODE Review and its call to IODE Officers to closely monitor and guide the IODE Groups of Experts, Recalling further Resolution IODE-XVIII.3 in which it had instructed the Chairs of the IODE Groups of Experts to jointly develop a strategy for the future of the Groups of Experts and to submit this strategy to the IODE Officers and to IODE-XIX, Noting the report of the Chairs of the IODE Groups of Experts (Document IOC/IODE-XIX/19), Taking into account the IOC Rules of Procedure, specifically Rules 24 and 25, Recommends that the Terms of Reference of the IODE Groups of Experts be revised as follows: (i) Objectives: a. IODE Groups of Experts will undertake detailed scientific and technical studies and/or co-ordination tasks, by subject or region, as identified by the IODE Committee; b. IODE Groups of Experts, including the JCOMM/IODE ETDMP, will monitor scientific and technical developments, and identify needs to be addressed by IODE, as pertaining to their IODE subject area and propose a work programme with clear priorities, for consideration by the IODE Committee; c. To facilitate implementation of the Groups of Experts work programme, the Groups of Experts will (i) seek cooperation from IODE national coordinators; (ii) develop and implement projects with clear objectives and deliverables, and take responsibility for the coordination and management of such projects. (ii) Membership: a. the total number of Members of IODE Groups of Experts should not exceed 8; b. the Groups should be composed of not more than 4 long-term members; and not more than 4 short-term members; c. The long-term members will be selected by the Executive Secretary, based upon nominations from Member States and further based upon individual expertise as relevant to the concerned IODE Group of Expert. Long-term members can remain a member of the Group during not more than 4 inter-sessional periods; d. The short-term members shall be selected by the long-term members of the Group, based upon their specific expertise, documented in the OceanExpert system, related to specific tasks or projects and will remain a member during, preferably, not more than two inter-sessional periods; Encourages IOC Member States to nominate experts with expertise relevant to the subject areas of the IODE groups of Experts; Invites IOC Member States to submit information on relevant national experts to OceanExpert, as a further source of expertise for the Groups of Experts; Urges IOC Member States to support the work of the IODE Groups of Experts by financially supporting the participation of their national experts in Sessions of the IODE Groups of Experts. Following this introduction the Meeting was invited to define the terms of reference and requirements for membership for the IODE Group of Experts on OBIS. In addition the Meeting was invited to prepare a draft Recommendation for submission to IODE-XXI. As an example the Draft recommendation establishing the GE BICH was distributed during the Meeting. Terms of Reference The following Terms of Reference were suggested by the meeting: [ in close collaboration with GE-BICH] [ responding to needs expressed by the IODE Steering Group for OBIS] Improve, optimize and streamline the Ocean Biogeographic Information System By shaping the evolution of the architecture to keep it state-of-the-art, fit for a wide range of users and interoperable with other relevant international data networks By providing advice on relevant new technologies, including visualization and analysis tools by promoting, selecting or developing standards for data format, data exchange and data synchronization By providing guidelines for data practices including QC, data capture, integration, citation, metadata generation for marine biodiversity Identify needs and provide advice on training and education initiatives. Membership The membership of a Group of Experts in principle consists of four long-term members suggested by Member States of IOC, and 4 short-term members selected by the long-term members for their specific expertise. Details are spelled out in the Guidelines for the creation of Subsidiary Bodies. The meeting saw no reason to deviate form standard IOC operations in setting up the GE-OBIS. Draft Recommendation for IODE-XXI A draft recommendation is attached as Annex III Establishment of the IODE Steering Group for OBIS Mr Pissierssens recalled that as mentioned under Agenda Item 4.2 a Steering Group is a secondary subsidiary body. Within the framework of IODE Steering Groups are usually established to manage Projects. The Meeting was invited to define the terms of reference and requirements for membership for the IODE Steering Group for OBIS. In addition the Meeting was invited to prepare a draft Recommendation for submission to IODE-XXI. The meeting noted that it would be important not to loose touch with the wider scientific community. This used to be provided through the Governing Board. Terms of Reference The following Terms of Reference were suggested by the meeting: The IODE Steering Group for OBIS shall: Advise the IODE Committee on the vision and mission for OBIS; Advise the IODE Committee on the strategy for OBIS sustainability and further development; Define and monitor the OBIS business plan; Assist the IOC Project Office for OBIS and IODE Committee with seeking funding for the sustained development of OBIS; Prepare, for submission to the IODE Committee, the work plan for the OBIS community on expanding the dataset and the toolset, on developing new information system products, and on addressing the issues on gaps, that will be implemented and monitored by the IOC Project Office for IODE/OBIS; Review progress of and guide the implementation of the work plan, taking into account emerging issues Identify any technical or scientific issues as relevant to the implementation of the work plan and recommend these, as required, for action to the GE-OBIS through the IODE Committee; Agree on the sharing of responsibilities between members of the OBIS community Manage, and recommend modalities, regarding the OBIS node membership; Membership The membership of the SG-OBIS will be composed of the managers of OBIS Nodes or their designated representative. The SG-OBIS will designate its own Chair. The Chair of the SG-OBIS will be an IODE Officer Membership Membership of the SG will consist of managers of OBIS Nodes. Reference was made to the discussion of the criteria and establishment of Regional and Thematic nodes reported on above. Draft Recommendation for IODE-XXI The draft recommendation will be prepared in time for the IODE XXI meeting Establishment of the IOC Project Office for IODE/OBIS Mr Pissierssens recalled that under Agenda Item 4.1 the establishment of an IOC Project Office for IODE/OBIS was referred to. As defined in Document IOC/INF-1193 an IOC Project Office shall be established to implement a particular IOC project (or multiple projects of the same nature). The main purpose of an IOC Project Office is to administratively and technically underpin projects that have specific objectives, clearly defined deliverables and a predetermined duration. The Project Office should be seen as a flexible mechanism to support the implementation of projects in the field. The main purpose of an IOC Project Office shall be to (ref IOC/INF-1193): (i) Implement IOC projects; (ii) Report on the progress of the implementation of project activities to the Chair of the parent IOC Subsidiary Body, the IOC Executive Secretary, the Programme Office of the Projects Parent Programme (as available), and participating Member States, on a regular basis; (iii) Plan and organise meetings, workshops, training courses and other capacity building activities relevant to the project; (iv) Liaise and maintain links with relevant IOC programmes and other projects; (v) Establish and maintain links with other relevant organisations, institutions and programmes in order to promote co-operation with the Project; (vi) Seek partnerships and potential sources of funding to strengthen the Project implementation. An IOC Project Office should be established in those cases where the project is of a nature that requires specific technical facilities and/or human resources that are not available at the IOC Secretariat (or cannot easily be transferred to the field) or where implementation can be effected more efficiently or cheaper in the host institution/host country. Accordingly, the needs assessment for an IOC Project Office should demonstrate that technical infrastructures and/or facilities and/or human resources required for the efficient and effective implementation of the Project are not available or available at higher cost, at UNESCO/IOC Headquarters, Paris. Other elements may be the cost of living (per diem) for visiting experts or part-time staff, available space, proximity to academic or other expert communities. Mr Pissierssens further informed the Meeting that minimum criteria have been identified for the hosting of an IOC Project Office: A Member State that wishes to host an IOC Project Office shall, as a minimum: (i) offer the bare use of office space and utilities (and related taxes) (see also 3.1.5), free of charge to the IOC for the duration of the agreement, and for a period not less than 3 (three) years; (ii) provide not less than the equivalent of 1 (one) local support staff. Offers made by Member States shall be compared on a competitive basis, taking into consideration all services and facilities offered. Further specification for the establishment of decentralised offices are spelled out in document IOC/INF-1193. Where possible IOC shall give preference to establishing project offices in existing UNESCO field offices, provided that the cost of establishment + cost of operation + cost of closing will be lower than if the IOC office were hosted elsewhere. In this case, the proposal shall evaluate the full cost of UNESCO field office hosting the Project Office. Preference shall be given to hosts that are able and willing to cover the full cost of the project office operation (costs of operation). Professional staff cost may be covered by the host country through provision of relevant experts on a permanent or temporary basis. Easy access to interns with relevant technical/professional expertise shall also be encouraged. Alternatively IOC may choose to temporarily relocate existing UNESCO posts to the established Project Office. Approval requirements An IOC Project Office shall be managed by an IOC Project Office Manager who can be an IOC Staff Member (permanent/temporary position, or ALD appointment of limited duration) or an IOC Consultant. When appointing the IOC Project Office Manager, the intergovernmental nature of the IOC and rules of geographic distribution of UNESCO should be taken into consideration. The IOC Project Office Manager shall report to the Head of Section of the Section under which the Project is implemented and will be under the authority of the IOC Executive Secretary. Formal agreements with hosts An IOC Project Office will be hosted by an IOC Member State and will be the subject of a host agreement between the IOC and the IOC Member State. The host agreement will include a sunset clause specifying that the Project Office shall be closed upon completion of the Project. Nevertheless, it may be decided to renew the agreement based upon the renewal of the Project. Performance evaluation The independent performance evaluation of an IOC Project Office will be managed by the related Head of Section, in consultation with the host country, and approved by the Primary or, where applicable, Secondary Subsidiary Body that oversees the project. The IOC Executive Secretary shall include a short assessment of a Project Office through the statutory report on implementation of the respective Resolution. Mr Pissierssens then requested the Meeting to provide input on the Terms of Reference of the Project Office. Terms of Reference The following Terms of Reference were suggested by the meeting: The main objectives of the IOC Project Office for IODE/OBIS are: to maintain and develop the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS), its network, the international OBIS portal and collective database with emphasis on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the data and product/service stream; to create an enabling environment, and assist in strengthening the capacity of constituent Nodes to manage biogeographic data and information and to provide biogeographic information products and services required by users; to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the OBIS work plan as adopted by the IODE Committee To achieve these objectives the IOC Project Office for IODE/OBIS carries out the following activities, with guidance from the SG OBIS and GE OBIS, and in close collaboration with the IOC Project Office for IODE: develop, host and maintain the international OBIS portal and related public awareness tools; assist OBIS Nodes to achieve their regional and thematic objectives; develop, strengthen and maintain OBIS data and information management training programmes and training tools; monitor and report on the use and impact of the OBIS dataset and tools, including citations; provide an environment (think tank) to generate new ideas and perspectives; provide an environment for the development and testing of biogeographic data and information management technology; promote collaboration between all expert levels active in marine biogeographic data and information management, including scientists, data managers, information managers, other IOC programmes and projects, other organisations (e.g. EOL, GBIF, Barcode of Life) and international bodies (e.g. CBD, ISA, UNEP); provide marine biodiversity information at the request of IOC Member States and other UN agencies. Review of received hosting offers The Meeting noted that only one offer had been received for hosting the IOC Project Office for IODE/OBIS (Rutgers University). The Meeting expressed its appreciation for the offer and recommended to IODE and the IOC Assembly to accept it. The Meeting requested the Secretariat to prepare the necessary documentation in accordance with IOC/INF-1193 and to request preparatory negotiations between UNESCO and the US Government regarding the formal issues of establishing the Project Office at Rutgers University. The Meeting also expressed appreciation for the offers made by INCOIS, India and VLIZ, Flanders (Belgium) and addressed the ways in which these valuable offers could be accommodated under other agenda items. Draft Recommendation for IODE-XXI Taking into account the discussions under 4.4.2 the Meeting will be invited to prepare a draft recommendation for review, discussion and possibly adoption by IODE-XXI. The Meeting will be invited to ensure that all resources and assistance offered by Member States is effectively used and not rejected. Preparations for the IOC Assembly (June 2011) IODE-XXI Mr Pissierssens informed the Meeting that the outcome of this Meeting, including the defined terms of reference of the IODE Group of Experts on OBIS, the IODE Steering Group for OBIS and the IOC Project Office for IODE/OBIS will be included in a working document for the 21st Session of the IOC Committee on IODE, to be held in Lige, Belgium between 23-26 March 2011. It is expected that IODE-XXI will therefore formally create the Group of Experts and Steering Group and also recommend the establishment of the IOC Project Office for IODE. It is noted nevertheless that the IODE Committee may agree or disagree with the recommendations made by the Meeting. Interim arrangements 2011 Mr Pissierssens recalled that the current funding by the Sloan Foundation will terminate in December 2010. As the IOC Assembly will only be able to formally establish the new structural elements of IODE, as proposed during the Meeting and the IODE Committee, in June 2011, it will be necessary to make interim arrangements. The period covered by these arrangements may be between 8 and 12 months (January-August 2011 or January-December 2011), depending on the time required to complete all formal arrangements for the establishment of the Project Office. It will also be noted that the financial support currently available and/or pledged will cover the salary of the Head of the Project Office for only one calendar year. A long-term solution (through financial support from Member States or a UNESCO Regular Programme position) will need to be found to ensure the long-term stability of IODE/OBIS. In this regard reference is made to agenda item 4.5.4. Preparation of working document/draft resolutions for IOC Assembly The decisions and discussions by IODE-XXI will be included in the Executive Summary of IODE-XXI which will be submitted as a working document to the twenty-sixth Session of the IOC Assembly in June 2011. The recommended establishment of the IOC Project Office for IODE/OBIS will be submitted to the Assembly through a Draft Resolution. Briefing of Delegates to Assembly by OBIS managers The RON managers noted the importance of informing their national IOC action addresses about the outcome of the ad hoc meeting of the Steering Group and committed themselves to provide them with full information so as to facilitate the adoption of OBIS related recommendations during the upcoming Assembly. PROPOSED WORK PLAN AND BUDGET 2011-2013 OBIS activities planned for 2011-2013 Dr Vanden Berghe summarised the activities of the OBIS network, and discussed how some of these tasks might be taken over by others in the OBIS network. Reference was be made to the offers in kind from Rutgers University (USA), India and VLIZ (Flanders/Belgium). Also the assistance from Duke University (USA) and University Simon Bolivar (Venezuela) was noted, and the offer of continued involvement in further development of the OBIS informatics infrastructure. Elements for the work plan were discussed, based on action items raised in this meeting, and outstanding action items identified in MC8. While going through these points, several additional items were raised by the members at the meeting. A consolidated list is presented as Annex IV Budget The budget for 2011-2012 is appended as Annex V. Main costs are for salaries of personnel at the PO; only part of the necessary funds have been secured, mainly through contributions of Member States. Funds will be sufficient to operate OBIS through 2011. WAYS AND MEANS TO MOBILIZE RESOURCES FOR IODE/OBIS It was noted that the funds available to OBIS now are not sufficient to even run the basic operations of OBIS; project funds will have to be pursued. Dr Halpin recommended that the Action list and work plan would be revisited, and items identified for which separate funding might be sought. Several suggestions were made for proposals A new call for e-Infrastructures will be launched end of November. Dr Bailly, Mr Hernandez, Dr Danis and Dr Vanden Berghe will be studying the call, and try and identify project activities that might be proposed. In order to generate data for OBIS, it was suggested to formulate a project proposal to extract biogeographic data from the Biodiversity Heritage Library. The extraction could be done algorithmically, or by humans either through systems like the Amazon Mechanical Turk, or by a team coordinated by INCOIS (as an activity in the framework of their offer for support in kind). Dr Danis informed the meeting that SCAR-MarBIN has created tools and a web site to generate field guides on the fly from the content of distributed databases; part of the tools are to make this available also on smart phones. OBIS could investigate developing a project to expand this from an Antarctic to a global tool. In addition to this, contributions of Member States towards the core funding of OBIS would be very welcome. Meeting participants were invited to continue working with their national IOC action Addresses to seek these contributions. ADOPTION OF THE SUMMARY REPORT Mr Pissierssens invited the Meeting to review and adopt the summary report. The report was adopted, with a provision for the Work plan to be added later by the Secretariat. ELECTION OF AD HOC CHAIR While noting that the current meeting was an ad hoc meeting the Meeting stressed the need to designate a Chair who would be able to represent the Group at the upcoming 21st Session of the IODE Committee and at the 2011 Session of the IOC Assembly. The Meeting unanimously elected Dr Mark Fornwall as its ad hoc Chair. DATE AND PLACE OF THE NEXT SESSION The meeting requested, provided that the Steering Group would be formally established during the 2011 Session of the IOC Assembly, to organize its first Session in 2011, preferably in the same period (October, November). The place could be either at the newly established IOC project Office for IODE/OBIS at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA or at the IOC project Office for IODE, Oostende. ANNEX I AGENDA OF THE MEETING 1. OPENING OF THE MEETING 1.1. Opening remarks 1.2. Introduction of participants 1.3. Practical arrangements 2. REPORT ON THE STATUS OF OBIS 2.1. Matters arising from the 2009 OBIS managers committee meeting 2.2. Report on the CoML Conference 2.3. Report on iOBIS activities 2.4. Report on RON activities 2.4.1 Summary report 2.4.2 Report on activities from individual RONs or TONs 2.5. Technical matters 3. ADOPTION OF OBIS BY IOC/IODE 3.1. Responses received to IOC Circular Letter 2333 3.1.1 India 3.1.2 United States 3.1.3 Belgium (Flanders) 3.2. Discussions on OBIS during the 43rd Session of the IOC Executive Council 3.3. Actions taken since July 2010 4. REVISION OF THE IODE STRUCTURE TO ACCOMMODATE OBIS 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Establishment of the IODE Group of Experts on OBIS 4.2.1 Terms of reference 4.2.2 Membership 4.2.3 Draft recommendation for IODE-XXI 4.3. Establishment of the IODE Steering Group for OBIS 4.3.1. Terms of reference 4.3.2. Membership 4.3.3. Draft recommendation for IODE-XXI 4.4. Establishment of the IOC Project Office for IODE/OBIS 4.4.1. Terms of reference 4.4.2. Review of received hosting offers 4.4.3. Draft recommendation for IODE-XXI 4.5. Preparations for the IOC Assembly (June 2011) 4.5.1 IODE-XXI 4.5.2 Interim arrangements 2011 4.5.3 Preparation of working document/draft resolutions for IOC Assembly 4.5.4 Briefing of delegates to Assembly by OBIS managers 5. PROPOSED WORK PLAN AND BUDGET 2011-2013 6. WAYS AND MEANS TO MOBILIZE RESOURCES FOR IODE/OBIS 7. ADOPTION OF THE SUMMARY REPORT 8. ELECTION OF AD HOC CHAIR 9. CLOSURE ANNEX II LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Regional OBIS Node representatives Dr Bruno DANIS Scientific Coordinator Universit Libre de Bruxelles rue Vautier, 29 Belgium Tel: +32(0)6274318 Fax: +32(0)6274113 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:bruno.danis@scarmarbin.be" bruno.danis@scarmarbin.be Dr Ruben ESCRIBANO Professor Estacion de Biologia Marina-Dichato, Concepcion, Chile Chile Tel: 56-41-2683247 Fax: 56-41-2683902 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:rescribano@udec.cl" rescribano@udec.cl Dr Mark FORNWALL Director U.S. Geological Survey, Fort Collins Science Center 310 West Kaahumanu Avenue Kahului, HI 96732 United States Tel: 1 808 984 3724 Fax: 1 808 242 1128 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:mark_fornwall@usgs.gov" mark_fornwall@usgs.gov Dr Katsunori FUJIKURA Senior Scientist Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokosuka 2-15 Natsushima, Yokosuka, Kanagawa 237-0061 Japan Tel: 81-46-867-9555 Fax: 81-46-867-9525 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:fujikura@jamstec.go.jp" fujikura@jamstec.go.jp Mr Francisco HERNANDEZ Manager Datacentre (VLIZ) Flanders Marine Institute Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee Belgium Tel: [32](59)34.21.30 Fax: [32](59)34.21.30 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:francher@vliz.be" francher@vliz.be Mrs Mary KENNEDY Zooplankton Research Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Fisheries and Oceans, Nova Scotia P.O. Box 1006 Dartmouth B2Y 4A2 Nova Scotia Canada Tel: +1-902-426-3263 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:KennedyM@mar.dfo-mpo.gc.ca" KennedyM@mar.dfo-mpo.gc.ca Dr Fabio SILVEIRA Professor Universidade de So Paulo, Zoology Dept, IB Rua do Matao, Travessa 14, 101 Brazil Tel: 55 11 30917619 Fax: 55 11 30917802 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:fldsilve@usp.br" fldsilve@usp.br Dr Katsuhiko TANAKA Research Scientist Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokosuka 224-3 Toyohara, Nago 905-2172 Japan Tel: +81 980 50 0114 Fax: +81 980 50 0123 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:katsuhikot@jamstec.go.jp" katsuhikot@jamstec.go.jp Mr Paul TILDESLEY Information Manager CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, Tasmania Australia Tel: +61 3 6232 5251 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:Paul.Tildesley@csiro.au" Paul.Tildesley@csiro.au Secretariat Mr Brook HERLACH Data Manager Ocean Biogeographic Information System Rutgers Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences 71 Dudley Road New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8525 United States Tel: 571-309-1810 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:brook.herlach@iobis.org" brook.herlach@iobis.org Mr Peter PISSIERSSENS Head, IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7 - Pakhuis 61 B-8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: +32-59-340158 Fax: +32-59-79 5220 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:p.pissierssens@unesco.org" p.pissierssens@unesco.org Dr Edward VANDEN BERGHE Executive Director Ocean Biogeographic Information System Rutgers University Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences 71, Dudley Road New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8525 United States Tel: +1 732 932 6555 ext 565 Fax: +1 732 932 8578 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:evberghe@iobis.org" evberghe@iobis.org Observers Mr Nicolas BAILLY Charg d'Etude France Tel: [33](1)40793763 Fax: [33](1)40793771 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:nbailly@hotmail.com" nbailly@hotmail.com Dr Patrick HALPIN Professor Duke University, Nicholas School of the Environment A324 LSRC Building United States Tel: 1.919.613.8062 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:phalpin@duke.edu" phalpin@duke.edu Dr Volodymyr VLADYMYROV Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Ukraine Tel: +380692544110 Fax: +380692544110 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:v.vladymyrov@gmail.com" v.vladymyrov@gmail.com ANNEX III DRAFT RECOMMENDATION FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF GE-OBIS Recommendation IODE-XXI. ESTABLISHMENT OF A GROUP OF EXPERTS ON OBIS The IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Noting the movement of the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) under the umbrella of the IOC/IODE, Further Noting the necessity of the OBIS further development Recommends the formation of a Group of Experts on OBIS, to operate in close collaboration with GE-BICH, and responding to the needs expressed by the IODE Steering Group for OBIS; Further recommends that the tasks of the Group of Experts should include to improve, optimize and streamline the Ocean Biogeographic Information System By shaping the evolution of the architecture to keep it state-of-the-art, fit for a wide range of users and interoperable with other relevant international data networks By providing advice on relevant new technologies, including visualization and analysis tools by promoting, selecting or developing standards for data format, data exchange and data synchronization By providing guidelines for data practices including QC, data capture, integration, citation, metadata generation for marine biodiversity Identify needs and provide advice on training and education initiatives. Invites the IOC Governing Bodies to support this Group of Experts; Encourages IOC Member States to nominate experts having expertise in biogeographic and biodiversity data management and exchange to the Group of Experts; Requests that the Group of Experts maintains close relations with GBIF and other relevant programmes; Further requests that a progress report be submitted regularly to the IODE Officers and the IODE Committee. ANNEX IV WORK PLAN Detailed short- term objectives: IT Infrastructure Migrate from present hardware in Rutgers and on Amazon Cloud to solutions in collaboration with OBIS partners Create virtual machine at VLIZ Investigate similar at INCOIS Explore Google possibilities Setting up communications platform on OBIS web site (with technology from Drupal) to discuss technical and organizational issues Rationalise metadata: bring top copy of metadata back to iOBIS PO Other items, listed under Reporting Technical workshop January 2011 Attendance: VLIZ, INCOIS, Duke, USB, OBIS USA, SCAR MarBIN, Rutgers, GBIF Venue: IODE Project Office Agenda: see Annex VI Scientific workshop first half 2011 Attendance: OBIS data contributors; statisticians; modelers Venue: IODE Project Office or iOBIS PO Agenda: analyzing and synthesizing OBIS data; develop work plans to write scientific publications; create use cases demonstrating the use of OBIS data for scientific or management purposes; create manual on the use of OBIS data via web site or direct db access, technical and scientific Reporting Give access to iOBIS Google Analytics pages to SG members Install Webalyser on new web site Create tools for reporting on db hits Compiling list of publications based on/referring to OBIS Dr Bailly will work with the IODE Secretariat SG members to send reporting needs/suggestions to Brook Herlach Revise format and terminology of the yearly reporting of T/RONs Automate generating statistics per T/RON Indicators, monitoring tools to check completeness for various taxonomic groups Initial inventories of biodiversity for use by Member States Linking with other systems GBIF: seek membership for IOC/IODE ODP, EMODNET: make OBIS data available EOL: discuss acknowledgement for multi-level contributions; expand the range of environmental range data available on EOL Discuss in region setting up RON Black Sea; MedOBIS Documentation Make general publication describing OBIS Ask users to refer to this document Make publication available for OceanDocs Update Roles and Responsibilities document, and make available as a document in the Manuals and Guides series Bring in thematic nodes Agreements on communication on project proposals Include criteria and procedures for recognition of new Nodes Revise Mission and Terms of Reference for OBIS Create best practices handbook to guide data management including quality control and standardization at the iOBIS PO and OBIS Nodes Medium term objectives Gap analysis Geography, taxonomy and thematic Use gap analysis report to inform planning for new Nodes Tools provided to member states to assist them with the regular reporting and assessment of marine biodiversity (contribute to Assessment of Assessments) Integrated distributed data system and related portals incorporating all physical, chemical and biological data OBIS data integrated in African Marine Atlas and Caribbean Marine Atlas Long-term objectives OBIS is an active participant in activities of other intergovernmental organizations such as Convention on Biological Diversity, GEO BON and others OBIS data is used in the management of Marine Living Resources, both in national waters and in areas beyond National Jurisdiction OBIS data is used by scientists in their analyses and publication, and offers added value by the integration of data over large numbers of datasets, its standardized data quality control, and the ease of access through standard exchange protocols Organisations generating biodiversity data scientists working in academia, those responsible for monitoring in the framework of national programmes, and others routinely contribute data to OBIS, and are aware of the advantages of doing so. ANNEX V BUDGET Item201120122013Salaries at iOBIS235078242130249394Meetings SG IODE/OBIS250002500025000 GE-OBIS125001250012500 Technical meeting (see meeting report)7000 Science meeting (see meeting report)12500Travel PO500050005000Hard & software200020002000Office supplies100010001000Total300078287630294894Member State contributionsUSA (including Rutgers salary to data manager)2355703663737736Brazil 10000Australia 296622966229662Overhead UNESCO/IOC-5156-3856-3856Total2700766244363542Regular Programme5000Balance-25002-225187-231352 Notes regarding the budget Salaries are for the OBIS Project Officer and Data Manager, and assumes other OBIS tasks will be carried out at OBIS Nodes. As per Rutgers University budgeting guidelines, the salaries are increased by 3% yearly. Meetings costs are estimated on the basis of 4 days subsistence of 120US$; air tickets average 800US$. Number of participants for SG/IODE/OBIS is 20; for GE-OBIS is 10. Other travel foreseen is for attending IOC, IODE, GEOSS, GBIF and GOBI meetings, and for visits from PO to Oostende and/or Paris. Overhead charged by UNESCO/IOC is calculated as 13%, and excludes the US contribution, since these funds will go directly to Rutgers University. Rutgers has agreed to waive overheads. The Flemish Government has indicated that funds could be made available for meetings organised at the IODE Project Office ANNEX VI TECHNICAL WORKSHOP JANUARY 2011 The meeting proposed organising a technical workshop, to initiate some joint development based on the efforts of Duke, Simon Bolivar and Rutgers University in the creation of a new web site and search interface. The meeting will be an opportunity for others to meet the development team face to face, and to be informed on the set-up of the IT. The main point of the meeting will be to forge collaborative relationship between all interested in assisting in OBIS development, and to make some practical arrangements for this development. Issues to be discussed (not necessarily resolved) are as follows: Finalising new IT platform; identifying missing components and planning for completion. Missing elements certainly include Reporting tools (see separate section in work plan) Streamlining data acquisition and quality control and metadata generation Evaluate different exchange mechanisms, including DiGIR, TAPIR and IPT Revisit the Metadata flow, and generating citations Migrating the virtual servers on he Amazon Cloud, and the physical servers in Rutgers, to a solution in collaboration with those institutes who have made offers for support in kind. Extending the Darwin Core; priorities are Other measurements made at the same time as the biogeographic observation (e.g. physical and chemical oceanography) Quantitative information (density and biomass), with absence data as limiting case Links with reference systems, such as gazetteers and taxonomic registers Creating appropriate vocabularies to support the standardized use of both the old and the new fields in the OBIS Schema, in collaboration with GE-BICH Discuss how Duke search interface can be implemented in other places, on subset of OBIS, for the benefit of T/RONs Investigate how this can be combined with the portal software of GBIF Sharing responsibility over new developments and infrastructure maintenance over institutions who offered contributions in kind Setting up discussion lists and/or bulletin boards on the Drupal CMS Attendance should include, but is not limited to, representatives from VLIZ, INCOIS, Duke, USB, OBIS USA, SCAR MarBIN, Rutgers, GBIF. Proposed venue is IODE Project Office. The timing of the meeting could be synchronized with the January 2010 meeting of GE-BICH. ANNEX VII LIST OF ACRONYMS AfrOBIS African node of OBIS AntOBIS Antarctic node of OBIS ArcOD Arctic Ocean Diversity AROBIS Argentinean node of OBIS CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CoML Census of Marine Life CoML M&V CoML Mapping and Visualisation Programme EMODNET European Marine Observation and Data Network EOL Encyclopedia of Life ESPOBIS Eastern South Pacific Node of OBIS EurOBIS European Node of OBIS FUST Flanders-UNESCO Trust Fund for Science GBIF Global Biodiversity Information Facility GE-BICH Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data management and exchange practices GOBI Global Ocean BiodiversityInitiative IBSS Institute for Biology of the Southern Seas ICES International Council for the exploration of the Sea INCOIS Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services IndOBIS Indian Ocean node of OBIS iOBIS International OBIS secretariat/portal IOC Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission IODE International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange IRMNG Interim Register of Marine and non-marine Genera ISA International Seabed Authority ITIS Integrated Taxonomic Information System MC Managers Committee MGEL Marine Geospatial Ecology Laboratory NCBI National Center for Biotechnology Information NODC National Oceanographic Data Centre NOPP National Oceanographic Partnership Program (USA) OBIS Ocean Biogeographic Information System OBIS SEAMAP OBIS Spatial Ecological Analysis of Megavertebrate Populations ODP Ocean Data Portal PO Project Office RON Regional OBIS Node SABIF South Afroca Giodiversity Information Facility SCAR Scientific Council for Antarctic Research SCAR/MarBIN SCAR Barine Biodiversity Information Network TON Thematic OBIS Node UNEP United Nations Environment Programme UNEP WCMC UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre VLIZ Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee/Flanders Marine Institute WOD World Ocean Database WoRMS World Register of Marine Species WSAOBIS Western South Atlantic node of OBIS      IOC Workshop Report No. 237 Page (ii) _________________________________________________________________________________ IOC Workshop Report No. 237 Page (i) IOC Workshop Report No. Page (ii) _________________________________________________________________________________ IOC Workshop Report No. 237 Page (iii) IOC Workshop Report No. 237 Page  PAGE 2 _________________________________________________________________________________ IOC Workshop Report No. 237 Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 __________________________________________________________________________________ IOC Workshop Report No. 237 Annex II page 1 IOC Workshop Report No. 237 Annex  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 __________________________________________________________________________________ IOC Workshop Report No. 237 Annex II page  PAGE 1 __________________________________________________________________________________ IOC Workshop Report No. 237 Annex II page  PAGE 2 IOC Workshop Report No. 236 Annex III - Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 IOC Workshop Report No. 237 Annex III - Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 IOC Workshop Report No. 237 Annex IV - Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 IOC Workshop Report No. 237 Annex IV - Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 IOC Workshop Report No. 237 Annex V - Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 IOC Workshop Report No. 237 Annex IV - Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 IOC Workshop Report No. 237 Annex VI - Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 Workshop Report No. 237  HI ͶsaVGCC4haph e0JPJmH sH h ehdhh eB*CJaJphhaph eCJaJ#haph e6CJOJQJ^JaJhaph e6OJQJ^J)h3=h eB*CJOJQJ^JaJphh3=h eB*ph)h3=h eB*CJ0OJQJ^JaJ0ph,h3=h e6B*CJ0OJQJ^JaJ0ph haph eCJ0OJQJ^JaJ0 haph ehaph eCJ$aJ$jh eUmHnHsH u    HI`gd e $`a$gd e $`a$gd egd egd e`gd e$$@&`a$gd e@&gd e `gd e $`a$gd egd e$a$gd e`gd e         $`a$gd e Q R   % o  _  B 8 ' g# % (g# $ g# $$a$gd eo#Ǧ`gd e`gd egd e $`a$gd e R    % & 4 5 7 8 N O P j k l m n o r Ͼuduu jh eUmHnHujh eUmHnHuh emHnHu2h e5;>*CJOJPJQJaJmHnHsH uhL@h emHnHuhaph e;CJaJ jhaph e;CJUaJ haph e h eCJh eCJOJQJaJh=2h eCJOJQJaJhaph eCJr s       ! 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