ࡱ> @ bjbjFF 7f,,>UZZZ( 8Llje,$%Rwz6$;4b @[IjtM<KjPlZ'[~DGd'~ELECTRONIC FORMAT OF CANADAS NATIONAL REPORT. Due: 1 May 2007 to Albert Fischer GOOS Project Office, IOC/UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, 75732 Paris cedex 15, France Tl: +33 1 45 68 40 40 Fax: +33 1 45 68 58 13 E-mail: a.fischer@unesco.org The ocean observing system 2007: National contributions and intended future commitments by Canada CountryCanadaPrincipal National Contact for GOOS Name, position, address, telephone, fax, e-mailDr. Savi Narayanan Dominion Hydrographer & DG OS-CHS, Science Sector Hydrographe fdral & DG SO - SHC, Secteur des sciences Department of Fisheries & Oceans - Ministre des Pches et des Ocans 615 Booth Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E6 Tel: (613)995-4413; Fax: (613) 947 -XXXX HYPERLINK "mailto: narayanans@dfo-mpo.gc.ca"  narayanans@dfo-mpo.gc.ca This report has been compiled by: Martin L. Taillefer, CD, M.Sc. Senior Science Advisor Operational Oceanography & Ocean Sciences Ocean Sciences-Canadian Hydrographic Service 615 Booth Street, Room 339 Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E6 Phone: 613.991.6988 Fax 613.990.6131 E-mail address:  HYPERLINK "mailto:tailleferm@dfo-mpo.gc.ca" tailleferm@dfo-mpo.gc.ca OBSERVATIONS Open-ocean/global observing networks In situ observations defined in the GCOS IP This report shows a complete compilation for 2005 and 2006. Due to a consolidation of data in Canada, the numbers shown here do show discrepancies from the JCOMM compilations. Future commitments to these networks are shown in the 2007 and 2008+ columns.  In situ observing elementnational contributioninternational total200520062007 plans2008+ plansOct 2006goalDBCPSurface drifting buoys (1)68101011561250with barometer (2)16161616317600Sea ice buoys (IABP, IPAB)26121424Global tropical moored buoy network77119Coastal moorings (3) (4) 81899387109Ocean SITESGlobal reference mooring network 629Total time series sites including above343434342858GLOSSstations committed to GLOSS6666206290GLOSS real-time reporting stations 81170GLOSS geolocated stations333369170SOTHigh-density XBT lines occupied (5)2264Frequently-repeated XBT lines occupied1725VOS AWS ships14141275140VOSClim ships 14143856113200ASAP ships27ASAP sondes deployed5319IOCCPCarbon survey (hydrographic lines completed since 2001) (6)44441631Underway measurements (VOS lines)333329Argoprofiling floats (7)76879110025103000 Explanatory Notes: (1) Inland drifting buoys (seasonal): 18 buoys for 2005 and 2006, with plans for 18 per year for 2007 & 2008. (2) Barometer Upgrades (US deployed): 10 buoys for 2005 and 20 buoys/year for 2006 to 2008. (3) Moorings on continental shelves and slopes for research. In most cases, data is not returned in real time. Data from these moorings is available from the regional data centres and the Marine Environmental Data Services (MEDS). (4) The numbers shown here are a summation of moorings reported by both DFO and Environment Canada (EC). EC monitors 28 coastal moorings. These are added to the moorings shown below. Arctic Moorings (from the Pacific). The following are the number of Arctic moorings that are maintaining through funded research and various collaborations: Coastal(& open-ocean) mooringsin Arctic waters: IOS+(JAMSTEC, WHOI, UAF) 2005: 35+13 = 48 2006: 25+13 = 38 2007: 33+12 = 45 2008: 33+12 = 45 Total time series sites including above: 34 of these sites have been operated for 5 years or more. 8 of these sites will have operated for 10 years or more by 2008 Pacific Moorings: GOOS MooringSummaryCoastal &Offshore MooringsYearCoastal Short Term app. 1 yearCoastal Time Series >1 & <5 YearsCoastal Time Series >5 Years Offshore Short Term app. 1 yearOffshore Time Series >1 & <5 YearsOffshore Time Series >5 YearsTotal20066102162272007464115 Atlantic Moorings 7 fixed stations (in theory sampled every 2 weeks) Canada will be deploying or re-deploying moorings for extended periods (1 year in most cases): 18 sites in 2007. 9 on the continental slope; 3 on the shelf; 5 in Barrow Strait, and 1-2 in Lunenburg Bay. Plans are unclear for 2008 but it estimated that at least 18 sites will be re-deployed. (5) XCTDs have been deployed to investigate the spatial and temporal variability of freshwater distribution in the southern Canada Basin. No data is available. (6) Annual carbon survey on the "Extended Halifax Line" which comprises the AZMP shelf portion and 4 additional stations in deeper water. Canada observes total carbonate, alkalinity and DOC on its annual occupations of AR7W and an extended (into deep-water) Halifax line, as well as a variety of variables related to primary and secondary productivity. In addition, Canada makes observations to Line P (Station P program) in the NE Pacific 3x per year. Total carbonate andalkalinity havealso been measured at four stations in the Canada Basin yearly since 2002. (7) Canada has deployed the bulk of its floats in the western North Atlantic and the eastern North Pacific Other open-ocean/global sustained observing networks Please list other open-ocean/global sustained observing networks, including observations for tsunami warning, research observations, and including other networks previously noted and approved as contributions to global GOOS by the GSSC. Include URLs for real-time data streams if appropriate, and note future plans. Canada has no formal memberships in GOOS Regional Alliances although it coordinates its ocean observing systems through bilateral arrangements, and regional international and intergovernmental bodies such as Arctic Ocean Science Board (AOSB), International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), North Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) and North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES).  Research and development supporting open-ocean observations Please describe national activities aimed at improving the techniques and methods used in the open-ocean observing networks. Canada continues to conduct arctic observations under the International Polar Year (IPY): moorings, survey lines and sea-levels are periodically measured. Current meter and ice thickness arrays have been deployed to estimate mass, heat and freshwater fluxes from the Arctic Ocean to the Atlantic through the major passages in the Archipelago and Davis Strait. Hydrographic / biological stations are occupied throughout the Archipelago and the Beaufort Sea during the navigation season in support of the mooring operations. A large-scale hydrographic and mooring program is conducted in the southern Canada Basin to investigate changes in freshwater and water masses and their relationship to variability of the Beaufort Gyre and other large-scale atmospheric influences. Canada is a partner in the Gulf of Maine Ocean Observing System (GMOOS), a regional pilot project. This bilateral program uses CODAR, real time data from moored buoys, satellite data and models to provide real time ocean information to a variety of users and is aimed at providing an observation and product delivery program that supports ecosystem-based resource management. The University of Victoria has installed one node of their cabled observatory VENUS 2006 and will install a second node in 2007, This is coastal system (http://www.venus.uvic.ca/) . The NEPTUNE system (continental shelf/shelf break and open ocean) will begin installation in 2008. (http://www.neptunecanada.ca/) DFO (IOS) is developing low power acoustic profiling systemssuitable for incorporation intoboth autonomous (Argo-type) and tethered (e.g. CTD-rosette, nets)profilers, with the goal of providingdeep profiles on the abundance of zooplankton and micronekton. Funding for this development has come from a collaboration with the North Pacific Research Board. Satellite observations Requirements for satellite observations for the global and coastal modules of GOOS are provided in the GCOS IP and the Implementation Strategy for the coastal module of GOOS. CEOS maintains a  HYPERLINK "http://www.eohandbook.com/eohb05/ceos/part3_2.html" compilation by variable of current and planned satellite missions. Please note any change or omissions in national plans from the CEOS compilation: There are no changes or omissions to the Canadian national plan as detailed at the CEOS URL CEOS has also prepared a  HYPERLINK "http://www.ceos.org/CEOS Response to the GCOS IP.pdf" plan of actions  responding to the UNFCCC (section 3.2 covers ocean satellites) based on GCOS IP requirements. Please describe national contributions and commitments to the actions in this plan: The following are remote sensing efforts that Canada is currently engaged in (using the categories defined in CEOS action plan). Note: The Canada will be launching RADARSAT-2 in summer 2007. i. Sea-Ice: Sustain appropriate microwave and visible imagery measurements and ensure consolidation of sea-ice products Canada is user and developer of RADARSAT1 & 2 satellites. SAR imagery is used for sea ice cover, edge and thickness analysis Validation of ice signatures (Hazards) from RADARSAT1 and ENVISAT-SAR ii. Sea-Level: Ensure continuity of high-accuracy altimetry measurements Canada is a user of ocean topography/currents (high-resolution altimetry) sensors Canada uses altimetry sea level in climate studies iii. Sea-Surface Temperature: Ensure continuity of Sea-Surface Temperature measurements Canada is a user of sea surface temperature (incl. microwave) sensors Development and implementation of an operational coupled ocean-ice model for the north Atlantic ocean that assimilates satellite data including sea surface temperature and altimetric sea level height. The model will be refined using RADARSAT ice imagery. Weekly composite images of SST (NOAA-AVHRR 16 & 17) fields for the NW Atlantic (39N 62.5N, 71W 42W). iv. Ocean Colour: Canada is a user of ocean color/biology analysis Weekly composite images of chlorophyll (SeaWiFS and MODIS) fields for the NW Atlantic. Processing of multi-spectral satellite data over the Northwest Atlantic to produce semi-monthly maps of chlorophyll-a, sea surface temperature and primary productivity using imagery from all available passes of Sea-WIFS, MODIS and NOAA AVHRR satellites. Development and verification of systems mapping and predicting for the timing and strength of phytoplankton blooms. v. Sea State (altimetry and SAR) RADARSAT 1 & 2 Ocean topography/currents (high-resolution altimetry) analysis Use of altimetry sea level in climate studies vi. Ocean Salinity Canada is assessing the efficacy of assimilating SMOS and Aquarius sea surface salinity into basin scale models including model simulations using real data. vii. Ocean Re-analysis Conducting verification of the north Atlantic ocean-ice model against RADARSAT ice imagery, other space-based data, and other ocean data. Surface vector winds analysis: Surface winds calculated for selected extra-tropical hurricanes in NW Atlantic from RADARSAT SAR. Determination of the value and limitations of using space-based data in coastal operational systems including model simulations using or validated against real satellite data.  It is important to identify the major impediments to progress (e.g. fiscal restraints, government awareness, etc.) for the ocean observing system. Please provide information on national impediments to progress in the sustained global ocean observing networks. Apart from Radarsat, Canada relies on satellites planned and launched by other countries for oceanographic data needs. At present the ocean colour community has a growing problem with data continuity as SeaWiFS, MODIS and MERIS all age beyond their planned lifetimes, while replacements are far away. The Pacific region also maintains an active program on application of the MERIS water colour imager. Given the problems encountered with theMODISinstruments and the commercial nature of SeaWiFS, Canada has a growing reliance on MERIS. Canada is currently engaged in researching and developing a national mandate and strategic plan for ocean observing remote sensing. An extensive process has been initiated to identify users, satellite systems/sensors and application that are being used. Due to the extent of Canadas geography and the specific ocean-regional issues (Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic), a consolidation of remote sensing effort is difficult to achieve. COASTAL OBSERVATIONS Please list routine observational programmes that measure variables considered important to meeting regional or national priorities for data and information, including but not exclusive to the common variables of the proposed global coastal network under the coastal module of GOOS. If possible, include information on future plans and a simple description of how data is made available (GTS, data center, web, etc.). It is useful to note programmes taking place through a GRA, and those taken at the national level. Specify the responsible institution(s). Atlantic: There are four oceanographic observation programs in the Atlantic region that are relevant to Coastal GOOS: The Atlantic Zone Monitoring program (AZMP), The Labrador Sea Monitoring program, the Bedford Basin Monitoring program and the St Andrews Phytoplankton - Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) Monitoring program. Each has a specific set of goals and each produces a specific suite of products but collectively, they have been designed to address a number of the societal issues outlined in the C-GOOS documents, i.e. 1. Detection and prediction of the effects of global climate change on coastal ecosystems 2. Reduced public health risks 3. Protected and restored healthy ecosystems 4. Restored and sustained living marine resources AZMP consists of: A set of seven (7) fixed time series stations sampled bi-weekly (or better), 13 seasonal cross-shelf sections sampled 1-2 times annually, and fisheries resource surveys (2,000 stations sampled annually) covering the NW Atlantic continental shelf from 42-56N Lat, collecting meteorological (air temp, sea ice), sea-level, hydrographic (T, S), nutrient (N, P, Si) and biological (phytoplankton, zooplankton) data; Inshore Temperature Monitoring Program. A network of shallow coastal stations collecting temperature. Data are made available through web site and MEDS database. Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR): Two lines supported, Line Z (Iceland to Newfoundland) and Line E, Newfoundland to Maine. Phytoplankton and zooplankton species and greenness data are collected. Annual ecosystem trawl survey to observe numbers and distributions of various fish species in relation to bathymetry, temperature, salinity and lower trophic levels. These surveys are integrated with US surveys extending southwestward to Cape Hatteras; Annual fall survey of temperature, salinity, nutrients and plankton across the entire zone. Pacific: At present, there are a number of ad hoc west coast monitoring activities of relevance to COOS, but funding is uncertain and the program does not have official status. These sustained observations are presently maintained by combinations of short term funding. Therefore even the top priority contributions (Station Papa Line Papa) are in jeopardy. Line-P Time-Series Program: Salinity, Dissolved Oxygen, Nutrients (Nitrate, Phosphate, Silicate), Chlorophyll, DIC, Alkalinity, C13, DMS, Transmissivity. Underway surface observations: Temperature, Conductivity (Salinity), Fluorescence. At mooring at Ocean Station Papa: Sediments (temporarily discontinued). Data made available: Web, (http://www-sci.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/osap/data/linep/linepselectdata_e.htm) Arctic: An Arctic Ocean observation program, similar to the Atlantic is currently being established under the auspices of IPY. Canada has continued to support the International Arctic Buoy project which, along with the satellite and aircraft sea ice observations are important sustained ocean observations. Canada is also re-establishing key Arctic sea level gauges, and several ice thickness moorings. One major COOS Arctic component will be Line-A in the Beaufort Sea. Line A is a series of stations along a section that extends from theBeaufort Shelf to theCanada Basin interior and traverses shelf, slope and basin waters and includes the boundary current region. This line was first sampled from 1980 to 1986 when CTD and limited geochemical data were collected. In addition, sustained observations in the Archipelago are equally relevant to both Canadian and International interests. Observations will be made in 2007 and 2008as part of the IPY Canada's Three Oceans program (IOS). The restoration of ice thickness measurements of land fast ice throughout the Arctic is also an important sustained observation. Additional Regional Information  HYPERLINK "http://www.mar.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/science/ocean/coastal_temperature/coastal_temperature.html" http://www.mar.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/science/ocean/coastal_temperature/coastal_temperature.html AZMP: HYPERLINK "http://www.meds-sdmm.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/zmp/main_zmp_e.html"http://www.meds-sdmm.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/zmp/main_zmp_e.html HABs: HYPERLINK "http://www.mar.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/sabs/environmental2002.htm"http://www.mar.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/sabs/environmental2002.htm Please describe any regional or national observations of harmful algae occurrences, harmful algal events, or algal blooms, including specifics and future plans if appropriate. Specify the responsible institution(s). Canada has a limited harmful algae bloom observation program. In Canada, the Phycotoxins Working Group (PWG) is composed of Scientists from the DFO regions and CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency). Together they are responsible for the regional and national observations on harmful algae occurrences, events and blooms. Funding and personnel involved is limited. In Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador Regions the observations and monitoring is included in the AZMP program (described above). With the expansion of aquaculture in southern Newfoundland and offshore Nova Scotia and New Brunswick discussions are continuing regarding additional monitoring requirements in support of sustainable aquaculture. Canadian harmful algal events are recorded annually on the IOC HAE-DAT (Harmful Algae Event Database). It is important to identify the major impediments to progress (e.g. fiscal restraints, government awareness, etc.) for the ocean observing system. Please provide information on national impediments to progress in the sustained coastal ocean observing networks. Aging vessels and increasing cost of at-sea monitoring and staff reduction limits the ability for strategic data collection activities. DATA MANAGEMENT For open-ocean/global observations Real-time data streams For the observations reported in Section 1.1, please describe the national contribution to real-time acquisition, quality-control, archival and dissemination for each of the global observing networks, including URLs if appropriate. Specify the institution(s) responsible. Offshore observations Annual surveys of the Labrador Sea provide temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and fluorescence measurements in near-real time to the Marine Environmental Data Service (MEDS). MEDS broadcasts the temperature and salinity data on the Global Telecommunication System (GTS). The North Atlantic component of Canadian Argo provides near-real time profile measurements of temperature, salinity, and (for a subset of floats) dissolved oxygen in eastern Canadian waters. MEDS also manages the provision of Canadian Argo data to the GTS and to Argo data centres. DBCP MEDS operates the global repository for surface drifters. Currently we receive and process nearly 1 million report s a month from more than 1250 buoys. Data are acquired from the GTS and processed monthly with quality control and loaded to archives. We provide data in response to requests.  HYPERLINK "http://www.meds-sdmm.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/meds/Prog_Int/RNODC/RNODC_e.htm" http://www.meds-sdmm.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/meds/Prog_Int/RNODC/RNODC_e.htm OceanSITES N/A GLOSS MEDS provides archives for all of the sea level data collected in Canada. Data is processed from about 95 stations daily, sampling at 1 to 15 minute interval. Data is sent from 5 stations monthly to PSMSL. Once a year an annual and monthly sea levels report is sent.  HYPERLINK "http://www.meds-sdmm.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/meds/Databases/TWL/TWL_e.htm" http://www.meds-sdmm.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/meds/Databases/TWL/TWL_e.htm SOT MEDS operates the global archives for ocean profile data reported in real-time (the GTSPP in support of SOOP). More than 40,000 reports a month are received, with the majority coming from Argo. Moored platforms profiles are observed as well. MEDS contributes to the JCOMM quarterly performance metrics of JCOMM OPA.  HYPERLINK "http://www.meds-sdmm.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/meds/Prog_Int/GTSPP/GTSPP_e.htm" http://www.meds-sdmm.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/meds/Prog_Int/GTSPP/GTSPP_e.htm  HYPERLINK "http://www.meds-sdmm.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/meds/Prog_Int/SOOPIP/SOOPIP_e.htm" http://www.meds-sdmm.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/meds/Prog_Int/SOOPIP/SOOPIP_e.htm IOCCP N/A Argo MEDS operates the processing facilities for Canadian Argo floats. More than 95 floats are managed and process the data from raw messages to profiles and tracks that are sent to the GDACs and GTS. More than 90% of the data are distributed within 24 hours.  HYPERLINK "http://www.meds-sdmm.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/meds/Prog_Int/Argo/ArgoHome_e.html" http://www.meds-sdmm.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/meds/Prog_Int/Argo/ArgoHome_e.html Satellite observations There does not exist a national mandate or plan for Satellite data acquisition and archiving. Satellite data is archived at the collection site of various Federal groups and agencies. Other open-ocean sustained observations reported in Section 1.1 MEDS is a partner in the Global Ocean Surface Underway Data (GOSUD) Project. MEDS acquire data in TRACKOB code form that circulate on the GTS and forward these to the GDAC operating in IFREMER.  HYPERLINK "http://www.meds-sdmm.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/meds/Databases/TrackOB/Trackob_e.htm" http://www.meds-sdmm.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/meds/Databases/TrackOB/Trackob_e.htm Delayed-mode archives Are data from the global observations above collected by a national center being transferred to the ICSU World Data Centers for oceanography (WDC)? If so, please note which one, and with what frequency the data are transferred to the WDC. Yearly updates of surface drifter data are sent to WDC-A Oceanography. All ocean profile (SOOP) data are passed to WDC-A Oceanography through the U.S. NODC. Are any of the global observing networks archiving data elsewhere? If so, where? Not for Canada Please list any data archeology or data reprocessing activities for open-ocean/global reanalysis: A number of data rescue projects have taken place including physical oceanographic data, plankton measurements, marine mammal sightings, stock assessment information from waters around Canada with emphasis on data from Arctic regions. Partnerships What are your national plans to make the data streams and archives reported on in this section compatible with the WMO Information System (WIS)? We expect to do this through the JCOMM/IODE sponsored End-to-End Data Management Project It is important to identify the major impediments to progress (e.g. fiscal restraints, government awareness, etc.) for the ocean observing system. Please provide information on national impediments to progress in sustained open-ocean/basin-scale data management activities. The major impediment is sustained and targeted funding for equipment, regular sampling and data management activities. For coastal observations Real-time data streams For the observations reported in Section 1.2, please describe real-time acquisition, quality-control, archival and dissemination arrangements, including URLs if appropriate. Specify the institution(s) responsible. VENUS  HYPERLINK http://www.venus.uvic.ca http://www.venus.uvic.ca Delayed-mode archives Are data from the coastal observations above and collected by a national center being transferred to the ICSU World Data Centers for oceanography (WDC)? If so, please note which one, and with what frequency the data are transferred to the WDC. As indicated above: Yearly updates of surface drifter data are sent to WDC-A Oceanography. All ocean profile (SOOP) data are passed to WDC-A Oceanography through the U.S. NODC. The process is the same at the national and regional level. Are any of the coastal observing networks archiving data elsewhere? If so, where? Archiving of oceanic data does occur with each respective monitoring group, depending on the needs and requirements of the respective groups scientific goals. However, the national mandate is to forward all oceanographic data to MEDS, as long as the data falls within the scope and mandate of MEDS. Partnerships What are your national plans to make the data streams and archives reported in this section compatible with the WMO Information System (WIS)? Through JCOMM/IODE sponsored E2EDM project It is important to identify the major impediments to progress (e.g. fiscal restraints, government awareness, etc.) for the ocean observing system. Please provide information on national impediments to progress in sustained coastal ocean data management activities. Sustained and targeted funding for equipment, regular sampling and data management activities. Your  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewGroupRecord&groupID=59&Itemid=42" national IODE coordinator has been asked to report in detail on data management and archiving activities by national questionnaire for IODE-XIX in March 2007. Your contributions are extremely important and valuable. Please ensure the requested information is submitted. Canada drafted and submitted the Inter-Sessional Report of the IODE National Coordinator of Canada on 12 Dec 2006. The IODE National Coordinator for Oceanographic Data Management for Canada is as follows: Name: D. Vachon Address: 1202-200 Kent St. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0E6 Tel: 613-990-0265 / Fax: 613-993-4658 E-mail: VachonD@dfo-mpo.gc.ca Products and services Production of ocean environmental information For each contribution below, please specify the responsible institution/person and a URL if available, and summarize: the outputs, the main user communities, and the observational requirements. Open-ocean/global products and services Please list national contributions to global/basin-scale ocean climate analyses or reanalysis (e.g., those coordinated through CLIVAR GSOP, GHRSST-PP) Data management activities carried out by MEDS of GTSPP and Canadian contributions to Argo and CTD data assist in CLIVAR climate analyses. Please list national contributions to global/basin-scale operational ocean forecasting (such as those coordinated through GODAE) MEDS has collaborated on a quality control intercomparison for GODAE. Please list other nationally-produced open-ocean/basin-scale products or services (including analyses, forecasts, or warnings for sea ice, waves, storm surges, tsunami, currents, pollution, search-and-rescue support, etc.). MEDS is contributing real-time data pre-processing and OI products in support of the developing Operational Oceanography Modeling initiative in Canada Please describe national contributions to GMDSS broadcasts if appropriate. NIL Coastal products and services List regional/coastal products and services, including analyses, forecasts, or warnings of sea level, storm surge, and localized tsunami warning, mariner's forecasts (coastal ocean temperature and waves) or harmful algal bloom warnings. Canada does not make a distinction between coastal and national products and services. Samples of Pacific Region Products BC Shore station program: http://www-sci.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/osap/data/SearchTools/Searchlighthouse_e.htm NE Pacific Monthly state and anomalies:  HYPERLINK "http://www-sci.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/osap/projects/sst/default_e.htm" http://www-sci.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/osap/projects/sst/default_e.htm Line P /Station P recent data - http://www-sci.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/osap/data/linep/linepselectdata_e.htmArgo data products for the NE Pacific/Gulf of Alaska -  HYPERLINK "http://www-sci.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/osap/projects/argo/Gak_e.htm" http://www-sci.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/osap/projects/argo/Gak_e.htm Ocean Status Reports:  HYPERLINK "http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/sci/psarc/OSRs/Ocean_SSR_e.htm" http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/sci/psarc/OSRs/Ocean_SSR_e.htm NE Pacific Circulation model:  HYPERLINK "http://www-sci.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/juandefuca/npac/defaultnew_e.htm" http://www-sci.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/juandefuca/npac/defaultnew_e.htm Tools Are the model systems, model outputs, or data sets and services used to produce the global and regional products reported on above available or used by a larger community? If so, please provide a description of the applications and user requirements (e.g., URL, web pages, papers or a short description). N/A Partnerships Does your nation have a secondary value-added industry providing downstream ocean products or services? If so, please provide details on significant downstream services in your nation. Indicate if and how these interface with government agencies. N/A Please provide information on national impediments to the production of ocean environmental information (e.g., model skill, lack of data, lack of funding)? N/A Application of ocean environmental information Open-ocean/global information For the open-ocean/global products and services reported on above (serving climate monitoring, forecasting, or research; or a specific operational purpose), please provide narrative answers, highlighting success stories if possible. Centre of Ocean Modelling Development and Application (COMDA) Within the past year, Canada has made modest strides in laying the foundation for Operational Oceanography. The Centre of Ocean Modelling Development and Application (COMDA) was established to provide guidance to the distributed expertise and requirements for ocean model applications. The goal of COMDA is to accomplish the following: An national and inter-agency coordination organization; and A modern high-speed electronic communication networks. Basin and regional scale operational systems are under active development for the North Atlantic and is expected to grow to include Pacific and Arctic systems. Canadian Operational Network of Coupled Environmental PredicTion Systems (CONCEPTS) In 2006/07: the Canadian Operational Network of Coupled Environmental PredicTion Systems (CONCEPTS) was stood up and is in the process of developing an Inter-agency cooperative effort between three major departments of Canada (Environment Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and the Department of National Defence). The purpose of this group is to progress and develop operational oceanographic products that can be provided by an operational global coupled atmosphere-ocean-ice data assimilation and prediction system. To attain a basic operational coupled atmosphere-ocean-ice capability as soon as possible, Canada is in negotiations with France to adopt, import and participate with the MERCATOR Operational Ocean Data Assimilation And Modeling System. Is the environmental information being successfully incorporated into problem-solving or decision-making for societal benefit? If so, how? What were key factors in reaching this success? If not, what are the major impediments to progress? The COMDA & CONCEPTS ocean modelling network, systems and programs are very ambitious involving numerous science groups and regions in a collaborative effort. With the geographic size of Canada that have unique climate and oceanic issues to resolve, a comprehensive modelling organization and system is a large task to under-take. Coupled with the ongoing of budgeting and funding stresses. What are the priority societal problems faced by your nation that could have solutions depending on open-ocean/global environmental information, but currently lack this input? Coastal regions (particularly from the east coast and some regions of the Canadian arctic will be affected by the following changes: Strong and high warming of Northern and Arctic regions; Sea level heights; storm surges and flooding; Changes in habitat and marine eco-systems The ability to predict and model extreme events can have a profound impact on Canadian society, which is the main thrust of the COMDA and CONCEPTS initiatives. Coastal information For each societal goal in Coastal GOOS (see below), please provide narrative answers, highlighting success stories if possible, to the following questions: What are the major problems facing your nation? Is the environmental information reported on in Section 3.1 becoming part of the solution to those problems? If so, how? If not, what are the major impediments to progress? N/A Coordination and capacity-building The ocean observing system builds on and will develop through many existing observing networks and systems. Coordination (meetings, liaison, secretariat support) aimed at creating a rational and integrated system constitutes an important contribution to the system. Global coordination and capacity-building Amount of national contribution to global coordination directly through the IOC: Unearmarked funds given to the IOC Trust Fund for the observing system: 2005 total $15,000.00 CDN; 2006 total: $15,000.00 CDN; Intended future commitment: $15,000.00 CDN (FY 07/08) Earmarked funds given to the IOC (note purpose) : 2005 total $10,000.00 CDN (IOC-Argo Info Centre) 2005 total $25,000.00 CDN (IOC-ITUS Tsunami Fund) 2006 total $10,000.00 CDN (IOC-Argo Info Centre) 2006 total $30,000.00 CDN (IOC-UNEP Assessment of Assessments) Intended future commitment: Est. $10,000.00 CDN (IOC-Argo Info Centre) In kind support (i.e., secondments to the IOC) : 2005 0 person-years ; 2006 0 person years ; Intended future commitment: 0 person years; Amount of national contribution to global coordination directly through the WMO (specify financial and in kind contributions as above): N/A Comments on global coordination mechanisms (suggestions and feedback on the functioning of the coordination mechanisms GOOS, JCOMM, IODE and GCOS, their governing and subsidiary bodies, and secretariats): The main impediment to the global coordination mechanism is funding and lack of allocated resources. There is an increased emphasis on cooperation at JCOMM or IODE which will impact individual member states that provide time and resources to the work. Capacity-building activities: please list projects that are a direct contribution to developing capacity to build or benefit from the ocean observing system at a global level. Include information on the goals, beneficiaries, methods, investment and future plans. Canada is intimately involved in the International Ocean-Colour Coordinating Group (IOCCG) which is made up of an international Committee of experts comprising representatives from both the provider (Space Agencies) and user communities (scientists, managers) of ocean colour technologies. The IOCCG has a strong interest in capacity building, and conducts and sponsors advanced training courses on applications of ocean-colour data in various developing countries. Regional coordination and capacity-building Please detail any changes to your national or institutional participation in regional coordination bodies (GRAs, UNEP Regional Seas Conventions, FAO Regional Fisheries Bodies, LMEs) from the compilation (January 2003) found in Tables VIII.1 and VIII.2 of  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-goos.org/goos-125x" Annex VIII of the Coastal Strategic Implementation Plan for GOOS. N/A Please report below on both financial and in kind contributions. Amount of national contribution to regional coordination through GRAs: Amount of national contribution to regional coordination through other IOC projects: Amount of national contribution to regional coordination through other bodies: N/A Please list regional projects to develop capacity across nations to build or benefit from the ocean observing system. Include information on the goals, beneficiaries, methods, investment and future plans. NIL National coordination and capacity-building What is your mechanism for coordination of national agency and institution implementation of the ocean observing system? Are both ocean-related (oceanographic, hydrographic, fisheries, environmental, etc.) and meteorological agencies and institutions included? Specify if you have a National GOOS Committee. Within Canada, the responsibility for the planning and implementation of ocean observing systems rests primarily with Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). Collaborations are established with other departments and agencies to include oceanographic activities for which the responsibility falls outside DFO. Within the DFO framework, ocean monitoring programs have been developed for both the Atlantic and Pacific coastal and ocean regions and to a lesser extent for the Arctic. An example is the Canadian AZMP (Atlantic Zone Monitoring Programme). Canada is actively participating in a cooperative agreement with Mercator Ocean Modelling partnership. As a result, Canada is in the process of assimilating Frances NEMO & OPA modelling system and are coordinating activities with the Mercator Ocean group; The Bedford Institute of Oceanography (BIO) is working closely with Dalhousie University that resulted in the development of a method for assimilating altimeter and ARGO data into eddy-permitting models using a combination numerical methods; Over the next 2-3 years, Canada will be working on new data assimilation techniques and conducting ocean re-analysis work focused on the North Atlantic and North Pacific basins with the primary focus being on improved prediction capabilities over time scales of days to decades; Environment Canada is developing a global coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea ice modelling system that will be run operationally at the Canadian Meteorological Centre (Montreal); Environment Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Canadian Dept of National Defence and academia have entered into a collaborative agreement to work together to accelerate the development of operational oceanography in Canada. Please report on national priority requirements for improved capacity to build or benefit from the ocean observing system, and on national plans to address and sustain that capacity requirement. The Canadian Oceans Action Plan (OAP) articulates a vision for Canadians to ensure the sustainable development and safe use of Canadian waters. The Plan confirms a mission to deliver to Canadians: Safe and Accessible Waterways, Healthy and Productive Aquatic Ecosystems, and Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture. Four pillars of the OAP were identified: International Leadership, Sovereignty and Security; Integrated Oceans Management; Health of the Oceans and advancements in Oceans Science and Technology. Within these pillars are activities of ocean monitoring that is crucial to achieve the goals of sustainable development for Canadas three oceans.  These include the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN), the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey, and the International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS).  http://www.eohandbook.com/eohb05/ceos/part3_2.html  http://www.ceos.org/CEOS%20Response%20to%20the%20GCOS%20IP.pdf  Tables II.3a, II.3b, II.7 in Annex II of the  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-goos.org/goos-148" Implementation Strategy for the Coastal Module of GOOS provide some examples of physical, chemical, biological and socio-economic observation variables. Please note that the lists should not be considered exclusive of other observation needs that may exist locally, nationally or regionally.  http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewGroupRecord&groupID=59&Itemid=42  http://www.ioc-goos.org/goos-125x     The ocean observing system Canada  PAGE 18 Data shown is actual data. 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