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ID Title Date Doclist(s)
936 Third ODINCARSA-I Marine Data Management Training Workshop, Ostend, Belgium, 21 – 26 November 2005 07/06/2007 IODE Training Course Reports
937 IODE/GOOS/JCOMM Combined Modeling and Data Management Training Workshop (“Jamboree”), Ostend, Belgium, September 5-10, 2005 07/06/2007 IODE Training Course Reports
938 Joint IOC/WMO Seminar on Oceanographic Products and IGOSS Data Processing and Services System; Moscow; 1979 07/06/2007 IOC Workshop Reports
939 Joint IOC/WMO Meeting of Governmental Experts on Evaluation of the BATHY/TESAC Programme and Preparation for the Workshop on Ocean Products and the IGOSS Data Processing and Services System; Ottawa; 1977 07/06/2007 Non-IOC Documents related to IODE activities
940 IOC/WMO Seminar/Workshop on Ocean Products and IGOSS Data Processing and Services System (IDPSS). Organizing Committee; Hamburg, Germany FR; 1st session; 1978 07/06/2007 Non-IOC Documents related to IODE activities
941 Joint IOC/WMO Seminar on Oceanographic Products and IGOSS Data Processing and Services System; Moscow; 1979 - supplement: papers 07/06/2007 Non-IOC Documents related to IODE activities
942 IOC/CEC/ICES/WMO/ICSU Ocean Climate Data Workshop; Greenbelt, USA; 1992 07/06/2007 IOC Workshop Reports
943 IOC Workshop on Ocean Colour Data Requirements and Utilization; Sidney, Canada; 1995 07/06/2007 IOC Workshop Reports
944 IOC/EU/BSH/NOAA/WDC-A International Workshop on Oceanographic Biological and Chemical Data Management; Hamburg, Germany; 1996 07/06/2007 IOC Workshop Reports
945 IOC Regional Workshop for Member States of the Caribbean and South America: GODAR-V (Global Oceanographic Data Archaeology and Rescue Project); Cartagena de Indias, Colombia; 1996 07/06/2007 IOC Workshop Reports
ID Title Date Doclist(s)