IODE-XX - it0703- The New World Data System - International Council for Sciences

Author(s) Jean-Bernard Minster, Dave Clark, Liu Chuang
Summary A new World Data System (WDS) of the International Council for Sciences will be established based on the World Data Center (WDC) and the Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical data analysis Services (FAGS). It will Support ICSU’s mission – long term stewardship, provision of quality-assessed data, full and open access, broaden the disciplinary and geographic base include new ‘state of the art’ centers a new interdisciplinary body with its own Scientific Committee work closely with CODATA, including the bi-annual conference.
Doc Type Presentation
Status Published on 04 May 2009
Keywords World Data System
This document is in the list(s): PowerPoint Presentations

Group(s): IODE
Created at 01:25 on 04 May 2009 by Chuang Liu
Updated at 06:19 on 04 May 2009 by Peter Pissierssens