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ID Title Date Doclist(s)
1736 Caribbean Training Course in Seismology and Tsunami Warnings, June 25 - 30 2007, The University of the West Indies, St Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago 21/02/2008 IOC Circular Letters
1737 Eleventh Session of the Joint IOC-WMO-CPPS Working Group on the Investigations of “El Niño” (IMARPE, Lima, Peru, 5 – 6 June, 2007); Meeting of the GOOS Regional Alliance for the Southeast Pacific (GRASP) (IMARPE, Lima, Peru, 7 – 8 June, 2007) 21/02/2008 IOC Circular Letters
1738 Invitation to GOHWMS meeting during assembly 21/02/2008 IOC Circular Letters
1739 Invitation to meeting of Regional Subsidiary Bodies prior to the XXIV Assembly 21/02/2008 IOC Circular Letters
1740 2nd despatch of documents for IOC-XXIV Assembly 21/02/2008 IOC Circular Letters
1741 Invitation to the Twenty-Second Session of the Intergovernmental Co-ordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System 21/02/2008 IOC Circular Letters
1742 Working Groups of the ICG/CARIBE EWS: call for nomination of experts 21/02/2008 IOC Circular Letters
1743 First NEAR-GOOS-NOWPAP Joint Training Course on Remote Sensing Data 21/02/2008 IOC Circular Letters
1744 Nomination of Tsunami Warning Focal Points (TWFP) and Tsunami National Contacts (TNC) 21/02/2008 IOC Circular Letters
1745 Invitation to participate in the implementation of the Assessment of Assessment within the United Nations General Assembly Framework (UNGA Resolution A/60/30) 21/02/2008 IOC Circular Letters
ID Title Date Doclist(s)