Author(s) | J Berque |
Summary | This document reports on the outcomes of the Leadership development workshop and the discussion on Marine Action Planning that were held in Libreville, Gabon, 13-16 March 2007. A total of 25 participants, primarily directors or deputy directors, from 23 institutions in 13 countries participated. Participants were introduced with leadership development tools to enhance their performance as leaders of scientific organisations and teams. The workshop was greatly enriched with the experience participants shared with each other. In contrast with other regions, where one essential benefit from the workshop was enhanced networking, participants in Libreville had, in a large majority, already worked with each other. The Marine Action Planning session took place on 13 March with further discussions during parts of the following days. A broad variety of projects were discussed with many ranked as high priority for the region by participants. Areas in which the group identified needs in capacity development included fisheries stock assessment and monitoring, prevention and mitigation of coastal pollution, dynamics of coastal waters, especially up-welling areas, and enhanced cooperation between the countries of the Benguela, Guinea and Canary current areas. The group expressed a strong interest in having these issues further developed in the bid-writing workshop currently planned for late spring 2008. With few exceptions all participants found the workshop extremely useful for their work in their institutes, as attested from scores on the feedback forms as well as from personal communications. The most common suggested improvement for following workshops is that more time should be set aside for exchange of experience between the directors. |
Doc Type | Report |
Status | Draft |
Keywords | Leadership Gabon Libreville Workshop Capacity development |
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IOC Capacity Building |