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ID Title Date Doclist(s)
825 SC/IOC/VI/9: Summary Report of the Fourth Meeting of the IOC Working Group on International Oceanographic Data Exchange, Paris, 23-26 September 1968 31/05/2007 IODE Session Reports
826 SC/IOC-VII/32: Summary Report Working Group on International Oceanographic Data Exchange, Sixth Session, FAO, Rome, 20-24 September 1971 31/05/2007 IODE Session Reports
827 UNESCO/IOC/III-11: Exchange of Data and Information - Summary Report f the second meeting of the Working Group on Oceanographic Data Exchange 31/05/2007 IODE Session Reports
828 IOC/IODE-CDS-I/3: First Consultative Meeting on RNODCs and Climate Data Services, Wormley, United Kingdom, 15-19 February 1988 31/05/2007 IODE Groups of Experts and Steering Group reports
829 IOC/Ad hoc IODE Mon./3: Ad hoc Consultation of Experts on Data Monitoring in the IODE System, Ottawa, Canada, 7-8 July 1988 31/05/2007 IODE Groups of Experts and Steering Group reports
830 IOC/IODE-VIII/3: Working Committee on International Oceanographic Data Exchange (IODE), Eighth Session, FAO, Rome, 12-16 May 1975 31/05/2007 IODE Session Reports
831 IOC/IODE-VII/3: Working Group on International Oceanographic Data Exchange, Seventh Session, United Nations, New York, 9-13 July 1973 31/05/2007 IODE Session Reports
832 IOC/IODE-IX/3: Working Committee on International Oceanographic Data Exchange, Ninth Session, United Nations, New York, 15-19 January 1979 31/05/2007 IODE Session Reports
833 China GLOSS National Report 2007 01/06/2007
834 GLOSS GE X Agenda Item 9.1/PSMSL Report 01/06/2007
ID Title Date Doclist(s)