ࡱ> SUR )bjbj~~ 8@! \\11118i$<1+\+++++++I.0+++++)|*?6I1jj)+|+0+*11$**\ :    WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION __________________INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (OF UNESCO) _____________ Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology THIRD MEETING of the joint Steering Group For the IODE Ocean Data Portal and THE JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS Ostend, Belgium, 1-3 NOVEMber 2010 International OCEANOGRAPHIC Data and Information ExchangE __________ OBS/OSD/MAR/WIGOS-4/Doc. 1.2(2) (8.VI.2010) ______ ITEM: 1.2 Original: ENGLISH ONLY ANNOTATED PROVISIONAL AGENDA 1. Organization of the Session Mr Greg Reed (Australia), and Mr Jitze van der Meulen (the Netherland), Co-chairpersons of the Joint Steering Group for the IODE Ocean Data Portal and the WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM, will open the meeting at 0900 on 1 November 2010 at the Project Office of the IOC International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) in Ostend, Belgium. After the opening remarks, the participants will review and adopt the agenda for the session and adopt it. The Meeting will then receive information on local arrangements. 2. Status of the Implementation Plan The meeting will review the implementation plan as adopted at the first meeting of the Joint Steering Group, and reviewed at its second meeting, and discuss actions undertaken since October 2009 according to the plan. 3. Status of WIGOS The meeting will review the status from the WIGOS framework developments, including status of the WIGOS Demonstration Projects proposed by WMO Members in all of the six WMO Regional Associations. It will review the recommendations from the WMO Executive Council working Group on WIGOS and the WMO Information System (WIS), and from the sixty-second Session of the WMO Executive Council. The meeting will review the current versions of the WIGOS Development and Implementation Strategy (WDIS), the WIGOS Concept of Operations (CONOPS), and the WIGOS Test of Concept Development and Implementation Plan (WDIP). Based on these reviews, the meeting will discuss on how the Overarching Implementation Plan for the ODP and WIGOS Pilot Project for the IODE and JCOMM (IP) could be adjusted, and what consideration should be included in the Project report for further discussion under agenda item 8.2. 4. IODE Ocean Data Portal and its interoperability with the WIS The meeting will review progress on the IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP) developments according to its workplan, including specifications for a light data provider and the development of version 2 of the IODE ODP. It will address interoperability issues between the IODE ODP and other data portal projects, such as the Pan-European infrastructure for Ocean & Marine Data Management (SeaDataNET) and the Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN), and review progress regarding discussions with SeaDataNET. The meeting will also discuss progress towards expanding the network of ODP Data Providers. Mr Eliot Christian will report on progress and make recommendations regarding WIS interoperability requirements and feasibility. The meeting will review progress regarding the development of interoperability of some identified potential data-sets with the IODE ODP and/or the WIS. The joint Steering Group will make further recommendations and discuss how to establish more data providers nodes. The meeting will review the latest developments with regard to BUFR templates for ocean data, and possibly make recommendations to the DMPA Task Team on Table Driven Codes on strategies for enhancing interoperability between data systems in terms of real-time data exchange. Under this agenda item, the meeting will also discuss the collection and exchange of instrument/platform metadata from ocean observation platforms. The meeting will discuss strategies for the integration between in situ and satellite ocean data, in order to optimize the utility of complimentaryin situ and satelliteobserving networks, leading to enhanced return on observing system investments. 5. Instrument Best Practices The meeting will review the latest developments regarding establishment of WMO-IOC Regional Marine Instrument Centres (RMIC), following Recommendation 1 (JCOMM-III) defining their Terms of Reference as proposed by the Pilot Project. It will review the outcome of the JCOMM marine instrument workshop for Regional Association (RA) IV, Bay St Louis, USA, 13-15 April 2010, that was organized to test the RMIC concept, and discuss plans for establishing RMICs in RA-I (Morocco), and RA-II (China), including a detailed report from the National Centre of Ocean Standards and Metrology (NCOSM), Tianjin, China, regarding establishment of an RMIC for the Asia-Pacific region. The meeting will also discuss the selection process for the RMICs in the view to make recommendations to the JCOMM Management Committee in this regard. The meeting will also discuss interactions of the WIGOS Pilot Project with CIMO in terms of instrument best practices in view to facilitate instrument best practices integration. The meeting will discuss the relationship with the instrument manufacturers, and particularly how the relationship with the HMEI could be enhanced. The meeting will review the list of Publications relevant to the Pilot Project and address how these could be better integrated in the view to achieve higher level standards. Referring to the strategy for updating WMO and IOC Publications in light of the Pilot Project developments as proposed at the previous meeting of the joint Steering Group, the meeting will discuss whether the strategy will need to be updated in light of recent developments in this regard, including financial support provided by the DBCP for the review of those Publications that relate to instrument practices. 6. Quality Management The Meeting will discuss quality management, and implications of promoting implementation of appropriate quality management systems in the framework of both the IODE ODP and WIGOS Pilot Projects. The meeting will review recent developments with regard to the JCOMM Catalogue of Best Practices and Standards, and address the recommendations from the consultant who worked on the Catalogue. The Joint Steering Group will review standards that have been recommended and proposed through the JCOMM/IODE Standards Process, discuss whether other standards ought to be submitted, and make further recommendations regarding the standards process if required. The meeting will discuss whether ocean data management procedures are properly documented and make recommendations for updating the WMO and IOC Technical Regulations if necessary. 7. Capacity Building The Meeting will address capacity-building issues and refine a strategy to facilitate the implementation of both the IODE ODP and the WIGOS Pilot Projects within developing countries. This will include discussion concerning the cooperation with the IODE OceanTeacher Project. 8. Reporting to the WMO and IOC Executive bodies, and project report The Joint Steering Group will review the draft Pilot Project report, including (i) achievements, (ii) test of concept, (iii) pending issues, (iv) benefits of WIGOS integration regarding oceanographic observations for NMHSs, NODCs, ocean data users and WIS users, (v) impact of the marine observing systems integration, and use of recommended standards on the operations of NMHSs and NODCs, and (vi) legacy recommendations of the Pilot Project. The legacy recommendations will consider the remaining work beyond the end of the Pilot Project that will be required in order to achieve the vision expressed in the WIGOS CONOPS. The meeting will discuss feedback to be provided to the WMO Executive Council Working Group on WIGOS and WIS through its Sub-Group on WIGOS, as well as to JCOMM and the IOC Committee on IODE. Finally, the meeting will review the priority activities proposed by JCOMM-III for this JCOMM international period, and discuss how they can be considered in the framework of the Pilot Project. 9. Communication activities on the IODE ODP and JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS The meeting will discuss communication activities and information exchange that should be promoted for the IODE ODP and the WIGOS Pilot Projects, including through websites, brochures, and other promotional materials. 10. Closure of the Session The Meeting will update the IP according to discussions at previous agenda items. It will review and agree on the actions arising from the meeting. It is anticipated that the meeting will close at 1700 on 3 November 2010. _____________     67}~ 3 8 9 : M ݹllUB.'hhN;OJPJQJ^JnHtH$hhNOJPJQJ^JnHtH-hhN56;OJPJQJ^JnHtH*hhN5;OJPJQJ^JnHtH$hN5;OJPJQJ^JnHtH'hhN6OJPJQJ^JnHtHhhN5;OJQJ^J!hhNB*OJQJ^Jph$hhN5B*OJQJ^Jph(hhN5B*CJ^JmH phsH hNCJOJQJ^JaJ67W|}~cSS$$If]a$gdN]kd$$IfxF`'H`'    4 xax$$If]a$gdN $$Ifa$gdN$x$If]a$gdN$ 1$G$H$a$gdN  9 : ] ^ _ ` |  hx$If^h`xgdN$ ` $If^a$gdN$:$Ifa$gdN$  :$Ifa$gdN$  :$If]a$gdN$ $If]a$gdN$$If]a$gdNM N O T X Z \ ] ` ǷڦDžtftOǷǷǦǦ@hN5CJOJQJ^JaJ,hhNOJPJQJ^JmHnHsHtHhNOJQJ^JmHsH hhNOJQJ^JmHsHhhNOJQJ^J'hhN5;B*OJQJ^Jph!hhNB*OJQJ^JphhNOJPJQJ^JnHtH$hhNOJPJQJ^JnHtH'hhN;OJPJQJ^JnHtH!hN;OJPJQJ^JnHtH $ ` $If^a$gdN ` $IfgdN X` <$If^`<gdN$ ` $If^a$gdN$ ` $If^`a$gdN ` X$If^X`gdN    = > M N s t qeq $H`Ha$gdN$ 01$G$H$^`0a$gdN$ 1$G$H$a$gdN$a$gdN]kd$$IfxF`'H`'    4 xax    = N s t  6 O b j#$7[q;CPQd3`dιߨߨߨߨߨΨߨߨߨߨߗιrrr hhNCJOJQJ^JaJ&h#hN6CJOJQJ]^JaJ h#hNCJOJQJ^JaJ hxz>hNCJOJQJ^JaJ)hmhN5;CJOJQJ\^JaJ hmhNCJOJQJ^JaJhNCJOJQJ^JaJ#hhN5CJOJQJ^JaJ,t N O b c #$ $H`Ha$gdN$ 01$G$H$^`0a$gdN$ 1$G$H$a$gdN`gdNdl\]i y !!!!##W#X#O$]$t%%&M'N'''w(x(((s))))))))))))ллЪлллБhNjhNU h ;hNCJOJQJ^JaJ h~NhNCJOJQJ^JaJ)hmhN5;CJOJQJ\^JaJ hmhNCJOJQJ^JaJ hhNCJOJQJ^JaJhNCJOJQJ^JaJ.!!!!##W#X#%%&&M'N'''w(x(((s) $`a$gdN $H`Ha$gdN$ 01$G$H$^`0a$gdNs)t))))))))))))$ 1$G$H$a$gdN$ 1$G$H$a$gdN 6&P 1h:pN. 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