ࡱ> QSP bjbj 1cckD 8$;$M5h_(44444446W94_c"4#5###f4#4##1X"4tXf02&4D50M5$3:#:L"4#"4n4 :   Ad hoc meeting of the IODE Steering Group for OBIS 18-19 November 2010, IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium TROPICAL AND SUBTROPICAL EASTERN SOUTH PACIFIC OBIS RON (ESPOBIS)  HYPERLINK "http://ron.udec.cl" http://ron.udec.cl RON Management ESPOBIS is located in the COPAS Centre at Universidad de Concepcin, Chile. Data bases back-ups are in the University served. The RON is administered by COPAS University and the web site ( HYPERLINK "http://ron.udec.cl" http://ron.udec.cl). Data processing is done by graduate students and specialized technicians under supervision of RON Manager Ruben Escribano. Technical support and service for server and data bases is provided by Francisco Godoy, who is COPAS data manager. Current data holdings  Observations: As compared to 2009 we incorporated a new data base and increased the number of data base from record from 28651 to 31298 and the number of species from 379 up to 648. Usage statistics of RON Web Site (updated 8 November 2010) number of visits: 12 per day in average Spanish site.52151 English..25478 Data bases downloads:19 per month in average in last 12 months Funding situation/sustainability core funding and source. COPAS FONDAP Center continues to support the RON providing salary and technical support for the server and data manager Additional funding is provided by The Chilean Commission for Science and Technology through the Grant FONDECYT 1080037. Problems encountered/issues operating the Node: Financial: Sufficient financial support is currently available to run the RON. Some data bases were lost due to earthquake and tsunami that destroyed the Marine Biology Station at Dichato on February 27, 2010. Technical: Coordination and communication with OBIS site for data uploading Uncertainty on the role that Chilean representatives may play for IODE/IOCE and future of our RON at National and Regional level Publications and presentations: Scientific publications explicitly mention ESPOBIS and use its databases: Hidalgo, P., Escribano, R.,Jorquera, E., Fuentes, M., Vergara, O. 2010. The influence of coastal upwelling on the spatial patterns of the size-structured diversity of copepods off Central/southern Chile during the summer 2009. Progress in Oceanography (in press). Hidalgo, P., Escribano, R., Jorquera, E., Vergara, O., Donoso, K., Mendoza, P. 2010. Patterns of Copepod diversity in the Chilean coastal upwelling system. Deep Sea Research II. Riquelme-Bugueo, R., Nuez, S., Jorquera, E., Valenzuela, L., Escribano, R. 2010. The influence of upwelling variation on the spatially-structured euphausiid community of central-southern Chile in 2007-2008. Progress in Oceanography (in press). Presentations at congresses, conferences and workshops (based on ESPOBIS data): Escribano, R. 2010. Diversity of marine zooplankton in the Humboldt Current: patterns and drivers. Special Seminar at Banyuls Oceanographic Observatory-CNRS, Banyuls sur Mer, France, September 2010. Escribano, R. 2010. What lives inside the Humboldt Current System?. Workshop Census of Marine Life Program. Santiago, Chile. Godoy, F. 2010. The OBIS International Program and ESPOBIS RON. Workshop Census of Marine Life Program. Santiago, Chile. Pino, P., Escribano, R. 2010. Distribucin espacial de la familia Oncaeidae (Copepoda: Poecilostomatoida) en la zona Centro-Sur de Chile durante el invierno 2008. Chilean National Congress of Marine Sciences, Talcahuano, May 2010, Chile. Riquelme-Bugueo, R., Nuez, S., Escribano, R. 2010. The spatial structure of the euphausiid community in central Chile. The South Pacific International Conference, Via del Mar, Chile.      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