DMPA_ETMC_meeting_ETMC03_Doc6.5, ETMC-III/Doc. 6.5 rev. 1

joint Activities of the JCOMM Expert Team on Marine Climatology (ETMC) and the Expert Team on wind Waves and Storm surges (ETWS)

Author(s) Val Swail, Scott Woodruff, Charles Sun
Summary This document provides information on existing and potential linkages with the JCOMM Expert Team on Wind Waves and Storm Surges. Activities underway or planned include the development of the JCOMM Extreme Waves Data Base, the potential inclusion of wave summaries in ICOADS, the Pilot Project on Wave measurement Evaluation and Test (WET), and development of storm surge climatologies.
Doc Type Working Document
Status Published on 21 Jan 2010
Keywords ETMC DMVOS MOCS ETWS extreme waves PP-WET
This document is in the list(s): [Working Documents] Data Management Programme Area

Group(s): JCOMM
Created at 16:25 on 21 Jan 2010 by Etienne Charpentier
Updated at 10:55 on 03 Nov 2010 by Sungmin O