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At our meetings we benefit from the wise advice of the immediate past Chairman, Su Jilan. In all our deliberations we are mindful of the reasons why the IOC was established nearly 50 years ago. Our Statutes, and it is proper to remind ourselves of this at the start of our 24th Assembly, define our purpose as the promotion of international cooperation and the coordination of programmes in research, services and capacity-building, in order to learn more about the nature and resources of the oceans and coastal areas and to apply that knowledge for the improvement of management, sustainable development, and the protection of the marine environment, and the decision-making processes of our Member States. Our activities must have practical and beneficial results. For the future of the oceans, I am a determined optimist. My personal impression, through my four years as your Chairman, is that Governments are increasingly aware of the need for a holistic approach to the oceans and coastal zones. As an example we have the continuing success of the UN Informal Consultative Process in New York, whose eighth annual meeting will be held from 25 to 29 June 2007. This year the theme is marine genetic resources. Other recent topics have been sustainable ecosystems and marine science. Through this Process I believe that Governments are increasingly acting as a coordinated customer for ocean services, many of which the IOC should be able to provide. Within the UN system the UN-OCEANS serves to coordinate activities across the Agencies under the leadership of our own Executive Secretary. Even my own country, the United Kingdom, is in the advanced stages of consulting on a cross-cutting Marine Bill which will among other things, establish a Marine Management Organisation; several other countries already have something similar in place. Within IOC there are many encouraging responses to these external requirements of Member States. For example, the new Handbook for measuring the progress and outcomes of integrated coastal and ocean management (IOC Manuals and Guides 46) has been well received; and the fourth volume of the IOC Manual on sea level measurement and interpretation (IOC ManualsandGuides14) published by GLOSS in 2006 has already been reprinted. I want particularly to mention the work of the Capacity-development Section that has raised funding for and coordinated professionally conducted Leadership and Marine Action Planning workshops in various developing regions: East Africa, Caribbean, Latin America, Southeast Asia and West Africa. These are developing leadership skills, and regional networks of ocean leaders, for the future. Some of the longer-term more insidious potential ocean hazards are being addressed through the well-focussed IOC Sciences Section in coastal zone, algal blooms, ocean carbon dioxide, and climate research. Observations and data management are central to our coordination role, and I was particularly impressed when I visited our IODE Project Office in Ostend (Belgium) for an ODINAFRICA workshop. The Global Ocean Observing System continues to make progress and to contribute to GEOSS. In this as in many other areas, where possible IOC works with appropriate partners: for the World Climate Research programme with WMO and ICSU; for ocean observations with WMO through our Joint Commission, JCOMM; and for the Global Marine Assessment, with UNEP. At this Assembly we will hear about progress in many of these areas. But we should realise that at present the Ocean Sciences section is without a leader, and that progress in GOOS is affected by staff limitations. I mentioned that we will soon be celebrating 50 years of achievements. Our Medium Term Strategy for 20082013 (see the proposed draft in IOC-XXIV/2 Annex 5) will take us into our next half-century. At this Assembly you will be asked to endorse the Strategy based on the Resolution passed by our 39th Executive Council a year ago. I commend it to you. The four High Level Objectives are: Prevention and reduction of the impacts of natural hazards Mitigation of the impacts and adaptation to climate change and variability Safeguarding the health of ocean ecosystems Management procedures and policies leading to the sustainability of coastal and ocean environment and resources. Our programmes must provide the necessary data, information and knowledge to contribute to services needed to address these ocean issues effectively. Within UNESCO, the IOC is established as a body having functional autonomy under our Governing Bodies: the Assembly and the Executive Council. In my dealings elsewhere within UNESCO I have heard IOC described as its most visible and successful programme. Nevertheless, we are also regarded as just one programme within the Natural Sciences Sector, where our Executive Secretary has to argue for his budget and programme against other priorities and restructuring plans. This dual control often leads to tensions and misunderstanding. But, UNESCO provides our Regular Budget, and our permanent staff are UNESCO employees. Neither our budget nor our staff resources are anywhere near adequate to address effectively our overall responsibilities. In October 2005, the UNESCO General Conference set up a Committee to make an overall review of the Natural Sciences and Social and Human Sciences (Programmes II and III of UNESCO). Our Executive Secretary was a member, and the Review took a lot of time and effort. Along with the Chairs of other Intergovernmental Programmes I was invited to give evidence. It was, by its terms of reference, very much an inward looking process concerned with the way UNESCO functions. Its recommendations include a call for better coordination and synergy among the UNESCO Intergovernmental Science Programmes. In my view, for IOC, these are secondary to our main role in working on ocean issues across the UN system and beyond. However, the response to these recommendations will be increased pressure on us to link more firmly with existing and new programmes within UNESCO. Basically the IOC is a mechanism established to facilitate cooperation among Member States and across UN Agencies. It is up to us all, as representatives of our Member States to work together to make the IOC increasingly effective in all our areas of responsibility, and enable us to realise much needed mutual benefit. Although I have not mentioned it until now, the best recent example of why IOC exists, and what can be achieved through our mechanisms, is the response to the 26 December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and its horrific consequences. Member States and the Secretariat have responded magnificently. For our Assembly two years ago, Vice-Chairman Javier Valladares, responsible among the Officers for programme and budget, prepared a paper that included a range of options which at one extreme could lead to increased autonomy for IOC as a separately funded Commission, and at the other extreme could reduce the IOC to an intergovernmental debating forum on oceanographic issues. The Assembly then asked for further consideration by Member States. The Officers of the Commission, elected by you and acting on your behalf, have continued debating how to respond to the severe circumstances that are limiting a viable future for the IOC. It is clear that the current crisis demands appropriate and urgent measures by Member States. As Officers, we are now making specific proposals, outlined in the accompanying paper, to increase the autonomy of IOC, and at the same time to address the issues of serious under funding of our programmes. Member States should be aware that we cannot expect the necessary change to happen through our existing relationship within UNESCO. Despite many important achievements, the State of the IOC is a state of crisis. Cynics may say that this is normal and that one crisis is much like another. I prefer the Italian political thinker, Antonio Gramsci's definition of a crisis: "When the old is dead and the new cannot be born. Together we must plan for the rebirth of IOC. Within the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, we have ongoing achievements and programmes of which we can be justly proud. Member States know that much more can and needs to be done. However, until we have a new structure, even our existing activities are increasingly vulnerable. As I said when the UNESCO Director-General met with our Executive Council a year ago, the question is not whether intergovernmental ocean activities, including ocean monitoring and assessments, will continue to increase: they certainly will. The question is the extent to which the IOC will contribute and lead those activities for which we were established nearly fifty years ago. For the future of the oceans, and for the future of the IOC, I remain a determined optimist. On behalf of the Officers I welcome you, and wish for us all a productive 24th Assembly.  Document 176 EX 7, Report by the Director-general on the conclusions and Recommendations of the Expert team on the Overall Review of Major Programmes II and III  Document IOC-XXIII/2Annex8, We have a Problem     ICG/CARIBE-EWSII/WD__ Page PAGE 2 IOC-XXIV/2 Annex __ Page PAGE 3 Restricted Distribution IOC-XXIV/2 Annex 1 Paris, 12 April 2007 Original: English  INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Twenty-fourth Session of the Assembly UNESCO, Paris, 1928 June 2007 Item 3.1 of the Provisional Agenda Chairmans Report to the 24th Assembly of The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO IOC-XXIV/2 Annex 1 page PAGE 2 IOC-XXIV/2 Annex 1 page PAGE 3 IOC-XXIV/2 Annex 1  .  y<h.cdhuvbd #ü}w} hpPJhbhbPJ hf^^Jh$ hf^6h2h2hb6hbhb6hf^ hf^hf^hbhbH* hbhb hBhhkthBhhh0B*phhp^JaJhcc/hcc/^JaJhcc/hh0^JaJhcc/hh0>*^JaJ.^ >v9Bnu~~~~%gdbgdbgdl}Ogkd$$IfTlV<024 laT x$Ifgd-.11 F!G!%%++----...................///ɺɩ~t~eZehbhb0JaJjhbhb0JUaJ *hbhbaJhbhbaJjhiUhihOshOsCJaJhOsh$CJaJ!jhOsh$0JCJUaJh$h$CJaJmH sH hcc/h$CJaJmH sH hcc/h$mH sH h$hG(jh$0JUh2 hbhb"u^"!%'P)*E---............ / ////0/gd/ r gd/<gdOsgdb// / / ///$/%/+/,/-/.///0/1/2/3/4/5/M/^/_/a/h/p/v/w//ʹ͓֏rg[S[hb^JaJhLT^h/5^JaJhb5CJ$^JaJ$h#h/5CJ$^JaJ$hLT^h/^JaJhihuh/hbaJh/0JaJmHnHuhkth/0JaJjhkth/0JUaJ *hkth/aJhkth/aJh>chbhbaJjhbhb0JUaJhkt0JaJmHnHu0/1/2/3/4/5/`/v///////  `0pP ^ gdq?$ & `0p@ Pa$gd/$ ,`0p@ Pla$gd/ $ 74a$gd#  4gd# //////// 0 0 0 0 0000000304060]0ɽɽ~sg\SHg=h"ohbCJaJh#hCJ^Jhb5CJ^Jh#h/CJ^Jh#h/>*CJ^JhLT^h ^JaJh ^JaJh/^JaJhLT^h/^JaJhLT^h/\^JaJh h5CJ^JhLT^h 5^JaJh h CJ\^Jh h 5CJ^JhLT^h/5^JaJ(jhLT^hU^JaJmHnHuhb5^JaJ/// 0 0 0 00000405060|wwgd/ D%gd/$a$gd/ `0pP ^ gdq? # `0p@ P ^ gdq? # `0pEP ^ gdq? $ & `0p@ P ^ a$gdq? ]0^0`0a00000000000000000000000¸›{nanN%jhbKh/0JCJU^JaJhbKhbCJ^JaJhbKh/CJ^JaJ!hu0JCJ^JaJmHnHuhBhhkt0JCJ^JaJ%jhBhhkt0JCJU^JaJhbKCJ^JaJhbCJ^JaJhBhhktCJ^JaJhihuhhLT^h/^JaJ hh/h"ohbCJaJhbCJaJ6000000000000011111gdb$a$gdkt^gdbK  r ^gdbK r gdktgd/ gd00000000001111 hbhbhAhihbCJ^JaJhBhhktCJ^JaJhhbKh/CJ^JaJ!hu0JCJ^JaJmHnHu%jhbKh/0JCJU^JaJhbKh/0JCJ^JaJ C 0 00&P 1hP:pq?. 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