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ID Title Date Doclist(s)
814 IOC/IODE-Cons.MIM/1/3: Ad Hoc Consultation on Marine Information Management, Paris, 2 June 1983 31/05/2007 IODE Groups of Experts and Steering Group reports
815 IOC/IODE-Cons.V/3: Fifth Session of the IODE Consultative Meeting, Paris, 5-7 February 1986 31/05/2007 IODE Session Reports
816 IOC/IODE-GFD-I/3: First Session of the Group of Experts on Format Development, Washington D.C., 8-12 September 1980 31/05/2007 IODE Groups of Experts and Steering Group reports
817 IOC/IODE-GFD-II/3: Second Session of the Group of Experts on Format Development of the IOC Working Committee on International Oceanographic Data Exchange, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, Wormley, UK, 7-10 June 1983 31/05/2007 IODE Groups of Experts and Steering Group reports
818 IOC/IODE-X/3: Tenth Session of the Working Committee on International Oceanographic Data Exchange, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, 5-13 August 1981 31/05/2007 IODE Session Reports
819 IOC/IODE-XI/3 rev.: IOC Working Committee on International Oceanographic Data Exchange, Eleventh Session, New York, 9-18 January 1984 31/05/2007 IODE Session Reports
820 IOC/IODE-XII/3: IOC Working Committee on International Oceanographic Data Exchange, Twelfth Session, Moscow, USSR, 10-17 December 1986 31/05/2007 IODE Session Reports
821 IOC/MEDI-II/3: Second session of the Group of Experts on Marine Environmental Data Information Referreal System (MEDI), Geneva, 10-14 October 1977 31/05/2007 IODE Groups of Experts and Steering Group reports
822 IOC/MEDI-III/3: Third Session of the Group of Experts on Marine Environmental Data Information (MEDI) Referral System, Paris, 26-29 January 1981 31/05/2007 IODE Groups of Experts and Steering Group reports
823 IOC/MIM ad hoc 6: Implications of the UN convention on the Law of the Sea for the activities of the Working Committee on International Oceanographic Data Exchange (presented at IODE-XI) 31/05/2007 IODE Session Working Documents IODE Books and Information Documents
ID Title Date Doclist(s)