
Displaying 32871 – 32880 results of 33554.

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ID Title Date Doclist(s)
34034 Short-term secondment of international staff from National Tsunami Warning Centres of WG-SCS Member States to South China Sea Tsunami Advisory Center (SCSTAC) 29/03/2024 IOC Circular Letters
34035 Ocean Decade - Cities with the Ocean - Call to Action 29/03/2024 IOC News Room Documents
33998 Ocean Literacy World Conference, Venice, 7–8 June 2024 29/03/2024 IOC Circular Letters
31929 Invitation to the Sixteenth session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (ICG/CARIBE EWS-XVI) of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), Heredia, Costa Rica, 25–28 April 2023 02/04/2024 IOC Circular Letters
34037 IOC Ocean Best Practices System . Objectives and Governance Structure Version 2 14 December 2022 02/04/2024
34038 IOC Ocean Best Practices System, Strategic Plan, 2021-2025. 02/04/2024
34036 Invitation to the Seventeenth session of the IOC Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (ICG/CARIBE-EWS-XVII), Managua, Nicaragua, 6–9 May 2024 02/04/2024 IOC Circular Letters
34039 Information Note: North-West Indian Ocean Regional Workshops on Tsunami Inundation Mapping and Tsunami Evacuation Planning 03/04/2024
34040 Tsunami Evacuation Planning Information Package 03/04/2024
34041 Report on the first regional workshop on tsunami inundation mapping (7 Sept 2022) 03/04/2024
ID Title Date Doclist(s)