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Opening (9:00 2 May) Opening and welcome (Harrison, Secretariat) Review and adoption of the agenda and OOPC-11 report (Harrison) Meeting goals (Harrison) Overview of observing system status and issues from the JCOMM Observations Coordination Group (Johnson/Harrison) Science focus State of the Ocean 2006-2007 (Fischer) Emerging Arctic ocean science and observing system issues (Gascard) Emerging Southern Ocean science and observing system issues (SO Rep)a Discussion: Quick revisit of IPY legacy observing issues (led by Harrison) IMBER science issues (IMBER rep) Census of Marine Life, and the links with the GOOS-GCOS (OOPC) sustained observing system (COML rep?) Sensor development update, and opportunities for global sustained ocean biogeochemical and ecosystems observations (Prien) Discussion: Review plans for the Ocean Sensors 2008 workshop (led by Prien) Global projects Satellite observations missions update (Johannessen) taking advantage of CEOS/GCOS reports (Fellous) IGOS-P Ocean Theme report (Alverson) DBCP issues for the OOPC (Lee) SOT: issues from VOS and SOOP, and SCOR Panel developments (Fischer) GLOSS including real-time monitoring (Aarup) Argo (Fischer) OceanSITES (Weller) IOCCP including link with CLIVAR hydrography (Hood) JCOMMOPS update (Clark) Data management issues (Keeley) Regional observing panels CLIVAR Atlantic (Visbeck or Hazeleger) CLIVAR Indian (Schott) CLIVAR Pacific (Suga) Sea ice working group (Harrison?) Ocean products: analyses and reanalyses CLIVAR GSOP including reanalysis workshops (Stammer) GODAE (Le Traon) Working group on surface fluxes (Weller) interface with WCRP WOAP (Harrison, Keeley?) Sponsor reports and liaison with other international groups GCOS GOOS (Grard) WCRP JCOMM (Fellous) GEO (Lee?) Other groups including POGO, IGBP, SCOR Working session on developing Oceans09 or more focused workshop activities Review the rationale, pressure, and opportunities of a large conference focused on ocean observations (Harrison) what pilot projects are ready to be sold to sponsors? what is the balance between (a) looking back at the achievements and trying to consolidate the physical system, with (b) looking forward towards opportunities for new methodologies, new biogeochemical and ecosystems measurements on a global basis? what preparatory activities are needed (subjects/scope)? Was the June 2006 Sea Level Workshop a good model? Why do we need a big conference - could we just focus on these more topical workshops? who is going to lead the charge - money and people? Overview of decisions, recommendations and actions from the meeting Next meeting: when and where OOPC-12 Draft Agenda v. 0  PAGE 2  T`)6]i~N^     X i  d k ַַַ֩֩֩֩|n֩|n|nnnh hu 6CJOJQJ$hg_hu 6B*CJOJQJphhJhu CJOJQJh hu CJOJQJhhu 6CJOJQJhJhu 6CJOJQJ!hg_hu B*CJOJQJphhhu CJOJQJh}nhu 6CJOJQJhhu 5CJOJQJ+ Ta}TUj`n j l  & Fgdu  & Fgdu  & Fxxgdu gdu  # $ + , - G Q k p  3 9 : J Q i q  U _ f g o p q "#*+06ѶѶ$h hu 6B*CJOJQJphhg_hu 6CJOJQJh hu 6CJOJQJh hu CJOJQJ$hg_hu 6B*CJOJQJphhhu CJOJQJhhu 6CJOJQJ: - R q  : R r  + ` q  ,7 & Fxxgdu  & Fgdu  & Fgdu 7_SKD & Fxxgdu  & Fxxgdu  & Fgdu  6C˽ˮˇhu 'h}nhu 0JCJOJQJmHnHuh}nhu 0JCJOJQJjh}nhu 0JCJUh}nhu 6CJOJQJh}nhu CJOJQJh hu 6CJOJQJh hu CJOJQJhhu CJOJQJ1 0:pu {. 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