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    ////013/X$R$ u0 |`  0AA@83ʚ;ʚ;g4YdYdTyx: 0ppp@ <4dddd  0Tv 80___PPT10 ppGCOS SST WG plans!Nick Rayner OOPC-12, 2nd May 2007$"   Executive CommitteeTom Smith, NOAA (Co-chair) Nick Rayner, Met Office (Co-chair) Ken Casey, NOAA Alexey Kaplan, LDEO Liz Kent, NOCS Dick Reynolds, NOAA Ed Harrison, PMEL Craig Donlon, Met Office > (IOutline Terms of ReferencefTo record and evaluate the differences among historical and near real time SST and SST/SI analyses To identify the sources of differences in the analyses On the basis of comparison of those differences with the expected climate signals in the SST patterns, to recommend actions needed to ensure the quality and consistency of the SST and SST/SI analyses To establish criteria to be satisfied by SST and SST/SI analyses to ensure the quality and consistency required by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Liaise with all appropriate bodies To report annually to AOPC and OOPC on progress and recommendationsgPg Outline planAgreed set of diagnostics Initial set of analyses and input data Host website Data formats and inter-comparison tools Communication plan Turning the differences and similarities we discover into useful information for usersAgreed set of diagnosticsoInitial phase: Time series of global and hemispheric anomalies Time-latitude sections of anomalies Fields of standard deviation, linear trend and lag1 correlation Follow on phase: Maps of RMS differences between fields Time averaged difference maps Time series for selected regions and a small selection of GHRSST diagnostic data set sites Spatial autocorrelations.\PPPPInitial set of analysesVKaplan et al HadISST1 NOCS SST analysis ERSST AVHRR Pathfinder OIv2 Daily OI SST OSTIAWW   Host website`GHRSST-PP Reanalysis Long Term Stewardship and Reanalysis Facility: http://ghrsst.nodc.noaa.gov/K 'Data formats and inter-comparison tools(((NetCDF-3 allows use of pre-existing data comparison tools, such as Ferret Compatible with GHRSST-PP fields Matlab and ASCII formats will also be maintainedk+ Communication planlDraft and agree a document based on this presentation and feedback [June 2007] Create an email contact list of other international SST analysis colleagues Send document with invitation to participate [end of August 2007] Once we have initial results, widen the net and publicise to other users at appropriate meeting Explore possibility of a short paper or report.mZm %Creating useful information for users&&(ESpread of different analyses gives initial indication of structural uncertainty Later propose to Explore differences in input data and QC techniques Apply different analysis techniques to the same data Need to carry out a user requirements exercise to find out what our users are trying to do and so what they need from us.<cizciz Liaison with appropriate bodies;GHRSST-PP WCRP WGNE/WGSF SURFA project on common SST issues Meeting of the SST/SI WGrCurrently discussing dates for meeting of the whole WG to discuss progress and points of common interest Fall AGU?&i i 0  0 @0(  x  c $ * `    x  c $@, `  H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.   0 sk`(  x  c $ج~ `   ~ x  c $~ ` ~   <T~p1v  _/Plus input data, including ICOADS and HadSST200H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.N<  0 0<(  ~  s *PQ `    ~  s * `  H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.0m0  0  0(   x  c $4 `    x  c $5 `  H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.r(^tw R|z]~( / 0DArialngs0TTvܖx: 0ܖDTahomags0TTvܖx: 0ܖ DWingdings0TT  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Root EntrydO) ʈPicturesCurrent User ASummaryInformation(UPowerPoint Document(l@ DocumentSummaryInformation80 @n?" dd@  @@`` `X32     ////01/X$R$ u0 |`  0AA@83ʚ;ʚ;g4YdYdTyx: 0ppp@ <4dddd  0Tv 80___PPT10 ppGCOS SST WG plans!Nick Rayner OOPC-12, 2nd May 2007$"   Executive CommitteeTom Smith, NOAA (Co-chair) Nick Rayner, Met Office (Co-chair) Ken Casey, NOAA Alexey Kaplan, LDEO Liz Kent, NOCS Dick Reynolds, NOAA Ed Harrison, PMEL Craig Donlon, Met Office > (IOutline Terms of ReferencefTo record and evaluate the differences among historical and near real time SST and SST/SI analyses To identify the sources of differences in the analyses On the basis of comparison of those differences with the expected climate signals in the SST patterns, to recommend actions needed to ensure the quality and consistency of the SST and SST/SI analyses To establish criteria to be satisfied by SST and SST/SI analyses to ensure the quality and consistency required by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Liaise with all appropriate bodies To report annually to AOPC and OOPC on progress and recommendationsgPg Outline planAgreed set of diagnostics Initial set of analyses and input data Data formats and inter-comparison tools Host website Communication plan Turning the differences and similarities we discover into useful information for usersAgreed set of diagnosticsoInitial phase: Time series of global and hemispheric anomalies Time-latitude sections of anomalies Fields of standard deviation, linear trend and lag1 correlation Follow on phase: Maps of RMS differences between fields Time averaged difference maps Time series for selected regions and a small selection of GHRSST diagnostic data set sites Spatial autocorrelations.\PPPPInitial set of analysesVKaplan et al HadISST1 NOCS SST analysis ERSST AVHRR Pathfinder OIv2 Daily OI SST OSTIAWW'Data formats and inter-comparison tools(((NetCDF-3 allows use of pre-existing data comparison tools, such as Ferret Compatible with GHRSST-PP fields Matlab and ASCII formats will also be maintainedk+   Host website`GHRSST-PP Reanalysis Long Term Stewardship and Reanalysis Facility: http://ghrsst.nodc.noaa.gov/K Communication planwDraft and agree a document based on this presentation and feedback received [June 2007] Create an email contact list of other international SST analysis colleagues Send them the document with invitation to participate [end of August 2007] Once we have initial results, widen the net by presenting them at an appropriate meeting Explore possibility of a short paper or report.xZx %Creating useful information for users&&(ESpread of different analyses gives initial indication of structural uncertainty Later propose to Explore differences in input data and QC techniques Apply different analysis techniques to the same data Need to carry out a user requirements exercise to find out what our users are trying to do and so what they need from us.<cizciz Liaison with appropriate bodies;GHRSST-PP WCRP WGNE/WGSF SURFA project on common SST issues Meeting of the SST/SI WGrCurrently discussing dates for meeting of the whole WG to discuss progress and points of common interest Fall AGU?&i i 0  0 0 0(   x  c $1 `    x  c $2 `  H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.9~x0  0 $0(  $x $ c $82 `    x $ c $V `  H $ 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10. drBTY [jB]( / 0DArialngs0TTvܖx: 0ܖDTahomags0TTvܖx: 0ܖ DWingdings0TTvܖx: 0ܖ A .  @n?" dd@  @@`` h ՜.+,0     On-screen Show Met Office@ H  ArialTahoma WingdingsOceanGCOS SST WG plansExecutive CommitteeOutline Terms of Reference Outline planAgreed set of diagnosticsInitial set of analyses Host website(Data formats and inter-comparison toolsCommunication plan&Creating useful information for users Liaison with appropriate bodiesMeeting of the SST/SI WG  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titles #_  0nick.raynernick.raynervܖx: 0ܖ A .  @n?" dd@  @@`` h`42     ////013/X$R$ u0 |`  0AA@83ʚ;ʚ;g4YdYdTyx: 0ppp@ <4dddd  0Tv 80___PPT10 ppGCOS SST WG plans!Nick Rayner OOPC-12, 2nd May 2007$"   Executive CommitteeTom Smith, NOAA (Co-chair) Nick Rayner, Met Office (Co-chair) Ken Casey, NOAA Alexey Kaplan, LDEO Liz Kent, NOCS Dick Reynolds, NOAA Ed Harrison, PMEL Craig Donlon, Met Office > (IOutline Terms of ReferencefTo record and evaluate the differences among historical and near real time SST and SST/SI analyses To identify the sources of differences in the analyses On the basis of comparison of those differences with the expected climate signals in the SST patterns, to recommend actions needed to ensure the quality and consistency of the SST and SST/SI analyses To establish criteria to be satisfied by SST and SST/SI analyses to ensure the quality and consistency required by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Liaise with all appropriate bodies To report annually to AOPC and OOPC on progress and recommendationsgPg Outline planAgreed set of diagnostics Initial set of analyses and input data Host website Data formats and inter-comparison tools Communication plan Turning the differences and similarities we discover into useful information for usersAgreed set of diagnosticsoInitial phase: Time series of global and hemispheric anomalies Time-latitude sections of anomalies Fields of standard deviation, linear trend and lag1 correlation Follow on phase: Maps of RMS differences between fields Time averaged difference maps Time series for selected regions and a small selection of GHRSST diagnostic data set sites Spatial autocorrelations.\PPPPInitial set of analysesVKaplan et al HadISST1 NOCS SST analysis ERSST AVHRR Pathfinder OIv2 Daily OI SST OSTIAWW   Host website`GHRSST-PP Reanalysis Long Term Stewardship and Reanalysis Facility: http://ghrsst.nodc.noaa.gov/K 'Data formats and inter-comparison tools(((NetCDF-3 allows use of pre-existing data comparison tools, such as Ferret Compatible with GHRSST-PP fields Matlab and ASCII formats will also be maintainedk+ Communication planlDraft and agree a document based on this presentation and feedback [June 2007] Create an email contact list of other international SST analysis colleagues Send document with invitation to participate [end of August 2007] Once we have initial results, widen the net and publicise to other users at appropriate meeting Explore possibility of a short paper or report.mZm %Creating useful information for users&&(ESpread of different analyses gives initial indication of structural uncertainty Later propose to Explore differences in input data and QC techniques Apply different analysis techniques to the same data Need to carry out a user requirements exercise to find out what our users are trying to do and so what they need from us.<cizciz Liaison with appropriate bodies;GHRSST-PP WCRP WGNE/WGSF SURFA project on common SST issues Meeting of the SST/SI WGrCurrently discussing dates for meeting of the whole WG to discuss progress and points of common interest Fall AGU?&i i r~~( / 0DArialngs0TTvܖx: 0ܖDTahomags0TTvܖx: 0ܖ DWingdings0TTvܖx: 0ܖ A .  @n?" dd@  @@`` h`42     ////013/X$R$ u0 |`  0AA@83ʚ;ʚ;g4YdYdTyx: 0ppp@ <4dddd  0Tv 80___PPT10 ppGCOS SST WG plans!Nick Rayner OOPC-12, 2nd May 2007$"   Executive CommitteeTom Smith, NOAA (Co-chair) Nick Rayner, Met Office (Co-chair) Ken Casey, NOAA Alexey Kaplan, LDEO Liz Kent, NOCS Dick Reynolds, NOAA Ed Harrison, PMEL Craig Donlon, Met Office > (IOutline Terms of ReferencefTo record and evaluate the differences among historical and near real time SST and SST/SI analyses To identify the sources of differences in the analyses On the basis of comparison of those differences with the expected climate signals in the SST patterns, to recommend actions needed to ensure the quality and consistency of the SST and SST/SI analyses To establish criteria to be satisfied by SST and SST/SI analyses to ensure the quality and consistency required by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Liaise with all appropriate bodies To report annually to AOPC and OOPC on progress and recommendationsgPg Outline planAgreed set of diagnostics Initial set of analyses and input data Host website Data formats and inter-comparison tools Communication plan Turning the differences and similarities we discover into useful information for usersAgreed set of diagnosticsoInitial phase: Time series of global and hemispheric anomalies Time-latitude sections of anomalies Fields of standard deviation, linear trend and lag1 correlation Follow on phase: Maps of RMS differences between fields Time averaged difference maps Time series for selected regions and a small selection of GHRSST diagnostic data set sites Spatial autocorrelations.\PPPPInitial set of analysesVKaplan et al HadISST1 NOCS SST analysis ERSST AVHRR Pathfinder OIv2 Daily OI SST OSTIAWW   Host website`GHRSST-PP Reanalysis Long Term Stewardship and Reanalysis Facility: http://ghrsst.nodc.noaa.gov/K 'Data formats and inter-comparison tools(((NetCDF-3 allows use of pre-existing data comparison tools, such as Ferret Compatible with GHRSST-PP fields Matlab and ASCII formats will also be maintainedk+ Communication planlDraft and agree a document based on this presentation and feedback [June 2007] Create an email contact list of other international SST analysis colleagues Send document with invitation to participate [end of August 2007] Once we have initial results, widen the net and publicise to other users at appropriate meeting Explore possibility of a short paper or report.mZm %Creating useful information for users&&(ESpread of different analyses gives initial indication of structural uncertainty Later propose to Explore differences in input data and QC techniques Apply different analysis techniques to the same data Need to carry out a user requirements exercise to find out what our users are trying to do and so what they need from us.<cizciz Liaison with appropriate bodies;GHRSST-PP WCRP WGNE/WGSF SURFA project on common SST issues Meeting of the SST/SI WGrCurrently discussing dates for meeting of the whole WG to discuss progress and points of common interest Fall AGU?&i i rՕ( / 0DArialngs0TTvܖx: 0ܖDTahomags0TTvܖx: 0ܖ DWingdings0TTvܖx: 0ܖ A .  @n?" dd@  @@`` h`42     ////013/X$R$ u0 |`  0AA@83ʚ;ʚ;g4YdYdTyx: 0ppp@ <4dddd  0Tv 80___PPT10 ppGCOS SST WG plans!Nick Rayner OOPC-12, 2nd May 2007$"   Executive CommitteeTom Smith, NOAA (Co-chair) Nick Rayner, Met Office (Co-chair) Ken Casey, NOAA Alexey Kaplan, LDEO Liz Kent, NOCS Dick Reynolds, NOAA Ed Harrison, PMEL Craig Donlon, Met Office > (IOutline Terms of ReferencefTo record and evaluate the differences among historical and near real time SST and SST/SI analyses To identify the sources of differences in the analyses On the basis of comparison of those differences with the expected climate signals in the SST patterns, to recommend actions needed to ensure the quality and consistency of the SST and SST/SI analyses To establish criteria to be satisfied by SST and SST/SI analyses to ensure the quality and consistency required by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Liaise with all appropriate bodies To report annually to AOPC and OOPC on progress and recommendationsgPg Outline planAgreed set of diagnostics Initial set of analyses and input data Host website Data formats and inter-comparison tools Communication plan Turning the differences and similarities we discover into useful information for usersAgreed set of diagnosticsoInitial phase: Time series of global and hemispheric anomalies Time-latitude sections of anomalies Fields of standard deviation, linear trend and lag1 correlation Follow on phase: Maps of RMS differences between fields Time averaged difference maps Time series for selected regions and a small selection of GHRSST diagnostic data set sites Spatial autocorrelations.\PPPPInitial set of analysesVKaplan et al HadISST1 NOCS SST analysis ERSST AVHRR Pathfinder OIv2 Daily OI SST OSTIAWW   Host website`GHRSST-PP Reanalysis Long Term Stewardship and Reanalysis Facility: http://ghrsst.nodc.noaa.gov/K 'Data formats and inter-comparison tools(((NetCDF-3 allows use of pre-existing data comparison tools, such as Ferret Compatible with GHRSST-PP fields Matlab and ASCII formats will also be maintainedk+ Communication planlDraft and agree a document based on this presentation and feedback [June 2007] Create an email contact list of other international SST analysis colleagues Send document with invitation to participate [end of August 2007] Once we have initial results, widen the net and publicise to other users at appropriate meeting Explore possibility of a short paper or report.mZm %Creating useful information for users&&(ESpread of different analyses gives initial indication of structural uncertainty Later propose to Explore differences in input data and QC techniques Apply different analysis techniques to the same data Need to carry out a user requirements exercise to find out what our users are trying to do and so what they need from us.<cizciz Liaison with appropriate bodies;GHRSST-PP WCRP WGNE/WGSF SURFA project on common SST issues Meeting of the SST/SI WGrCurrently discussing dates for meeting of the whole WG to discuss progress and points of common interest Fall AGU?&i i r̬(       !"#$%/ 0DArialngs0TTvܖx: 0ܖDTahomags0TTvܖx: 0ܖ DWingdings0TTvܖx: 0ܖ A .  @n?" dd@  @@`` h`42     ////013/X$R$ u0 |`  0AA@83ʚ;ʚ;g4YdYdTyx: 0ppp@ <4dddd  0Tv 80___PPT10 ppGCOS SST WG plans!Nick Rayner OOPC-12, 2nd May 2007$"   Executive CommitteeTom Smith, NOAA (Co-chair) Nick Rayner, Met Office (Co-chair) Ken Casey, NOAA Alexey Kaplan, LDEO Liz Kent, NOCS Dick Reynolds, NOAA Ed Harrison, PMEL Craig Donlon, Met Office > (IOutline Terms of ReferencefTo record and evaluate the differences among historical and near real time SST and SST/SI analyses To identify the sources of differences in the analyses On the basis of comparison of those differences with the expected climate signals in the SST patterns, to recommend actions needed to ensure the quality and consistency of the SST and SST/SI analyses To establish criteria to be satisfied by SST and SST/SI analyses to ensure the quality and consistency required by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Liaise with all appropriate bodies To report annually to AOPC and OOPC on progress and recommendationsgPg Outline planAgreed set of diagnostics Initial set of analyses and input data Host website Data formats and inter-comparison tools Communication plan Turning the differences and similarities we discover into useful information for usersAgreed set of diagnosticsoInitial phase: Time series of global and hemispheric anomalies Time-latitude sections of anomalies Fields of standard deviation, linear trend and lag1 correlation Follow on phase: Maps of RMS differences between fields Time averaged difference maps Time series for selected regions and a small selection of GHRSST diagnostic data set sites Spatial autocorrelations.\PPPPInitial set of analysesVKaplan et al HadISST1 NOCS SST analysis ERSST AVHRR Pathfinder OIv2 Daily OI SST OSTIAWW   Host website`GHRSST-PP Reanalysis Long Term Stewardship and Reanalysis Facility: http://ghrsst.nodc.noaa.gov/K 'Data formats and inter-comparison tools(((NetCDF-3 allows use of pre-existing data comparison tools, such as Ferret Compatible with GHRSST-PP fields Matlab and ASCII formats will also be maintainedk+ Communication planlDraft and agree a document based on this presentation and feedback [June 2007] Create an email contact list of other international SST analysis colleagues Send document with invitation to participate [end of August 2007] Once we have initial results, widen the net and publicise to other users at appropriate meeting Explore possibility of a short paper or report.mZm %Creating useful information for users&&(ESpread of different analyses gives initial indication of structural uncertainty Later propose to Explore differences in input data and QC techniques Apply different analysis techniques to the same data Need to carry out a user requirements exercise to find out what our users are trying to do and so what they need from us.<cizciz Liaison with appropriate bodies;GHRSST-PP WCRP WGNE/WGSF SURFA project on common SST issues Meeting of the SST/SI WGrCurrently discussing dates for meeting of the whole WG to discuss progress and points of common interest Fall AGU?&i i r( / 0DArialngs0TTvܖx: 0ܖ"DTahomags0TTvܖx: 0ܖ" DWingdings0TTvܖx: 0ܖ A .  @n?" dd@  @@`` h`42     ////013/X$R$ u0 |`  0AA@83ʚ;ʚ;g4YdYdTyx: 0ppp@ <4dddd  0Tv 80___PPT10 pp?  %GCOS SST WG plans!Nick Rayner OOPC-12, 2nd May 2007$"   Executive CommitteeTom Smith, NOAA (Co-chair) Nick Rayner, Met Office (Co-chair) Ken Casey, NOAA Alexey Kaplan, LDEO Liz Kent, NOCS Dick Reynolds, NOAA Ed Harrison, PMEL Craig Donlon, Met Office > (IOutline Terms of ReferencefTo record and evaluate the differences among historical and near real time SST and SST/SI analyses To identify the sources of differences in the analyses On the basis of comparison of those differences with the expected climate signals in the SST patterns, to recommend actions needed to ensure the quality and consistency of the SST and SST/SI analyses To establish criteria to be satisfied by SST and SST/SI analyses to ensure the quality and consistency required by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Liaise with all appropriate bodies To report annually to AOPC and OOPC on progress and recommendationsgPg Outline planAgreed set of diagnostics Initial set of analyses and input data Host website Data formats and inter-comparison tools Communication plan Turning the differences and similarities we discover into useful information for usersAgreed set of diagnosticsoInitial phase: Time series of global and hemispheric anomalies Time-latitude sections of anomalies Fields of standard deviation, linear trend and lag1 correlation Follow on phase: Maps of RMS differences between fields Time averaged difference maps Time series for selected regions and a small selection of GHRSST diagnostic data set sites Spatial autocorrelations.\PPPPInitial set of analysesVKaplan et al HadISST1 NOCS SST analysis ERSST AVHRR Pathfinder OIv2 Daily OI SST OSTIAWW   Host website`GHRSST-PP Reanalysis Long Term Stewardship and Reanalysis Facility: http://ghrsst.nodc.noaa.gov/K 'Data formats and inter-comparison tools(((NetCDF-3 allows use of pre-existing data comparison tools, such as Ferret Compatible with GHRSST-PP fields Matlab and ASCII formats will also be maintainedk+ Communication planlDraft and agree a document based on this presentation and feedback [June 2007] Create an email contact list of other international SST analysis colleagues Send document with invitation to participate [end of August 2007] Once we have initial results, widen the net and publicise to other users at appropriate meeting Explore possibility of a short paper or report.mZm %Creating useful information for users&&(ESpread of different analyses gives initial indication of structural uncertainty Later propose to Explore differences in input data and QC techniques Apply different analysis techniques to the same data Need to carry out a user requirements exercise to find out what our users are trying to do and so what they need from us.<cizciz Liaison with appropriate bodies;GHRSST-PP WCRP WGNE/WGSF SURFA project on common SST issues Meeting of the SST/SI WGrCurrently discussing dates for meeting of the whole WG to discuss progress and points of common interest Fall AGU?&i i `  0 wo`(  x  c $ج~ `   ~ x  c $~ ` ~   <T~pq  c/Plus input data, including ICOADS and HadSST200CH  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.N+D=' 1= @B +r(u / 0DArialngs0TTvܖx: 0ܖ"DTahomags0TTvܖx: 0ܖ" DWingdings0TTvܖx: 0ܖ A .  @n?" dd@  @@`` h`42     ////013/X$R$ u0 |`  0AA@83ʚ;ʚ;g4YdYdTyx: 0ppp@ <4dddd  0Tv 80___PPT10 pp?  %GCOS SST WG plans!Nick Rayner OOPC-12, 2nd May 2007$"   Executive CommitteeTom Smith, NOAA (Co-chair) Nick Rayner, Met Office (Co-chair) Ken Casey, NOAA Alexey Kaplan, LDEO Liz Kent, NOCS Dick Reynolds, NOAA Ed Harrison, PMEL Craig Donlon, Met Office > (IOutline Terms of ReferencefTo record and evaluate the differences among historical and near real time SST and SST/SI analyses To identify the sources of differences in the analyses On the basis of comparison of those differences with the expected climate signals in the SST patterns, to recommend actions needed to ensure the quality and consistency of the SST and SST/SI analyses To establish criteria to be satisfied by SST and SST/SI analyses to ensure the quality and consistency required by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Liaise with all appropriate bodies To report annually to AOPC and OOPC on progress and recommendationsgPg Outline planAgreed set of diagnostics Initial set of analyses and input data Host website Data formats and inter-comparison tools Communication plan Turning the differences and similarities we discover into useful information for usersAgreed set of diagnosticsoInitial phase: Time series of global and hemispheric anomalies Time-latitude sections of anomalies Fields of standard deviation, linear trend and lag1 correlation Follow on phase: Maps of RMS differences between fields Time averaged difference maps Time series for selected regions and a small selection of GHRSST diagnostic data set sites Spatial autocorrelations.\PPPPInitial set of analysesVKaplan et al HadISST1 NOCS SST analysis ERSST AVHRR Pathfinder OIv2 Daily OI SST OSTIAWW   Host website`GHRSST-PP Reanalysis Long Term Stewardship and Reanalysis Facility: http://ghrsst.nodc.noaa.gov/K 'Data formats and inter-comparison tools(((NetCDF-3 allows use of pre-existing data comparison tools, such as Ferret Compatible with GHRSST-PP fields Matlab and ASCII formats will also be maintainedk+ Communication planlDraft and agree a document based on this presentation and feedback [June 2007] Create an email contact list of other international SST analysis colleagues Send document with invitation to participate [end of August 2007] Once we have initial results, widen the net and publicise to other users at appropriate meeting Explore possibility of a short paper or report.mZm %Creating useful information for users&&(ESpread of different analyses gives initial indication of structural uncertainty Later propose to Explore differences in input data and QC techniques Apply different analysis techniques to the same data Need to carry out a user requirements exercise to find out what our users are trying to do and so what they need from us.<cizciz Liaison with appropriate bodies;GHRSST-PP WCRP WGNE/WGSF SURFA project on common SST issues Meeting of the SST/SI WGrCurrently discussing dates for meeting of the whole WG to discuss progress and points of common interest Fall AGU?&i i r5 Root EntrydO) >PicturesCurrent User 5SummaryInformation(U      !"#$%* set of analyses Host website(Data formats and inter-comparison toolsCommunication plan&Creating useful information for users Liaison with appropriate bodiesMeeting of the SST/SI WG  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titles _ DIT/TELDIT/TELrayner