ࡱ>  bjbj cc (E(ERRYTYTYT U U U U(5VV U$W`[\\\dijjYTekc@dekiknRR\\B<nnnmkR\YT\neknnSShYTAw UWmoIL<$$n$nYT-ekekek(E Q:    --- ACTION PAPER --- Ad hoc meeting of the IODE Steering Group for OBIS IODE Project Office, Oostende, Belgium 18-19 November 2010 UNESCO 2010 IOC Workshop Report No. Oostende, 2010 English For bibliographic purposes this document should be cited as follows: Paris, UNESCO, 2010 (IOC Workshop Report No. ) (English) TABLE OF CONTENTS  TOC \o "1-4" 1. OPENING OF THE MEETING  PAGEREF _Toc276025736 \h 6 1.1 Opening remarks  PAGEREF _Toc276025737 \h 6 1.2 Introduction of participants  PAGEREF _Toc276025738 \h 6 1.3 Practical arrangements  PAGEREF _Toc276025739 \h 6 2. REPORT ON THE STATUS OF OBIS  PAGEREF _Toc276025740 \h 6 2.1 Matters arising from the 2009 OBIS managers committee meeting  PAGEREF _Toc276025741 \h 6 2.2 Report on the CoML Conference  PAGEREF _Toc276025742 \h 6 2.3 Report on iOBIS activities  PAGEREF _Toc276025743 \h 6 2.4 Report on RON activities  PAGEREF _Toc276025744 \h 6 2.4.1 Summary report  PAGEREF _Toc276025745 \h 6 2.4.2 Report on activities from individual RONs or TONs  PAGEREF _Toc276025746 \h 6 2.5 Technical matters  PAGEREF _Toc276025747 \h 6 3. ADOPTION OF OBIS BY IOC/IODE  PAGEREF _Toc276025748 \h 7 3.1 Responses received to IOC Circular Letter 2333  PAGEREF _Toc276025749 \h 7 3.1.1 India  PAGEREF _Toc276025750 \h 7 3.1.2 United States  PAGEREF _Toc276025751 \h 7 3.1.3 Belgium (Flanders)  PAGEREF _Toc276025752 \h 7 3.2 Discussions on OBIS duringthe 43rd Session of the IOC Executive Council (June/July 2010)(Peter Pissierssens)  PAGEREF _Toc276025753 \h 7 3.3 Actions taken since July 2010  PAGEREF _Toc276025754 \h 8 4. REVISION OF IODE STRUCTURE TO ACCOMMODATE OBIS  PAGEREF _Toc276025755 \h 9 4.1 Introduction  PAGEREF _Toc276025756 \h 9 4.2 Establishment of the IODE Group of Experts on OBIS  PAGEREF _Toc276025757 \h 10 4.2.1 Terms of Reference  PAGEREF _Toc276025758 \h 12 4.2.2 Membership  PAGEREF _Toc276025759 \h 12 4.2.3 Draft Recommendation for IODE-XXI  PAGEREF _Toc276025760 \h 12 4.3 Establishment of the IODE Steering Group for OBIS  PAGEREF _Toc276025761 \h 12 4.3.1 Terms of Reference  PAGEREF _Toc276025762 \h 12 4.3.2 Membership  PAGEREF _Toc276025763 \h 12 4.3.3 Draft Recommendation for IODE-XXI  PAGEREF _Toc276025764 \h 12 4.4 Establishment of the IOC Project Office for IODE/OBIS  PAGEREF _Toc276025765 \h 12 4.4.1 Terms of Reference  PAGEREF _Toc276025766 \h 16 4.4.2 Review of received hosting offers  PAGEREF _Toc276025767 \h 16 4.4.3 Draft Recommendation for IODE-XXI  PAGEREF _Toc276025768 \h 16 4.5 Preparations for the IOC Assembly (June 2011)  PAGEREF _Toc276025769 \h 17 4.5.1 IODE-XXI  PAGEREF _Toc276025770 \h 17 4.5.2 Interim arrangements 2011  PAGEREF _Toc276025771 \h 17 4.5.3 Preparation of working document/draft resolutions for IOC Assembly  PAGEREF _Toc276025772 \h 17 4.5.4 Briefing of Delegates to Assembly by OBIS managers  PAGEREF _Toc276025773 \h 17 5. PROPOSED WORK PLAN AND BUDGET 2011-2013  PAGEREF _Toc276025774 \h 17 6. WAYS AND MEANS TO MOBILIZE RESOURCES FOR IODE/OBIS  PAGEREF _Toc276025775 \h 18 7. ADOPTION OF THE SUMMARY REPORT  PAGEREF _Toc276025776 \h 18 8. CLOSURE  PAGEREF _Toc276025777 \h 18  ANNEXES  HYPERLINK \l "annex1" ANNEX I: Agenda of the Meeting  HYPERLINK \l "annex2" ANNEX II: List of Participants ANNEX III: .. ANNEX IV: (from page 13) ANNEX V: (from page 13) ANNEX VI: List of Acronyms  The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2010. Since taking the lead in coordinating the International Indian Ocean Expedition in 1960, the IOC has worked to promote marine research, protection of the ocean, and international cooperation. Today the Commission is also developing marine services and capacity building, and is instrumental in monitoring the ocean through the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and developing marine-hazards warning systems in vulnerable regions. Recognized as the UN focal point and mechanism for global cooperation in the study of the ocean, a key climate driver, IOC is a key player in the study of climate change. Through promoting international cooperation, the IOC assists Member States in their decisions towards improved management, sustainable development, and protection of the marine environment. OPENING OF THE MEETING Opening remarks The meeting will be opened by Dr Edward Vanden Berghe, Executive Director of OBIS. He will welcome the participants to the meeting. He will introduce the agenda of the meeting and invite the participants to adopt it. Introduction of participants Dr Vanden Berghe will invite all participants to introduce themselves. Practical arrangements Mr Peter Pissierssens, Head of the IOC Project Office for IODE and IODE Programme Coordinator will welcome the participants to the IOC Project Office for IODE. He will provide practical and local information. REPORT ON THE STATUS OF OBIS Matters arising from the 2009 OBIS managers committee meeting Dr Vanden Berghe will provide a brief report on the status of OBIS referring to the work plan of the 2009 managers committee meeting and its implementation status. Report on the CoML Conference Dr Vanden Berghe will provide a brief report on the events organized in London, United Kingdom to commemorate the first ten years of the Census of Marine Life and the presentations and discussions held regarding OBIS. Report on iOBIS activities Dr Vanden Berghe will report on the activities of the iOBIS Secretariat since the 2009 OBIS management committee meeting. Report on RON activities The OBIS managers will be invited to provide a brief report on the activities undertaken by their node since the 2009 managers committee meeting. Summary report Dr Lang da Silveira will present a summary of the RON network, based on feedback received from the RON managers Report on activities from individual RONs or TONs Regional and Thematic Obis Nodes are invited to present selected recent activities Technical matters Dr Edward Vanden Berghe will introduce technical matters that will require discussion. ADOPTION OF OBIS BY IOC/IODE Responses received to IOC Circular Letter 2333 Mr Pissierssens will recall that IOC Circular Letter 2333 was issued on 16 February 2010. In that Letter the IOC Executive Secretary informed IOC Member States that an IOC Trust Fund had been established, dedicated to OBIS, and invited Member States to contribute to the Fund. Between February and June 2010, three responses were received: Government of India (15 March 2010), Flanders Marine Institute (31 March 2010), and Rutgers University (30 April 2010). The Government of India offered the services of INCOIS in hosting and maintaining a special data centre. The Flanders Marine Institute offered (i) development and maintenance of the OBIS data system; (ii) development and maintenance of the OBIS web site; (iii) development and maintenance of the OBIS data interfaces to other networks (GBIF, GEOS, ODP, SeaDataNet, emodnet,; (iv) better integration of the WORMS-OBIS data systems; (v) long term hosting, regular updates essential for security and performance of these systems; (vi) high speed internet connection (1 Gbit); and (vii) professional support by IT staff, data managers and biologists.. The Rutgers University offered to continue hosting the iOBIS Secretariat as a Project Office of IOC, following the guidelines specified in Document IOC/INF-1193 on the establishment of decentralized offices. The offer includes office space for three members of staff (local support staff); internet connectivity; administrative assistance with project management and development. Mr Pissierssens will then invite the representatives of the institutions that submitted an offer to provide further details on the offer (provided the offer is still valid) India United States Belgium (Flanders) Discussions on OBIS duringthe 43rd Session of the IOC Executive Council (June/July 2010)(Peter Pissierssens) Mr Pissierssens will inform the participants that OBIS was not on the agenda of the 43rd Session of the IOC Executive Council (8-16 June 2010). OBIS was referred to, nevertheless in the Statement of the IOC Chairman and in the introduction by the IOC Executive Secretary. In addition it was decided to establish a sessional working group with the following Member States declaring their wish to participate: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, China, India, Japan, Kenya, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Thailand, United Kingdom, and United States of America. The sessional working group reported back to the Council with the following statement: The report of the sessional working group for OBIS was introduced by Dr Ned Cyr, Chair of the group. He recalled that this working group was established with the objective of identifying financial contributions that will be provided by IOC Member States to support OBIS as from January 2011. It was recalled further that IOC Circular Letter 2333 had been issued on 16 February 2010 regarding the establishment of a multi-source Trust Fund for the support of OBIS and addressed to the IOC Member States. It was noted that to date no financial contributions had been received. The Working Group was attended by delegates from Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Japan, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States of America. Additional information was received from Australia shortly after the meeting. The outcome of the working group was as summarized follows: (i) the United States of America will provide US$ 200,000 (US$ 100,000 in 2010, and US$ 100,000 in 2011); (ii) Australia will provide financial support but the precise amount could not yet been identified at this time; (iii) Belgium (Government of Flanders) will provide support for meetings, workshops, training courses or other relevant OBIS activities through the small-scale activities allocation of the Flanders-UNESCO Trust Fund for Science (FUST) (US$ 10,000-30,000 per small scale activity); and (iv) Brazil will provide support through the hosting of meetings, workshops, or training courses related to OBIS. The working group noted that the financial requirements in 2011 and 2012 were mainly to cover the cost of a Programme Specialist. This cost was estimated to be approx. US$ 160,000/year. Taking into consideration the financial requirements of approx. US$ 160,000 in 2011 and a similar amount in 2012, the working group noted that, in addition to the pledged contribution by the USA of US$ 100,000/year, the amount of US$ 60,000 needs to be mobilized for 2011 and for 2012. Actions taken since July 2010 As a follow-up to the pledges made during the Executive Council funds were received (or will be received shortly) from: (i) United States of America (direct support through Rutgers University for salary of E. Vanden Berghe); (ii) Brazil (US$ 10,000); Australia ($A 90,000 over 2010-2013). As a further follow-up it was decided to organize an ad hoc session of the IODE Steering Group for OBIS which will be tasked to develop the further formal arrangements for the establishment of all structural elements of OBIS within IODE, for submission to the IODE Committees 21st Session (23-26 March 2011). REVISION OF IODE STRUCTURE TO ACCOMMODATE OBIS Introduction Dr Vanden Berghe will recall that at the 2008 OBIS managers committee and the OBIS (Ocean Biogeographic Information System) Strategy and Work plan Meeting, IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium, 18-20 November 2009 (See IOC Workshop Report No. 226), extensive discussions were held on how to integrate OBIS into the IODE structure. This resulted in the diagram shown in Figure 1, below.  Figure  SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: Structural diagram of IODE incorporating OBIS The Strategy Meeting had further noted: An IOC Project Office for OBIS will need to be established, as well as the post of Head of the IOC Project Office for OBIS, equivalent to the present position of OBIS Executive Director. The Head of the IOC Project Office for OBIS will be an IOC staff member. Rutgers University will be asked to investigate further under which modalities the hosting can be done at Rutgers University Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences. A Memorandum of Understanding will need to be established between UNESCO/IOC and the hosting institution. The equivalent documents that were used to set up the IODE Project Office at Oostende can serve as templates. Additional formal agreements may be required that need to be further discussed with the IOC action address (Dr Jack Dunnigan). Mr Pissierssens and Dr Vanden Berghe were requested to investigate this matter further. The OBIS DB Project Steering Group would replace the Regional OBIS Nodes Managers Committee. Terms of reference have to be developed, based on the present RON Roles and Responsibilities document. The chair of the Steering Group will be an officer of IODE. There was some discussion over the name of the OBIS DB Project. It was pointed out that OBIS is a community of practice, with a data system as its most visible product, not just a database. Also, the term Project might be interpreted as indicating a limited time span for this group; OBIS Programme or OBIS Programme Activity were offered as alternatives. IOC will need to investigate whether a Steering Group, which is normally associated with a Project can be maintained under this name. Elements of the Terms of Reference for the Steering Group were discussed but not finalised; it was left to the IODE and OBIS Secretariats to coordinate the drafting the ToRs (in close consultation with the OBIS Governing Board, the Regional OBIS Node (RON) Management Group and IODE Officers). The OBIS Governing Board will be consulted on these Terms of Reference before they are presented to the 2010 Session of the IOC Executive Council. Mr Pissierssens briefed the meeting on formal requirements for Groups of Experts and their Terms of Reference, and on the specific Terms of Reference of the GE-BICH. The ToR of the latter will have to be changed to accommodate the new OBIS group and other bodies. The role and composition of IODE Groups of Experts is defined in IODE-XIX.2, Strategy and Structure of IODE Groups of Experts. A Group of Experts for OBIS will need to be established. GE-OBIS will take over the roles of the Science Board and International Committee. Terms of Reference were discussed but not finalised; this will be done by the OBIS and IODE Secretariats. Input will be requested from the OBIS Governing Board. It was recommended to draft the terms of reference prior to the 2010 IODE Officers Meeting (which will meet in March 2010). They will then submit a draft resolution to the June 2010 Session of the IOC Executive Council as part of the Working Document that needs to be prepared for the Council. There is no formal role for the present OBIS Governing Board in the new structure. Members of the Governing Board will be consulted on various issues during the transition period. It is envisaged that the final meeting of the OBIS Governing Board will coincide with the Census Celebrations in London, in October 2010. This might be a good opportunity to formally hand over governance from the OBIS Governing Board to IOC/IODE. It was recommended to invite the Executive Secretary IOC and IODE Co-Chairs to this meeting (as well as the IODE and IODE/OBIS Secretariats). The Meeting will be invited to further consider these structural elements and to define the terms of reference and membership of each of the new structural elements under Agenda Item 4.2 Establishment of the IODE Group of Experts on OBIS Mr Pissierssens will briefly introduce the different subsidiary bodies that exist within IOC including Groups of Experts and Steering Groups. Whereas the IODE Committee is a Primary Subsidiary Body, Groups of Experts and Task Teams or Steering Groups are Secondary Subsidiary Bodies. The IODE Committee can itself establish a Secondary Subsidiary Bodies provided that no costs fall on the Commission or costs have been allocated by a Governing Body. (A request for approval of costs may be submitted, by an appropriate Primary Subsidiary Body, to a Governing Body either when the Secondary Subsidiary Body is first formed or with the proposed programme of work and financial requirements when submitted to the Executive Secretary by the Primary Subsidiary Body IOC/INF-1193). As far as membership is concerned members of Groups of Experts are Experts acting in their personal capacity and selected for their knowledge and expertise in the subject concerned. (IOC/INF-1193). The Chairperson (and a Vice-Chairperson) shall be elected by the subsidiary body itself. Both shall normally serve for one intersessional period and the next session, if any, of the subsidiary body; if there is no such session (e.g., in the case of a Task Team working by correspondence), the intersessional period shall be that of the parent body. The Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson shall be eligible for re-election for only one more intersessional period and subsequent session as just defined; however, on an exceptional basis and in the interest of the Commission, both may be eligible for re-election for one further term. For the first session of a subsidiary body, a Convenor may be designated by the parent body. Subsequently, elections for the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson shall normally be held at the end of each session of the body. It is noted also that the IODE Committee adopted Recommendation IODE-XIX.2 Strategy and Structure of IODE Groups of Experts. This states: Recommendation IODE-XIX.2 STRATEGY AND STRUCTURE OF IODE GROUPS OF EXPERTS The IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Recalling the outcome of the IODE Review and its call to IODE Officers to closely monitor and guide the IODE Groups of Experts, Recalling further Resolution IODE-XVIII.3 in which it had instructed the Chairs of the IODE Groups of Experts to jointly develop a strategy for the future of the Groups of Experts and to submit this strategy to the IODE Officers and to IODE-XIX, Noting the report of the Chairs of the IODE Groups of Experts (Document IOC/IODE-XIX/19), Taking into account the IOC Rules of Procedure, specifically Rules 24 and 25, Recommends that the Terms of Reference of the IODE Groups of Experts be revised as follows: (i) Objectives: a. IODE Groups of Experts will undertake detailed scientific and technical studies and/or co-ordination tasks, by subject or region, as identified by the IODE Committee; b. IODE Groups of Experts, including the JCOMM/IODE ETDMP, will monitor scientific and technical developments, and identify needs to be addressed by IODE, as pertaining to their IODE subject area and propose a work programme with clear priorities, for consideration by the IODE Committee; c. To facilitate implementation of the Groups of Experts work programme, the Groups of Experts will (i) seek cooperation from IODE national coordinators; (ii) develop and implement projects with clear objectives and deliverables, and take responsibility for the coordination and management of such projects. (ii) Membership: a. the total number of Members of IODE Groups of Experts should not exceed 8; b. the Groups should be composed of not more than 4 long-term members; and not more than 4 short-term members; c. The long-term members will be selected by the Executive Secretary, based upon nominations from Member States and further based upon individual expertise as relevant to the concerned IODE Group of Expert. Long-term members can remain a member of the Group during not more than 4 inter-sessional periods; d. The short-term members shall be selected by the long-term members of the Group, based upon their specific expertise, documented in the OceanExpert system, related to specific tasks or projects and will remain a member during, preferably, not more than two inter-sessional periods; Encourages IOC Member States to nominate experts with expertise relevant to the subject areas of the IODE groups of Experts; Invites IOC Member States to submit information on relevant national experts to OceanExpert, as a further source of expertise for the Groups of Experts; Urges IOC Member States to support the work of the IODE Groups of Experts by financially supporting the participation of their national experts in Sessions of the IODE Groups of Experts. Following this introduction the Meeting will be invited to define the terms of reference and requirements for membership for the IODE Group of Experts on OBIS. In addition the Meeting will be invited to prepare a draft Recommendation for submission to IODE-XXI. As an example the Meeting may wish to make use of the Terms of Reference of other IODE Groups of Experts as detailed in the IODE web site. Terms of Reference Membership The SG will be taking over many of the responsibilities of the Managers Committee under the old governance structure. In the Managers Committee, only the Regional OBIS Nodes were represented. Many of the Thematic Obis Nodes were giving input in OBIS governance through the International Committee. Now that the latter mechanism is no longer available, a discussion is needed on how to involve TONs in the SG, and what data providers should be regarded as TON. Draft Recommendation for IODE-XXI Establishment of the IODE Steering Group for OBIS Mr Pissierssens will recall that as mentioned under Agenda Item 4.2 a Steering Group is a secondary subsidiary body. Within the framework of IODE Steering Groups are usually established to manage Projects. The Meeting will be invited to define the terms of reference and requirements for membership for the IODE Steering Group for OBIS. In addition the Meeting will be invited to prepare a draft Recommendation for submission to IODE-XXI. Terms of Reference Membership Draft Recommendation for IODE-XXI Establishment of the IOC Project Office for IODE/OBIS Mr Pissierssens will recall that under Agenda Item 4.1 the establishment of an IOC Project Office for IODE/OBIS was referred to. As defined in Document IOC/INF-1193 an IOC Project Office shall be established to implement a particular IOC project (or multiple projects of the same nature). The main purpose of an IOC Project Office is to administratively and technically underpin projects that have specific objectives, clearly defined deliverables and a predetermined duration. The Project Office should be seen as a flexible mechanism to support the implementation of projects in the field. The main purpose of an IOC Project Office shall be to (ref IOC/INF-1193): (i) Implement IOC projects; (ii) Report on the progress of the implementation of project activities to the Chair of the parent IOC Subsidiary Body, the IOC Executive Secretary, the Programme Office of the Projects Parent Programme (as available), and participating Member States, on a regular basis; (iii) Plan and organise meetings, workshops, training courses and other capacity building activities relevant to the project; (iv) Liaise and maintain links with relevant IOC programmes and other projects; (v) Establish and maintain links with other relevant organisations, institutions and programmes in order to promote co-operation with the Project; (vi) Seek partnerships and potential sources of funding to strengthen the Project implementation. An IOC Project Office should be established in those cases where the project is of a nature that requires specific technical facilities and/or human resources that are not available at the IOC Secretariat (or cannot easily be transferred to the field) or where implementation can be effected more efficiently or cheaper in the host institution/host country. Accordingly, the needs assessment for an IOC Project Office should demonstrate that technical infrastructures and/or facilities and/or human resources required for the efficient and effective implementation of the Project are not available or available at higher cost, at UNESCO/IOC Headquarters, Paris. Other elements may be the cost of living (per diem) for visiting experts or part-time staff, available space, proximity to academic or other expert communities. Mr Pissierssens will further inform the Meeting that minimum criteria have been identified for the hosting of an IOC Project Office: A Member State that wishes to host an IOC Project Office shall, as a minimum: (i) offer the bare use of office space and utilities (and related taxes) (see also 3.1.5), free of charge to the IOC for the duration of the agreement, and for a period not less than 3 (three) years; (ii) provide not less than the equivalent of 1 (one) local support staff. Offers made by Member States shall be compared on a competitive basis, taking into consideration all services and facilities offered. Funding of an IOC Project Office In terms of funding of an IOC Project Office the following guidelines have been defined:   Where possible IOC shall give preference to establishing project offices in existing UNESCO field offices, provided that the cost of establishment + cost of operation + cost of closing will be lower than if the IOC office were hosted elsewhere. In this case, the proposal shall evaluate the full cost of UNESCO field office hosting the Project Office. Preference shall be given to hosts that are able and willing to cover the full cost of the project office operation (costs of operation). Professional staff cost may be covered by the host country through provision of relevant experts on a permanent or temporary basis. Easy access to interns with relevant technical/professional expertise shall also be encouraged. Alternatively IOC may choose to temporarily relocate existing UNESCO posts to the established Project Office. Approval requirements An IOC Project Office shall be managed by an IOC Project Office Manager who can be an IOC Staff Member (permanent/temporary position, or ALDappointment of limited duration) or an IOC Consultant. When appointing the IOC Project Office Manager, the intergovernmental nature of the IOC and rules of geographic distribution of UNESCO should be taken into consideration. The IOC Project Office Manager shall report to the Head of Section of the Section under which the Project is implemented and will be under the authority of the IOC Executive Secretary. Formal agreements with hosts An IOC Project Office will be hosted by an IOC Member State and will be the subject of a host agreement between the IOC and the IOC Member State. The host agreement will include a sunset clause specifying that the Project Office shall be closed upon completion of the Project. Nevertheless, it may be decided to renew the agreement based upon the renewal of the Project. Performance evaluation The independent performance evaluation of an IOC Project Office will be managed by the related Head of Section, in consultation with the host country, and approved by the Primary or, where applicable, Secondary Subsidiary Body that oversees the project. The IOC Executive Secretary shall include a short assessment of a Project Office through the statutory report on implementation of the respective Resolution. Mr Pissierssens will then request the Meeting to provide input on the Terms of Reference of the Project Office. Terms of Reference Review of received hosting offers Dr Edward Vanden Berghe will refer to the letters received from India, Belgium (Flanders) and USA as discussed under Agenda Item 3.1. The Meeting will be invited to review the offers submitted and to consider these with reference to the terms of reference defined under 4.4.1. Draft Recommendation for IODE-XXI Taking into account the discussions under 4.4.2 the Meeting will be invited to prepare a draft recommendation for review, discussion and possibly adoption by IODE-XXI. The Meeting will be invited to ensure that all resources and assistance offered by Member States is effectively used and not rejected. Preparations for the IOC Assembly (June 2011) IODE-XXI Mr Pissierssens will inform the Meeting that the outcome of this Meeting, including the defined terms of reference of the IODE Group of Experts on OBIS, the IODE Steering Group for OBIS and the IOC Project Office for IODE/OBIS will be included in a working document for the 21st Session of the IOC Committee on IODE, to be held in Lige, Belgium between 23-26 March 2011. It is expected that IODE-XXI will therefore formally create the Group of Experts and Steering Group and also recommend the establishment of the IOC Project Office for IODE. It is noted nevertheless that the IODE Committee may agree or disagree with the recommendations made by the Meeting. Interim arrangements 2011 Mr Pissierssens will recall that the current funding by the Sloan Foundation will terminate in December 2010. As the IOC Assembly will only be able to formally establish the new structural elements of IODE, as proposed during the Meeting and the IODE Committee, in June 2011, it will be necessary to make interim arrangements. The period covered by these arrangements may be between 8 and 12 months (January-August 2011 or January-December 2011), depending on the time required to complete all formal arrangements for the establishment of the Project Office. It will also be noted that the financial support currently available and/or pledged will cover the salary of the Head of the Project Office for only one calendar year. A long-term solution (through financial support from Member States or a UNESCO Regular Programme position) will need to be found to ensure the long-term stability of IODE/OBIS. In this regard reference is made to agenda item 4.5.4. Preparation of working document/draft resolutions for IOC Assembly The decisions and discussions by IODE-XXI will be included in the Executive Summary of IODE-XXI which will be submitted as a working document to the twenty-sixth Session of the IOC Assembly in June 2011. The recommended establishment of the IOC Project Office for IODE/OBIS will be submitted to the Assembly through a Draft Resolution. [TO ADD SOMETHING MORE] Briefing of Delegates to Assembly by OBIS managers TO COMPLETE PROPOSED WORK PLAN AND BUDGET 2011-2013 OBIS activities planned for 2011-2013 Dr Vanden Berghe will summarise the activities of the OBIS network, and discuss how some of these tasks might be taken over by others in the OBIS network. Reference will be made to the offers in kind from Rutgers University (USA), India and VLIZ (Flanders/Belgium). Also the assistance from Duke University (USA) and University Simon Bolivar (Venezuela) is noted, and the offer of continued involvement in further development of the OBIS informatics infrastructure. Budget WAYS AND MEANS TO MOBILIZE RESOURCES FOR IODE/OBIS TO COMPLETE ADOPTION OF THE SUMMARY REPORT Mr Pissierssens will invite the Meeting to review and adopt the summary report. CLOSURE Dr Edward Vanden Berghe will close the meeting on Friday 19 November. He will thank the participants for their active participation and inform them that the summary report of the Meeting will be finalized by the Secretariat by the end of November and published through the IODE web site. ANNEX I AGENDA OF THE MEETING 1. ANNEX II LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Regional OBIS node representatives DR Bruno DANIS Scientific Coordinator Universit Libre de Bruxelles rue Vautier, 29 Belgium Tel: +32(0)6274318 Fax: +32(0)6274113 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:bruno.danis@scarmarbin.be" bruno.danis@scarmarbin.be Dr. Ruben ESCRIBANO Professor Estacion de Biologia Marina-Dichato, Concepcion, Chile Chile Tel: 56-41-2683247 Fax: 56-41-2683902 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:rescribano@udec.cl" rescribano@udec.cl Dr. Mark FORNWALL Director U.S. Geological Survey, Fort Collins Science Center 310 West Kaahumanu Avenue Kahului, HI 96732 United States Tel: 1 808 984 3724 Fax: 1 808 242 1128 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:mark_fornwall@usgs.gov" mark_fornwall@usgs.gov Dr. Katsunori FUJIKURA Senior Scientist Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokosuka 2-15 Natsushima, Yokosuka, Kanagawa 237-0061 Japan Tel: 81-46-867-9555 Fax: 81-46-867-9525 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:fujikura@jamstec.go.jp" fujikura@jamstec.go.jp Francisco HERNANDEZ Manager Datacentre (VLIZ) Flanders Marine Institute Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee Belgium Tel: [32](59)34.21.30 Fax: [32](59)34.21.30 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:francher@vliz.be" francher@vliz.be Mary KENNEDY Zooplankton Research Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Fisheries and Oceans, Nova Scotia P.O. Box 1006 Dartmouth B2Y 4A2 Nova Scotia Canada Tel: +1-902-426-3263 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:KennedyM@mar.dfo-mpo.gc.ca" KennedyM@mar.dfo-mpo.gc.ca Narayanane SARAVANANE Centre for Marine Living Resources & Ecology, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Kochi 6th Floor, C-Block, Kendriya Bhavan P.B. No. 5415, CSEZ P.O Kochi 682 037 Kerala India Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:n_saravanane@yahoo.com" n_saravanane@yahoo.com Dr. Fabio SILVEIRA Professor Universidade de So Paulo, Faculdade de Cincias Farmacuticas Rua do Matao, Travessa 14, 101 Brazil Tel: 55 11 30917619 Fax: 55 11 30917802 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:fldsilve@usp.br" fldsilve@usp.br Dr. Katsuhiko TANAKA Research Scientist Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokosuka 224-3 Toyohara, Nago 905-2172 Japan Tel: +81 980 50 0114 Fax: +81 980 50 0123 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:katsuhikot@jamstec.go.jp" katsuhikot@jamstec.go.jp Mr. Paul TILDESLEY Information Manager CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, Tasmania Australia Tel: +61 3 6232 5251 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:Paul.Tildesley@csiro.au" Paul.Tildesley@csiro.au Secretariat Mr Brook HERLACH Data Manager Rutgers State University of New Jersey, Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences 71 Dudley Road New Brunswick New Jersey NJ 08901-8525 United States Tel: 571-309-1810 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:brook.herlach@iobis.org" brook.herlach@iobis.org Mr Peter PISSIERSSENS Head, IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE Wandelaarkaai 7 - Pakhuis 61 B-8400 Oostende Belgium Tel: +32-59-340158 Fax: +32-59-79 5220 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:p.pissierssens@unesco.org" p.pissierssens@unesco.org Dr Edward VANDEN BERGHE Executive DIrector Ocean Biogeographic Information System Rutgers University Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences 71, Dudley Road New Brunswick New Jersey 08901 United States Tel: +1 732 932 6555 ext 565 Fax: +1 732 932 8578 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:evberghe@iobis.org" evberghe@iobis.org Observers Mr. Nicolas BAILLY Charg d'Etude France Tel: [33](1)40793763 Fax: [33](1)40793771 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:nbailly@hotmail.com" nbailly@hotmail.com Dr. Patrick HALPIN Professor Duke University, Nicholas School of the Environment A324 LSRC Building United States Tel: 1.919.613.8062 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:phalpin@duke.edu" phalpin@duke.edu Dr Volodymyr VLADYMYROV Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Ukraine Tel: +380692544110 Fax: +380692544110 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:v.vladymyrov@gmail.com" v.vladymyrov@gmail.com ANNEX III [end]      IOC Workshop Report No. Page (ii) _________________________________________________________________________________ IOC Workshop Report No. Page (i) IOC Workshop Report No. Page (ii) _________________________________________________________________________________ IOC Workshop Report No. Page (iii) IOC Workshop Report No. Page  PAGE 18 _________________________________________________________________________________ IOC Workshop Report No. Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 17 __________________________________________________________________________________ IOC Workshop Report No. 233 Annex II - Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 _________________________________________________________________________________ IOC Workshop Report No. Annex I - Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 __________________________________________________________________________________ IOC Workshop Report No. 236 Annex II - Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 IOC Workshop Report No. Annex II - Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 __________________________________________________________________________________ IOC Workshop Report No. 236 Annex III - Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 IOC Workshop Report No. Annex III - Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 #&,<AZ[ X Z յ椖yjaRaA jhaph+hQ;CJUaJhaph+hQCJOJQJaJhaph+hQCJhaph+hQ0JPJmH sH haph+hQCJaJ#haph+hQ6CJOJQJ^JaJhaph+hQ6OJQJ^J haph+hQCJOJQJ^JaJh+hQCJ0OJQJ^JaJ0#hJh+hQ6CJ0OJQJ^JaJ0 haph+hQCJ0OJQJ^JaJ0 haph+hQh+hQCJ$aJ$haph+hQCJ$aJ$ !"#$%&Z[`gd+hQ $`a$gd+hQ $`a$gd+hQgd+hQgd+hQ`gd+hQ$$@&`a$gd+hQ@&gd+hQ `gd+hQ $`a$gd+hQgd+hQ$a$gd+hQ`gd+hQ          $`a$gd+hQ    W X Z ' h E  8 ' g# % (g# $ g# $$a$gd+hQo#Ǧ`gd+hQ`gd+hQgd+hQ $`a$gd+hQ   " # $ % & ' * + H I c d e f g h k l ۻۭېۻۂېۻtېۻfjwhaph+hQUjhaph+hQUj}haph+hQU&haph+hQ5:CJOJPJQJaJh+hQmHnHujhaph+hQUjhaph+hQU)haph+hQ5;>*CJOJPJQJaJ haph+hQ jhaph+hQ;CJUaJhaph+hQ;CJaJ( % & @ A B C D E H I g h ٶّٟكjkhaph+hQUjhaph+hQUjqhaph+hQUh+hQmHnHujhaph+hQU)haph+hQ5;>*CJOJPJQJaJ haph+hQ&haph+hQ5:CJOJPJQJaJjhaph+hQU/       3 4 5 6 7 8 = > p q  °¢°”†q)haph+hQ5;>*CJOJPJQJaJj_haph+hQUjhaph+hQUjehaph+hQU#haph+hQ:CJOJPJQJaJ haph+hQ&haph+hQ5:CJOJPJQJaJh+hQmHnHujhaph+hQUjhaph+hQU(      9 : T U V W X Y ^ _ e f qjShaph+hQUjhaph+hQU#haph+hQ:CJOJPJQJaJjYhaph+hQU&haph+hQ5:CJOJPJQJaJ haph+hQ)haph+hQ5;>*CJOJPJQJaJh+hQmHnHujhaph+hQUjhaph+hQU(  Y JWcA N^' g# % (g# $ g#  ef*+EİĢİĔqİjG haph+hQU)haph+hQ5;>*CJOJPJQJaJjhaph+hQUjMhaph+hQU&haph+hQ5:CJOJPJQJaJ haph+hQ#haph+hQ:CJOJPJQJaJh+hQmHnHujhaph+hQUjhaph+hQU(EFGHIJMN    67QRSUVWZ[´¢”¢†¢xj haph+hQUj; 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