Report of the JCOMM/CHy Coastal Inundation Forecasting Demonstration Project (CIFDP) Second Steering Group Meeting

Author(s) Secretariat
Summary Geneva, Switzerland, 20 â?? 22 September 2010
Doc Type Report
Status Published on 20 Dec 2010
Notes The 2nd CIFDP Steering Group Meeting has been held in Geneva, 20 - 22 September, for coordinating the Project's activities and more specifically for organizing the implementation of the initial Sub-projects in Bangladesh and in the Dominican Republic. The Project Plan containing the CIFDP detailed objectives and activities is attached to the present report in the Annex IV.
Keywords SPA, SFSPA, services, Storm Surge, Coastal, Flood, Forecasting, Warning, Disaster, Bangladesh, Dominican Republic, Hydrology, Integrated system, coupling
This document is in the list(s): [Official JCOMM Publication] JCOMM Meeting Report Series
[Working Documents] Services Programme Area

Group(s): JCOMM
Created at 14:58 on 20 Dec 2010 by Edgard Cabrera
Updated at 21:36 on 30 Jan 2014 by Boram Lee