JCOMM-TR-053, WMO/TD-No.1564

The WMO-IOC Network of Regional Marine Instrumentation Centres (RMICs)

Author(s) Secretariat
Summary Revision 1
Doc Type Report
Status Published on 27 Apr 2011
Notes As an initial contribution to WIGOS, JCOMM undertook a Pilot Project focused on the integration of marine meteorological and relevant oceanographic data into the WIGOS. This project is now essentially completed, and several spin-off follow-up activities are being implemented. Among these is a global network of Regional Marine Instrument Centres (RMICs), modeled on the existing network of Regional (meteorological) Instrument Centres coordinated through CIMO. It is intended that the RMICs will deliver benefits to national meteorological and oceanographic agencies affiliated to WMO and IOC in a number of ways, including through a more cost-effective implementation and operation of marine observing networks, through making best use of technological innovations, and through enhancing observational data quality. The formal process for initiating the RMIC network has now been completed, through efforts by JCOMM and its subsidiary bodies, supported by the IODE of IOC and CIMO, with approval being given by the Executive Council and Congress. Two RMICs have already been approved, with hopefully more to follow. This present Technical Report consolidates all regulatory and guidance material relevant to the establishment and operation of the RMICs, and as such should prove a valuable source document for national agencies interested either in establishing an RMIC, or in making use of the services of the existing centres.
Keywords RMIC WIGOS Instrument Practice Calibration Metadata Intercomparison
This document is in the list(s): [Official JCOMM Publication] JCOMM Technical Report Series (including old MMROA)

Group(s): JCOMM
Created at 16:22 on 27 Apr 2011 by Etienne Charpentier
Updated at 13:51 on 11 Apr 2013 by Boram Lee