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It is recognized that in order to fully implement a sustained global ocean observing system, JCOMMOPS should plan to evolve over the next several years into an expanded technical support centre that will continue to serve the growing requirements of these three programmes, and in addition begin to serve the developing requirements of other international programmes, which are also working to coordinate elements of the global ocean observing system. In particular the following programmes have expressed interest in possibly joining together with the DBCP, SOT, and Argo in establishing a cooperative international system-wide technical support capability: the Global Seal Level Observing System (GLOSS), the OceanSITES, the International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project (IOCCP), and the Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean (POGO). This group of implementation programmes has suggested that there may be certain National met-ocean centres or other institutions interested in hosting an expanded observing programme support centre. The Co-Presidents of JCOMM, concurring with this suggestion, therefore invite proposals from interested parties. Proposals are due before 01 October 2007. Submissions may be delivered to the JCOMM secretariat at either the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) or the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC). Framework for an expanded JCOMMOPS-C JCOMM serves as the intergovernmental coordinating mechanism for implementation of the global ocean observing system (GOOS). The JCOMM Observations Programme Area facilitates the implementation of the composite global ocean observing system as defined in the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Implementation Plan for the Global Observing System for Climate in support of the UNFCCC (GCOS-92). The ocean chapter of GCOS-92 has been endorsed as the ocean backbone of the Global Earth Observation System of System (GEOSS). This system is the foundation for ocean climate research and operational oceanography. Although designed to meet climate requirements, the system defined by GCOS-92 also supports global weather prediction, global and coastal ocean prediction, marine related multi-hazard warning systems, marine environmental monitoring, naval applications, and many other non-climate users. The first session of JCOMM (JCOMM-I, Akureyri, 2001) established the JCOMM in situ Observing Platform Support Centre (JCOMMOPS) (approved by Resolution 7 WMO EC-LIV and IOC EC XXXV.4). JCOMM-II (Halifax, 2005) revised the terms of reference as follows (approved by Resolution X WMO EC-LVIII and IOC EC XXXIX.2): Under the overall guidance of the JCOMM Observations Coordination Group and following the direction of the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel (DBCP), the Ship Observations Team (SOT), the Argo Steering Team (Argo ST), and the Cross-cutting Team on Satellite Data Requirements, the JCOMMOPS shall: Act as a focal point for implementation and coordination of observing platforms monitored by the above programmes and provide assistance to platform operators for free and unrestricted exchange of data by, inter alia, providing information on telecommunications systems, clarifying and resolving issues between platform operators and telecommunications system operators, and encouraging the implementation of standard formats; Maintain information on relevant data requirements for observations in support of GOOS, GCOS, and the WWW as provided by the appropriate international scientific panels and JCOMM Expert Teams and Groups, and routinely provide information on the functional status of the observing systems; Provide a gateway for information on instrumentation deployment and servicing opportunities, and on operator contact information; and Provide information on the observational program, including on instrumentation, on instrument evaluation, and on data quality. Centre description The current JCOMMOPS is located in Toulouse and serves the DBCP, SOT and the Argo Steering Team. It is becoming apparent that implementation of GOOS could be greatly enhanced by the expansion of the current JCOMMOPS into an expanded JCOMM Observing Programme Support Centre (JCOMMOPS-C) servicing all global observing components/elements with a system-wide approach. System-wide coordination, cooperation, and efficiencies would be improved by all systems working together to manage global implementation issues. This should include system performance monitoring, system evaluation, coordination of deployment opportunities, consolidated reporting, technical advice, and technical coordination to improve system efficiency and effectiveness. Such a JCOMMOPS-C would provide synergies for functions that are now distributed and also provide a more integrated framework for deployment and further development of ocean observing networks. The long-term maintenance and sustainability of the global ocean observing system depends on the wise use of existing resources, and an expanded JCOMMOPS-C would do much to rationalize and leverage the national contributions of the several members/member states that are working to cooperatively implement the global ocean observing system. The envisioned JCOMMOPS-C will have a focus on integration across elements of the in situ observing system, as well as on support to sustain the individual components. A systems approach will facilitate showcasing the benefits of sustained ocean observations, not only of individual elements but also of the system as a whole. A dynamic centre with good visibility (both on the web and in person) is a key element in explaining to the national contributors, present and prospective, the value of sustained ocean observations. It will also assist in the cross-JCOMM coordination of the observation requirements from the Data Management and Services Program Areas. It is estimated that the seven individual programmes noted above will need within the foreseeable future, coordinated support from a technical staff of five personnel: One (1) manager responsible for high-level representation and day-to-day management of JCOMMOPS-C, assignment of priorities and resolution of conflicts in consultation with the programme panel chairs. Four (4) technical coordinators responsible for resolving technical issues at all levels; interacting with manufacturers, operators, end users, and evaluation teams; preparing and maintaining reference materials, standards, and protocols for routine support; developing and utilizing diagnostic tools; presenting routine and special report to the programme panels. See attachment A as an illustration of the type of duties and responsibilities of the present DBCP/SOT technical coordinator. In addition to this international staff, JCOMMOPS-C will require part-time help from the host institution for support services such as Information Technologist (IT) and administrative assistance. Staffing: The staffing for the JCOMMOPS-C technical coordinators will be subject to negotiation between WMO, IOC and the host institution. Part-time administrative and IT support personnel provided by the host institution will, of course, be employed through the host institutions own personnel system. Current: There is existing funding available for salary and programme support for the 2 full-time technical coordinators (for DBCP/SOT and Argo) currently at JCOMMOPS in Toulouse. Funding for these 2 positions is expected to continue for at least 1-2 years. Future alternate arrangements could include: Secondments from other Member/Member States Host institution employees funded by the JCOMMOPS trust fund. Programmatic guidance: JCOMMOPS-C will work under the overall guidance of a JCOMM Observations Programme Area Coordinator, following the direction the DBCP, the SOT, the Argo Steering Team, and the other programme panels that choose to contribute funding to support the work of the centre. Day-to-day guidance will be provided by the on-site JCOMMOPS-C manager. JCOMMOPS-C must be operated in the global interest with objectivity, free from organizational conflicts of interest, and with full disclosure of its affairs to the programme implementation panels that are providing the funding, to the JCOMM Observations Programme Area Coordinator, and of course to the host institution. Requirements Following is a list of desired host institution capabilities and infrastructure support requirements. Institutions may propose to satisfy some or all of these requirements. Some of the following requirements are no-cost attributes, and some are infrastructure requirements that will have cost. It is expected that most proposing institutions will be able/willing to offer some in-kind contributions to the operations and maintenance of JCOMMOPS-C. Proposals will be evaluated on the degree to which the following requirements are met, as well as on the institutions ability/willingness to provide in-kind contributions. Proposals should indicate the cost of providing the needed infrastructure and also indicate whether the cost must be born by JCOMMOPS-C or if the host institution proposes to bear some or all of the cost. Programme Ideally the host institution should already be involved in JCOMM-related met ocean activities; e.g., observing platform management, data management, operational met-ocean services, and/or scientific research. Location The location should ideally be within 90-minutes travel of an international airline hub, with direct and easily accessible ground transportation. The location of the institution should allow easy access from JCOMMOPS-C to national observing system managers, met-ocean services, and other users of ocean observations within host country. The host institution should be able to provide easy access to nationals of all contributing Members/Member states when making visits to JCOMMOPS-C (i.e., no significant delays due to visa applications or local security regulations). The location should be near suitable hotels to service visitors and to host conferences. The host must be willing to assist with relocation of JCOMMOPS-C personnel (e.g., work permits, relocation advice). Financial The host institution must have flexible and efficient mechanisms to accept financial reimbursement from the WMO, IOC, and donor countries at a variety of times of year (due to the differing financial years of donor institutions). The host institution must have a transparent and efficient mechanism to execute procurements on behalf of JCOMMOPS-C. The host institution must have the ability to provide JCOMM and donors with annual financial statements on the costs of operating JCOMMOPS-C. Infrastructure The host institution must be able to provide JCOMMOPS-C with year-round facilities and to ensure that essential file servers would not remain inoperative if a failure were to occur at weekends or during holidays. This does not necessarily require 24/7 operations, but does require immediate response to problems if they occur during off-duty hours. JCOMMOPS-C personnel must have 24/7 access to facilities. The host institution must provide furnished office space and computer/network infrastructure for three personnel initially. There should be contiguous space that could be occupied by four additional personnel within five years. Contingent upon future funding, JCOMMOPS-C will need seven office spaces overall: five for the full-time technical employees, plus one for temporary contractors for system development activities, plus one for visiting scientists, engineers, and technicians. The host should provide appropriate conference room space and facilities (including IT and administrative support) to hold technical workshops and meetings, ideally for 40 people. The host should be a holder of Oracle, ArcGIS licenses that would allow JCOMMOPS use, including data storage and server equipment. The host institution must provide high-speed internet access, local area network service and management, and firewall protection. Access to the Internet-2 would be desirable. The host institution should provide updates/patches to the JCOMMOPS system as part of the hosts routine system management, and provide IT support for system administration and management. The IT support and system administration should be responsive to the particular requirements of JCOMMOPS-C. The host institution should be able to provide access to real-time data streams including GTS and satellite telecommunications (e.g., ARGOS and Iridium). The host institution should make available when needed to JCOMMOPS state-of-the-art hardware and software for computing, display, data storage, and production of graphics, (e.g., for website development, newsletters, and outreach materials). OCGs proposal for Eligibility and Proposal Submission All interested National centres and other met-ocean institutions in Member/Member States are eligible to submit proposals. Preference will be given to institutions that are already involved with JCOMM-related operations and are active participants in the JCOMM affiliated programme implementation panels. The following information should be included in each proposal: Evidence of capability please specify, for each of the requirements listed above, exactly what kind of support, facilities and other resources will be offered, including quantitative definition of: 1) what the proposer will provide; 2) the annual operating cost of each item; 3) how much, if any, reimbursement will be requested from JCOMM; 4) how much, if any, in-kind (no cost to JCOMM) support will be provided. Specific description of the facilities that would be offered to JOCMMOPS-C, floor plans and photographs of the specific facilities, and a location map. Rationale and vision for JCOMMOPS-C please include how a JCOMMOPS-C would contribute to the operations of the host institution and how the host institutions operations would contribute to the work of JCOMMOPS-C. Other advantages, capabilities, and rationale for locating JCOMMOPS-C at the proposed institution. Please include information on host institution flexibility and mechanism/s for long-term hiring and support of staff. The JCOMM co-presidents will establish an ad-hoc review panel to evaluate the proposals and recommend selection. Selection must be confirmed by the program implementation panels contributing resources to the support of JCOMMOPS-C. JCOMMOPS-C will be established via a memorandum of agreement between WMO, IOC and the host institution that will clearly stipulate all financial, administrative, operational, and management responsibilities of the parties. Additional information General information on the JCOMM website ( HYPERLINK "http://www.jcomm.info/" www.jcomm.info); and on the JCOMMOPS site (www.jcommops.org/). Questions may be directed to Annex A: DBCP and SOOPIP Technical Coordinator, Duties and Responsibilities Under the general supervision of the Executive Secretary, IOC, acting in close collaboration with the Secretary General of WMO, and under the technical guidance from the Chairman of the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel (DBCP, www.dbcp.noaa.gov), and the Chairman of the Ship Of Opportunity Programme Implementation Panel (SOOPIP, www.brest.ird.fr), the incumbent through direct contacts with observing platform operators, data telecommunication providers, and data assimilation centres, will assist as appropriate in the implementation and operations of a global system. The incumbent will therefore have the following duties and responsibilities. Observing platforms below refer to drifting buoys, moored buoys in the high seas, and ship based observational platforms. 70% of the time will be spent on DBCP related issues, and 30% on SOOPIP. Duties and responsibilities% timeAssist when requested with the development of cooperative arrangements for buoy deployment and operations of ship based observing platforms; maintain information on buoy deployment opportunities;5%Assist in collection and distribution in real time of quality observational platform data for operational meteorology and oceanography, as well as for research purposes. This involves in particular assistance in promoting and facilitating the insertion of all available and appropriate data from observing platforms into the Global Telecommunications System (GTS) and into appropriate data distribution system and permanent archives (e.g. GTSPP, RNDOC/DB);15%Act to resolve any issues arising between observational platform operators, manufacturers, data telecommunication providers, data assimilation centres, quality control and archiving agencies, WMO and IOC;15%Assist in the development, implementation, and management of quality control procedures for observing platform data; assist in relaying feed-back quality information from data users to platform operators, and in particular monitor and maintain DBCP quality control guidelines;4%Assist in collection of metadata regarding observing platforms;4%Assist in standardization of instrumentation, data formats, and operational procedures;4%Provide technical assistance and support to DBCP Action Groups;5%Through direct contacts with potential users in member states, advertise the DBCP and SOOP programmes, encourage use of observing platform data, and active participation of new member states in these programmes;4%Act as a clearing house for information on all aspects of observational platform data use; maintain DBCP and SOOPIP web sites;10%Develop and maintain JCOMMOPS, its database, Geographical Information System, and web based monitoring system as far as data buoys and ship based observing platforms are concerned. Work in synergy with the Argo Technical Coordinator in this regard;10%Compile and produce monthly monitoring products, including (i) DBCP monthly status by country and maps, (ii) JCOMMOPS monthly status maps, (iii) SOOP monthly BATHY report, (iv) SOOP monthly quality report, and (v) SOOPIP semestrial resources survey. Suggest and produce additional products as requested or needed;5%Promote an improved international dialogue between oceanographers and meteorologists, and between research and operational communities;5%Supervise administratively the Argo Technical Coordinator, bearing in mind that his/her work priorities and tasks are defined by the Argo Steering Team (AST).4%Prepare documents for, participate in and report to the regular meetings of the DBCP and SOOPIP, and represent these groups at other relevant technical meetings, both inside and outside WMO and IOC, as required.10% )6N] _ q x  _:ཱུɐrjZLh}DB*OJPJQJphho5B*OJPJQJphhxOJQJhxB*OJPJQJphho6B*OJPJQJphhoB*OJPJQJphhoOJQJ\hoB*OJQJ\phhoOJQJhoB*OJQJphho5OJQJh >5B*OJQJphho5B*OJQJph"ho5B*CJ OJQJaJ ph()^ _ $ & F 87$8$H$^a$gdoh^hgdogdo$a$gdooS:SoYy3;-!^!|%%%%%&&'rdTdh-5B*OJPJQJphh-B*OJPJQJphhRlaB*OJPJQJphh >B*OJPJQJphhxOJQJhoOJQJ\hoOJQJh}DB*OJPJQJphho5B*OJPJQJphhoOJQJ]^Jho6B*OJPJQJphhoB*OJPJQJph!ho6B*OJPJQJ]phIJ{!|!$"%""$%% & Fgdo & Fgdo gdogdo$ & F 87$8$H$^a$gdo$h7$8$H$^ha$gdo%&&''((3(q(r())+ +-+.+m.n.x.I/J/S//01 & Fgdogd}D & F gd-gd-h^hgd- & Fgd-gdo''''q(r((( ))) +-+m.n.x.J/S/1111\2f2L33Q4_4T9U999::;;<<<żzzzzznhoB*OJQJphhxOJQJho56>*OJQJhoOJQJho5B*OJPJQJphhoOJQJhoB*OJPJQJphho5OJQJh}DB*OJPJQJphh-5B*OJPJQJphh-B*OJPJQJphhFxB*OJPJQJph&11[2\2f2L33P4Q4`457899:;<<<<+>,>?g@ & Fgdo & Fgdo & Fgdogdo^gdo & Fgdo<<<<~>>AAAAABBBCCC&D'DKDLDZD[DDDDDDBH´´˜……y´j[MhoCJOJQJ^JaJho5CJOJQJ^JaJho5CJOJQJ^JaJho0JOJPJQJ$jhoB*OJPJQJUphhRlaB*OJPJQJphhhB*OJPJQJphhxB*OJPJQJphhoB*OJPJQJphhoB*OJPJQJ\phho5B*OJPJQJphhx5B*OJPJQJphg@>ABBCCCCDDAHBH^HeH $$Ifa$$a$gdogdo & Fgdo BHeHfH-I.IJJKKBLDLLL-M.MMMMMNN)O*O'P(PeQfQQQRRmSnSoS޽hohoCJOJQJ\^JaJhoCJOJQJ^JaJhoCJPJaJnHtH&ho5B*CJOJQJ^JaJph!eHfH*I-Iq_V $$Ifa$ & Fd$If^d`kd$$IfFj0 p# R   044 FaFp-I.IJJ|s $$Ifa$ & Fd$If^d`qkd$$IfF0 p# R044 FaFJJKK|s $$Ifa$ & Fd$If^d`qkd$$IfF0 p# R044 FaFKKLL|s $$Ifa$ & Fd$If^d`qkd.$$IfF0 p# R044 FaFLL*M-M|s $$Ifa$ & Fd$If^d`qkd$$IfF0 p# R044 FaF-M.MMM|s $$Ifa$ & Fd$If^d`qkdx$$IfF0 p# R044 FaFMMMM|s $$Ifa$ & Fd$If^d`qkd$$IfF0 p# R044 FaFMMNN|s $$Ifa$ & Fd$If^d`qkd$$IfF0 p# R044 FaFNN%O)O|s $$Ifa$ & Fd$If^d`qkdg$$IfF0 p# R044 FaF)O*O#P'P|s $$Ifa$ & Fd$If^d`qkd $$IfF0 p# R044 FaF'P(PbQeQ|s $$Ifa$ & Fd$If^d`qkd$$IfF0 p# R044 FaFeQfQQQ|s $$Ifa$ & Fd$If^d`qkdV$$IfF0 p# R044 FaFQQRR|s $$Ifa$ & Fd$If^d`qkd$$IfF0 p# R044 FaFRRiSmS|s $$Ifa$ & Fd$If^d`qkd$$IfF0 p# R044 FaFmSnSoSqkdE $$IfF0 p# R044 FaF,1h/ =!"#$% $$IfF!vh5 5R#v #vR:V Fj   0,5 5R/ 4 FaFp$$IfF!vh5 5R#v #vR:V F05 5R/ 4 FaF$$IfF!vh5 5R#v #vR:V F05 5R/ 4 FaF$$IfF!vh5 5R#v #vR:V F05 5R/ 4 FaF$$IfF!vh5 5R#v #vR:V F05 5R/ 4 FaF$$IfF!vh5 5R#v #vR:V F05 5R/ 4 FaF$$IfF!vh5 5R#v #vR:V F05 5R/ 4 FaF$$IfF!vh5 5R#v #vR:V F05 5R/ 4 FaF$$IfF!vh5 5R#v #vR:V F05 5R/ 4 FaF$$IfF!vh5 5R#v #vR:V F05 5R/ 4 FaF$$IfF!vh5 5R#v #vR:V F05 5R/ 4 FaF$$IfF!vh5 5R#v #vR:V F05 5R/ 4 FaF$$IfF!vh5 5R#v #vR:V F05 5R/ 4 FaF$$IfF!vh5 5R#v #vR:V F05 5R/ 4 FaF$$IfF!vh5 5R#v #vR:V F05 5R/ 4 FaFD@D oNormalCJPJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List4U@4 o Hyperlink >*phoK()^_ IJ{|$%  3 q r !!# #-#.#m&n&x&I'J'S''())[*\*f*L++P,Q,`,-/011234444+6,67g8>9::;;;;<<A@B@^@e@f@*A-A.ABBBCCCDDD*E-E.EEEEEEEFFF%G)G*G#H'H(HbIeIfIIIIJJJiKmKnKqK0000000000000000000000 00 00 00 000000000000 0 0 0000 00 00 0 00000000000 000 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 0 0 0 00000000000 0 0  0 0 0  0 0 0  0 0 0  0 0 0  0 0 0  0 0 0  0 0 0  0 0 0  0 0 0  0  0 0  0  0 0  0  0 0  0  0 0  0  0 0 0()^_ IJ{|$%!!# #-#.#m&n&x&I'J'S''())[*\*f*+P,Q,`,-/01234444+6,67g8>9::;;<<A@B@^@e@f@*A-A.ABBBCCCDDD*E-E.EEEEEEEFFF%G)G*G#H'H(HbIeIfIIIIJJJiKmKnKqK{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00{00@0 {00{00@0{00{00@0{00{00@0{00{00@0{0 0{0 0@0{0 0{0 0@0{00{00@0{00{00@0{00{00{00P+{00{00@0{00{00@0{00{00@0{00{00@0{00{00@0 00K:'<BHoS*-024%1g@eH-IJKL-MMMN)O'PeQQRmSoS+./1356789:;<=>?@ABCoS,&<K<Z<oKX OLE_LINK2 OLE_LINK1x&x&qK&&qK ?@A 4B4C5D4EF ,4Gl25H4\ \ }}z3z3qK c c  33qK V *urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplacehttp://www.5iantlavalamp.com/h *urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity0http://www.5iamas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags @B ^g7@akIS6= \fIR  r ~ >!G!""""n&w&0044445577>!>>>CC)F3FFFdHeHIIqKr !;<qK3r !n&x&J'S'\*f*Q,`,--5,6;;<<<<B@f@*A.ABBCCDD*E.EEEEEFF%G*G#H(H"IfIIIJJiKnKqKr ~ qKqK[  ld!Z Tu4w( 6*v#FN %$S>F4iIKb9cDdfȋ_x6q,0^`OJQJo(hH ^`hH. pp^p`hH. @ @ ^@ `hH. ^`hH. ^`hH. ^`hH. ^`hH. 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