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Please call Albert Fischer (mobile 06 78 42 68 26) or Ho Hien Lam (UNESCO extension 8 39 81) if you have trouble entering past the security/reception desk. Wednesday 2 May morning 9:00 Opening Opening and welcome (Harrison, Secretariat, 10 min) Review and adoption of the agenda and OOPC-11 report (Harrison, 10 min, background doc.: OOPC-11 report) OOPC activities 2005-6 and meeting goals (Harrison, 20 min) Overview of observing system status (from JCOMM Observations Programme Area Coordinator) (Harrison, 20 min) Science focus State of the Ocean 2006-2007 (Fischer, 20 min) (break, 20 min) Overview of IMBER science issues and sustained observing needs (Monfray, 50 min) Census of Marine Life (Biuw, 50 min) Wednesday 2 May afternoon Emerging Arctic Ocean climate science and observing system issues (Gascard, 50 min) Emerging Southern Ocean climate science and observing system issues (Sparrow, 50 min) (break, 20 min) Joint OOPC-AOPC (GCOS) Working Group on SST and Sea Ice Sea Ice (Andersen, 30 min, background doc.: Status of the GCOS SST&SI Working group) Sea Surface Temperature (Rayner, 30 min) Discussion of observing system issues raised under item 2, including IPY legacy issues (led by Harrison, 30 min) Wednesday 2 May evening18:00 Reception at the Miollis bar, -1 level towards main gate your guests are welcome, please give Albert (a.fischer@unesco.org) or Ho Hien (hh.lam@unesco.org) their names for access past security. Thursday 3 May morning 9:00Global observing networks Ocean satellite observations Missions update (Johannessen, 20 min) Taking advantage of the CEOS/GCOS reports (Fellous, 20 min) IGOS-P Ocean Theme Report (Alverson, 20 min) Discussion: potential for a surface salinity project combining satellite and in situ data, taking some elements of GHRSST as inspiration (all, 20 min) (break, 20 min) Sponsors and other bodies WCRP including the future of CLIVAR (Detemmerman, 20 min) GCOS (Harrison for Goodrich, 20 min) GOOS (Grard, 30 min) Liaison with other bodies: JCOMM, POGO IPCC 4th Assessment Report and interactions with UNFCCC: discussion of implications for the sustained ocean observing system and how to capitalize (Fischer/Harrison, 30 min) Thursday 3 May afternoonCLIVAR Basin Panels Atlantic Ocean Panel (Visbeck, 30 minutes) Indian Ocean Panel and short science talk on intraseasonal variability and the Cirene observational campaign (Vialard, 50 minutes) Pacific Ocean Panel (Suga, 30 min) (break, 20 min) Science Focus (contd) Sensor development update, and opportunities for global sustained ocean biogeochemical and ecosystems observations (Prien, 40 min) Discussion: Review plans for the Ocean Sensors 2008 workshop (all, 30 min, background doc: Draft Prospectus for a Symposium on Multi-disciplinary Sensors and Systems for Autonomous Observations of the Global Ocean-OceanSensors08)Thursday 3 May eveningGroup dinner (details will be finalized on the first day)Friday 4 May morning 9:00Data management and integration with observing networks (Keeley, 60 min) Ocean products: analyses and reanalyses Report on GODAE, including plans for the GODAE final symposium (Le Traon, 60 min) (break, 20 min) Discussion: Review plans for the November 2007 OSE/OSSE meeting (led by Le Traon, 30 min) Working Session on 2009 ocean observations conference (all, 50 min) Part 1 of 2 (see Saturday 5 May for full details and continuation)  Friday 4 May afternoonGlobal observing networks (contd) DBCP (Lee, 20 min) Ship Observations Team: VOS/VOSClim and SOOP XBT program (Fischer, 20 min) GLOSS tide gauge network and the workshop on Understanding Sea-Level Rise and Variability (Aarup, 30 min, background docs: Workshop summary and EOS article) Argo (Fischer for Gould, 20 min) (break, 20 min) OceanSITES (Weller, 20 min) IOCCP: focus on surface pCO2, timeseries, and Argo oxygen pilot project (Hood, 20 min) Development of an IOCCP-CLIVAR/GSOP-IMBER/SOLAS advisory panel for repeat hydrography (Hood, 20 min) Development of an Observing Programme Support Centre including JCOMMOPS, other issues for OOPC from JCOMM (Clark, 30 min) Saturday 5 May morning 9:00 note change of venue: UNESCO headquarters Salle V, entrance at 7 place Fontenoy (see map at  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-goos.org/map" http://www.ioc-goos.org/map)Ocean products: analyses and reanalyses (contd) CLIVAR Global Synthesis and Observations Panel (GSOP) and the GSOP-GODAE ocean climate reanalysis workshop (Stammer, 60 min) Working Session on 2009 ocean observations conference (Part 2 of 2) (all) Review the rationale, pressure, and opportunities of a large conference focused on ocean observations (Harrison) what pilot projects are ready to be sold to sponsors? what is the balance between (a) looking back at the achievements and trying to consolidate the physical system, with (b) looking forward towards opportunities for new methodologies, new biogeochemical and ecosystems measurements on a global basis? what preparatory activities are needed (subjects/scope)? Was the June 2006 Sea Level Workshop a good model? Why do we need a big conference - could we just focus on these more topical workshops? who is going to lead the charge - sponsors and people?Saturday 5 May afternoon (continuation of Item 8 if necessary) Review of decisions, recommendations, and actions Next meeting and closing OOPC-12 Provisional Agenda v. 2 (26 April 2007)  PAGE 3  45 !LMNmnp ķ߷߷o`SFhiVhIKCJOJQJh\hIKCJOJQJhiVhIK0JCJOJQJ'jKhiVhIKCJOJQJUhhIK0JCJOJQJ'jJhiVhIKCJOJQJU!jhhIKCJOJQJUhhIKCJOJQJhiVhIKCJOJQJhiVhIK5CJOJQJhhIK5CJOJQJ$jhhIK5CJOJQJU  45 opq gdIKOkd[K$$Ifl0#R t4 l4a$P$Ifa$gdIK $IfgdIK4r  < o    & C T U e < M B [ k  Kۿۿۿۤۿۿۿۿۿۉۿۿ|nhIKhIK6CJOJQJh\hIKCJOJQJhiVhIK6CJOJQJhiVhIKCJOJQJhJhIK6CJOJQJhJhIKCJOJQJhhIK6CJOJQJh\hIK5CJOJQJhhIKCJOJQJh\hIKCJh| hIK5CJOJQJ)  p  & U e yllllyl[l<<$If^gdIK & F$IfgdIK & Fxx$IfgdIKtkdL$$Ifl#?$  t 064 l4ap  $IfgdIKekdL$$Ifl#?$ t064 l4a & F$IfgdIK O C l }pp_pRRp & F$IfgdIK<<$If^gdIK & F$IfgdIK h$If^hgdIKtkd?M$$Ifl#?$  t 064 l4ap  $IfgdIKekdM$$Ifl#?$ t064 l4a h$If^hgdIK < $IfgdIKtkdM$$Ifl#?$  t 064 l4ap  $IfgdIKekdIN$$Ifl#?$ t064 l4a89H^Q^_no%-m}c ǹǹǹԹԹԞ﹬ԹhIKhIK6CJOJQJhhIK6CJOJQJh\hIK5CJOJQJhvhIKCJOJQJhiVhIK6CJOJQJh\hIKCJOJQJhiVhIKCJOJQJhiVhIK5CJOJQJhhIKCJOJQJhIK39__oyl____PQx$If^QgdIK & F$IfgdIK & F$IfgdIK & Fxx$IfgdIKtkdN$$Ifl#?$  t 064 l4ap o%of $IfgdIKekdN$$Ifl#?$ t064 l4a h$If^hgdIK & F$IfgdIK & Fxx$IfgdIK .ylll]L & F xx$IfgdIKx$If^gdIK & F$IfgdIK & Fxx$IfgdIKtkd4O$$Ifl#?$  t 064 l4ap ~de|~u $IfgdIKekdO$$Ifl#?$ t064 l4a & F x$IfgdIK & F $IfgdIK|}} xx$IfgdIKtkdO$$Ifl#?$  t 064 l4ap tkdP$$Ifl#?$  t 064 l4ap  $IfgdIKekdLP$$Ifl#?$ t064 l4a D6CD$R~Ve5DcȺȜȎȀo!jhhIKCJOJQJUhhIK5CJOJQJhIKhIK6CJOJQJhIKhiVhIKCJOJQJhvhIKCJOJQJhhIK6CJOJQJhhIKCJOJQJh\hIK5CJOJQJhiVhIK5CJOJQJhiVhIK6CJOJQJ+DD $IfgdIKhxx$If^hgdIK & Fxx$IfgdIK<<$If^gdIK & F$IfgdIK & Fxx$IfgdIK & F xx$IfgdIK $IfgdIKekdP$$Ifl#?$ t064 l4a%fyllll[lll<<$If^gdIK & F$IfgdIK & Fxx$IfgdIKtkd7Q$$Ifl#?$  t 064 l4ap  EFG ekdQ$$Ifl#?$ t064 l4a $IfgdIK & F$IfgdIK  :hr14cھzlz\NAh}nhIKCJOJQJhIKhIK6CJOJQJhIKhIK56CJOJQJh hIK6CJOJQJh hIKCJOJQJhiVhIK5CJOJQJhiVhIK6CJOJQJh\hIK5CJOJQJhiVhIKCJOJQJhhIKCJOJQJhIKhIK0JCJOJQJ!jhhIKCJOJQJU'jQhIKhIKCJOJQJU  ;sfyhWFFFF & Fxx$IfgdIK & Fxx$IfgdIK & Fxx$IfgdIK & Fxx$IfgdIKtkdR$$Ifl#?$  t 064 l4ap f $IfgdIKekdR$$Ifl#?$ t064 l4a & Fx$IfgdIK2}ll & Fxx$IfgdIK xx$IfgdIKtkd.S$$Ifl#?$  t 064 l4ap 234pqrsxxgdIKekdS$$Ifl#?$ t064 l4acdeflmnoprsղ䮡hhIKCJOJQJhIK'h}nhIK0JCJOJQJmHnHuh}nhIK0JCJOJQJjh}nhIK0JCJUh}nhIKCJOJQJh}nhIK6CJOJQJ 1 0:pIK{. 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