Summary | The IODE Steering Group for the IODE Resource Kit was established during IODE-XVI to support the IODE Resource Kit Project. The IODE Resource Kit is a follow-up to Ocean-PC and a complement to IODE data and information management capacity building activities. During its First Session the Steering Group reviewed the current status of the Resource Kit, noting that the Data Modules had advanced substantially producing an extensive web site as well as CD-ROM. The Data Modules had been developed and used during the ODINEA project data management courses and would now be used during ODINAFRICA data management courses. The Steering Group then developed a comprehensive table of contents for the Marine Information Management Module, as well as a programme for standard MIM Training Courses. The Steering Group also drafted an assessment table for Integrated Library Management Software that will be used to identify and recommend a low-cost ILMS package for developing countries. |
Doc Type | Report |
Status | Published on 26 Mar 2001 |
This document is in the list(s): |
IODE Groups of Experts and Steering Group reports |