OPA_SOT_meeting_SOT05_Doc01/4.0, SOT-V-Doc- I-4

Report by the Task Teams

Author(s) Secretariat with input from the Task Team Chairpersons
Summary This document provides for the reports of the Chairpersons of the SOT Task Teams.
Doc Type Working Document
Status Published on 11 May 2009
Keywords SOT SOT-V VOS VOSP SOOP SOOPIP ASAP ASAPP VOSClim Task Team Satellite Telecommunication Satcom Iridium Pilot Project Recruitment Promotion Pub47 47 Coding BUFR Instrument Standards Callsign encoding masking
This document is in the list(s): [Working Documents] Observations Programme Area

Group(s): JCOMM
Created at 09:49 on 11 May 2009 by Etienne Charpentier
Updated at 16:48 on 21 Dec 2010 by Sungmin O