OPA_SOT_meeting_SOT05_Doc03/4.4, SOT-V-Doc-III-4.4

Technology Challenges

Author(s) Julie Fletcher, VOSP Chairperson
Summary This document is addressing technology challenges for the VOS. It includes the SOT’s participation in the IMO Correspondence Group on AIS (Automatic Identification System) Binary Messages, Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT), the implications of the European Union’s restrictions on the use and transportation of Mercury (replacing Mercury-in-glass thermometers), and solutions to address the lack of floppy drive facilities in some PCs and some Inmarsat terminals.
Doc Type Working Document
Status Published on 07 Apr 2009
Keywords SOT SOT-V VOS VOSP SOOP SOOPIP ASAP ASAPP VOSClim Mercury thermometers AIS Inmarsat
This document is in the list(s): [Working Documents] Observations Programme Area

Group(s): JCOMM
Created at 14:32 on 07 Apr 2009 by Etienne Charpentier
Updated at 16:02 on 21 Dec 2010 by Sungmin O