ࡱ> UWT%`LbjbjNN.N,,  lj, i1}" 0000000 3hq509 h}}hh0 02(((h  0(h0((,. / vxU.0-1<i1.6^6(/6 /7^(L00 i1hhhh Z Z  First Meeting of the IODE Steering Group for the IODE Ocean Data Portal Oostende, Belgium 20-22 September 2010 The IODE Ocean Data Portal data policy (draft, version 0.1, September 2010) (submitted by N.Mikhaylov, ETDMP chair) 1. Objective This document sets the policy for integration of and access to data and products through the ODP operation. The goal of the ODP data policy is to state the general rules and conditions for submission, access and use of data and products managed by the ODP distributed data system. The ODP data policy follows the IOC Data Exchange Policy and (m.b. also?) Resolution No 40 of the WMO . This policy applies to data managed by NODC/DNA and centers under IOC and non-IOC programmes, other systems ODP partners, and also to users from the scientific community, public organizations, and environmental agencies. This policy serves as a basis of the ODP data integration and access guidelines that will be established for the ODP implementation. 2. Definitions Ocean Data Portal (ODP) is a set of specifications and software to provide seamless access to collections and inventories of marine data from NODCs in the IODE network, data centers of JCOMM and other IOC projects, and allow for the discovery, evaluation (through visualization and metadata review) and access to data through web services; ODP distributed data system is the system where data/services can be located at various geographically distributed IODE network nodes or nodes of other systems and be accessible through ODP; ODP data policy is a set of rules that determine building and support of the ODP distributed data system, and access to the ODP objects. ODP data provider is NODC/DNA or other center (institution) or system(portal) which provides an access to data and products; Role is a property of a user that determines the criteria that must be satisfied before providing access to the ODP objects; Data are marine observation data, derived data and gridded fields (analysis, forecast, climate). Metadata is "data about data" describing the content, quality, conditions, and other characteristics of data. Non-commercial means conducted not for profit, cost-recovery or re-sale. Product means a value-added enhancement of data applied to a particular application. 3. Key statements Data providers (NODC/DNA, other centers) operating under IODE and other IOC programmes, submit data sets to the ODP distributed data system for shared use; All data and products collected and prepared under IOC programmes shall be submitted (or, in appropriate cases, notification of its availability shall be submitted) to the ODP distributed system; Data providers operating under IOC programmes shall have a plan and list of data and products that shall be submitted to the ODP distributed data system; Data centers and data systems who manage data and products under non-IOC programmes, are invited to contribute to the ODP implementation as data providers; Data providers make data and metadata available by means of direct registration of data sets in the ODP distributed data system using the remote or installed ODP software or by means of the interoperability standards and procedures; Data providers support the actuality and availability of data and metadata on the permanent basis; The ODP data policy is based on the full and open sharing of data and products submitted to ODP under IOC programmes; As a possible extension the ability is considered to provide a restricted access to data and products that were submitted under non-IOC programmes except for those that are essential for preservation of life, beneficial public use and protection of the ocean environment, forecasting of weather, operational forecasting of the marine environment, monitoring and modelling of climate and sustainable development of the marine environment. data and products from ODP are accessible on line and at no cost to users. 4. Data access general conditions 4.1. Depending on conditions of access data and products (hereinafter data) managed by ODP are divided into the following categories: full and open sharing; restricted access. 4.2. All data collected and created under IOC programmes belong to the category full and open sharing and are freely accessible without any conditions. Variant 1 - 4.3. Data submitted to ODP under non-IOC programmes can belong to the category restricted access. An access to such data is provided to the ODP registered users, who have relevant permissions. Permissions are assigned by the centre which provided relevant data to ODP. Registration, assignment of permissions and authentication are performed through ODP. Variant 2 - 4.3. Data submitted to ODP under non-IOC programmes can belong to category restricted access. An access to such data is provided to the ODP registered users, who have relevant permissions. Permissions are assigned by the centre which provided relevant data to ODP. Registration, assignment of permissions and authentication are performed through ODP. Users who are the ODP data providers have access permissions to data of the category restricted access without any conditions . 4.4. ODP monitors the distributed data system status and distributes information on actuality and availability of data and metadata among data providers. Data providers take measures to provide timely availability of data and metadata. 4.5. ODP monitors user requests and distributes information about data requests among data providers. 5. Realization of data access conditions 5.1. Conditions of access to ODP data are specified in metadata in the process of data sets registration by data provider using web-forms of Data Provider software. When data are provided by another system an arrangement of AAA interoperability between ODP and this system is made through mutual approval of rules used for assignment of user roles and permissions attached to these roles. 5.2. Permissions of access to the restricted access data are provided according to the user role in the following way: user is registered in ODP, a list of required data sets and data selection criteria are defined; ODP component submits a request to relevant data providers >n assignment of permissions (assignments of relevant user role) to access the required data sets; data provider either confirms user permissions to access data or provides a reasonable refusal; if a response is positive a relevant role is assigned to the user and notification on access permissions is sent. It is also important to provide data exchange with other systems and portals if they support the data access restrictions. 5.3. Access permissions to the restricted access data are granted to the ODP data providers automatically. 5.4. The ODP components control user access permission on the basis of their assigned roles qr " % / 2 3 E L M Q ^ _ ` d l p   ! 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The ODP components provide the system performance statistics including the data requests control and distributes information about data requests among data providers. ,1h. 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